ketostix said:
My point is if you're the first hypothetical guy (wealthy) you are more likely to be secure, outgoing, confident, cheerful and women ARE likely to flock to you. And if you are the second guy (broke) you are less likely to be secure, outgoing, confident, cheerful and even if you had those qualities women may not flock to you. See, a higher percentage of the wealthy have those qualities through a combination of because of the wealth and the qualities it takes to become wealthy in the first place. Even though a lower percentage of broke guys have those qualities, there's so many more broke to average guys than there are wealthy ones that there's plenty of them with those qualities. And women don't necessarily flock to them, because appearance, wealth and game is a factor.
What you are basically trying to say is wealth makes no difference itself independently in the equation and wealth doesn't facilitate security and confidence. And I say that's wrong. That's like saying looks don't make any difference.
But the wealthy guy has the advantage and not just because women are "gold diggers". This is due to subjective perception. For example, what was perceived as insecure, analytical, withdrawn, depressed for the broke guy oftentimes gets perceived as modest, intelligent, higher status, and not easily amused for the wealthy guy.
And being broke is going to make you more outgoing and confident? Having money can help make you more confident and outgoing. I'm not saying that money alone can totally solve or overcome every problem you have with women, but it certainly can help about as much as anything else. You are trying to argue money has no benefit or effect. That's like saying being good looking or being in your 20's or your prime doesn't help attract women.
If you believe wealth increases confidence, then that's great. Go make some more money to increase your confidence. But you should've been confident in the first place.
Because if you're not a confident, outgoing individual, no amount of money in this world can change you. The only thing that can change you is yourself.
If you are a tax-paying resident in the United States, you are automatically wealthier than 90% of people in the world. So basically, everyone on this forum is a wealthy son of a b1tch. You aren't starving. You aren't drinking dirty-ass water like 100's of millions of peole in this world. You don't live in a little shack with no refrigeration, no running water, no electricty, no air conditioning.
We are already rich, yet too pathetic to realize it. Because we are too busy nit-picking about what "wealth" is. As far as monetary wealth goes, we have plenty of it. What we lack is true wealth. True wealth is being positive, energetic, outgoing, cheerful, in a dark, rough world. And if you think you need more money for people to like you, or you think you need more money to become more confident, than you I feel sorry for you.
Part of being positive and energetic is changing your life. Go work out. Go for a jog at the park. Go smile at the cute girl in the store. She isn't gonna hate you for it. You would be amazed at how positive energy can drastically change your life. Instead of hating people and looking down upon them without even knowing them, you can actually speak to them. Imagine that?
You can actually go to a club, walk up to a girl, stand really close to her, and start whispering in her ear. You know how she will react? With a big wide smile. Because you didn't hesitate and you didn't try to impress with stupid external appearances or possessions.
Is money a factor as far as attracting women? Based on the fact that you are already richer than 90% of people in the world, I say you have plenty of it already. But even if you think you need more, just remember that the 20,000 people who starve to death every day in this world, just wanted a meal.
You have food, you have a crib, you have transportation, you're a goddamn man with all the potential God gave you. If you still can't succeed with women with what you got, you're hopeless.
We all need to stop b1tching about what women are looking for, and actually talk to them! Because a girl likes a guy who talks to her without hesitation. He isn't afraid. He isn't insecure like all the other guys. He isn't trying to throw money around to show people how cool he is. Now if he wants to throw money around, than all the power to him, but I don't believe that's very attractive.
She basically wants a dude who is happy because guess what! She's wants to be happy too! You know why? Because she's a human being just like you.
So if you think you monetary wealth increases your success with women, or makes you more confidant around women, than you better be increasing your monetary wealth.
If you're like me, and are confident and secure without much wealth, than the idea that wealth increases confidence and/or success with women is ridiculous, because I'm already confident and successful with women. I don't really care what rich people, or poor people, or happy people, or pissed off people are doing with their lives. I can't control them. I can't change them.
It's hard enough to just change your own damn self than try to worry about or change everyone else in the world.