Jesse Pinkman's approach/field reports thread.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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Props to you Jesse for staying motivated to keep approaching over and over.

I see a fair number of your approaches mentioned show you noticing a wedding ring well after opening a set. Is this not something you habitually notice upfront either immediately or in advance of opening them? Do you simply push forward regardless of the ring because you find them attractive? I catch myself all the time never even looking for a ring and was wondering.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Props to you Jesse for staying motivated to keep approaching over and over.

I see a fair number of your approaches mentioned show you noticing a wedding ring well after opening a set. Is this not something you habitually notice upfront either immediately or in advance of opening them? Do you simply push forward regardless of the ring because you find them attractive? I catch myself all the time never even looking for a ring and was wondering.
I don't even notice it bro. Like I never got good at noticing it either. Working on it more and more to avoid embarrassment.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think that ideally with nightgame, you start at 10 while all the losers are pregaming with their friends.
The type of guy that pre-games with friends is the type of guy who goes out on Friday/Saturday night and not Tuesday/Wednesday night.

For Friday/Saturday nights, I like this idea.

On Sunday-Thursday nights, it might even be possible to start an approach session at 8:30 PM or 9 PM.

Then you start to find a good set before 11 if you can that you stick with for the night. By 12, you ideally should have pulled or found a reliable number of sets. Cold approaching after 12 is asking for trouble and asking for stuckup girls. I will do a post on this one day or even just update it on here lol.
All true.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Jesse if you do well with Northeastern transplants it might be worth your while to ask your targets how long they've been in town for to open up that conversational door.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
9/21/23 - A walk down memory lane.

As of late, as in this week really, I have found a couple of wings to go out with. I long swore that I would do it solo but then after clicking with some cool wings from the chat I used to be active on, but am not as active on, I decided to go out. I also started my own chat where we are all focused on field reports and nothing else, my wings are a part of that chat.

On Thursday, we intended to head to a popular spot in Coco Grove that is a Mexican Restaurant and exclusive bar. I arrived early and spoke to the door guy who told me that it is usually $50 for guys and women, if they are hot, get in free. I asked him what happens if I bring hot women, he says they get in and free and he charges me $50. Already spoke volumes of the place.

I wait for my wing, Rob, who arrives at around 11 or so. Rob is a Latin guy with a chiseled face and stereotypical Latin Lover looks. We discuss a light gameplan for the spot and then head downstairs to the bar to do some approaches.

Approach 1

We approach a Latina two-set and it really goes nowhere, they were both wearing white. The bar was quite loud so even hearing and being heard was a bit difficult.

Approach 2

My wing and I approach this three-set that I had noticed before he had come. The set had this tall brunette dancing crazily and I had noticed them earlier. I open the blonde in the set who directs me to the brunette while my wing talks to the other blonde. I notice a ring on the brunette but she is somewhat touchy with me. The set is all from Nashville (word up @CornbreadFed) and looking to have a good time but there is also a guy with him. My wing and I bail on it.

Later on in the night, the blonde I had opened had opened me when she saw me on the street.

Approach 3

I open these two girls outside the bar on their phone saying the Uber must be taking forever, one girl is a blonde and the other a cranky looking brunette with freckles. I point out how the brunette does not like us talking to them and the set practically ends, they were not in the mood.

Along the way we also street approach a two-set that is not into us.

A shift.

My wing was pointing out a bar across the street which had a long line to it. It seemed to mostly be fraternity guys and mostly a sausagefest. We get in the so called “line”, it was really more of a herd. A minute later, the bouncer shoos everyone away. We walk past this bar and turn right into this large alley we are seeing everyone go to.

The whole alley was an outdoors area of a giant bar and it seemed like a block party for just that block. The crowd was all undergrads, like all undergrads. Somehow, it incited weird feelings within me which almost made me feel creepy and took me back down memory line. That little area of Miami, like that one alley and block, seemed like a trip back to college town. At this point, our options are slim so we approach.

Two blondes.

My wing and I approach these two blondes who we had a decent vibe going with. At some point though, one of the blondes leaves. I cannot recall the other approaches we did in-between but there were quite a few. At this point, we were those creepy old dudes in the college scene.

I notice a couple of cute blondes pointing at my shirt and smiling so I wave at them and approach. My wing joins and it seemed to be going well but then we realize a mistake we were making. We were touching these college girls in this atmosphere and they found it creepy, as much as game experts push establishing physical touch and a sexual frame. We were in a college crowd where these girls were going to get judged like crazy by their cliques.

Final approach.

During my final approach, I approach this hot blonde who is a nursing student. The approach seemed to go well as my wing took her friend. However, I noticed that the friends were distancing themselves from the wing. Set was over but I did get the blonde’s IG, she did not follow me back.


This past Thursday was insane and I loved it. Usually, I have never found a Thursday spot to be at in Miami. Even Dirty Rabbit gave inconsistent ratios and volume on weekdays. This past Thursday, I noticed a lot of volume which was so big for getting my approaches up.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
9/22/23 - The most transformative night in game for me.

Lately, I have been following a new philosophy which is that frame conquers and defeats game. You can have the best game in the world but if the frame you are operating in sucks, you will never really have consistent success. For example, a typical “PUA” cold approaching women on the street comes from the frame of a homeless beggar hoping that a random person gives them attention. You need to “take action” and be bold, do a “cold approach” where you are bold and hope that she receives you well.

My friend put it to me a different way and it was an epiphany. You are not a beggar asking for change when you cold approach. You are like a recruiter for a top tier company reaching out to a candidate you think is good on paper but that candidate still has to prove themselves to you in the interview. I started taking that frame and applied it to Miami nightgame.

My frame was that I think tourists and new arrivals are the cool ones while locals and U of M kids are lame. So my opener was now “you cannot possibly be a local” to a woman I liked and if she was, compliment her on how different she was from a typical local. If she was a tourist, I would ask her where from and then apply the “fun” tag to her.

This past Friday was raining so the plan was that we go to Tipsy Flamingo since it is an indoors bar. My wing, Rob, hits me up and tells me it is dead at 10. I decide to check out Regatta, a mostly outdoors bar, and it was packed. I get going as I wait for Rob to arrive.

My first two sets were locals and the second set had this rude redhead that gave me a nasty look for approaching, she even said “that is my girlfriend when I opened her” and I replied with “okay so locals”. They nodded with a look of disgust on their faces so I told them “that’s lame”.

As I wait for Rob to arrive, I notice these two women in a nice dress in front of me and use my “you all cannot possibly be locals” line. My confidence is up and I do not feel approach anxiety at all, almost like I found my secret opener. The two girls are relatively fun and chill, they are visiting from CT. One is a cute Latina and the other is an Eastern Euro looking blonde. The set was going okay until their friends came but these girls seemed to also want attention.

I approach another set in which a brunette was eating while standing up. Blonde was friendly and brunette was cranky, it did not land well as an opener. Not long after, I said “this is lame” and walk away. I did a few more approaches, in total doing about 14 for the night. However, I really want to bring attention to the approaches and sets that were actually important.

Two set with guys intervening.

I approach these two girls with the same line of how they cannot be locals. The girls laugh about it but they were U of Miami students. I say I love Florida State and they playfully tease me for it. Blonde gets on the phone and I say “so she is putting a hit out on me huh”. Brunette finds it funny and laughs.

Then two guys intervene in the set, one guy says he wanted to give a girl her book back. I stand around and let them talk while smiling. Then the guys soon leave and I tell the guy who intervened “no man stay, you got a fun vibe bro”. The guy looks at me awkwardly and leaves. The brunette tells me how the guy stood her up for a date and we start vibing.

At this point, Rob has come in to talk to the blonde. Then, another tall Latin guy comes into the set dressed well. I smile, he knew the girls, and I pay him a compliment. However, at this point, I ask the tall Latin dudes and the girls for their IGs and they followed me back. At this point though, a larger group had come in.

Nothing really came of the IGs themselves though.

Why I highlighted this set.

The old me got so scared when a guy came into the set, I worried what if he is her boyfriend or husband? The new me does not care. Old me even tried to deal aggressively with AMOG situations. New me smiles and greets them while focusing on the girl. Sometimes, I just let the guys talk themselves out.

Hot brunette, my type, leading, and then….

I see this one hot blue eyed brunette and open her in the indoor bar. She is lost and looking for friends so she tries to get through the crowd. I tell her that she can go around and actually lead her. I could have held her hand but did not, big mistake perhaps. Along the way, I could have also slowed down since I naturally walk fast.

The brunette is friendly and receptive and I have on a funny shirt she loves. She is also from New York so the vibe is good. We go and I have not asked her for her IG which I should have done. Well, we do run into her friend who is fat and mostly ugly.

I tease the friend saying how she is a crappy friend and she seemed to be okay with it. The fat friend then wants to take a pic of us since she found the shirt funny and we are all laughing. After that, I ask for their IGs but the fat friend says she put her and her friend’s IG in. Then the fattie says she has to go to the bathroom with the hot brunette.

Well, lo and behold, I check a minute later and no IG from either one was put in…..So much learned in this set. I need to give girls my IG first.

We did a few more sets, in all I had 14 approaches and 4 closes.

This night was such a game changer and laid such a good foundation for me for what is said to be a promising fall. I have never felt so confident opening and doing cold approaches during this entire time.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
9/23/23 - AMOG central

The night before, I realized that Rob and I had done a lot of approaches but not stayed in set for long enough. On Saturday, I decided that my goal was going to be to have long sets that I do a lot with even if I have a lot less approaches. I still decided that I was going to stick with my framework of tourists versus locals. Tourists are cool, locals lame.

I first went out to a local bar to watch Ohio St vs Notre Dame, I was rooting for the Buckeyes since Notre Dame fans annoy me, and made small talk with a dude sitting next to me. The guy is actually a lawyer (in before @BillyPilgrim jokes) and we chatted a great deal for an hour and went to another bar to get a mojito. Then, I knew I had to leave and it was actually around 11 PM or so that I went to the main bar I game at.

We arrive and notice the final moments of the Ohio St vs. Notre Dame game where Ohio St wins. I had a few margaritas in me and a mojito so I yell “**** Notre Dame”, thankfully this is in Miami where no one gives a **** about them. I then decide to do some approaches.

Two hot Latinas.

I see these two hot Latinas standing around and tell them they cannot possibly be locals, they were but they were also receptive. I tell them they dress like they are from Manhattan and we make some small talk. I tease them on being a prudish local. For the sake of this set, we will call one Latina C and the other D.

C looked kinda ditzy but had a nice rack and body, D looked more serious but had a nice butt. We chat and they say that it is their first time at the bar. The two wanted to play table tennis so I tell them I am going to check for them. I walk over to the table tennis line to ask where the line is and once I get that, I walk back, it had been like 20 seconds.

In that time, these two tall white dudes, clearly drunk, had taken my set. I get myself back into the set and smile. The guys introduce themselves and I shake their hand firmly. They ask me who I am and I joke saying I am the dad of the Latinas. One of the guys says if he can propose, I say “go for it, we have been trying to find her a husband”. The Latinas found it hilarious.

In that time, D had backed away from the set and C was the one being hit on. I talk to D and she say she thinks the guys are on drugs. I joke with D who ends the set where C follows. I walk with them to the middle of the venue where this is this cool aerial boat show going on. I watch with them and tell them about it.

Then they ask me about which bar serves the best alcohol and I pointed to the nearest outdoor one, I even get a vodka soda so my 6th drink of the night. I lead them to where I believe is the best part of the bar but I walk into a trap, the two AMOGs join us again.

C entertains the amogs while D does not. Working with D, we manage to create the bathroom excuse. D goes to the bathroom while C stands outside talking to me. I ask C how she felt about those guys and she said she thought they were cool, completely different answer from D. This is where I find out where my critical mistake is being made.

I was giving more attention and time to C and not enough to D. We walk around more and then some black dude opens D. I talk to C but it does not materialize, in fact she is talking to the black dude. I talk to her along the way since black dude is too busy with D but is distancing herself. I feel the eyes on us and these two cholo looking Latino dudes come in to sweep in C.

Never once dealt with this in my time in NYC but in Miami, right away. I did not realize my mistake at the time but I do now. I should have hung out with D the whole time. C was a grifter who was just trying to get attention while D was serious. If I had fixed that part of my game, I could have taken D to another bar or home. At the same time, this is the value of a long set, you learn these game mistakes from them.

Two white girls in a fancy dress.

I open these two white girls in a fancy dress with my line of how they cannot possibly be locals, they are bubbly and receptive. We end up chatting a bit and both are midwestern girls. One we will call A and the other B. A is more shy and reserved while B is more chatty. A is from Michigan and B is from Chicago.

My experiences with midwestern girls are usually good so I am engrained into the set. However, these girls mention they live in Brickell which is a red flag I should have caught earlier. I try to isolate these girls to another bar once the vibe gets going but they want me to get them a shot. I tell them I can get it at the other bar since the alcohol is better.

We exchange IGs at the time. A knows one of the sorority girls I had IG closed last night and does not even follow me or give me her account while B does.

The girls and I have this playful argument or let’s say negotiation mixed with friendliness it seemed. We talk about different kinds of tequila which my dumb self is unfamiliar with. I even call them out and say “this is one of those you get me to buy you a shot and then go away saying gotcha sucka” when the girls say that after the shot, we head to the other bar.

The girls say “okay, we can consider the other bar”. At this point, any smart guy would have walked away, seriously. However, when you have been engrained into a football game, gaming solo, and are set on making a set last longer rather than doing volume, I don’t walk away. This set goes from bad to just embarrassing.

I buy these girls the shots, they were $40 total…..not that much for me but wow…..What happened afterwards is that the girls immediately take the shots and say “thanks we gotta go now”. I laugh about it and B says “another fallen soldier”, truly speaking to the culture of Miami and its women.

There you go, I got played. I felt like an idiot for it but I got played but it was a lesson I needed to learn. At the same time, it lit a fire in me. Now I really wanted to game in Miami so I can tease and outmaneuver the slimey, deceptive, and sleazy transplants in this city as I find some quality tourists along the way.

Some drama afterwards.

I approached one of the guys who had joined my chat and he was with a chat legend. We do some approaches together but this guy was a virgin throughout his 20s. The guy has a very weird cartoony and strange vibe, he speaks way too fast in a foreign accent and is laughing all the time in a dorky way. None of the sets go well and I call it a night. I cut off contact from this dude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
@Jesse Pinkman S'all good man...

...but the fancy dresses on those white midwestern girls should've given them away. If those dresses aren't showing off tons of skin they're prob looking to punch above their weight, or scam someone while trying.

tl;dr watch out for chicks trying to add a couple of points to their appearance through a fancy getup.
Last edited:

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Reflecting on the past week of game.

What to keep

1. Definitely the new mindset that centers around frame. I genuinely feel like frame > game. Never in my life have I felt so loose and bold cold approach at night as I did this past weekend. I need to now find good frames for daygame. Perhaps if I am in Brickell, telling her how she does not look like the typical fake Brickell socialite. I need to find something that works and gives me that same confident cold approaching during a more daytime situation so I will work on a frame there.

2. Amazing work in dealing with AMOGs and dudes entering my set. I have not this happen in any other city as much as it has in Miami. For the most part, I more than held my own in those sets. I usually let them talk themselves out or make a fool of themselves or I end up being nice to them while focusing on the girl.

3. Moving girls. I have started to do this a lot which I think is so critical in gaining compliance which then leads to actual sex some point down the road. My friend says her compliance is a big tell of whether or not she is serious about anything with you. I tried to test for compliance often when I proposed a bar other than the one I game at. I think I can start small and then work my way up.

4. Actually going out and doing it now that the volume is there.

What to lose/Mistakes to fix

1. Figure out which girl in a two-set is on your side and figure which girl is the one in the group who is receptive. Make friends with that girl and isolate her, forget about the other one. I made a huge mistake with this when I was gaming the two hot Latinas. I need to figure this out often in big sets or just not make that same mistake. Again, test for compliance again and again.

2. Less high volume nights, more high quality nights with longer sets. I feel like we need to lose our crappy sets fast and then find a set we can stick to for the night as soon as we can. No more doing volumes just to do volumes, we have to find a quality set for the night to stick with.

3. Learn when to leave and spot the kinds of girls that @BillyPilgrim linked to in that article. I should have walked away from that midwestern set fast. As soon as I knew they were trying to get a shot out of me, I should have ran and left. However, too obsessed that night with trying to make sets last longer and doing less volume.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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-Drop night game (unless you truly enjoy going out to bars and clubs, but I doubt it seriously), the girls you really want to be (quality girls) with and the hottest girls you will meet them at the clinic, the library, in the elevator, at the post office.. Your wing wont be there with you and you wont be prepared to interact in "normal" settings. Your will power is the only thing that matters.
This was one of the biggest adjustments that I made within attraction-seduction. In the early 2010s, I changed from being a primarily nightlife venue approacher into being a primarily non-bar approacher.

Non-bar approaching can be done without a wingman and it is socially acceptable. It is much more difficult to do nightlife approaching as a soloist. I have done solo nightlife approaching and it's not as big of a deal as some make it out to be. However, I would much prefer to do nightlife approaching with another person.

Non-bar approaching has its downsides too but it was a good adjustment to make. I spent the entirety of the 2000s using nightlife to find prospects when I needed them. That was the combination of college parties and then nightlife venues once I turned 21.

I agree that few people truly enjoy going out to nightlife venues. The late nights and alcohol can take their toll.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I will not be changing a thing, take that for what it is.

I have to be careful how I engage here because an argument on this will get the mods to automatically lock what has been a great thread so far IMO. Mods, if you are reading this, I am trying to avoid all arguments so please don't lock.

I look back on why last week was so great or at least had good momentum.

I think its obvious.

Volume came back.

I think this is practically it. It was so frustrating going out during the summers to find volume that was dry and lackluster. Even the best bars and nightclubs were relatively empty unless you went to a tourist trap like LIV. The past summer in Miami has been the embodiment of game h3ll. First it was the record heat wave where even dates could not even walk 5 minutes with me.

Then, it was the dead venues. I mean I have never seen venues and streets on a weekend night in Miami so dead. Wynnwood itself turned into a ghost town on a lot of weekends or the quality was unrealistically low.

Then, it was The Wharf still being open while they opened its replacement, leading to both bars being diluted in terms of who came. That changed this past weekend.

As soon as September got deeper, that all changed.

I am confident that as the fall picks up, you are all going to hear a lot more success stories.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
This was one of the biggest adjustments that I made within attraction-seduction. In the early 2010s, I changed from being a primarily nightlife venue approacher into being a primarily non-bar approacher.

Non-bar approaching can be done without a wingman and it is socially acceptable. It is much more difficult to do nightlife approaching as a soloist. I have done solo nightlife approaching and it's not as big of a deal as some make it out to be. However, I would much prefer to do nightlife approaching with another person.

Non-bar approaching has its downsides too but it was a good adjustment to make. I spent the entirety of the 2000s using nightlife to find prospects when I needed them. That was the combination of college parties and then nightlife venues once I turned 21.

I agree that few people truly enjoy going out to nightlife venues. The late nights and alcohol can take their toll.
What gets me about nightlife is the noise man. Like some bars I do not even go to because it is so loud and I am not big on dancing. The noise just kills me. They intentionally turn the volume up the whole way and I always wear ear plugs these days when I am out. It is why I prefer the bar I do, it is an outdoors bar so you can hear people talk the whole time instead of getting drowned in the loud noises.

As for nightlife itself, yeah I never buy the whole go out and dance like a moron because you are having a good time. No, you are out to talk to girls.

The issue with daygame is that even in a city like Miami, the volume is just not there.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
@Jesse Pinkman S'all good man...

...but the fancy dresses on those white midwestern girls should've given them away. If those dresses aren't showing off tons of skin they're prob looking to punch above their weight, or scam someone while trying.

tl;dr watch out for chicks trying to add a couple of points to their appearance through a fancy getup.
I think this article is highly recommended reading for all men.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
One thing I want to get good at is approaching in grocery stores. @SW15 any advice there?

Also, post 1k. We have good things coming team, this fall is going to be one for the ages. The progress has been unreal and now you will see it all unfold.

I think my first year doing this was like the first year as a head coach for a sports team, you never really win anything big for the most part. Year 2 is when the improvements show. The rebuilding year is done, all hands on deck and let's get this show on the road.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
@Jesse Pinkman

Hey Jesse! First I'd like to tell you that I have massive respect for the fact that you do go out and try to improve, I didn't read the whole thread ut it looks like your consistent and that is a good thing. Nice.

However I think you got this "game" thing wrong. From what I read you haven't made any real progress since you started the thread. You're still focusing on trying to fix irrelevant stuff, when you could learn 100x faster by doing simple things. If I may..

-Drop your friend/wingman, don't rely on somebody else to approach. Because what happen is that you wont overcome AA if there is always somebody pushing you to approach. You dont want to miss good opportunities because of AA.
-Drop night game (unless you truly enjoy going out to bars and clubs, but I doubt it seriously), the girls you really want to be (quality girls) with and the hottest girls you will meet them at the clinic, the library, in the elevator, at the post office.. Your wing wont be there with you and you wont be prepared to interact in "normal" settings. Your will power is the only thing that matters.
-Drop the "game", you're not a PUA, girls know when you're out to chase, it's not attractive at all and you look thirsty. Be normal.

What you should do instead:
-If you go out, go out alone and and not with the purpose of approaching. Go out to have a good time with yourself and learn to enjoy your own company in difficult social settings. (going to the restaurant alone, a crowded bar alone, etc..)
-Approach during the day girls that you find attractive (ideally all of them), approach even when the context is not favorable (girl on the phone, or with a friend or in a rush) You will learn a lot.
-Dont overthink things, simplify. Go talk a girl, tell her you wanted to meet her, chit chat for a few minutes, take the # and leave. Set up a date later. It's very easy.
-focus on your style and look, work out.

I had 3 dates this week, 2 8s, 1 10. Met them on the streets. I never go out, I dont have to.
You should work on your ability to meet any woman anywhere at anytime in any settings, not trying to approach "sets" and get rid of c0ckblokers and write super long reports that are useles. You're wasting your time and you dont become the type of man girls find attractive.

You live in Miami I think, I'm sure there are plenty of nice girls you can meet during the day while doing your things.
Good luck!
3 dates in a week with 2 8s and 1 10 that’s quite impressive. What’s your trick ?
I thought I had read somewhere that you had almost given up on dating ;)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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Start with the produce section as your focus.

First of all, it's typically the first area of the store from a traffic flow pattern. The design of the produce racks is low and open which is less threatening by default then a narrower aisle. It naturally lends itself to being naturally opposite her in her line of vision than the aisles. Women also are more prone to stopping and checking out the fruit/vegetables vs grabbing an item off the rack in an aisle and moving on. Even if they're stressed from their day or commute, they tend to move slower as they first get into the produce section and they haven't had reasons in the store to get irritated or impatient yet. It's also an area with visually stimulating and colorful items that can be picked up, and get their attention visually.

Plenty of ways to flirt especially if you have conversational skills like you've been developing. A little situational awareness about the types of items nearby in the aisle where you are can go a long way too.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I found that many 'lounge' bars tend to be less noisy and more conducive to have regular volume conversations.
From my experience and that of many other guys I know, nightclubs are actually awful for pulling. Here in Miami, I have rarely seen it done and they tend to bring out the worst in people. My best success with nightgame has come from outdoor bars or from ****tail bars.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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With regards to grocery game, this should be obvious but timing matters.

If it's a grocery store downtown or near to where people work then the lunchtime rush is the sweetspot. Occasionally after work but most people bail and shop closer to home after work.

If it's one closer to residential areas then 5:30-6:30 will be peak +- an hour or two. In addition, class times for nearby yoga, spin studios and fitness classes can help you target other times to be present. Weekends is usually best in mid-late afternoon on my experience (2-5:30).


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
One thing I want to get good at is approaching in grocery stores. @SW15 any advice there?

Also, post 1k. We have good things coming team, this fall is going to be one for the ages. The progress has been unreal and now you will see it all unfold.

I think my first year doing this was like the first year as a head coach for a sports team, you never really win anything big for the most part. Year 2 is when the improvements show. The rebuilding year is done, all hands on deck and let's get this show on the road.
-How many of those 1k did you post yourself?

-what is the cost /benefits balance so far? 100 approaches for 1 night of action 1 time?

- seems like a whole lot of work for a very little bit of...gain. with all due respect .

- why don't any one of these women stick around..i mean you did like 100s of approaches? You could and should have at least a gf type of deal out of it imo. You could be better off with "just " a gf...

- feels like low vibration activity. Its a great read at times, but generally...i even wonder if you dont make up half of this shyte.

-oh least you try to improve. Tyat does deserve some credit. I just ain't digging it, and definitely dont wanna spend my days like this (anymore)

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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A couple of guys have been coming at me on this thread but I don't really care about either of those users as individuals as much as I do about the message I want to get across. Yes, this whole game journey in general, it isn't pretty. Do not buy into the scams and the fads out there telling you how you can pay a dating coach $3k for a week of motivational speeches and pointless approaches and somehow, magically, your game and love life will be fixed. It is rough and it is a grind, especially when you are in one of if not the most competitive cities in the US for game.

In that time, I had to deal with being awfully sick for a period of time, getting fired, and running into some serious family problems. It threw off my consistency and let me tell you, when you take a break from game, getting back at it is rough.

However, I have gained a lot from it and I want every reader to know that.

1. Old me would have never been able to go to Manhattan for a week and get 4 lays, the version of me did it.

2. Old me would not have been able to make friends with locals in a city and have weekends where he chills on a boat with them and some hot girls, new me did.

3. Old me would have been scared and chickened out if guys tried to take his set at a bar, new me did not.

I am proud of how far I have come in game and we are just getting started. I see it as the first year of being at a coach at a sports program, it was a rebuilding year. I not only had to learn, I had to unlearn a lot of bad habits that I had with women earlier. This is the kind of work it takes. It's not built on flashy pickup lines, it is built on flakes, rejections, hard rejections, women playing you, seeing some bad sides to women, and still not being bitter over it.

A couple of guys are coming in here and saying "oh I would never do it like this". Please for the love of god, don't. Do it your way and share that on your own field report thread (that I wish more guys on here did) rather than coming at me on mines. I am not going to listen or give any weight to your advice so why bother with trying to talk to me about it?

However, I am proud of what I have done in the past year and I do think I am going in the right direction.

Yes, I would do it again if I had a choice, I just hate that I didn't start sooner.

But to any guy reading, this game journey ain't all sunshines and rainbows. That is why most dudes become incels or give up.