Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Nightlife approaching is not that fun, especially for more introverted, "Pleasure of Sex" type men (see link below for reminder about that). I'm not sure if introverted or "Pleasure of Sex" applies to you, but both of those labels apply to me. I see you as closer to "Thrill of the Hunt".

Nightlife venue approaching is better for more extroverted and more social men. Introverts like myself are either best suited for tech-based game or daygame. Given the mess of tech-based game, I did choose daygame as my specialty. I spent most of the 2000s decade using a form of game not ideally suited for my personality type. I was doing nightlife venue type game at off campus apartment parties while in college and at nightlife venues once I turned 21. While I got laid using that form of game in the 2000s, it was a massive effort at that time. Daygame isn't the ideal solution either because daygame is a pain in the butt too. I've gone to fitness classes and seen super attractive women be anti-social and not open to being approached after class. I've done outdoor daygame sessions where I've been outdoors on a path for 2 hours and not arranged 1 date and done few approaches because the approach opportunities weren't there that day. Those are annoying things that happen in daygame. There are also others. In daygame, even when you can deliver an opening line to a woman, most conversations fizzle out in 30-60 seconds. I have gotten laid from daygame approaching before but it takes a lot of volume. It's very inefficient when effective and often ineffective for a lot of game practitioners.

Over the course of this thread, you've done both non-bar approaching and bar/nightclub approaching. It's good that you are able to do both. In Miami, you have some daygame options that aren't easy to replicate in other cities. As compared to Dallas, there are more areas with outdoor foot traffic in Miami. Additionally, you have the beach.

Doing nightgame when you have zero interest in partying and the craziness is a really bad chore rather than just doing game. I definitely identify as the Thrill of the hunt type of guy but I need to read that article at some point. Cold approaching in general is quite the grind as I have found with this thread which is why you need some extra drive to make it work.

Nightgame is ****blocking galore and dealing with a very intense environment where anything can happen due to how impulsive everyone is. You see the worst of people at nightclubs. Daygame can be decent but again, you are asking for investment from a woman who is just going about her day. Cold approach is general is an overall grind and it is no mystery why most men move on from it.

Nightlife venue game has changed a lot in the last 10-15 years in the era of swipe apps and social media DMs. For the Top 10-15% of men (85th percentile +), swipe apps and Instagram are more efficient for getting fast sex as compared to old school grinding it out in a nightlife venue doing approaches. An 85th percentile + guy will do well in nightlife but it just can't compare with the abundance of a swipe app or Instagram DMs. With the swipe apps and Instagram, a top guy can select from thousands of women within a 10 mile radius in a major metropolitan area. In a nightlife venue, he's limited to the less than 100 women in any given nightlife venue.

If you're a 60th to 84th percentile guy (above average but not exceptional), there's a better case for grinding it out with in-person approaching.
Yes. Not only is IG and dating app game more efficient, you can often get higher quality from it. People hype up the quality you get from cold approach and that is a lie. You can get better quality online than from cold approach. Unfortunately, I got banned off of Hinge a few weeks ago and Tinder and Bumble are too hit or miss for me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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9/16/23 - League Date

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the app, The League is a somewhat niche dating app. You get 3 choices a day to swipe on. Even when you get on the app, there is usually a selection process where you have to wait to be admitted. Lately, I have had a number of matches on League.

One match was this blonde who I was chatting with. In most cases, I would post screenshots of the texts and convos but given how this date went, I decided it doesn’t make sense. I text this blonde for about a week. We were supposed to meet last week but she said she was sick.

What is important about this date is that she said she is doing “Sober September” which means that my wine line does not work. However, I decide to pitch her on some sushi as I live across the street from a sushi place. She is down for sushi so the plan is I have sushi with her at my place.

I tease her daily with a text that has gifs of soup and she found it funny. She tells me on Thursday she will let me know by Friday if she can do this weekend. I get the text Friday letting me know she is down.

I found it a bit mysterious that she asked me what we are doing but I reminded her. We had the date and she drove over to where I live.

When we order sushi, the damn guy takes forever to fulfill my order. I do not want to escalate or get sexual in a public setting so we make some small talk. She was dressed quite well and everything. After a while of just not getting our sushi, despite people who came in after us getting it, I say screw it and ask. We finally get our sushi and head up to my spot.

The long story short of this is that my date was sort of monotone in her voice and it was tough to generate chemistry. I tried to sexualize the best I could, something that has worked like a charm with other dates, but literally everything fell flat. She told me that she is coming off of a break up where guys manipulated her and I start to ask if at this point, it makes any sense to even try.

Younger me would have pressed but I realized that this is not going to lead to anything. I realize despite my best attempts to sexualize, that I am not scoring. I end the date in a kind and gentle way since she was nice enough to drive to where I am. In some ways, I think this shows maturity. When you can treat a woman with respect and kindness despite you not scoring, it shows a kind of maturity that someone new to game will not get.

We say our goodbyes and I wish her well, I genuinely meant it. However, I also realized that I need to continue to work on screening. If she was not down to drink wine, then very likely, nothing crazy was going to happen on the first date. Thankfully, I have the whole night ahead to get out there and approach.
From my end, going through something similar lately

I think that genuinely she was depressed and whatever else she told you ( including the guys manipulating her )

The sober September part also made sense as very likely she was the type of girl that was getting drunk and a lot of stuff were happening because of that

On the other side, I think that you were caught off guard by her not being as social as you would have expected her to be, but at the same she was very compliant and if you would have pushed for sex very likely she would have been up for it. No girl accepts to go to a guys apartment ( especially since you did not met before ) if she was not interested in sex

I think that you overthought the whole situation and led you to this ending


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Doing nightgame when you have zero interest in partying and the craziness is a really bad chore rather than just doing game.
Agreed. Any man having this experience needs to focus on another form of arranging dates/sex. This is part of how I transformed from a primarily nightlife venue person into a primarily daygame person.

Cold approaching in general is quite the grind as I have found with this thread which is why you need some extra drive to make it work.
For me, the motivation is my sex drive. I am horny. I practice no porn and no masturbation. No porn and no masturbation can serve as the extra drive to make it work.

Nightgame is ****blocking galore and dealing with a very intense environment where anything can happen due to how impulsive everyone is. You see the worst of people at nightclubs. Daygame can be decent but again, you are asking for investment from a woman who is just going about her day. Cold approach is general is an overall grind and it is no mystery why most men move on from it.
Cocckblocking is more of a symptom than a root cause. Bad ratios at nightlife venues are a thing that leads to the cocckblocking. The bad ratios thing also applies to commercialized pool parties. Miami has some commercialized pool parties, as does Dallas. Pool parties are dayclubs in which nightlife venue conditions as mimicked poolside during the day.

Daygame is a grind too. You have a good point about asking for investment from a woman just going about her day. I have found that most of my daygame venue approaches end in 30-60 seconds. That's too short of a time to determine if a woman is worthy of a 1 hour+ date. Most daygamers are approaching women who are in an existing relationships, so that explains some of the conversations fizzling out in 30-60 seconds. I have no doubt there are plenty of instances where a daygamer approaches an unattached woman and it fizzles out in 30-60 seconds before he can even ask her out on a date. Few daygamers know whether their conversations fizzle due to existing relationships or unattached women willing to invest a few minutes of their day.

Sometimes good ratios don't mean anything. Fitness classes are the best example of this. I've been to many formats of fitness classes, but I won't go to the ultra feminine ones where I'd be the only man there. In the formats where I've attended, the classes are 65-80% women. Those of unheard of ratios. The problem is that most women aren't sociable after fitness class. Some of these women are in a relationship and some are unattached. The typical guy daygaming fitness classes won't be able to figure this out.

Not only is IG and dating app game more efficient, you can often get higher quality from it. People hype up the quality you get from cold approach and that is a lie. You can get better quality online than from cold approach.
There's not a clear cut answer on this. It depends.

If I were a top tier looks man (6'0"+ with big muscles), I would focus on swipe apps and Instagram. Have pics that mainly show off my physique. That can garner high interest level and you can get women easily that way. It's even possible to send "Wanna smash?" texts and get laid fast.

Some men are better suited to getting results from approaching strangers than swiping or DMing. There are a variety of reasons of this. If your game is more money/status oriented than looks oriented, offline approaching might be better.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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9/17/23 - A new mentality.

After what was an exhausting and long Friday night, I decided to head out to do some daygame in Brickell. Ideally, I would have gone to Miami Beach but given that we are in Hurricane Season, the weather screwed everything up. Since it was pouring rain on and off, I decided that Brickell would be better for daygame.

A new adjustment.

Ever since doing daygame in Brickell, I have developed a bad habit. I will go to the Brickell City Center and then start looking at my phone. At times, I will even start browsing on my phone, wasting away a lot of time at the mall just sitting around rather than approaching. For today, I had a new theme that I like to call “focus”.

What “focus” means is that it does not matter if I am at the mall for an hour or even three, every single minute is there to be useful and make something of the time. I set a timer on my phone meaning that in that hour, no checking social media on my phone or anything, only approaching or just observing the actual environment.

Arrival to the BCC.

I arrive at the Brickell City Center with the new adjustment and focus on my mind. I walk around a decent amount before finding my first set.

Wisconsin Girl

I see this one girl in a brown dress with black hair and green eyes, just my type when you put the freckles on her. We were at a crosswalk and I open with “I was going to suggest we jaywalk together”. She found it kind of funny and we talk. As soon as she says something, I respond with “I did not expect an American accent out of you, this is Miami so I thought you’d be Latina or European”. The woman responds with “no I am from Wisconsin” while laughing.

After that I ask her where from Wisconsin when she says Madison. We joke a bit but I notice two rings on her left hand, one on the middle and the other on the ring finger. I point this out and she says “yes I have a husband” in a somewhat blunt way. The set ends.

Woman in pretty white dress.

I walk around and am near an escalator before I notice that this gorgeous dirty blonde almost falls. Ahead of me is a Hispanic family so we go up the escalator. Once we arrive on the second floor, I walk fast and ahead of the family. I open this woman saying “hey, I know you almost fell so I hope you are okay”. She smiles and says yes.

I tell her “so the white dress, it looks great on you and I must say you, you have a great style”. The woman smiles and says something and I respond with “you cannot possibly be American”. She smiles and says no but seems disinterested to a degree. I ask her where she is from and she says Ukraine. I immediately bail since Russian and Ukrainian women in Miami, and perhaps anywhere in the western world, are automatic Gold Diggers.

Woman with a pretty black ponytail.

If there is anything I learned from last night, a white or Latin girl with light skin and dark hair in a ponytail gets me going. I see a woman just like this well ahead of me and I start to slowly jog. The PUA in me is coming out for sure. The tricky part is I see her from the back and not the front.

Soon I am ahead of her and I open, somewhat disappointed when I see her face but whatever. She had a dog and I asked if the dog is friendly, she said the dog is not but then I tell her “looks like I will just talk to you then”. Not long after, I talk to her a bit and we chat. Then she tells me that she is moving near me with her husband, I did not catch the ring but the set is open after that.

After opening this girl, I had a long lull. An hour had passed. I did notice this really hot brunette in a brown dress I wanted to chat up but as I try to catch up to her, she walks faster (almost sensing me?) and I give up. I see her a while later but she is with a friend and downstairs, logistics do not match up.

Missed sets.

I want to dedicate a section to this because I had a set I missed where this cute girl was behind me on the escalator. When we get to the bottom, we head in opposite directions. It was awkward but I do not open her. I also had a set where I saw this girl with dark hair wearing all black, initially thinking she was not it but she was prettier up close, and I did not open.

Final set.

I am about to call it a day, heading back. Then, as I am on the crosswalk, I see this cute girl with sunglasses. She had dark hair and a nice tan so just my type. Approaching on a crosswalk waiting for the light to turn with people around you is awkward so I walk around and open her.

My opener is “hey, I was about to meet my friends at Moxies but saw you and I must say, the sunglasses and style is good, New Yorker?”. She smiled and giggled, she was from Westchester County. We chat a bit as the light turns and about what got her to move down to Miami. Then, she told me she is engaged, ****…..I ask her about her background out of curiosity. The girl was half Italian and half Albanian.

Mentally, I hate that I am approaching good looking white girls this weekend with dark hair and they happen to be Italian since I absolutely despise Italian women. However, more approaches to be done in the coming days.

Maybe the next hot white girl I approach with dark hair is a WASP, Irish, Scandinavian, or literally anything other than an Italian woman.

However, I must admit, this girl was quite gentle and nice. I appreciate her personality and class, something I cannot say about the Guidette from yesterday.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Yes. Not only is IG and dating app game more efficient, you can often get higher quality from it. People hype up the quality you get from cold approach and that is a lie. You can get better quality online than from cold approach. Unfortunately, I got banned off of Hinge a few weeks ago and Tinder and Bumble are too hit or miss for me.
I disagree about dating apps being more efficient the dynamics of the mainstream ones are a mess

to start with I don't believe the vast majority of women on these apps have any intention of meeting guys I recon probably 80-90% are on them just to kill time and window shop the women that do want to date usually struggle for real life male interaction

I had 2 swipe app dates earlier this year both were poor experiences

Conversely ive been laid twice from a mix of cold approach and IG game

I will admit its easier to get a flow going on instagram

if she engages with your story I tend to find its pretty much game on

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
From my end, going through something similar lately

I think that genuinely she was depressed and whatever else she told you ( including the guys manipulating her )

The sober September part also made sense as very likely she was the type of girl that was getting drunk and a lot of stuff were happening because of that

On the other side, I think that you were caught off guard by her not being as social as you would have expected her to be, but at the same she was very compliant and if you would have pushed for sex very likely she would have been up for it. No girl accepts to go to a guys apartment ( especially since you did not met before ) if she was not interested in sex

I think that you overthought the whole situation and led you to this ending
You have a point. She was dressed well and agreed to come to my place but on the first take, she was not that hot in person. I could have likely pushed and been more aggressive but I realized that she was not worth it. The vibe she was giving off was very cold and analytical. Plus, one of my big fears is being #MeToo'd and she was white AF so I know that is something that could happen if I went overboard.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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1. I need to get back on the NoFap. These days, I just fap when horny thoughts come to my mind but I have quit porn for the most part. I do notice that the drive was there more when I was doing NoFap with daygame last year so perhaps I need to get on that.

2. The biggest grind of daygame is that it is tough to really find women that are my type on the looks end. TBH, I almost find that in an hour, I will find 5 approachable sets. The volume, even in Miami, is usually not as high as people say and it is awkward to approach on a crowded street. It is why I only dedicate a couple of hours to daygame and nothing else. I find that it is a waste of time as a trade if you do it all day and your time is better spent doing other things.

3. I think Social Media game and Sugar Dating are basically the future. The Apps are flooded with dudes and fake accounts. Not even sure being over 6 ft is that important if a guy is jacked and looks good.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I disagree about dating apps being more efficient the dynamics of the mainstream ones are a mess

to start with I don't believe the vast majority of women on these apps have any intention of meeting guys I recon probably 80-90% are on them just to kill time and window shop the women that do want to date usually struggle for real life male interaction

I had 2 swipe app dates earlier this year both were poor experiences

Conversely ive been laid twice from a mix of cold approach and IG game

I will admit its easier to get a flow going on instagram

if she engages with your story I tend to find its pretty much game on
At my peak, I only used dating apps and got a couple of dates during the week with them. Since 2019, they went downhill. I think these days you practically need to buy boosts or pay for membership to truly get much out of an app, or just travel around, a lot. Still, more of my dates have come from them because it is just more streamlined. I don't count Seeking as an app but I have had a number of dates from that as well.

Cold approach is just tough and it could be because I am in Miami where the typical girl gets approached a lot.

Like this past weekend, I met some quality women who were cool but all of them were taken.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Hilarious. I'm half-blind, but even I can see better women walking around the streets of Amsterdam than the filtered photoshopped fakery popping by on Tinder.
I hate IG and the social media game more than the next guy but there are tons of hot women on there. Even walking around in Miami, one of America's hottest cities, I do not see the quality on the streets of Miami that I would browsing IG or even on the top profiles for most dating apps.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Because in real life women can only use make-up, not photoshop.
IG models take a hundred photos to post one, after they thoroughly filtered and photoshopped away every blemish and flaw. You have no idea what ugliness hides behind these glamorous shots.
I judge based on facial features and the body. I have been to events that called IG models to them and yes, they look just as good IRL man.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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1. I need to get back on the NoFap. These days, I just fap when horny thoughts come to my mind but I have quit porn for the most part. I do notice that the drive was there more when I was doing NoFap with daygame last year so perhaps I need to get on that.
No Porn and No Fap is a life changing practice. It the best practice for anyone passionate about seduction.

It also is good for your penis and for sex later in the seduction cycle.

2. The biggest grind of daygame is that it is tough to really find women that are my type on the looks end. TBH, I almost find that in an hour, I will find 5 approachable sets. The volume, even in Miami, is usually not as high as people say and it is awkward to approach on a crowded street. It is why I only dedicate a couple of hours to daygame and nothing else. I find that it is a waste of time as a trade if you do it all day and your time is better spent doing other things.
Volume is a problem in most forms of daygame. You are practicing the most difficult form of daygame by doing in outdoors. Both street approaching and park/path approaching are difficult. Dallas doesn't have a street that gets enough foot traffic for doing pure street game. Dallas' best outdoor approaching options are park/path options.

In Dallas, I've spent afternoons along the two busiest walking paths in the city looking for approach options. I agree that 2 hour sessions are the most you can do on a path, but I've never run pure street game like someone could run in London, New York City, or even a few streets in Miami.

In "Day Bang", Roosh mentioned that he would spend hours in grocery stores lingering and making approaches when he saw the opportunity. When I have done grocery store approach, I keep my approach sessions in stores limited to one hour. I might do it like one hour in one grocery store one day, and then one hour in a different grocery store the next day or 2 days later.

There are some guys who can do 2-3+ hours inside of indoor malls doing approaching. 1-2 hours is my maximum for an indoor mall session.

Nightlife venues will always be superior on volume in one concentrated place as compared to typical daygame.

3. I think Social Media game and Sugar Dating are basically the future. The Apps are flooded with dudes and fake accounts. Not even sure being over 6 ft is that important if a guy is jacked and looks good.
Instagram is the biggest dating app out there. It also is considered more socially acceptable than swipe apps.

I would argue that Instagram and sugar dating are the present, if not the future. I'm not sure if OnlyFans can be used for dating purposes. I think women primarily want money from pay pigs on OnlyFans and not a dating relationship. I'm also not into OnlyFans because of my no porn and no fap practice. A lot of the elite looking women are monetized on OnlyFans at this point.

somewhat niche dating app.
Niche dating apps typically lack the volume to be productive. Match has fallen off from a big dating site in the pre-app era to a niche platform good for 35+ divorcees seeking LTRs. OkCupid was big before Tinder and Bumble took over, but I think it still has a niche in some odd communities, like poly and a few other ones.

I think these days you practically need to buy boosts or pay for membership to truly get much out of an app
Men need to pay for memberships now on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge for the unlimited Swipes/Likes. Most men get matches on less than 1% of their right swipes/likes, so men need to right swipe in the thousands to have a fighting chance. The only way that you're going to do that sort of volume is with unlimited swiping/liking.

What is important about this date is that she said she is doing “Sober September” which means that my wine line does not work.

I found it a bit mysterious that she asked me what we are doing but I reminded her. We had the date and she drove over to where I live.
I also realized that I need to continue to work on screening. If she was not down to drink wine, then very likely, nothing crazy was going to happen on the first date.
This boils down to Iron Rule of Tomassi #1, which means controlling the frame.

I have chosen not to meet women when they countered my offer of a drinks in a bar date with a coffee date or a dinner in restaurant date.

No dinners in restaurants prior to sex, even if you live across the street from a sushi place.

Screening can be more difficult to do in tech-based date arranging methods.

Like this past weekend, I met some quality women who were cool but all of them were taken.
That can happen with daygamers. You should try to escalate on taken women, some of them are DTF and want to cuck their boyfriends/husbands.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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You have a point. She was dressed well and agreed to come to my place but on the first take, she was not that hot in person. I could have likely pushed and been more aggressive but I realized that she was not worth it. The vibe she was giving off was very cold and analytical. Plus, one of my big fears is being #MeToo'd and she was white AF so I know that is something that could happen if I went overboard.
She seemed cold and analytical because most of the hookups she did was when she was drinking, and most likely she is a shy person

If she was not as hot as you initially
Though it makes sense on why you did not feel to push, but if you got distracted by other stuff then you should just not leave your mind to wonder off, as usually the more the kind wonders off the more we will not feel like acting up

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
@SW15 I do have some principles and know that dating and sleeping with married women can somehow come back to bite you so I steer clear of it. As for the apps, it seems like they have hit some point of breaking but at the same time, remain efficient. I feel like if you manage to crack IG or dating app game, cold approach can largely be a waste of time. IMO, the value of cold approach is go for girls you could never get with online dating that also happen to be your type.

These days, I no longer do volume game. I see a hot girl with the kind of look I go crazy for and I just go for it.

What I am finding though is that I may have been missing some of the prime parts of Miami when it comes to daygame. So what I need to work on is seeing some of those prime spots. Luckily some friends from my old group have talked about these spots so they might take place of my current spots.

More than 2 hours of daygame, especially in this heat, gets exhausting.

You know @SW15 I have been keeping track of where most of my results have come from and so far, it has been:

1. Online dating/Seeking
2. Daygame on Miami Beach/Lincoln Rd
3. Nightgame in Wynnwood
4. Nightgame in actual Miami outside of Wynnwood
5. Daygame in Brickell

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
She seemed cold and analytical because most of the hookups she did was when she was drinking, and most likely she is a shy person

If she was not as hot as you initially
Though it makes sense on why you did not feel to push, but if you got distracted by other stuff then you should just not leave your mind to wonder off, as usually the more the kind wonders off the more we will not feel like acting up
I guess I am also somewhat scared of drinking too much on dates or having my dates drink too much since I do not want to get #MeToo'd


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I have been keeping track of where most of my results have come from and so far, it has been:

1. Online dating/Seeking
2. Daygame on Miami Beach/Lincoln Rd
3. Nightgame in Wynnwood
4. Nightgame in actual Miami outside of Wynnwood
5. Daygame in Brickell
You do the most difficult forms of daygame by doing outdoor daygame. I don't see any daygaming at indoor retail venues here. Indoor retail daygaming is a bit less difficult than outdoor daygaming that you do.

More than 2 hours of daygame, especially in this heat, gets exhausting.
I agree. Many years ago, I made the decision to not daygame outdoors during the hot summer months. In Dallas in summer, it might be possible to daygame one of the two major walking paths early in the morning on a weekend. I tried that once. If I daygame the outdoor walking paths, it's usually during a more reasonable hour in the less warm parts of the years.

2020 and 2021 were exceptions as indoor retail game was ruined by indoor masking. With indoor retail approaching ruined during those times, more men were doing outdoor approaches, even in the heat of summer. However, most men went to swiping and Instagram from early 2020-early 2022.

As for the apps, it seems like they have hit some point of breaking but at the same time, remain efficient. I feel like if you manage to crack IG or dating app game, cold approach can largely be a waste of time. IMO, the value of cold approach is go for girls you could never get with online dating that also happen to be your type.
It's difficult to crack the app game. The apps are sausage fests. Tinder is about 75% male and Bumble/Hinge are 65% male. Bad ratios. Additionally, women only swipe right on 3-4% of profiles and men are swiping right on around 50% of profiles. The math works against most men. There are some profile enhancements that can be done. I recommend being 6'0"+ with big muscles and photos showing off a top tier physique to make swipe apps work.

It also takes a lot of effort to crack Instagram DM game too.

Men would need to do approaches if they can't crack swipe apps, Instagram, or build a social circle. The approaching path is a difficult path. Your field reports are good proof of how difficult approaching strangers is, regardless of whether it happens in a bar or non-bar venue.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score

I just think that with the cold approach game, you have to be sharp. Yes, my approaches show how difficult it is but I had even self-reflection to realize that there was a lot of **** I was messing up on big time. My field reports show that I did the approach but so many of them left out how awkward, uncoordinated, or out of it I was in the approach itself. The thing about cold approaching that sucks is that after a long work day or just a day in life in general, you have to find the energy to dress well, get out there, and talk to women. I mean that is rough compared to sitting at home playing videogames as you look through your online dating matches or do top tier Instagram game.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I just think that with the cold approach game, you have to be sharp.
Agree. This can be challenging.

Yes, my approaches show how difficult it is but I had even self-reflection to realize that there was a lot of **** I was messing up on big time. My field reports show that I did the approach but so many of them left out how awkward, uncoordinated, or out of it I was in the approach itself.
I appreciate how real you are in detailing your approaches. It is very helpful to the knowledge base of the community.

The thing about cold approaching that sucks is that after a long work day or just a day in life in general, you have to find the energy to dress well, get out there, and talk to women. I mean that is rough compared to sitting at home playing videogames as you look through your online dating matches or do top tier Instagram game.
That's also true. With nightlife venue game, Friday and Saturday nights are oversaturated with losers who ruin the vibe with bad game, turning off women in the process. There's also a lot of attention whorring from the women on those nights. There's value in going out on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, but that takes effort.

Going to non-bar venues after work to do approaches also takes effort. A lot of Millennials and Gen Z aren't interested in making that sort of effort. All of these non-bar venues are inefficient when effective.

Swipe apps and Instagram have an illusion of efficiency because a man is sitting at home and relaxing while doing it, as compared to be out in the real world trying to make an effort to make something happen.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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Agree. This can be challenging.

I appreciate how real you are in detailing your approaches. It is very helpful to the knowledge base of the community.

That's also true. With nightlife venue game, Friday and Saturday nights are oversaturated with losers who ruin the vibe with bad game, turning off women in the process. There's also a lot of attention whorring from the women on those nights. There's value in going out on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, but that takes effort.

Going to non-bar venues after work to do approaches also takes effort. A lot of Millennials and Gen Z aren't interested in making that sort of effort. All of these non-bar venues are inefficient when effective.

Swipe apps and Instagram have an illusion of efficiency because a man is sitting at home and relaxing while doing it, as compared to be out in the real world trying to make an effort to make something happen.
especially at night, I rarely find weekdays to be effective whatsoever besides maybe Thursday occasionally

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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@SW15 I am not sure about the Tuesday value as you will find from my field report lol. However, I think that ideally with nightgame, you start at 10 while all the losers are pregaming with their friends. Then you start to find a good set before 11 if you can that you stick with for the night. By 12, you ideally should have pulled or found a reliable number of sets. Cold approaching after 12 is asking for trouble and asking for stuckup girls. I will do a post on this one day or even just update it on here lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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9/19/23 - Numbers game.

This past Tuesday, one of the guys from a Game Group I am on for Miami hit me up to go with him to Blackbird. I decided after a somewhat lackluster weekend of game to have more momentum this time. I arrive at Blackbird around 11 or so and meet an old friend I have not seen in a while. This friend of mines tells me about how he has been in Colombia for a week and how easy things were for him there.

What I do not notice is that the guy from the Game Group, let’s call him Ben, was sitting next to my friend from the Game Group and knew him. Blackbird is also a very loud venue so it was tough to hear. Not long after, a guy, let’s call him James, joined as well as we prepared to start approaching.

Needless to say, the quality at Blackbird was garbage. You cannot even imagine that this is a freaking Miami bar, there were so many fat girls and it was such a ratchet crowd. However, I know I had to warm up my game and build some momentum, desperately.

Having wings can also be a double edged sword, I was told to approach girls I would never approach in a million years. I also notice how much guys cold approaching with wings sacrifice on quality.

3 set

I see this one cute girl who is with two fat chicks, I try to open the group. Apparently, they were all lesbians.

2 set at the bar.

Ben tells me to approach this two set at the bar with him and I open the one cute but older looking blonde in white pants. I tell her she looks Brazilian and she smiles but then turns away to the bar. Meanwhile, some fat redhead dude who had been spam approaching the whole bar talks to her and she makes small talk with him, oof! The blonde is also of the attention seeking kind as she dances like a maniac on the dance floor.

Big piece of advice to any guy listening, never approach flashy girls at a club, they are there for attention and not to actually get approached.

2 girls in black.

One girl in black shades is dancing with her friend, she has a tiger dress on. I open her and get a “we want to dance alone tonight”. I found it comical but also noticed how chunky this thing is upon getting closer. Like in most Miami places, she would never get approached.

Girl sitting down with black hair.

I see this one girl sitting down with black hair at a bar and she is easily one of the better looking girls. At first I think the guy nearby is her man but I take a lap around and she is by herself. I open but it scared her a bit. I try to make small talk but she is waiting on friends and clearly not in the room to be approached. The fat redhead dude tried his luck with her too but struck out. I feel like this guy is following me around the venue to see who I approach and then approaching the girls I strike out with.

Tall brunette with wavy hair and glasses.

I see this tall cute brunette with wavy hair but she is with a big group. I try a new opener for big groups asking “you all seem like a cool bunch, how do you know each other?”. She asks “why are you asking?”. I respond with “well because you all seem fun and I want to know how you all met”. She says they are her former classmates and then I get a quick chat going.

Ben approaches to talk to the uglier friend. I am finding Ben’s way of telling me to approach ugly girls a bit irritating before the set and am reminded on why I went solo. Me and the brunette chat but my god, it is so loud in this dump. Overtime, the brunette tells me to go away.

Two girls in white.

We saw two tall girls in white walk through and while they were dressed flashy, on a closer examination they were also kind of chunky. They were getting drinks at the bar so I did not approach at first, my wings told me to let them get their drinks. I eventually did approach but man, it was so damn hard to hear anything at the bar. The two girls were British and quite chubby when you looked at their faces. I bailed.

Two set at the bar.

We see this two set at the bar and I open them, one girl in white and the other in black. The one in white was a bit awkward of me approaching her so I talk to the one in black. They claimed they were from Colombia. Soon Ben came in and approached the girl in white. The girl in black was quite snarky and tough to chat with, no surprise she was also the uglier and chunkier one of the two.

Final set.

Ben points out this really hot girl to me near the exit, she had on a black hat. I said screw it and approached her. I opened with telling her how the hat looked good on her. She was receptive and we chatted for a couple of minutes, she was trying to get the wifi on her cellphone to call her Uber. We move around the venue a bit before I tell her she will have better wifi outside.

We step outside together and chat a bit, she is from Boston. Unfortunately, she is quite tipsy so I do not try anything. I get her IG and she tells me she will be back in town next week. She even told me to wait since she is following me back. I could have closed this set but drunk girls are more trouble than they are worth.

I also reflect on how in my time in Miami, my best experiences have been with women from the northeast. I legit do not get the hype about southern girls or Florida girls. I especially don’t get the hype about Latinas. It shows that a guy is sheltered and never actually games if he thinks those kinds of women are worth having.