"Didn't somebody already mention vasectomies?"
Vasectomies and condoms and all that isn't always 100% effective.
No disrespect intended as you've been respectful of me in this thread fransisco but if a guy had a vasectomy or wore a condom and still got a chick pregnant your side would still be crying "THE MAN BETTER TAKE HIS RESPONSBILITIES!1111!!!!"
Even though he MORE clearly in the instance of vasectomy and condom usage been sending a message that he did not want to be a father and was taking responsibility towards that end by getting the vasectomy or wearing a condom.
"I'm not asking the op to keep the relationship to the mother. I'm asking him to be in this child's life as much as he can. What has this child done to deserve such a horrid life like living without his/her father."
Give the child up for adoption to a loving family and he or she will never miss out on a full functioning family or the love and care that a growing child needs.
"Kontroller, you're suggestion is appalling, really. You suggested that this guy QUIT his job, work on MINIMUM wage so that he can make the MOTHER'S life hard as hell, as well with the child's."
My suggestion is no more appalling than a woman working to get pregnant in order to rob a man blind for 18 years. Not every woman out there is a good woman like Penkitten. Some want to get pregnant and lie to a man that they don't want any babies but once they get pregnant they get what they want and rob a man blind with the law's full blessing. Your suggestion that a man should stand by and take it is whats truly sickening. Make this type of woman's life hard as hell I say. Make it every bit as painful and unpleasant as she has made your life by trapping you and tricking you and forcing something on you that you want no part of.
When she takes you to court to force you to pay quit your job and go work at Mcdonalds and see how she likes syphoning off of that salary.
"That's great. This guy will live on minimum wage, in a shabby home, and without the luxuries of life. Not only that, but he will have the weight of regret on his shoulders. yup, sounds like the dream life to me. Not only that, but the mother will be barely supporting her child. This **** happens in the ****ing ghetto, and it's heart-breaking."
Yeah thats too bad. Maybe the woman should find a nice daycare for the child then you know...GET A FVCKING JOB!!!
Whatever happend to the feminists great dream of "Independent women?"
You and many posters attitudes in here are insulting towards women suggesting that they NEED men in order to take care of themselves and their own child that they DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES to keep.
We all have to make hard choices in life at times and if a woman is not financially able to care for the child that she wants to keep and the biological father has washed his hands of the situation then she needs to see if someone else in her family will take the child on or help her out with the bills and if that fails there's an adoption agency waiting with loving arm's for her child. There are plenty of choices for women to make to get out of having a hard life when a pregnancy occurs. Some of them take the easy road and some of them in dire financial straits take the hard road but they all have a choice so really the tears need to stop. They have many many choices. Many more than men.
As for a shabby home on minimum wage lol you've got to be kidding me. If a guy had a great job and house before something like this happened he can scale back a lot of his expenses and focus on paying utility bills and ration the minimum wage salary he is making to add more to his savings. He can live in a great house and frustrate the woman who is trying to rob him until she leaves him alone or tolerates living off of half a Mcdonald's salary until she decides to "Woman up" and get a job of her own.
"And don't call people afc's just because they are expressing their opinion in this very serious matter. This very WEBSITE is about being a MAN and going about life the BEST you can. A MAN is a guy who accepts his responsibilities, and does NOT run away from them. He takes them head on, because he is a MAN. They stare at life's test straight in the eye, because he is a man. And above all else, a MAN is supposed to be a father."
As a man your responsibility is to yourself and what is important to you.
If you do not wish to be a father and a woman tricks you into being one by saying she's on the pill when she's not or hopes that by secretly getting pregnant you will stay with her or any other shady reason it is your responsibility to yourself to make the right decision for you and not be robbed blind and tricked into a horrible situation for 18 years by her because society tells you this is the right thing to do and what "stepping up to the plate" is all about.
"while i dont agree that abortions should be performed just becuase...i do find it very unfair, as i stated earlier, that if a woman wants to terminate a pregancy even though the father wants the child, it happens no questions asked. however if the woman wants to have the child then she has it no questions asked. how is this fair? since it is argeed that raising the child is a mutal responsibility, how is fair that only one side gets all the power? dont give me this it is their bodies **** either...find a different logical reason please."
If a man is to take responsibility for a child he wants or doesn't want he should have equal rights that its mother has.
If a man wants to take care of his child and a woman wants to abort it a court should force her to carry it to term (so long as it doesn't put her life in danger to have by a pregnancy complication) and then give the child to the man and the woman should be allowed to wave all her rights to the child.
If the child is equally theirs then this is the only proper way to do things but nope now they let the woman kill the child as she sees fit because the woman is given far too many rights concerning children that men do not get.
Equality is what is needed.