Shiftkey, your so full of sh!t when you say you dont beleive john titor's story, and that you just "beleive in the possiblity". Dont give me your bullsh!t that yiour unbiased, and "beleive in the possiblity".
Is very clear you beleive it/want to beleive it. In all your posts, you always try to do a point rebuttal when someone makes a point that shows john titor is a fake. You talk as if you beleive the story, and you are defending your beleif.
Right...because we're all so experienced with wormholes and know exactly what would happen in one.
So if someone made a claim, and said "aliens from planted X 100 light years away are causing gravity on earth by their powerful force", we are supposed to beleive it just becuase we dont know enough to prove that aliens on planet X, or gravity force beams dont exist? It doesnt work like that idiot. by your logic, we should be beleiving any claim made that is based on a subject we are ignorant about, and thas is some fvcked logic. By your logic, we would have to beleive that claim at face value untill we learn enough to know that planet X does not exist, AND THAT IS FVCKING STUPID! But of course, stupid things are what I expect to come from you shift key.
The correct logic is to assume ALL CLAIMS are untrue until proven. By doing that, your saying "Ill beleive it when you show me the proof, untill then, Ill say it is not fact.", and that is the logical and unbiased way to go. Not "Ill beleive it right now, even though you have not proven the claim to me..hell, Ill beleive any claim, not matter how rediculous, untill you prove it wrong" something shiftkey would say, lol..
And the former is what we are doing. By defualt, we are not beleiving john titor's story, untill it is proven. And by the looks of things, it aint being proven true, it only looks hoakier and hoakier as this argument goes on.
Shiftkey, heres a claim: "Shiftkey loves to take it up the @ss". Now since we all dont know anything about your sex life, or much about you personally, then I guess I would have no credibility when I say "that statement is false, shiftkey doesnt work like that", becuase I dont know enough about you to know that it is false, so then I would have to beleive the 1st statement, becuase I dont know enough about you to deny it, just like your saying we cannot say Titor's claim about wormholes is wrong because we dont know enough about wormholes.. This is your logic, so if I go by your logic, then you are an anal slut.