Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score

About to log off soon but wanted to reflect on last week, the highlights as well as lessons learned.

The highlight, first and foremost, is that I broke a dry spell and that is always a great feeling. Not only did I break the dry spell but the girl was hot. I know it is easy to be hard on myself but that is something to be celebrated. Date from Seeking right to my place and she even paid for her own Uber, I only paid for the bottle of wine. Mostly, the willpower to get back out there and do game afterwards.

Summer is almost over, school is back in session, and it all kicks off in the fall. A lot of Miami starts back up around Mid September to October onwards. I need to make the right adjustments in order to end 2023 on a high note and have a good system working. Then I can kick 2024 off well, make it my year, and really hit my stride which has been delayed by a good deal for those of you keeping up with this thread.

So glad that at least I am going into this coming fall with some momentum at my back.

What has worked.

1. So far, dates right back to my place. I have asked 3 girls so far and all 3 have said yes even though one was late by an hour and flaked. I do not want to speak for it too much but it has been working and is far better than having to go to a venue. Like WTF, even walking 10 minutes in this Miami heatwave is exhausting. It is cost-effective and weeds out girls who are not DTF.

2. Unfortunately, Seeking. Technically, I am not running Sugar Daddy game since I make it clear that I am not looking to do any PPM, arrangement, or any of that. It might only be 5% of girls who are DTF and open to just a simple date but even that 5% can occasionally come through.

What to fix.

1. No more dates during game days. I am making an exception for Thursday this time but even then, Sundays through Wednesday for dates and only back at my place for a bottle of wine. However, I might end up making an exception if she is really hot and my type. Surprised Chloe said yes.

2. No more deviating venues because of a friend. It was good to see how Miami's other half lives but it cost me a freaking Saturday of game. I am not here to make friends, I am here to run game and get laid.

3. Start NoFap again, I summon @Rainman4707 as my motivation and attempt to go 1+ week of NoFap so I can really give the dates I have next week onwards a good time.

What to aim for.

1. I want to aim for a Same Night Lay from the local bar if I can pull it off.

2. I also want to aim for 10 numbers per weekend because as John Anthony Lifestyle, who I consider the best coach in the game, says, you need 10 numbers in order to get 1 lay in most cases.

3. From those 10 numbers, invite all to a wine date at my place. Weed out the ones that say no, move on the ones that say yes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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It might do all of that man but my Liver can only handle so much. At one point, I was having multiple dates a week and they were at a local Marg bar. I cannot freaking do that 3 times a week and my Liver even started to feel it. Wine is not the absolute worst but still dude, I kind of prefer coffee dates. If only I could pitch a nice cold brew machine to a chick back to my apartment but forget about it lol.
Coffee dates are effective when you connect both attraction-wise and comfort-wise before the date. You spend some time getting to know the chick over text and do some sexual flirting. You get her feeling like she already knows you and also get her salivating over your c0ck, and coffee dates are actually better overall. Less $, less time, and better for your health and productivity. You can definitely go through more chicks this way than with drink dates. You do need really tight text/phone game though.

That being said, it's hard in summer with the damn heat. Most chicks will push for a drink date if it's too hot to do anything during the day. But even having said that, a coffee/tea proposal can weed out the girls looking for a good time or a validation date without really caring who they're with. High interest chicks won't turn down the coffee date.

Final thought - if a chick wants to slow boat your game and is hinting she's a 3-date Kate, coffee dates set you up for a drink date for date #2 if you choose.
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New Member
Jun 10, 2022
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Looking unlikely and it hurts. She was the best sex I have had all year, even better than the Kendall Jenner lookalike I spoke of a while back who ghosted me. You ever had sex so good that you fap thinking about it days later? That was me this morning. I mean she had that erotic smell to her that smelled natural but wasn't stinking. My face was buried in her snatch and I ran my tongue all over that anus as well, even dipped it a bit in her butt. She was so cute and slim bro.
Just out of curiosity, do you have any stinking points or ideas as per why you keep getting ghosted? Is there a problem maintaining relationships?

It looks like these girls are from out of town and they are living an illusion to have an adventure in Miami. It might be pattern to look at if you would like to optimize your lays.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Coffee dates are effective when you connect both attraction-wise and comfort-wise before the date. You spend some time getting to know the chick over text and do some sexual flirting. You get her feeling like she already knows you and also get her salivating over your c0ck, and coffee dates are actually better overall. Less $, less time, and better for your health and productivity. You can definitely go through more chicks this way than with drink dates. You do need really tight text/phone game though.

That being said, it's hard in summer with the damn heat. Most chicks will push for a drink date if it's too hot to do anything during the day. But even having said that, a coffee/tea proposal can weed out the girls looking for a good time or a validation date without really caring who they're with. High interest chicks won't turn down the coffee date.

Final thought - if a chick wants to slow boat your game and is hinting she's a 3-date Kate, coffee dates set you up for a drink date for date #2 if you choose.
I just prefer coffee dates as my vibe because I am naturally a type of guy that loves coffee and just what it can lead to versus what drinks can. With alcohol, I fear risking being #MeToo'd while with coffee, I feel like I risk it a lot less. Then again, it is tough to call a girl over to your house for coffee.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Just out of curiosity, do you have any stinking points or ideas as per why you keep getting ghosted? Is there a problem maintaining relationships?

It looks like these girls are from out of town and they are living an illusion to have an adventure in Miami. It might be pattern to look at if you would like to optimize your lays.
LOL, stinking points. TBH, I rather not maintain relationships and chase the lay count. My fear is if I get tied down to a girl, I might delay getting that route. In big cities, I feel like ghosting is more of the norm after sex. I also think my d1ck game was not the best and I have been thinking of TRT or other things to see how I can keep my erections hard and strong during sex. If I could make her *** a few times with my c0ck, she is likely to keep coming back.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Getting out there on Thursday (August 17)

Thursday was crazy because on one hand, I was not even going to go out. However, a date I had from Seeking cancelled the day of. At first she said yes to the wine back at my place but then she said she is sick. I had sent her a video and after that she had replied so maybe I look worse on video than in my pics.

My gut tells me that I did not look too hot in the video and she had a change of heart that day. It kind of sucks since I had the place set up well for the date and even bought the bottle of wine, later learning that most of them can go bad within a week so talk about my luck.

I also kind of messed up on my routine since Thursday is the night I am supposed to be going out. Usually on Thursdays, I am starting out my weekend of doing game. I guess that was the silver lining of the date being canceled, I could actually go out at night now and do game.

The night begins.

I decided to drink some of the bottle of wine since the date was canceled. To start out the Thursday night, I went to my usual local bar and it was as dead as a ghost town. I have never seen it like this but man, it was dead. It got so bad that around 9, I said screw it and went right to Wynnwood.

I go over to Wynnwood and even there, most of the venues are pitch dead. I have never seen Miami at night like this, something is definitely up with this summer. At this point, I just need to talk to someone to warm up my social muscles. I end up talking to this guy from Seattle and then get told that I need to dress better if I want to have any luck. I had worn a Modelo shirt so he was one to something.

Soon he leaves but asks me to talk to these two girls at the bar. The bar is so empty outside of the two girls, him, and a handful of social circles. Usually, this is a spot that is super packed and you need to pay cover to even get in. I go in and talk to the two girls, asking them if they feel like Miami has been relatively empty recently.

The girls and I have a good conversation going. One of the girls who is more of the party animal has on these large glasses and a nice red dress while the other is dressed more casually and seems more chill. I manage to grab one’s IG and the other’s number. We end up chatting some more after that about where they are from.

Both of the girls are in town as tourists which is obviously good news for me. Tourists and new arrival girls are way more down to have fun and haven’t developed the Miami-level of narcissism. I try to figure out their logistics and they are leaving on Saturday afternoon but on Friday, they are set to go to a Beyonce concert. I start proposing some plans to them but then realize that since these girls are grad students, they have a tight budget.

We get some drinks and keep on talking, I tease them about taking too long in the bathroom by saying if they were doing a lot of coke. The girls found it funny but then the style question comes up, they tease me about my Modelo shirt. I am not going to wear this Modelo shirt ever again, even on a casual Thursday.

As the night goes on, we get another round of drinks but then I tell them that we should go to the bar nearby which should be more fun. The girl with the glasses is just looking to have a lot of fun while her friend seems to be the quiet one who would usually be pullable if she was by herself.

I propose that we go to the other bar and these girls come with me. This is a big milestone for me in a way as I gained compliance from these two cool girls and even held their hand while leading them to another bar. We go to the bar nearby and I get the first round of drinks. The two girls wanted Sex On The Beach and I got a Vodka-Soda. We end up sitting down at a booth in the venue and then they start playing a drag show……

The girls found it weird and I pitched them a venue in Brickell to party at. We were talking about and they agree to it but they are also hungry. I pitch them the restaurant near us which serves good food. The girls then say they want to wait a bit but then they want to go outside of the venue because it started playing a drag show.

Moments later, as I was thinking of calling the Uber to the other venue, it happens. The more drunk friend with glasses who is the party animal starts vomiting. I run inside and get her some water. At this point, the concerned friend has called their friend to come drive their way. They want to end their night and rightfully so.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
8/18/23 - ****blocked by Beyonce? Part 1

For those of you not aware, yesterday was the Beyonce concert in Miami. I became aware of it because of the two tourist girls I talked to last night. Unfortunately, I woke up somewhat hungover this Friday because I also started to drink more than I would have liked. I did not get as much as I wanted to get done so ended up staying for work longer than usual.

After work, I also run into some family and friend-related drama. The week so far has been one full of drama for me. When it finally comes, I decide to head on out at around eight or so on a Friday night to my usual local venue. The goal for me was the 3-second rule and not violating it as well as moving a set along as I did last night.

Before heading out, I decide to have just a bit of whiskey. When I do head out, I am not sure what came over me when I arrived at the venue. I feel like I got possessed in the worst possible ways. When I try to get to the root cause of it, it is because of how cliquey the venue can be sometimes. You had very large groups of girls who head out together with 6+ people, the same ****ing cliques that head out in a large number, and groups almost impenetrable by one lone guy.

I saw a guy bring his dog to the bar and some girls playing with it even though it was a hideous-looking dog. For some reason, I have a complete and utter disdain for women who are obsessed with dogs. I think most of these women are mentally ill but hey, that is the game and what we are stuck with as men. I personally believe that dog ownership is an outdated concept, why own a Husky if you are not having sleds to pull? Yet, women latch on to this concept to compensate for their narcissistic tendencies in today’s society.

I do one approach in total and come to think of it, I was not even interested in the two girls and ended up walking away.

At this point, I have this weird sort of love-hate relationship with the venue. I love how it is mostly an outdoors bar so I can approach and be heard. I also love that when I pull from there, it is like sticking it to the man because of how downright cliquey and snotty it is. On the other hand, I hate how it is a lot of large groups of unapproachable women. People who are only out to be seen and closed off to outsiders.

At the same time, it was also relatively quiet and empty at the venue. A lot of negative thoughts ran through my head, what the hell happened? I was supposed to come out and get a lot of approaches in but then hit the brick wall. The venue was largely empty, there were a ton of massive groups, and it was tough to penetrate it. I feel like it was a learning moment for me to where you can have the strongest mindset but you do not know what to expect when you get in there, how much bull**** comes with game.

Change venues.

After a lot of thought, I call an audible and change the venue. I call my Uber over to Wynnwood with plans to go to my favorite venue. Along the way it sort of hit me, why so many men have decided to remain single. Who the hell has the time to deal with all of this bull****? Cliquey girls at bars who think they are too good for everyone at the venue, dating apps that are sausagefests there to make money, the rejections from girls who somehow think strangers talking to them at bars is harassment, and you name it. Why deal with all of this **** when you can easily have a nice hot meal, video games, and relatable online friends to talk to?

I had to snap out of it and get my mind right. I had to remind myself why I moved to a world-class city like Miami. If all I wanted were video games and a hot meal, I could have done that in Nebraska at less than one-third of the rent.

After a decent Uber ride, I get to the venue. No cover charge despite the fact that it is Friday and at this point, it would have massive lines and you’d have to wait forever to get in. Miami has indeed been quite dead this week but screw it, I go in and find a place.

Approach 1

I see these two blondes sitting down and ask them if they feel like Miami has been dead this week. So far, my opener has been weak because I am getting emotional and projecting a bit. However, these two girls are friendly. Both of them are Swedish but live in Ft. Lauderdale. Now comes the other downside of the current venue.

The staff are cool and the vibe more open but it is so tough to hear since it is a typical nightclub. I have been asked by women to speak up more often than I would like here.

I keep talking to the two blondes but it does not really go anywhere. They are not dismissive or rude or anything, my vibe was just off.

Approach 2

Almost 30 minutes later, I find another set, it is these two girls in a black dress. I open them with how they found the best spot at the bar because it is so chill here. One of the girls does not speak English but the other speaks German, English, and Spanish. Talk about well-traveled and worldly, her name is also that of a famous film character. I tease her a bit about it and we chat but I do not really escalate as much since I am just barely warming up now.

The girl is nice enough to give me her IG but I know that even though it is her real one, nothing will come of it. Soon, she says she has to join her friends and I respect that. She wasn’t a *****, she was overall cool, and it was just my vibe that was off yet again. However, I am finding how often these women are heading out in massive cliques if they do ever head out which makes daygame so appealing to some.

After this approach, I ponder a bit as I let the venue fill up. Wondering how the night got to this. Meanwhile, I make small talk with this cool bouncer/security guy at the venue.

Approach 3

I see this brunette in a black dress and just have to shoot my shot, she is practically my type. I walk up to her and compliment her on her dress. We have a few things in common actually. Just like me, she too moved to Miami from NYC, unfortunately, more Brooklyn than Manhattan but whatever. Soon, her tall friend in a black dress also joins and I tell them it must have been by plan.

I keep talking to them as they are deciding on drinks but it seems like the brunette I initially approached is trying to ignore me while her friend is somewhat more interested. The friend is originally from West Virginia and I tell her how we almost never anyone from there in Miami. While the shorter brunette orders her drink, I talk to her friend for a bit. I even put my hands on the friend’s shoulder.

Upon looking from a distance, the tall friend also had a nice ass on her and was also a brunette. I ask the friend where she lives and if she ever comes out to where I live. Then I start telling her she is more of a wine girl but she says she likes a Marg more. I ask her for her IG and tell her I will show her around my area, she happily gives it and then follows me back.

I then tell her that her ponytail looks so sexy on her which she likes. Short friend finishes ordering drinks and tells me they have to go which I smile at and wish them well. I run into them many minutes later but toast them with a smile on my face, only a good attitude by me.

I cannot believe it, my night, it is starting to turn around.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
****blocked by Beyonce? Part 2

Approach 4

After talking to the bouncer again, we see this large table of girls. Bouncer likes the really tall girl and I say screw it, I approach them. The table is a bachelorette party and both of the girls are pretty cool. However, the logistics for such parties are ****ed and I know there is not much that will come of it. I wish them well. The tall girl with black hair had such soft skin and beautiful eyes, I would have loved to run into her in a daygame situation.

Approach 5

I run into some guys from the old pickup group I was a part of, make small talk, and then get to approaching. I approach this cute brunette from Delray Beach but once again, bachelorette party and friends are pulling her away.

Approach 6

I see these two cute girls, one dressed in all black and the other has on white pants. I approach them with a “This was by design, you two are opposites”. They found it funny. The girl in the white pants is the more chatty one and the black dress one is more chill. Girl in white guesses I am from NY correctly and I ask her why, she says she is from there but more Queens.

It goes alright and these girls are friendly but their energy is way higher than mines. Then they ask me the dreaded question about my job and I give a creative response. The music got loud and I could not hear all of what they said but it got to the girls trying to get me to guess their profession and if I get it wrong, I have to buy them drinks. I did not hear all of it but I guessed their jobs wrong, they were actually surgeons.

I tease them a bit when they say “we will cut you open” with my “oh so street surgeons haha”. They did not take too well to that and soon after, my set ends.

Change venue again

The venue had become too loud for me but I know that nearby, there is a more quiet venue. I go over to that venue where the quality is usually lower but then also come to find that it is not that quiet. Still, I want to get some momentum going.

Approach 7

I see this cute blonde and redhead, both with tattoos and approach them. My opener was that it seems like they are both American but trying to come off as foreign. They found that kind of funny but the music became too loud. This has been my biggest hassle in nightlife and why I love the bar near where I live the most, you can hear people and people can hear you. The two girls are sisters and they are from Tampa.

For some reason, I do not like Tampa and its women. I often find that women from elsewhere in Florida tend to be real sketchy and trashy. Tampa is high on its own horse and just full of people who could not hack it in Miami.

Maybe I am saying that because this set did not go as planned. The redhead sticks around while blonde goes to get food and I tell her we should keep in touch, she shook her head and said nah. Straightforward rejection but a great part of this I blame on my vibe and how I came off.

Approach 8

I approach a blonde in a black hat, she is with a brunette who is actually her girlfriend. So after the compliment on her head, I head on out. Calling it a night.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I just prefer coffee dates as my vibe because I am naturally a type of guy that loves coffee and just what it can lead to versus what drinks can. With alcohol, I fear risking being #MeToo'd while with coffee, I feel like I risk it a lot less. Then again, it is tough to call a girl over to your house for coffee.
Gotta work on your Folgers game Jesse

But for real, always drinks at the crib. You just gotta limit how much damage the "meet in public first" girls are going to cost ya.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score

About to log off soon but wanted to reflect on last week, the highlights as well as lessons learned.

The highlight, first and foremost, is that I broke a dry spell and that is always a great feeling. Not only did I break the dry spell but the girl was hot. I know it is easy to be hard on myself but that is something to be celebrated. Date from Seeking right to my place and she even paid for her own Uber, I only paid for the bottle of wine. Mostly, the willpower to get back out there and do game afterwards.

Summer is almost over, school is back in session, and it all kicks off in the fall. A lot of Miami starts back up around Mid September to October onwards. I need to make the right adjustments in order to end 2023 on a high note and have a good system working. Then I can kick 2024 off well, make it my year, and really hit my stride which has been delayed by a good deal for those of you keeping up with this thread.

So glad that at least I am going into this coming fall with some momentum at my back.

What has worked.

1. So far, dates right back to my place. I have asked 3 girls so far and all 3 have said yes even though one was late by an hour and flaked. I do not want to speak for it too much but it has been working and is far better than having to go to a venue. Like WTF, even walking 10 minutes in this Miami heatwave is exhausting. It is cost-effective and weeds out girls who are not DTF.

2. Unfortunately, Seeking. Technically, I am not running Sugar Daddy game since I make it clear that I am not looking to do any PPM, arrangement, or any of that. It might only be 5% of girls who are DTF and open to just a simple date but even that 5% can occasionally come through.

What to fix.

1. No more dates during game days. I am making an exception for Thursday this time but even then, Sundays through Wednesday for dates and only back at my place for a bottle of wine. However, I might end up making an exception if she is really hot and my type. Surprised Chloe said yes.

2. No more deviating venues because of a friend. It was good to see how Miami's other half lives but it cost me a freaking Saturday of game. I am not here to make friends, I am here to run game and get laid.

3. Start NoFap again, I summon @Rainman4707 as my motivation and attempt to go 1+ week of NoFap so I can really give the dates I have next week onwards a good time.

What to aim for.

1. I want to aim for a Same Night Lay from the local bar if I can pull it off.

2. I also want to aim for 10 numbers per weekend because as John Anthony Lifestyle, who I consider the best coach in the game, says, you need 10 numbers in order to get 1 lay in most cases.

3. From those 10 numbers, invite all to a wine date at my place. Weed out the ones that say no, move on the ones that say yes.
I will try to help.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
9/1/23 - Game rust is real

After taking the past weekend off to do some soul searching, I decided to go out again yesterday night. It gets me how even taking a week off from the game can seriously set you back in regards to momentum. I was supposed to meet up with my friend who had reservations at this super cool nightclub downtown but his overall group bailed so he stayed in. I decided to go out to the usual venue that is near where I live.

Since it had been a week, I had a small glass or two of Whiskey before heading out at around 8 or so. I get to the bar itself and to my surprise, it seemed relatively empty. For the most part, this was a far cry from what I heard last week about the place but I keep my cool to me since I was mentally prepared to deal with this. After all, Florida did get hit with a hurricane so it made sense for people to stay inside.

I know I had to get back out there. I start off the night by getting a drink yet again because since I was getting out of a break in the game, I wanted to get alcohol. I have a drink and walk around. Here are my sets for the whole night.

2 blondes

I open these two blondes telling them that it seems empty tonight. One of the blondes is somewhat chatty but her friend is just trying to drag her away.

Sexy 3 set

I see these three hot girls walking around and most of the times, I would be intimidated to approach a three set. All three girls were dressed well, there were two sexy blondes and then a sexy brunette. I say **** it and go for it and open them. I use the same line by saying “is it me or is it dead here tonight?”.

“Well I mean it is early so that is why,” said one of the blondes.

“Yeah but even at 9 at most nights, this place is packed,” I replied.

“I mean we have friends coming,” said the blonde.

“I see, anyways, my name is (name),” I said, while reaching out and shaking the hands of the three girls.

The girls introduced themselves and then I made some cold reads.

“There was also a game tonight,” said the blonde.

“Oh yeah, football, I mean I didn’t go to the U so I don’t keep up with it,” I said.

“Where did you go?” asked the brunette.

I tell her where I went to school, which is a really good football school that wins a lot of titles.

“I mean it is a different vibe going to college in a college town versus a big city,” I said.

“Yeah it is, completely different!” said the brunette.

“Let me guess, most of you are not even from Florida and are probably from New York or New Jersey,” I joked. The brunette laughed and as did one of the blondes.

Instead of boring all of you with the dialogue, I talked to these girls about my party days in NYC but unfortunately, I kept it platonic. I feel like with a 3-set it is tough to make it less than platonic since you do not have a wing. I usually game solo these days since most wingmen in Miami that I have met are weird guys.

From the feel of it, the brunette was super receptive to me. FWIW, I have found that brunettes are more receptive to me than blondes for some reason. I keep bantering but had to keep it platonic since any over the top sexual jokes would have crashed the set. I got their IGs but not much else.

2 set but risky

I approach this two set and a few seconds in, the guys behind them along with one girl almost butt in. I joke saying “seems like I ruined a reunion here”. The girls found it funny and told me I am alright. However, the group just stared me down, especially a couple of the guys in it. I said screw it and then bounce.

Accidental neighbor approach

As the fan at one area of the bar was broken, I approach two girls standing near it. One was actually my neighbor and I brought that up like a fool. She tried to playfully skirt around it and somehow the conversation got to about age. The girl guessed I was 26 and I said way older, her friend guessed 32 and I said way older (I am 31), and then the friend said “then you do not need to be talking to us”. I laugh and walk away but that was a close call, I do not want to be gaming my neighbors.

Miami hat girl, total b*tch.

I see this one girl who is sort of my type, the dark hair and pale skin with freckles contrast really gets me going. I open her with “let me guess, you are from Miami". She takes offense to that and her friend drags her away. The girl was kind of a *****.

2 girls outdoors.

I approach this blonde and brunette outdoors telling them that they have a unique look at the bar. At first, both are cool. Blonde is from Jacksonville and brunette from California. I hate Florida girls outside of Miami, they are usually sketchy, snarky, and downright disrespectful. The rain ruins the set but then I re-approach later that night only for the brunette to blow me out entirely.

2 hot girls outside

I approach this one hot blonde and her brunette friend. I remember the hot blonde from months ago at The Wharf where my old wing had approached her, apparently she is from Boston. The set is going alright but then out of nowhere, rain hits hard and they have to go inside. I could have used this chance to lead the girls inside but I did not show that authority so it failed. This was a winnable set.

2 cute girls inside

This set I approached these two girls and complimented them on their black dresses. One girl was a Latina and the other a rather plain looking brunette. Both of the girls went to college at The U (University of Miami) and it was going somewhat decent for a minute. Then the brunette says she has a boyfriend and they have to go meet their friends. Set over.

Plain 2 set

I do not even know what I was doing approaching these women as they looked rather plain but I wanted to get some approaches under my belt. The girls were bitchy and I ended the set.

3 dancing set

I approach these three girls dancing outside in somewhat of a rainy weather. My opener was “you all really like this song”. One of the blondes extends her hands out to dance with me but I am not a dancer. It was an attention whoring set as they were already with a big group.

I witness an AMOG situation.

Throughout the night, there was this tall brunette I was meaning to talk to but she was with a large group. Then I see this short Asian guy who was a PUA student (he was on a bootcamp a month earlier) talk to her and it was a good vibe between the two. Many minutes later after I take a lap around, these 4 black dudes flood into his set and ruin it for him. No one got the girl that night. Welcome to Miami where AMOGing is unfortunately very common.

The final stretch and my final approach.

I had to make one more approach for the night. The rain closes the outdoor areas of the bar and I am just packed inside trying to get one more approach in. I see this one girl with a fancy white top and I just had to make her my final approach. My body is worn down and so is my vibe from the long night. I talk to her about how she has a very Vegas style to her but she took offense to that as Vegas is seen as ratchet. Never knew that to be the case. Long story short, set over.

Street set.

I approach this three set on my way out of the bar talking about how it seemed so dead tonight. The girls say it was not that bad at all. I ask why they are leaving early (it was only midnight) and they said they have to be at another party. I say I have an early morning and one brunette asked for what, running? I said no, then she said, “for bitches?”. I could have had a witty comeback to that but did not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score

About to log off soon but wanted to reflect on last week, the highlights as well as lessons learned.

The highlight, first and foremost, is that I broke a dry spell and that is always a great feeling. Not only did I break the dry spell but the girl was hot. I know it is easy to be hard on myself but that is something to be celebrated. Date from Seeking right to my place and she even paid for her own Uber, I only paid for the bottle of wine. Mostly, the willpower to get back out there and do game afterwards.

Summer is almost over, school is back in session, and it all kicks off in the fall. A lot of Miami starts back up around Mid September to October onwards. I need to make the right adjustments in order to end 2023 on a high note and have a good system working. Then I can kick 2024 off well, make it my year, and really hit my stride which has been delayed by a good deal for those of you keeping up with this thread.

So glad that at least I am going into this coming fall with some momentum at my back.

What has worked.

1. So far, dates right back to my place. I have asked 3 girls so far and all 3 have said yes even though one was late by an hour and flaked. I do not want to speak for it too much but it has been working and is far better than having to go to a venue. Like WTF, even walking 10 minutes in this Miami heatwave is exhausting. It is cost-effective and weeds out girls who are not DTF.

2. Unfortunately, Seeking. Technically, I am not running Sugar Daddy game since I make it clear that I am not looking to do any PPM, arrangement, or any of that. It might only be 5% of girls who are DTF and open to just a simple date but even that 5% can occasionally come through.

What to fix.

1. No more dates during game days. I am making an exception for Thursday this time but even then, Sundays through Wednesday for dates and only back at my place for a bottle of wine. However, I might end up making an exception if she is really hot and my type. Surprised Chloe said yes.

2. No more deviating venues because of a friend. It was good to see how Miami's other half lives but it cost me a freaking Saturday of game. I am not here to make friends, I am here to run game and get laid.

3. Start NoFap again, I summon @Rainman4707 as my motivation and attempt to go 1+ week of NoFap so I can really give the dates I have next week onwards a good time.

What to aim for.

1. I want to aim for a Same Night Lay from the local bar if I can pull it off.

2. I also want to aim for 10 numbers per weekend because as John Anthony Lifestyle, who I consider the best coach in the game, says, you need 10 numbers in order to get 1 lay in most cases.

3. From those 10 numbers, invite all to a wine date at my place. Weed out the ones that say no, move on the ones that say yes.
Add wine and make a cheese and charcuterie plate. One of the old school PUAs did that

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
9/2/23 - How Scarcity Makes You Act Like

Saturday was quite a day for me. I recovered from going out on Friday and then used Saturday to workout, it was leg day. I also realized how quickly chores add up no matter how much you do them during the week. A decent portion of Saturday I spent napping and mostly just trying to do some of my chores. Unfortunately, I could not find time to meal prep and get my protein right which meant that I had to microwave some junk.

My friend who was going to go out on Saturday again decided to stay in but no worries. I went out to my usual local venue where I would find something that might serve me well moving forward.


I arrive at the spot and notice that it is just so barren despite it being 10 PM. I do not know what is going on with Miami these days but it seems like less and less people in this city are going out, despite it being Labor Day Weekend. I find it kind of insane since this place is supposed to replace The Wharf which is Miami’s biggest bar but it has always been so relatively empty. I walk around for a bit to find even a set to approach given how empty the bar was.

Ponytail brunette and her fat friend, Set 1.

I found this set to be somewhat comical but also frustrating. I see this brunette with green eyes and a ponytail which is a look I am kind of a sucker for. Then she was with her friend who look sort of Hispanic but was chubby. The brunette was Greek and her friend was Italian. I approach them and then compliment the brunette on her ponytail. The set goes relatively well at first as I ask them about their logistics and they say they are here for a month.

We banter a bit about various European nationalities and the European way of life. The girls talk about how they never work in Europe which is amazing to them and how they basically hate the French, Russians, and the Spanish. Here is where it gets comical, the brunette says “US of A” like Borat and I comment on how she sounded like him saying that. She takes that the wrong way and for the time being, the set is over. I call this Set 1 because I want you to keep up with this. @Who Dares Win man you are not wrong about women from Southern Europe.

2 hot blondes sitting down at a table.

I would usually never approach girls that are sitting down at a table but the venue was so downright empty that I practically had to. I open the one blonde that was alone as her friend had left commenting on how the venue is relatively empty. What ensues is a long conversation with a really hot girl and her friend who joins in but is just all in on her cellphone. The blonde is from Oklahoma and we banter for quite a bit.

At this point, I just had to pass the time as the venue was so empty. I try to tease her a bit and am touching her a lot which she is cool with. As for why I did not seed the pull would be a learning moment. I did not think a step ahead on what would make her want to come back to my place. Moving forward, I can go with a “I have a bottle of Grey Goose you can help me finish” or something. This set probably went on for over 30 min as I got her IG as well as that of her friend’s, telling them we can party on a boat tomorrow.

The blonde heads back after Labor Day weekend so nothing will really come of this. My friend with the boat is out of town.

I run into a familiar face.

Remember the Asian dude who got AMOG’d yesterday by 4 black dudes? I run into him and congratulate him on his approach. The guy took John Anthony Lifestyle’s bootcamp and was doing approaches, he seems to be doing alright too. Well, he is there with an English dude and after getting to know the guy, he kind of seems like a prick. However, I want to do some approaches and we are taking a lap around to do them. Not long after, I see a two-set.

Swiss girl two-set.

I open this two-set and compliment these girls on their appearance talking about how they must be from Brickell. One is a cute brunette with white pants and I have a good conversation going with her. Apparently, she is here on an exchange program from Switzerland and we keep chatting a bit. After some chats, she talks about how she could never live in the US because of how crazy it is here with politics and such.

Not long after, I ask for her IG since I do not see this set closing. The girl says she has a boyfriend but screw it, he is probably somewhere off in Europe wanking off so I say “great he can join our party, I hope he is bi”. She says he is not and I say “I can change that”.

This may sound gay but Western European people are surprisingly open to Bi behavior and are not as against open relationships as Americans are. As a straight guy, this was just my in as I have slept with women who have had boyfriends before and all of them were European girls. I get her IG and then minutes later, she requests to follow me back.

I run into Set 1 again.

I run into Set 1 again and re-approach. The girls say they have ADHD to be talking for too long. I did not take this as much of a rejection as the re-approach I did yesterday was far more harsh in terms of reaction.

Blonde in light blue.

As I am walking the bar with the two guys (Asian and Brit), they tell me to approach this blonde in light blue there with a few friends on the other side and I do. I end up approaching but it goes poorly as they all claim to have boyfriends. I bounce.

Blonde in white pants.

I approach this blonde in white pants after abandoning the two wings. The set is going alright for the most part, she is in Miami as a medical student. In Miami, if you run into a grad student, a tourist, or a new arrival, they are most likely DTF compared to a local or an undergrad. I get her IG and try to set time to hang out with her, she even follows me back later on. Unfortunately, the set had to be cut short since her friend was there. A day later, she unfollowed me.

My big blunder.

I take a lap around the bar for the final time and see Set 1. Well, I re-approach again to ask for their IG as they are sitting on a couch. They give me their IG but notice we have common followers. The Greek and Italian girl are both causing a fuss about even that but I get the IG. As I rise up, across from them on the couch, are sitting the two Swiss girls. What a ****ing blunder.

Two big takeaways from the night.

1. Venue is everything. Seriously, not even great game can save you from a barren or crappy venue. I will look to go elsewhere on Saturdays as the place I went to was a wasteland.

2. Scarcity will make you commit blunders. I finally know now why some guys in less than fortunate areas act so simpy and weird towards women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Having read a lot of your journal and commend you for putting your balls on the line , I can't help but get the feeling a lot of these sets are seeing you as a dancing monkey its critical from the word go a woman sees you as a sexual option and not just some random dude blindly trying his luck

I think the opener is everything and if there's a group of say 3-4 girls its important to try and include all of them or you will get b1tch blocked which from reading a few interactions it seems has happened a few times

I haven't been out drinking in a while but a new opener I am going to test soon is

" excuse me ladies which one of you is the craziest "

They will probably all point at one girl if its a toss between 2 then thats even better as you can immediately tell them to make their minds up which will allow you to assert your dominance

Once they have selected the craziest you can just say " ok you're coming home with me tonight then" with a smirk but be serious

I can't really see this getting anything other than laughs and few " oHhhh's" and if it does they just don't have a sense of humour

I particularly like this because it does a couple of things

1) it shows your not here to mess around you have sex on your mind

2) you are making it very clear you see at least one of these women as a sexual option if not all of them

3) it will completely smash the ice with the group and from there you can begin to control the set in the way you want too

4) you can start moving onto really freaky bedroom sh1t once they have nominated the "crazy one"

I think this is a fairly bulletproof opener for night game and I am actually excited to run it let me know if you use it


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
Coffee dates are effective when you connect both attraction-wise and comfort-wise before the date. You spend some time getting to know the chick over text and do some sexual flirting. You get her feeling like she already knows you and also get her salivating over your c0ck, and coffee dates are actually better overall. Less $, less time, and better for your health and productivity. You can definitely go through more chicks this way than with drink dates. You do need really tight text/phone game though.

That being said, it's hard in summer with the damn heat. Most chicks will push for a drink date if it's too hot to do anything during the day. But even having said that, a coffee/tea proposal can weed out the girls looking for a good time or a validation date without really caring who they're with. High interest chicks won't turn down the coffee date.

Final thought - if a chick wants to slow boat your game and is hinting she's a 3-date Kate, coffee dates set you up for a drink date for date #2 if you choose.
Bro are you talking from theory or real life experience?

Because the cool caffès have a very French design which means that basically you sitting next to each other. And if you can sit next to each other you can escalate :)

Bars are worst for first dates because there are tables, and it takes a girl to be very open minded in order to stay at the bar

Bars are great as a 2nd location, as you can go to one that has a sofa and tell her to sit next to you

Would pick anytime a coffee date over a bar date

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Having read a lot of your journal and commend you for putting your balls on the line , I can't help but get the feeling a lot of these sets are seeing you as a dancing monkey its critical from the word go a woman sees you as a sexual option and not just some random dude blindly trying his luck

I think the opener is everything and if there's a group of say 3-4 girls its important to try and include all of them or you will get b1tch blocked which from reading a few interactions it seems has happened a few times

I haven't been out drinking in a while but a new opener I am going to test soon is

" excuse me ladies which one of you is the craziest "

They will probably all point at one girl if its a toss between 2 then thats even better as you can immediately tell them to make their minds up which will allow you to assert your dominance

Once they have selected the craziest you can just say " ok you're coming home with me tonight then" with a smirk but be serious

I can't really see this getting anything other than laughs and few " oHhhh's" and if it does they just don't have a sense of humour

I particularly like this because it does a couple of things

1) it shows your not here to mess around you have sex on your mind

2) you are making it very clear you see at least one of these women as a sexual option if not all of them

3) it will completely smash the ice with the group and from there you can begin to control the set in the way you want too

4) you can start moving onto really freaky bedroom sh1t once they have nominated the "crazy one"

I think this is a fairly bulletproof opener for night game and I am actually excited to run it let me know if you use it
No you raise a good point. At the start of this field report, it was tough for me to really even cold approach without the use of alcohol. Then I got some "wings" but they were crazy and ineffective for the most part. What has been my biggest setback is the consistency and getting back at it. Like I feel that overtime when I have had success with cold approach, it has been habitual. I have done it consistently for a few days and got into the routine which has weeded out a lot of bad game.

The other reason this is tough to do? MIAMI HAS BEEN DEAD in recent months, especially the summer. Venues have been empty with barely any sets in them and even the streets have usually been lacking sets. This is so huge for regular practice.

Then when I come right back, the bad game, approach anxiety, and the rust return.

Going solo was a huge transition for me though and I am still getting used to it. At least wings somewhat served as barriers but most guys in the PUA community are freaking weird bro so they ruined more sets than they won.

I do have a few lines I want to try out and will use your line for large groups.

However, one line I want to use is just one to get them to admit if they are tourists or new arrivals. Gaming local Miami women and women who have settled into Miami itself is a losing battle. Most of them are not even that open to ONS and are quite prudish. I have a strategy that will finally get me the success I need once Miami starts to fill back up come October.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
However, one line I want to use is just one to get them to admit if they are tourists or new arrivals. Gaming local Miami women and women who have settled into Miami itself is a losing battle. Most of them are not even that open to ONS and are quite prudish. I have a strategy that will finally get me the success I need once Miami starts to fill back up come October.
Obviously I never lived in Miami but for sure you should consider that locals are not really prudish but more tired of the endless masses of tourists that want to f8ck them in 5 minutes from meeting them

I saw this when I was living in Barcelona, maybe is the same thing there. Maybe it would make more sense with hinting that you are a local?