Frosted said:
From wikipedia about the lawsuit
Mystery Is Sued By Mystery Method Corporation
In October 2006, Erik von Markovik and associates are alleged to have improperly accessed Mystery Method Corporation accounts and transferred the domain name to his personal possession. He has also been accused of violating trade secrets, interference in contractual relations, and several other claims.
Mystery Method Corporation is the owner of the trademark "Mystery Method" and a California Superior Court judge has granted Mystery Method Corporation an injunction against Erik von Markovik and his associates from redirecting for their competing business. Savoy, Mystery's former business partner, has posted both Mystery Method Corporation's lawsuit as well as Erik von Markovik's response [10]
how you can be sued by the company you basically founded is beyond me
Mystery is the ultimate example what can happen if you don't have your **** in order and why it's so imporant, essental to work on your self before you focus on women.
Mystery was a man who was never, once, truely happy with himself. He was a man who never chased dreams, blamed everyone else for his own problems, was so caught up in a guilt trip he let people who he taught run a business that he founded, taking money out of his pocket.
He's the example of what can happen if you don't have antyhing to focus on in your life and what can happen if a woman becomes the focal point.
Life is so easy, yet we make it unbelievably hard.
And Styles is no better if you ask me. I have no idea what he has been doing since he wrote that book, but just like every other movie and propaganda you read on TV, at the end of the day, you let a woman convince you, not because it's the truth, but because she is a woman, that she really DIDN'T care for your new founded since of confidence and all she really wanted was Clark Kent in the first place.

now I can understand that she women probalby weren't digging you because of the Platforms and the ugly ass hats, but the basic game itself is the reason you are here. it's just like when my old GF found this site and threw a hissy fit... i told her in one sentence.. "****, yo ought to be thanking them.. if not for them, you wouldn't be here" that was the end of that.
it's why you still get guys to this day saying "just be yourself" because that's what everyone else says. what they fail to include is the last part.. if yourself SUCKS, you need to become a better yourself.. THEN be yourself.
I'm not a big fan of PUA tactics.... but at the same time.. what is more fun than going into a bar and walking out with 4-5 phone numbers and a date? It's sportfvcking, and I"m not above it. It sure as hell beats "being myself" in the corner of the bar.
let me rephrase. I'm not a Fan of PUA tactics as a end all be all. Eventually, rubber meets the road, your true colors have to come out, and all the peacocking, ****y and funny, NLP, speed seduction or whatever else won't matter if your life and **** isn't in order. But Being a Pick up artist for the hell if it and just having fun? I don't use **** to the level they do, but when I go out now, It really is a sport now. what's the magic number? nothing builds confidence and breeds success like success. I'm able to handle the women in lmy life because i KNOW, not think, not try to figure out, i KNOW I can have other women because all I have to do is look though my phone and pick out a random number to confirm so.
My mini rant is over