Originally posted by Double
hehe it is good to live in sweden. than i would do olympic lifting, too. 250kg rack pulls, you can maybe achieve even without roids?
didnt mean because im cutting, but because of my shoulders! decline benching is possible but the rack doesnt work for decline....ok i have the beachlifter but he never done deadlifts so with increasing weight it will be very difficult for him to help me.
yeah whats up now. finally i explained to all people that you gotta eat all the time and that cardio is bad for the body. that eating at mc donalds is better than eating vegetables.....and now i'm doing the complete opposite. people are used to see me eating fruitbars on the dancefloor and while playing soccer. nobody understands cutting and bulking cycles, so now they probably think i'm totally insane. maybe i can scream now something like WHAT THE **** YOU CANT EAT AN APPLE IT HAS ****ING FRUITSUGAR GET A CLUE FATAZZ.......but the bulking thing was way cooler :/
Rack pulls aren't hard at all, olympic lifting is clean and jerk + snatch, not rack pulls. =D
oh yeah man, I forgot about the problem with your shoulder, I really hope it gets better.
hahaha... you should go to ricki lake on the topic "My friend eat at mcdonalds and says my vegatble diet is bad"
Double enters (crowd go boooooo)
Ricki: You eat at mcdonalds and eat all the time, don't you worry what people around you will think. Do you know what you do to yourself?
Double: STFU up the weights!!!
Ricki: Yes, I understand that the habit is very deep in you, but we are gonna change that today aren't we?
Doubles skinny friend: Yes
Double: STFU up the weights!!!
Crowd: Booooooooo
Ricki: What was the first warning signals you got when you met double:
Doubles skinny friend: Well, I noticed he was eating alot, and that he was getting very muscular. I think he might have tried steroids. And he stole my girl
Crowd: boooooooooooooo
Ricki: Double, why do you persist on eating as much as you do, don't you understand what will happen to you?
Double: Yeah, I will get ****ing huge... check it out ladies... *rip of shirt and do most muscluar*
Guys in crowd: booooooo
Girls in crowd: *whistles*
(Double sits down)
Ricki: Don't you understand that you hurt your friends?
Double: They are pussies who don't know how to squat!
Ricki: Well I understand, what have you learnt here tonight double?
Double: STFU up the weights!!!
Ricki: Well, now after the 10 minute commercial we're gonna met a boy who likes to eat his poo, stay tuned.
*fade to commercial*