jophil28 said:
What he said.
Guys who throw money around to impress others, particularly woman, are usually the object of ridicule and contempt BEHIND their back.. All the free loaders and the backslappers will rally round while the drinks are flowing, but when the money runs out, so do they.
1) If you are throwing money around simply to impress people, you missed the point.
2) If you are hanging out with free loaders, you are doing it wrong.
When you "entertain" people, you aren't buying the bums with no money drinks. You figure that out early.
And as far as the women go....lets just say that you might not be fukking them, or you might not be fukking them that night, but rest assured, if you are hanging out with the right people, the opportunities it will present you with are many.
TheHumanist said:
The source of this contention is what i said earlier, saying that not having a large amount of wealth is "missing out" and thus having something less. There's no need to think like this.
Well, if you consider the fact that if you are an overall good person, you will be held in even higher regard and with more respect from your peers if you are wealthy. Others will argue with me on this, but it's a nailed on fact.
And on top of this the opportunities it presents you with women increase exponentially.
So yea, I stick by my point of "you are missing something if you aren't wealthy". Actually, you miss out on a lot of things, but for the sake of this discussion I won't go into any more.
thisishowitis said:
If you believe wealth increases confidence, then that's great. Go make some more money to increase your confidence. But you should've been confident in the first place.
I don't believe it does.... I KNOW it does. It is a sense of accomplishment just as a promotion at work or painting a masterpiece. If you were confident when you were poor, you would be more confident when you become wealthy.
If you are a tax-paying resident in the United States, you are automatically wealthier than 90% of people in the world.
Moot point.
It's all relative, so if you live in THIS society, you ARE NOT automatically wealthy. You might be able to retire with $200,000 worth of income producing assets (in the states) in a third world country and live well, but that doesn't mean you are wealthy by the US standards.
We are already rich, yet too pathetic to realize it. Because we are too busy nit-picking about what "wealth" is. As far as monetary wealth goes, we have plenty of it. What we lack is true wealth. True wealth is being positive, energetic, outgoing, cheerful, in a dark, rough world. And if you think you need more money for people to like you, or you think you need more money to become more confident, than you I feel sorry for you.
I agree with the premise of what you are saying, however, I can't help but pick up on the negativity toward wealth, and that usually stems from having a poor attitude toward money.
Is money a factor as far as attracting women? Based on the fact that you are already richer than 90% of people in the world, I say you have plenty of it already. But even if you think you need more, just remember that the 20,000 people who starve to death every day in this world, just wanted a meal.
Sounds like an attempt at shaming. Shame on you.
You have food, you have a crib, you have transportation, you're a goddamn man with all the potential God gave you. If you still can't succeed with women with what you got, you're hopeless.
Again, back to the whole "can't" argument that wasn't even argued in the first place.
So if you think you monetary wealth increases your success with women, or makes you more confidant around women, than you better be increasing your monetary wealth.
Again, I don't "think", I KNOW.
But that isn't WHY I pursue wealth. I do so because I feel that it is my calling, and I want to enjoy the security that wealth can provide that NOTHING else in the world can. Not a happy family or a loving wife or parents....NOTHING.
And before you get your panties in a bunch, I'm not saying that these other things aren't beneficial or important, but they won't be able to do much for you if you contract a disease and you insurance gets capped out, or if you get into a car accident and can't work anymore. That kind of security only comes from true wealth.
If you're like me, and are confident and secure without much wealth, than the idea that wealth increases confidence and/or success with women is ridiculous, because I'm already confident and successful with women......
Ridiculous? How do you know? You've never been wealthy so you have no idea what you are talking about.
Fallen said:
No one's calling anyone stupid. I don't judge people.
For the sake of peace i change my previous statement into "can not entirely understand".
I have never been shot out of a cannon into the sky and don't know how that feels either. Neither have i been diving and swimming with the great white sharks in south africa. If someone who did it would tell me, i have no idea, i'd say "Really? Tell me what it's like. How does it work? Where do i start?"
It's another one of those things that's easy for people to say, because if you don't choose exactly the right PC wording, someone who is already defensive about the subject is gonna jump all over it and everyone else rallies around them with their allegations of condescension and contempt.
I don't look down on anyone. I was out with some friends Saturday night who live with their parents in the ghetto.
ketostix said:
But the wealthy guy has the advantage and not just because women are "gold diggers". This is due to subjective perception. For example, what was perceived as insecure, analytical, withdrawn, depressed for the broke guy oftentimes gets perceived as modest, intelligent, higher status, and not easily amused for the wealthy guy.
This is an excellent point, and it just goes to illustrate the perception factor and how it is so much different among the different levels of social strata.
What was it I heard one time? If the guy is poor, he's crazy. If he's middle class he's neurotic. If he's rich, he's eccentric. Same qualities, but as you move up the perception goes from bad to good.
Naw....wealthy people don't have it any better!