Total results:
2 people were asked out, 1 person flaked, other person pending.
2 other people I may be talking to.
- Holding off from any further campaign or activity (i.e. smiley campaigns on lavalife, or sending lots of messages on plentyoffish) due to too many prospects to pursue. (2 other 'offline' prospects)
Explanation of break-down on women who 'flaked':
- email were sent last week where the person responded twice that 'we're gonna have to reschedule', when I tried 'rescheduling with her, by asking her what time is good for her, or what even suggesting dates/times myself, then she has failed to reply to the email, but was seen on the dating site again.
(i.e. I said, let's meet on Friday at 4:00 pm, she objected saying she is working that time and says 'we are going to have to reschedule', I reply, by telling her to tell me when she's available, NO REPLY FROM HER, I sent a second email
message giving her a choice between two dates at 6:30 pm in the evening at the same place, NO REPLY.)
- HTSWW would seem to suggest to continue pursuing, so I'm taking the attitude of 'NEXTing' her in my mind (technically), and putting her on a back-burner, and then playing with a few things such as using MSN messenger followed by the 'last and final' email if she cant be reached on MSN.
- There are two ideas - maybe she's not ready to meet me in person as she doesn't feel comfortable enough just yet to meet offline (which would sort of force an MSN 'encounter') or something didn't really jive well with how I've portrayed my own employment and she's gotten cold feet and is pursuing other guys instead.
<I was positive in words about my employment but she seemed to have read a negative subtext in communication - perhaps I was rather dispassionate about it>
What's needed in future to improve game:
- Improvised lines on what I do for a living. Do not be honest about being a REALTOR, but perhaps say something else for kicks about what I do for a living...I'm not too happy with portraying my business or living situation and need some game to conceal that in humour, at least from online to the second meeting.
"What I do for a living? I'm a human crash test dummy and as a result over 60% of my innerds are made of stainless steel. Ok, it's 65% (if she pushes for answer)"
If you dont have a job that's 'braggable' such as a doctor or lawyer or that's really high-prestige, this is the alternative line.
Continuing to do searches for other zany lines.
- Possibly, get a cell phone number, and stick to cell phone, forget emails and MSN messenger, answering machine and phone only, get away from online as soon as possible on future interactions.
- Have two dates and times in mind and a place when setting up a date and say you have an hour. This should be done once you get a 'yes' on would you like to go out, etc....