One day, or rather night, I was on the phone with this girl I worshiped at the time, honeslty to this day the prettist girl I have ever met. Of course because I am her emothial tampon I know all her problems and she is venting because her b/f wont' come over so they can do it and all this stuff, and then at 12 am in the morning she tells me to come pick her up so she can "go to kroger to get some lipstick". Of couse I did. She sneaks out the house, we go to kroger and before we get out, she says "she is cold (in the middle of april with no air on in the car) and upzipps my sweater and put it's on her.
After we are done, , she makes me stop at a church. Remember it's 1:00 oclock in the morning. And we just sit there. I guess she was thinking "alright, maybe this isn't ovbious enough" so she tells me to go to the river dam, where literarly NO ONE is within 5 miles and we just sit there some more. I remember thinking "damn brandon what esle do you want her to do, have an airplane fly with the message "**** her". Then we play around more and she puts my shirt back on me, we talk for around an hour and a half and then I took her home.
To this day I am pissed at myself.