John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
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Originally posted by Shiftkey
That definition is outdated. doesn't even define multiverse.
Thats because it does not exist.

You tell me how such a "multiverse" can exist and I'll show you how it can't. I'm sorry, but the theory is flawed. Two universes could not exist parallel to one another without merging into one.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Originally posted by Spike_the_cowboy
Thats because it does not exist.

You tell me how such a "multiverse" can exist and I'll show you how it can't. I'm sorry, but the theory is flawed. Two universes could not exist parallel to one another without merging into one.
That is some very flawed logic. You are assuming that by multiverse we mean another universe in a space with our universe, side by side but with a buffer in between. If you read some basic physics, you'd know the universe is expanding and that beyond our edges there is nothing, no fabric of space, motion, existence, universe, nothing. Therefore, another universe would not be buffered by a layer of nothing, it exists in a different layer. Kind of like time, mutliple things can coexist in the same spot provided they're there at another time, same thing with the multiverse theory, except we're not required to be able to navigate the dimensional layer.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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He was making a logical assumption, that's all. And "that way of breeding" most certainly would start right after a nuclear war. How long do you think people dependant on medication and hospitals would survive without that healthcare?
People with bad genetics dont necesarrily have to be dependent on medication and hospitals? no? It takes time for peoples bad genes and illnesses to come out. You may have good genes but still be dependent on hospitals for any number of immediate circumstances.

Let me ask you something Shift. Do you beleive this guy is telling the truth or are you simply after an arguement? Ever seen the movie with Kevin Spacey? Forget its name. I think this guy is like him. Reason he disppeared? He finally got admitted to a mental institution.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
People with bad genetics dont necesarrily have to be dependent on medication and hospitals? no? It takes time for peoples bad genes and illnesses to come out. You may have good genes but still be dependent on hospitals for any number of immediate circumstances.
Sure, some people with bad genetics aren't dependant, but many are. He didn't say the gene pool was perfect, he said it was stronger. By taking out the people who depend on health care, despite keeping a few with bad genes who don't depend on it, the gene pool would be stronger. You don't think over 20 years without healthcare would have a way to weed out those with weak genes?

Let me ask you something Shift. Do you beleive this guy is telling the truth or are you simply after an arguement?
I believe it's possible, but could be a hoax. I don't like jumping on a band wagon of disbelief just because he's bringing bad news. I also think it's pretty incredible that someone could predict the war with Iraq and saying that it's over WMD that don't exist, before 9/11. The USA Patriot Act is also a huge step in the direction of taking away civil liberties - more so than any other recent administration. This was another prediction. The way I see it, only a lucky over the top conspiracy theoriest, a psychic, or a time traveler would make these predictions before 9/11. I don't know of any political analyst who did.

Ever seen the movie with Kevin Spacey? Forget its name. I think this guy is like him. Reason he disppeared? He finally got admitted to a mental institution.
Afraid not.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Originally posted by Shiftkey
Sure, some people with bad genetics aren't dependant, but many are. He didn't say the gene pool was perfect, he said it was stronger. By taking out the people who depend on health care, despite keeping a few with bad genes who don't depend on it, the gene pool would be stronger. You don't think over 20 years without healthcare would have a way to weed out those with weak genes?

I believe it's possible, but could be a hoax. I don't like jumping on a band wagon of disbelief just because he's bringing bad news. I also think it's pretty incredible that someone could predict the war with Iraq and saying that it's over WMD that don't exist, before 9/11. The USA Patriot Act is also a huge step in the direction of taking away civil liberties - more so than any other recent administration. This was another prediction. The way I see it, only a lucky over the top conspiracy theoriest, a psychic, or a time traveler would make these predictions before 9/11. I don't know of any political analyst who did.

Afraid not.
Wait, are you joking me? I can name you 10 million people on the left who've been screaming that and I can point you to the "Project for a New American Century"'s Rebuilding America's Defenses report which says to take over Iraq under any pretext (pre-9/11). This guy is full of shit. Period. I can't believe how gullible people are on the internet. Mysterious guy comes from the future to kick it on internet forums. Right. And he tells everyone just what he's doing. I'm sorry, these guys are full of shit. Period. And making vague references about potential conflicts, please.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
How long has the public known about PNAC though? I know it was written before 9/11, but did everyone know about it before then?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Where are the plans for the DeLorean going 88 mph?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Oh.. and by the way. In order to bend light, you need a massive amount of gravity which is only produced by a black hole. Does the picture include the entire earth and solar system smashing inwards along with his fiberoptic cable and maglite?

I invented Time Travel way back in the day. Its called "Nutular Time Travel." In order to perform it, you must grab your balls as hard as humanly possible. So much pain will go through you, that you forget time all together, and end up later than you were when you were fine. Unfortunatly, you must stay in the nutular future, regardless of how much you like it.:rolleyes:

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
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The Bay Area
Shiftkey, titor has been found false for a long time. It was simply a guy who did massive prep work to make sure his arguement would be convincing. He's not trying to cause trouble, just stirring up a little commotion on science forums.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
Where's the proof California Love? I've read some of the topics on and nothing is conclusive that I've read.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Originally posted by Shiftkey
How long has the public known about PNAC though? I know it was written before 9/11, but did everyone know about it before then?
Only smart people did. I have the PNAC document printed, and I had it printed three weeks after it came out. Its clear, whatever "evidence" titor had is a mix between coincidence and common sense, PNAC's documents have been out for a long time and anyone with more than a pound of gray matter has taken note of it at some point.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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I don't like jumping on a band wagon of disbelief just because he's bringing bad news.
So If I were to tell you that Im an alien from outerspace desguised as a human conductig reconaissance in order to destroy planet earth then you would beleive me? LOL, you probably would, you would come out and say you beleive me becuase you "dont want to jump on a bandwagon of disbeleif". LOL

Either you are stupid, gullible, or both. It very obvious that you WANT to beleive the john Titor story. You dont actually beleive it, you know its Bull****, just like everyone else (its so obvious), but for some reason you want to beleive it. Or I could be wrong, and your just very dumb, which is consitent with what I observed about you In my last debate on freewill.

Another thing, what you people fail to realize in this argument is that I have discredited Shiftkey on his knowledge in physics. I got into a debate with him about freewill, he tried to bring quantum physics into the arguemnt. Then I proved that he didnt know what quantum measurement and decoherance are, 2 fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics. He had no idea what he was talking about, but he was talking quantum mechanics and multiverses to make it lok like he did, he thought he could win the argument that way. Here he's talking about multiverses and time travel. He's pulling the same sh!t here as he did with me. Like he did in the last debabate he had with me, he is bringing physics into this arguemnt AND HE DOESNT KNOW A THING ABOUT IT. I just like to point this out so you people can see through shiftkey's arguemnt. He knows very little about physics. So his arguemnt has no credibility, if it isnt already obvious to you (you would have to know about physics to know that Shiftkey doesnt know what he is talking about) But this goes to the peopel who dont know much about physics, where his lack of understanding in physics is not obvious.

Where's the proof California Love? I've read some of the topics on and nothing is conclusive that I've read.
once again you contridict yourself. your asking for proof on cali's statement, and you have seen literature backing it up, but you say it is "inconclusive" and that is why you dont beleive it. Well, John Titor's evidence for being authentic is inconclusive at best, so why arent you disagreeing with the john titor thing? answer: BECUASE YOU LOVE CONTRIDICTING YOURSELF.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
GOGL, I never said I believe Titor. I said I believe it's possible that he's telling the truth. I also said there's a good chance it's a hoax. I said there was no conclusive evidence, and I stand by that. The only evidence that I've seen is circumstantial. There is no contridiction there, but I know you'd like to think so because it's common knowledge that whatever GOGL says is true...


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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1) Time travel (if its invented) is bound to be heavily controlled by governments to prevent some hobo like John Titor from jumping back in time

2) Why would a government-controlled program that is even more spectacular than nuclear weapons send some guy back into the past to talk about it on the Internet? Unless in future governments are run by Martian Ewoks, most sane governments would refuse to do something so incredibly dangerous

3) Why the Internet? Why not contact the media about it?

4) On the Internet, anything is possible. I bet theres a million sites that tell you how to summon demons


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by time traveler_003
The Mars rovers will discover the element Lunarium.

Pope John Paul will be dead within the next year.

The Iraq war will be lost. Iraq will fall into 4 years of civil war and chaos with the Islamic Revolution gaining control of the country. Iraq becomes an Iranian puppet state.

I will be happy to answer any other questions you may have about the future as long as the information your seeking isn't classified.
Hey idiot, your stupid stories didn't work when you tried them at the Timetravel Institute when you called yourself Chronohistorian, why would they work here?

Your Lunarium element is so stupid that I can't believe you tried it here, do you think that everyone else here doesn't understand the periodic table like you?

Maybe you should get a life, maybe get laid instead of trying to convince every message board on the internet that you are a time traveller.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
diplomatic_lies, Titor claimed to be a government agent and talking about his mission over the Internet was not a part of his mission. He didn't contact the media because it wasn't his goal to convince people he was a time traveler. He just wanted to find out about people of this time period - he asked a lot of questions too (though most went unanswered) and didn't just preach.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
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Originally posted by Shiftkey wasn't his goal to convince people he was a time traveler. He just wanted to find out about people of this time period...

Perhaps he should have just read a history book if he wanted to know about people from our time period.;)

...I know, it isn't 'real' time travel...:p

I guess that it would not have been very exciting if he simply posed as a normal person in order to learn more about our world...:rolleyes: