Lol bad genetics, that's a good one

. S*** happens man, good genes or not.
All in all it looks like you're going to have come out of this pretty alright. Hell a month or two off might do the cns and adrenals some good.
And unless you haven't been eating, you will retain most if not all of your mass. Strength will probably be down some, but that is CNS related and it comes back fast.
I took 1-2 months of at the start of last year and was drinking 4-5 nights a week and my strength didn't go in the shi*ter.
First 2-3 weeks back you take it really easy. First week just go through the motions, nice and light. Were talking 50-60%, not hard at all. 2nd week you maybe go up to 80%ish, you can feel the weight but all reps are still easily completed. Week three you go 95-100% depending on how you feel.
It won't take more than 3-4 weeks to get your strength back and be in PR territory unless you have been eating f*** all. As I say time off can do favourable things to cortisol/test ratios and stuff like that, so you might be able to get past some old walls more easily.
Chin up, and let's see the 400/500 squat/dead. You may also want to look into preventative exercises, a lot of powerlifters do stuff like that. Really light stuff that keeps them injury free. How much stretching were you doing? You're body needs this stuff when you've got 400-500lbs baring upon it.
Get some cardio in over the next few weeks, eat well, and you'll kill it.
PS- Time to starting eating right and getting some basic supps. You need that stuff for growth and repair
