MUST SHARE example of a BYTCH who has been ruined by PVSSIFIED MEN


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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Rescue Mission said:
I think this thread proves alot about the condition of sosuave....some guys like Dj Hero, Zarky, and teacha, they get it, what it is like to have balls, what it's like to do whatever the fvck you want boldly, and sexually.

Others love taking shots at me because I am well hated around here, as they sit home and abstain from masturbation, AND don't get laid. In the meantime, on one of my least successful dates in the past few years, I still manage to get an "assisted handj0b" out of it.
Didn't go all the way, but if she was into it, an "assisted handj0b" sure beats joining the "Masturbation thread" priesthood.

Not much you can do about her having been ruined by pvssified men unfortunately.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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Just kidding...but hey whatever floats your me that seems a little desperate... I mean chick doesn't wanna give it up to you so you jerk off in front of her? LOL. Sounds awkward. LOL **** it... you are a b!tch!

Good day.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Rescue Mission said:
I think this thread proves alot about the condition of sosuave....some guys like Dj Hero, Zarky, and teacha, they get it, what it is like to have balls, what it's like to do whatever the fvck you want boldly, and sexually.
Yeah, that's real bold, man. Jerking off in public while a chick whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Come on, now. Do you really consider that a DJ act? Be honest.

Others love taking shots at me because I am well hated around here, as they sit home and abstain from masturbation, AND don't get laid.
I don't think anybody hates you, man. Just because people disagree with you the topics that you post about doesn't mean we're taking shots at you or "hate" you. The problem is that you are putting the blame of your lack of success on this date on other men. How is this DJ in any capacity? You also say that the reason a girl you know won't date men that don't pay for her is because "pussified men" have ruined her. Well I hate to break this to you, but all good-looking girls (and even the ones not so good-looking) are used to pussified men paying for them. That's the status quo. The prevalence of this phenomena is why this site exists, along with terms like "AFC", "b!tch shield", etc. The reason that the DJ gets the girl and not the AFC is because the DJ does the opposite of what the HB is used to and what she is really looking for in an acceptable mate.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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Last time I pulled out my c0ck in front of a girl she was shy and said "i can't believe you did that".

I told her to kiss it. She sucked it like meat off a chicken bone and was more than happy to swallow. Sounds like you got a handjob because you were pushy, not because she was turned on. That's probably the worst position to be in with a girl. I'd rather her NOT touch me that jerk me off while feeling sorry for me.

This thread is weird.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
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Too many places at once
The issue is the damage this could do to your social reputation and not the act itself RM.

For most guys sex is one part of life and the pursuit of women is not supposed to interfere with the other aspects of it.

Push your luck long enough and one day you are going to get burned.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Rescue Mission said:
I really wanted to see Get Him To The Greek, and we split the bill, so no, i didn't "take her" to see a movie.
Dude, you're a certified psycho.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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ThunderMaverick said:
Last time I pulled out my c0ck in front of a girl she was shy and said "i can't believe you did that".

I told her to kiss it. She sucked it like meat off a chicken bone and was more than happy to swallow. Sounds like you got a handjob because you were pushy, not because she was turned on. That's probably the worst position to be in with a girl. I'd rather her NOT touch me that jerk me off while feeling sorry for me.

This thread is weird.
He didn't get a handjob. He jerked it himself while she whispered in his ear.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
OP your post was nothing to boast about. You have to ask yourself why you're so desperate for sexual acts to be performed on you. Do you want to go through life getting as many sexual acts as possible? Is that your goal?

I'd like to think that ultimately the purpose of this site is to find quality women that will bring happiness to the lives of men instead of misery.
Jan 12, 2010
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slaog said:
OP your post was nothing to boast about. You have to ask yourself why you're so desperate for sexual acts to be performed on you. Do you want to go through life getting as many sexual acts as possible? Is that your goal?

I'd like to think that ultimately the purpose of this site is to find quality women that will bring happiness to the lives of men instead of misery.

I posted this because it was an interesting situation, and I wanted to show people that by being sexual, you can manipulate even the worst of situations into something positive (in my case, busting a nut)


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Rescue Mission said:
I posted this because it was an interesting situation, and I wanted to show people that by being sexual, you can manipulate even the worst of situations into something positive (in my case, busting a nut)

Rescue mission you seem very similer to a guy I know, great with girls and would probably do what you did, yeh its fuc*ing wierd, but then again what some people dont understand or fail to grasp is the level of sexual drive guys like you have.

I mean I have a dam high sex drive dont get me wrong, but to do something like that takes it to a whole new ball game, what you did is probably tame in comparison to some of the shi* my mate has done, does he care or concern himself with what others think? Nope he busted a nut and that was the most important part, however or whatever made him do it, is irrelivent.

Kudo's, no problems from me - But you must have one hell of a sex drive.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
jonwon said:
Nope he busted a nut and that was the most important part, however or whatever made him do it, is irrelivent.


At least HALF of the people in the masturbation thread would salivate over his situation.

Whether it's weird or not, that's SUBJECTIVE.

Would you rather masturbate to porn or your imagination, or masturbate while someone else is next to you and getting you INTO the act.

Yes, she didn't put out, but she was just as willing to be part of the "act".


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Kailex said:

At least HALF of the people in the masturbation thread would salivate over his situation.

Whether it's weird or not, that's SUBJECTIVE.

Would you rather masturbate to porn or your imagination, or masturbate while someone else is next to you and getting you INTO the act.

Yes, she didn't put out, but she was just as willing to be part of the "act".
If you guys want to live by that low of standard then feel free. I personally like to set a little bit higher set of standards and goals for myself then jacking off next to some girl, who didn't really even want to be there, in a car, in a movie theater parking lot. Plus, you guys need to read all of this guys posts. He's not all there....and that's putting it mildly.

Maybe if I was 16 or something fine. But a grown adult man doing this sh1t?
Ridiculous. And you wonder why our society is where it is today. I prefer to try and live at a higher plane of existence then acting like some stalker/psycho/homeless guy jacking off to the girls in the schoolyard. You grown adult mature men should be ashamed for even remotely thinking this was "ok". Have you guys fallen that far? Are you THAT desperate? It's only something a psychotic, desperate, dare I even say sadistic person would do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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cordoncordon said:
If you guys want to live by that low of standard then feel free. I personally like to set a little bit higher set of standards and goals for myself then jacking off next to some girl, who didn't really even want to be there, in a car, in a movie theater parking lot. Plus, you guys need to read all of this guys posts. He's not all there....and that's putting it mildly.

Maybe if I was 16 or something fine. But a grown adult man doing this sh1t?
Ridiculous. And you wonder why our society is where it is today. I prefer to try and live at a higher plane of existence then acting like some stalker/psycho/homeless guy jacking off to the girls in the schoolyard. You grown adult mature men should be ashamed for even remotely thinking this was "ok". Have you guys fallen that far? Are you THAT desperate? It's only something a psychotic, desperate, dare I even say sadistic person would do.
most of the "successful" guys on pick up site only care about getting their **** wet and will focus their life around that goal. It's not surprising that guys who aren't focused on that think they're creepy or odd. Who the **** goes out 4-6 nights a week to pick up girls? Not normal people. Originally when I discovered these sites I looked up to these guys because they got laid, which is something I never could. But now I realize that there's something fundamentally wrong with these guys.

Crayons O'Neil

New Member
Jun 30, 2010
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lmao! She probably thought you were gonna rape her! So you try kissing her and all this **** and shes rejects says shes not up for it and then you just whip out your **** and start wacking ''at least help me *** baby''

LMAO! Id feel a bit insulted though if i whipped out the **** and the ***** wouldn't even touch it! Dont try this at home!


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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DJ_Hero said:
What I really don't understand is how this girl was ruined by "pussified men". OP mentioned that she said "I have no interest in men anymore, they have all screwed me over too much", surely it would the DJs/Assholes/players that would make a woman say such a thing. Usually when a "pussified man"/AFC ends a relationship, it's because he got dumped, not because he dumped the girl or cheated on her and "screwed her over".
The OP is not all there. If you look at his prior posts, all he talks about is how we are all "pussies", we all suck, and he is the king of getting laid. The guy lives his life 24/7 around getting his rocks off. He's admitted to listening to every Tom Leykis show in existence. I mean, I like Tom, but who does that? Doesn't the OP have better things to do??

This isn't some 17 year old kid either, he's 25. Sad thing is some of the older, more mature guys on here agree with this lunatic. I guess though that is what you get on a "dating" website. I'm sure most of the more mature, sharp, "got it together" guys in the world would think most of the guys on here are insane if they ever saw this site and what it has become. It used to be about more than JUST getting laid, no matter what the cost, like it is now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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cordoncordon said:
The OP is not all there. If you look at his prior posts, all he talks about is how we are all "pussies", we all suck, and he is the king of getting laid. The guy lives his life 24/7 around getting his rocks off. He's admitted to listening to every Tom Leykis show in existence. I mean, I like Tom, but who does that? Doesn't the OP have better things to do??

This isn't some 17 year old kid either, he's 25. Sad thing is some of the older, more mature guys on here agree with this lunatic. I guess though that is what you get on a "dating" website. I'm sure most of the more mature, sharp, "got it together" guys in the world would think most of the guys on here are insane if they ever saw this site and what it has become. It used to be about more than JUST getting laid, no matter what the cost, like it is now.
The OP is sad. He'll probably start insulting us now, calling us pussies, chodes, etc. Well I'd prefer to be a "chode" than to be a creepy ****, jerking off next to a girl that isn't interested in ****ing you.
Jan 12, 2010
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Scion said:
The OP is sad. He'll probably start insulting us now, calling us pussies, chodes, etc. Well I'd prefer to be a "chode" than to be a creepy ****, jerking off next to a girl that isn't interested in ****ing you.

So you are allowed to call me sad, but I'm not allows to insult your azz?

Get the hell out of here woman!

As for DJ Hero's question, about how pvssified men have ruined her,

Aside from "being done with dating men", this girl has tons and tons of AFC guy friends who kiss her azz all the time, and would never dare try to be sexual.....and this has created a "princess" mentality in her mind, so she actually believes she's the greatest thing on earth......thus her saying things like "all men suck and im done dating men", because I am pretty sure that these men that have "screwed her over really badly" were probably just normal guys who didn't go for her entitled attitude.

The constant attention from pvssified guys has given her a big head, and she now is pretty much undateable for men who got their shyt together......aka she gets easily jealous, she expects 100% attention all the time, and don't even dare try arguing with her and telling her she's wrong! lol

I mean hey, she's a nice looking blond, good to look at and of course fun to hook up with....every time we have hung out (once a year for the past 4 years lol), we have always made out like crazy, total gropage, and several handjobs (a few by me, and one by her.......yes she's given me a handjob in the past).

I don't even really care WHY she didn't want to even kiss me this time, all I know is that I took as much advantage of the situation as I any of you guys even know how GOOD it feels to cvm while a girl is squeezing your hand and is staring you dead in the eyes sexually with her green eyes just an inch from your face??

I pretty much fvcked her soul (eyes are the windows to the soul after all)

Props to Kailex and guys are what I consider superior players of the game and know EXACTLY what the score is.

As for the haters.........keep on truckin' and holding out for that special moment.

P.S. just because I posted about THIS unusual experience, doesn't mean that I didn't have sex with another chick the very next day.....just keep that in mind you pvssies you ;)
Jan 12, 2010
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P.S. about me being sad or creepy - I got to bust a nut, while YOU would take the rejection, drive her home, and not even get a hug goodbye.......I am just so damn sad, i know!