I am feeling pretty good. My body is getting a decent workout on a consistent basis. I got my yellow belt in Jiu Jitsu today. Whoopie!! I went to the club(work) for a going away party for my colleague. I am gonna miss him. We smoked a fat J.
I was doing pretty good gaming girls. I was actually a little on fire! I got a taste of that flame that I'd been missing for so long. I was enjoying the thrill of the hunt. I was also quite drunk but I enjoyed myself.
I haven't jerked off in at least 4 or 5 days, and I watched a whole season of keys to the vip. So those are two factors that are contributing, plus the fact that I just got my yellow belt. So I am feeling pretty good. I deserve to ease up anyway, after doing so much research on the NWO.
Nevertheless, I decided I am going to buy some books, including The Art of War by Sun Tzu, and Thus spoke Zarathustra by Nietzche.
Once I have some reading material I can do research on the subjects that interest me in a calm way, seperate from a computer screen, able to take my time and think.
Considering that I was enjoying the thrill of the hunt, I managed to get myself 1 phone number. I gots to keep those new phone numbers coming in!! Also managed to get pretty close to some girls really fast.
For some reason proximity was not an issue with me tonight, and I found myself touching girls in ways I hadn't expected of myself in a while, and there was a sense of novelty to it which I had been missing for a long time. I didn't go out for about 2 weeks so that also gives it some novelty.
I think I'll be getting a make-out pretty soon, or maybe some more, hopefully on saturday. Tomorrow I work.
Edit: During my meditation I realised this: It's about my connection with and spiritual understanding of duality.
I was doing pretty good gaming girls. I was actually a little on fire! I got a taste of that flame that I'd been missing for so long. I was enjoying the thrill of the hunt. I was also quite drunk but I enjoyed myself.
I haven't jerked off in at least 4 or 5 days, and I watched a whole season of keys to the vip. So those are two factors that are contributing, plus the fact that I just got my yellow belt. So I am feeling pretty good. I deserve to ease up anyway, after doing so much research on the NWO.
Nevertheless, I decided I am going to buy some books, including The Art of War by Sun Tzu, and Thus spoke Zarathustra by Nietzche.
Once I have some reading material I can do research on the subjects that interest me in a calm way, seperate from a computer screen, able to take my time and think.
Considering that I was enjoying the thrill of the hunt, I managed to get myself 1 phone number. I gots to keep those new phone numbers coming in!! Also managed to get pretty close to some girls really fast.
For some reason proximity was not an issue with me tonight, and I found myself touching girls in ways I hadn't expected of myself in a while, and there was a sense of novelty to it which I had been missing for a long time. I didn't go out for about 2 weeks so that also gives it some novelty.
I think I'll be getting a make-out pretty soon, or maybe some more, hopefully on saturday. Tomorrow I work.
Edit: During my meditation I realised this: It's about my connection with and spiritual understanding of duality.