Originally posted by alboh
The funny thing is that the Toronto Sun is Toronto's right-wing, lowbrow newspaper. If you guys actually think that's common feminist thought then you don't even know thy enemy. Maybe you should actually learn about what feminism is before you decide it's the root of all your problems.
Yes, let's talk about feminism shall we.
There was a time where women couldn't own property, couldn't vote, couldn't seek higher education, couldn't receive equal pay for equal work, etc. All these inequities required addressing.
However, the feminist movement has been derailed along the way and the current form it has taken is detrimental not only to women but to men as well.
The feminist movement has sold women a faulty bill of goods and made promises to them that can't be achieved.
Promise #1: Women Can Have It All
Women were told that they could have it all. Career, family, friendships, community service, etc.
Feminism asserted that women ought to do what men do. Since men can't do what women can, i.e. bear children, this put a double whammy on women. Now women had to contribute to the family finances and have kids. This is "equality" honey, don't complain now!
Promise #2: Men and Women are Fundamentally the Same
Feminism asserted that males and females are essentially the same. It was cultural conditioning that turned empty vessels into gun playing boys and doll clutching girls. This notion has been VERY effective at changing the culture.
Isn't it intuitive that men and women are fundamentally different? In my mind, there is a "maleness" and "femaleness". I've touched on this in other posts and so I'm not going to repeat myself here. If anyone is interested here's my post on the subject:
Promise #3: Desirability is Enhanced by Achievement
Feminism asserted that the more a woman achieved, the more attractive and desirable she would become to men. I think that part of masculinity is achievement. Be that academically, career wise, in the business world, etc. Now women were told to make a mark in the world. This became the only measure of success that was worthy of respect by others. Women could no longer be respected for being mothers, daughters, wives, etc. They had to compete with men. That's the problem. Men and women are meant to be complementary and not adversarial to one another.
Personally, I appreciate a woman's unique feminine qualities - her love, her sensitivity, her vulnerability, etc. I don't want my gal to have the masculine qualities that I do. It just doesn't work for me.
Promise #4: Women's "Unrealized Potential"
Feminism asserted that all people, but especially women, have astounding untapped potential that has to be realized.
Just being average and going about life is not at all acceptable. YOU HAVE TO BE THE GREATEST. I'm all for striving for greatness but it's the journey that matters and not the destination itself. We can't all be Number 1 in whatever arena we're striving for but we can all become better people. That's the aim.
Promise #5: Sexual Sameness
Feminism asserts that men and women are the same sexually. This is courtesy of the sexual revolution.
The truth is that men can view sex and love as distinctly separate elements. For women it's not that easy.
When a woman has sex, it's an expression of love and commitment, in the guise or hope of the "relationship going somewhere", if it's not a commited and exclusive one already. This is why guys that are lovers can become the LTR guy but vice versa is difficult. I'm sure that there are women who behave as guys do with ONS and are not going to get emotionally entangled in an FB situation, but the vast majority of women are not like this.
Sex is a higher stakes activity for women then men too. She can become pregnant and if the guy won't pony up to be a father, he can just f#ck off and disappear while the girl has to play mommy by herself, if she keeps the child.
As well, I would say that most women are not promiscuous and would settle down with one good guy instead of sleeping from partner to partner. Is is any wonder that women are struggling with issues of self-esteem now more than ever before?
Promise #6: The Denial of Maternity as Feminine Identity
Many women have postponed marriage and childbearing to pursue their own personal development and career goals. We see this all the time.
Well, Nature marches on and a woman's reproductive system is limited by age. Childbearing is easier for a woman when she's in her 20s and 30s than in her 40s. The older she gets, the riskier pregnancy and childbirth becomes.
How many career women are now lamenting that they want a child and their biological clock is ringing in their ears? Plenty, I'd say.
Promise #7: Deny Your Femininity To Be Strong
Feminism attempts to blur gender distinctions. The characteristics that mark feminine women - softness, sweetness, kindness, the ability to relate well, etc. are judged as weak, silly, and stupid. In fact, they are considered as hallmarks to the time of women's "oppression" by men.
Only that which characterizes men - firmness, aggressiveness, competitiveness, etc. is deemed of value.
However, when women attempt to emulate masculinity, the end result is neither feminine or masculine.
Promise #8: Doing is Better Than Being
Feminism asserted that the achievement aspect of your life was more important than who you are, and how important you are to the people in your life.
Active is good, passive is bad. Traditional female behaviours, like being passive and receptive are ridiculed as demeaning to women. Only being the initiator matters, not being the responder.
To be female, comes naturally to most women, but they themselves have been made to feel uneasy in this role. In it's place, women strive to be aggressive, assertive, etc. and suppress their instincts.
Lie #9: The Promise of Self-Sufficiency
The "I don't need a Man" mantra of feminism.
No one exists in a void. Life is about sharing and helping each other out. Men and women do this is different ways, that's all.
Plus, I am one that believes that the true path to understanding one's self and place in the world is to interact with people and the world. Enlightenment does not come from isolation.
Men and women need each other.
Promise #10: Women Will Enjoy the Feminization of Men
Do we really need to talk about this one?
We now have a generation of men that is sensitive, nurturing, compassionate, yielding, etc. The problem is that women are now lamenting "where have all the real men gone?"
Huh??!! Wait a minute, men tried to become the very model of what feminists wanted men to be and it turns out that women don't want men like that and they don't respect men like that. Go figure.
Women don't want a "soft man". They want one that is firm but fair, strong, courageous, daring and bold.
Women want a manly man. Duh!!! Big yellow truck. Now it comes full circle.
When men become less like men, they're looked down upon by BOTH sexes as being wimpy, wussy and girly-men.
Funny that.
So, in conclusion feminism had a promising start with very good intentions but it has become a Frankenstein that needs to be reigned in.
Just my 2 cents.