JohnChops: Complete Overhaul, Time to Change


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
time to get this started again , i never really stopped, but i want to keep my journal updated again. It kept me motivated through a tough time in my life and made me alot better. After that whole ordeal with my oneitis and me banging her friend and then me starting to get feelings for my oneitis again.... i feel like i should stick with my journal to help me through this time.

Im not really broken, i felt kind of ... free when that whole thing happened but anyway no more speaking about it.

So far im reading the power of now and i have to say its pretty interesting stuff. The whole thing about leaving the future alone and the past behind and living in the now is perfect. Its the right way to feel euphoric in life and get rid of that worry.

For the past two weeks ive been studying my a$$ off for my bio and chemistry exams that i just took the other day and all went well. im focusing on being a lot more relaxed during my exams and i have to say its helping me out alot. one of my buddies was telling me always have the mindset of "failure is not an option" andi kept that in my head during my exams and triumphed.

So far besides studying i havent been doing much. I really want to start making this journal updated not just when something interesting happens, but make something happen in my life that i feel will be journal worthy every day. This is the motivation im talking about when it comes to journal making, you have it in your mind, "oh i want to do something awesome today so i can report it in my journal!" and then eventually you just run with that mindset and start doing amazing things.

Anyway im heading to bed, over and out fellas.. tomorrow is a new day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Havent really done much in the past two days except get some physics studying done so i didnt have to worry about it. Ive been feeling a bit odd lately not really myself. I think this whole oneitis crap still lingers around every once and awhile but i dont think thats the case.

I feel like everyone expects me to be someone im not. By that, i mean everyone expecting straight As, good MCATS, and a great job in my future. Thinking about the future just makes me so fvcking nervous that i dont even want to think about it but it is so hard not to when im always reminded daily.

Somedays i just want to lay around and do nothing, i see nothing wrong with resting everyone once and awhile but my current school path looks down on "resting". I feel down on myself if i sit down and watch TV for a bit, i mean wtf do they want us to do study 24/7? Sh1t i already do that for the most part, adding in more wouldnt do much.

I need to focus on the Now and really not look into the future for now. Its crippling me to a point where i cant even breathe, i think focusing on the now is the best course of action.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Alright. Enough is enough here. I am literally over my head with school work and regular work that i havent done anything social in 3 weeks and havent even been out of the library in so long either. Too much of something is just as bad as too little so i really need to step up my social game. I need to find some balance here or else ill go insane. So i know its in a past page in my journal but for me im restarting to DJ Boot Camp, even though i can currently in the AA challenge hosted by Gray/Robyn but i really want to focus on the bootcamp this time. Time to get it done.

Going to read the articles tonight and get a start on it tomorrow and actually STICK with it this time for gods sake! There was actually a study done that people who went overboard with studying actually couldnt recall as much information as those who studied less and had a better balance between social life and school life. So i think im over the tipping point here with classes. Yes studying is great and all and knowledge is fun but i find my mind being really cluttered lately so its time to finally create a good balance between school life and social life. Starting... now :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Lemme give you guys an update here.

Currently I am 2/5 on my approaches for the AA competition this week, I have to get 3 more done by tonight or tomorrow. Ill post specifics in this thread and the AA thread tomorrow night.

I am 50/50 for eye contact and Hi's to strangers. So looks like im moving to #2 which is 10 conversations I believe. This is where I stopped last time but I must get through it.

Just an update on life itself, I have this random motivator to just go do things. I've been feeling "one with everything" persay. I can't really describe it but I just feel intune with the world, I want to go out and do things, I want to get off my ass and study, go out, anywhere I don't care if its the grocery store or the club. Anywhere, JUST NOT BE IN MY HOUSE. My motivation is : We only live for 28,000 days. That does NOT seem like SH!T to me. If thats it then we better damn make use of our god damn time here on this earth.

No more being afraid, no more staying home (sh1t even if you have nothing to do go fvcking drive and think or just go hangout somewhere SH!T) being by yourself isn't bad whatsoever. No more taking BS from low interest girls, no more BS from ****y b1tches who are full of themselves THEY AREN'T SH1T, YOU ARE THE SH1T YOU ARE THE MAN!. It's like I had this epiphany and its been motivating me to get off my ass and I don't mind it!

And for once in my life, I am fully happy. Except right now because I can't find anything to do so I think im going to just head out and drive.... find something interesting, get an ice cream, listen to the radio, meet some new people? Who the hell knows.

A post by BBB that I always refer back to, "happy", he mentions surprising yourself by doing something new every day. That is what you gotta do!

So on this Saturday night the only plans I have is some small group social gathering at some girls house, do I expect to bang anyone there? No. Do I give a fvck about *****? No. What are you going to do after? Who the hell knows. If im tired ill head home , read and go to bed. If i'm amped ill go out and find something to do. Fvck it.

Over and out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Alrighty so let me update here really quick .

In the portion of my life (ever so small) dedicated to the DJBC heres is where I am 1/10 conversations.

Conversation #1

I was in the stacks and hopped in the elevator to head downstairs to go home. These two girl nursing students come in so naturally im attracted and so are they ;). So I open with just saying one word.... "nursing?"

They kept the conversation up the whole time I didnt really have to say much, I just lead it to wherever I wanted it to go. We talked about the program and how one of my friends is doing the program even though shes only starting. They were saying how hard it was later on. So I asked them how many sleepless nights they had, come to find out im not the only one who studies that much, they usually pull all nighters like its nothing.

Pretty relaxing conversation, they were fun to talk to. They said "Well nice talking to ya!" And I just said" see ya later, good luck with nursing" and we went out separate ways.

AA Competition

Conversation #1 HB 8

This was a girl who sat next to me in physics, we just conversed about how crappy our teacher was, even though hes such a nice guy. Then I asked her about her major, why she had 14 different colored pens. Apprently she thinks it adds "flare" and "pop" to her physics notes.... fvcking women man :D haha. So that lasted about 5 minutes before class.

Conversation 2

Surprisingly got this done at the gym. An old lady walked in and asked me about my agility ladder, as i was running sprints etc, then her trainer walked in :O. Prolly about an HB7 ish so I talked to her about training methods, differnet ladder exercises and such. It was a short 3 minute conversation because I rarely talk to anyone at the gym, shes lucky I even gave her the time of day lol not to sound like an asshat.

On to the next challenge, usually during the school year I find myself busy so even if I drop out of this competition im going to still do the challenges anyway just for the benefit of myself with conjunction with the DJBC.

I found a great study technique, man was I missing out. I find that studying for multiple 30 minute sessions (3) a day is way better than study 1-2 days before with 4-5 hour study sessions. Man I just had 3, 45 minute chemistry study sessions today and the information is absorbing so much better i feel myself actually learning. And I had 3, 30 minute biology study sessions today and feel like im already ready for the exam.

Short, frequent , studying throughout the day > long 4-5 hour study sessions 1-2 nights before. Seriously I mean my method requires about 4-6 days in advance for proper absorption but wow i can already tell its going to pay off and it relives my stress. Im learning to take things on step at a time. For example saving a lab to do the night before causes me anxiety and unwanted stress, so for this next chem lab i've been doing it in parts. I did the introduction yesterday, today im going to do the two procedures, tomorrow finish up the conclusion/data (since those arent large areas) and then its due thursday so ill be done by wednesday at the latest.

Small steps > big steps <-- this is how everything should be looked at even self improvement. You can't become a body builder without taking the small step of improving your strength and making a base muscle to build on , then you keep building on that, and building until you come to a point where you have a great physique.

Everything is small steps and quantities is the best way to go, glad i figured this out. I think that is what is contributing to my recent newfound happiness and mental clarity. I just feel better, and feeling better = good outlook on life, good test scores, relaxation, and good sleep. Gotta love it!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
So I suppose Ill update my journal about my girl life. I actually met a new girl last night. We chatted for a little bit and then I snagged her number. While I was talking to her and then later texting her..... She seems the complete opposite of the usual types of girls I Would go for. Usually I attract BPD types, unfortunately, and she is like.... nice . Lol the "nice" girl if you will. So the whole time let me tell you what I did:

First off my body language was awesome. TAking up space, eye contact with relaxed eyes and I myself was just really relaxed that whole night. I feel like this is killer, being relaxed is all it takes to go up and number close. Also another thing, don't lie. SEriously there is no point in lying about what you are doing to a girl if you think that it is too nerdy, geeky, stupid, whatever. If she doesn't like you for you then whats the point of even talking to her anymore? Food for thought there. I know a lot of guys want that quick lay but damn man whats the point of fvcking if you guys dont like the other person.

I actually tried to bang a girl I didnt like and you are just not even pushy enough for the lay at that point. Te girl has to initiate everything since you dont even want her in the first place. Just saying.

I actually missed another opportunity to number close a second girl last night which I was kind of mad about. But ill be seeing her again and nothing like a quick 2 minute conversation and "Hey let me get your number :)" (command ;) ).

All in alll, not a bad night. We'll see where this first number close goes. She was texting me paragraphs, asking me questions, responding to mine. Really good rapport going here. I like it. Feels good to be back after finally get over a BPD oneitis chick.

More to come fellas.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
What Spring Break Has Taught Me:

1. I have a nice body (just saying), great friends, great student, and I can pull women
2. I have fun
3. I am not outcome dependent
4. I am starting to finally realize that I can do things on my own (hobbies for example or going paces like the mall just cause I want too and dont need anyone else)
5. Life is short, itll be gone in the blink of an eye. I am finally living this and starting to live life to the fullest. This spring break kick started that.

So I made a comparison. I was working today and this hot nurse was doing a patient chart for me. I used to be really shy when talking to hot girls and boy this girl looked good. So I asked, "Who has the chart I need so I can take this patient down stairs" And me and this other tech go find the nurse. Find her, shes hot (about an 8.5) so my old self would just take the chart from her and leave it. No no, the new me went up to her, robustly (lol) and said "Oh Hi , do you have my chart :)" and then started flirting with her a little bit. Ha Ive never done that to that hot of a girl.

Then the other night when I was talking to that girl that i wrote about in the paragraph above, i realized that she is the best looking girl I have ever gotten. And I am happy at this very moment, and that is the attitude to attract good looking women. Not being outcome dependent and just having a good time also being HAPPY.

So I leave you with that and its time to start finally living my life to the fullest, started about 2 weeks ago time to live until I die. Peace SS.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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JohnChops said:
What Spring Break Has Taught Me:

1. I have a nice body (just saying), great friends, great student, and I can pull women
2. I have fun
3. I am not outcome dependent
4. I am starting to finally realize that I can do things on my own (hobbies for example or going paces like the mall just cause I want too and dont need anyone else)
5. Life is short, itll be gone in the blink of an eye. I am finally living this and starting to live life to the fullest. This spring break kick started that.

So I made a comparison. I was working today and this hot nurse was doing a patient chart for me. I used to be really shy when talking to hot girls and boy this girl looked good. So I asked, "Who has the chart I need so I can take this patient down stairs" And me and this other tech go find the nurse. Find her, shes hot (about an 8.5) so my old self would just take the chart from her and leave it. No no, the new me went up to her, robustly (lol) and said "Oh Hi , do you have my chart :)" and then started flirting with her a little bit. Ha Ive never done that to that hot of a girl.

Then the other night when I was talking to that girl that i wrote about in the paragraph above, i realized that she is the best looking girl I have ever gotten. And I am happy at this very moment, and that is the attitude to attract good looking women. Not being outcome dependent and just having a good time also being HAPPY.

So I leave you with that and its time to start finally living my life to the fullest, started about 2 weeks ago time to live until I die. Peace SS.
It is a remarkable feat that you have transformed yourself so greatly. Most people would only dwell on these type of things. Number 4 on your list is your most valuable companionship within yourself. Never desist on it and you will make it very far in life. Keep up the great work. Maintain this level that you have achieved and you will be set for the future.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
So just an update.

I was having such a great day today and then I walked into physics got my test back and realized I did horrible. I was fvcking livid. I was about to throw my professor through the concerete wall and curb stomp him. I study study study 15-20 hours just for one exam and don't see result. Only in this fvcking class cause he doesnt know how to teach. The class average was a 40... a FOUR TEE. Jesus that got me going, I had to cool off.

So I ended up eating and feeling better , lol that makes me found like a lard ass, anyway... I ended the night finishing a biology and physics lab report and some busy homework for bio and physics. No matter how hard the day slaps you in your face you must end the day being happy so you can sleep! And I got a new phone today, so ive been playing with taht its been fun and it picked me up.

So in my social life, I am about to have a nice week/weekend (knock on wood) which is what is going to help to get me through this week, I am going to kill it in school this week and end the week on a good note. I am going to another paint/foam party rave thing on thursday :D That is going to be a good time. I actually ended up obtaining another ticket. I bought it off stubhub and it had the wrong date, I was pissed (another bad accident today) so I called them and they assured me it was alright because the event was rescheduled due to that huge storm we got up here on the east coast. But before I called I bought another ticket off ticketmaster which was legit, just because I didnt want them to sell out (there was 2 or 3 left) and I didnt want to end up staying home that night.

So they waived the service charge which saved me 20$ on the first ticket I bought but now I have two. I am going with a buddy of mine but have room for a +1. I asked a firend and hes going to see if hes free, if not im going to ask that HB8 that I met last weekend who I was supposed to hang out with this friday. If I can do that and then hangout with her friday theres 99.99999% chance of laying her easily. But if she cant go ill see her friday either way. So maybe it was a good thing I ended up with an extra ticket.

Yeah so thursday I have this foam party ish and then friday im hanging out with that HB8. That should tire me out so I dont wana go out saturday or sunday so I can be content with going to work this weekend.

I have found that I have been too school orientitened and its been driving me MAD! If im not in the gym im in the library or class if im not there im at work. At some point you MUST take a break and step back from your work and HAVE FUN! If you just take a step back and worry about your work, thats not having fun, thatll make things worse. You msut take a step back and HAVE FUN that is the most important part so you can RELAX once you return to your school work. That is why I intend to kill it this week in school and get a good vibe going for these two things I got going on.

Time to own it up. Remember 1. take a step back and relax and have fun then go back to work with 85% reduced stress and 2. Always end the day on a good note, it feels good to get things done! Less stress the next day.

EDIT- I forgot to add, I was doing HIIT today and this kid was practicing his posing for his first comp. so I started talking to him and he gave me great pointers and tips on poses/dieting for my upcoming competition, in september , so it pays to be social that is for sure. I also talked to another kid at the gym who I thought was a dbag but ended up being a pretty cool dude. Don't judge a book by its cover... alright enough cliches time for bed!

Peace SS.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Snagged a girls number today in Bio class. It was funny too. I went up to my professor and asked him about the homework, because I was out the class before. So he said "Well John you always need 1-2 buddies and their numbers in any class so you know what you missed". I said "You know what professor that is a superb idea. " There was a girl in the front row still in the class so I sat next to her and said , "Hey im John whats your number" . I think she overheard me talking to the professor but she started blurting it out with a smile on her face so thats a good sign.

So in reality it really is that simple.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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JohnChops said:
Snagged a girls number today in Bio class. It was funny too. I went up to my professor and asked him about the homework, because I was out the class before. So he said "Well John you always need 1-2 buddies and their numbers in any class so you know what you missed". I said "You know what professor that is a superb idea. " There was a girl in the front row still in the class so I sat next to her and said , "Hey im John whats your number" . I think she overheard me talking to the professor but she started blurting it out with a smile on her face so thats a good sign.

So in reality it really is that simple.
Like a BAWS!:rockon:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Purefilth said:
Like a BAWS!:rockon:
hehe thanks filth :D she actually texted me today and asked if we had any HW due in bio class, however I went to a foam party rave the other night lol so I ended up going to bed at 6 am and sleeping until 2pm so i just saw it.

Holy bawls, last night was so much fun. I swear foam parties are dope. Girls everywhere. I just went up to any girl I wanted to dance with and then started to dance iwth them. Its simple. Keeping everything simple is the best route I believe. The party itself was awesome. Me and my buddy were starving after. I had to take my shirt off it was drenched since I was head deep into foam. We walk into a pizza place shirtless and there were a group of girls from the foam party who were just staring at us. And then these two random girls, from the city, kept saying sh1t to us in spanish. They asked if we were fitness models, I started laughing and said "Nah I just like going to the gym from time to time :p" . Such a great compliment.

Ah I remember just jumping into this huge pool of foam and this girl walks up to me biting her lip and just starts grinding on me rubbing foam all over my chest. Good lord, just women galore. For some reason I felt .... a little insecure? I felt Like I couldnt pull any women even though I Was dancing with whoever I went up too. I dunno, it was a weird but fvcking awesome night!

I had a date set up with a girl tonight to go ghosthunting lol. Well the reality is she wants to hangout with me and she loves scary places. Me being an exploerer me and my buddies have been to every scary place in our state so we know these places inside out. I may have to cancel it, I dunno i havent even called her up yet but i guess ill see after the gym. I just feel burnt out I kind of just want to hang out tonight. I deffintily got the party out of me last night so I can get back to focusing on school and lifting :). Sometimes a break is needed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
That girl I set up a date with a week ago flaked on my last night. No biggie. As Jophil said.... Don't reward a flake with another chance to do it again. She Didnt text me back and made no counter offer. Balls in her court, if she messages me and sets up another date then ill go. But i'm done with her as of now. No point is dealing with, what seems like, low IL.

So I think I am going to set up a date with that girl who I got her number in my Bio class. Sounds like a good idea. Thats next on my "Women To-Do list".

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Remind me never to do social networks again.

I deleted my facebook and twitter but of course can't delete my instagram. So I started going back on it slowly. Then today made me realize why I dont do social networks anymore.

1. Everything is taken in a literal fashion. I wrote a comment saying sneaking into someones house, girlfriend or not, is borderline psycho :p.

Then this girls boyfriend comes in and starts saying **** like "Im gonna vck you up if I see you, You're weak, ****ty as fvck" etc etc. Pretty much looked like a 3rd grader made because he didn't get his nap time. So I said it was just a joke and this idiot still thought I called his girlfriend a psycho.

2. Well I dont have a number 2. But f social networks, no one can even laugh at themselves anymore. Everything is taken to heart... christ man.

Anyway, I found out how to delete my instagram so, problem solved :D

EDIT- WAIT WAIT, I thought this was funny. The girlfriend then said, "MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS". B1tch if you put it up on a SOCIAL network for everyone to see that means you want it to be everyones buisness. hahaha

Also had a bio exam today, didnt get to study as much as I wanted too, but still seemed like I knew what I was doing/talking about. I love being relaxed about an exam. When you get to the point where you just cant look at the information anymore thats the point you want to reach pre exam. I should've studied these HWE problems a bit more though, oh well. Not to bad for the amount I studied though.

Lastly ,I am starting my cut for summer, a little late, but better late than never! So Ill probably post before/after pictures again. I plan to get really lean this summer. Surprisingly enough I didnt gain a lot of fat over the winter, yay for cardio :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Rules for success:

These are fvcking words to live by. Arnold gave this speech the six rules of success and I have to say its fvcking perfect.

Anyway, rainy day so not much going on. Just about to head to the gym, a little late, but whatever. I think tonight im going to actually be able to sleep tonight :D


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2013
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Reading through the thread,.. It just sounds/looks like a plea for attention. No offence Chops its just how it sounds.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
MegamanXL said:
Reading through the thread,.. It just sounds/looks like a plea for attention. No offence Chops its just how it sounds.
Interesting, its just my self improvement/ girl situations/ and anything else I feel the need to document and put in here. Nothing is for attention...


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Im still bulking for anothe r2 weeks before I go in to summer cut mode brother, so you aint that late :D