First of Props to Jayer for finishing this, you have my upmost respect, I just finished reading the entire post(you better rep me for this maufugga!), and I know you have gotton tons of advice, however, I wanna give you my input and what has helped me, our game and hell even some of the women (the flaking) we have dealt with is very similar in some ways.
Don't focus just on the #
Something that happens with guys like you and I, Jayer is that we are ballsy and fearless when it comes to the art of approach, We forget sometimes that women are the target and instead think the number is. I don't blame you, my mentality was "if i can get the number, I can spit some serious phone game, and vow her durning the Day 2", however women are very fickle sometimes. The thing is as you know to build rapport, how do you do this? I see in the last 5 pages you starting to evovle more on this, so im not gonna beat a dead horse, but here are a few ways
Find a connection and ride that wave--Izza talked about this a lot, if you can give a women a sense of "familiraity" just watch her shoulders drop and her body langauge become more receptive. Humans are most comfortable to people who resemble us (thats a fact)
Have fun--convey fun in the interaction, crack a joke, anything to make her smile, women aren't going to the club to have serious conversation, they wanna dance, drink, and have fun. Be the fun guy that she will remember not the guy who was just after her number.
Kino--I don't care what people say, Kino helps in terms of building rapport, I never knew this until i joined this site, but did you know that we are an "affectionless" society?, women are very touchy feely, the sooner you apply kino, and get her to apply kino the more "natural" the interaction will seem, and the easier it will be to build rapport!
Brush your shoulders off!
Jayer I can soooooooooooooo relate to women flaking on you bro, I have had women open me, up at the club, just to give me a fake number, hell I had two chicks flake on me last week alone, you know what my philopshy (sp) is?
"I don't chasem, I replace'm"--Biggie smalls
I noticed you are still
texting hbarab, STOP IT!! I use to do that too, Jayer, hell I still do it at times. However my thing is this, If I contact a chick 2 or 3 times with no receipcation, she is done. If i feel like I'm chasing a girl, I just next her, I don't wanna be the creep/stalker guy. You gotta remember its a numbers game, you win some you lose some knamean?
If a girl flakes at the last mintue for date or doesn't call or text on a day we suppose to hang out, she has 24 hours to get in contact with me(and it better be a damn good reason) or she is done, you gotta have self worth Jayer, you gotta be a man of self-respect, Flaking is one of the ultimate **** test a women sometimes will flake on you just to see if she can, to see if you are a sucka. Don't be that guy
Develop deeeper Inner game
One thing that has helped my game evolve to the next level is inner game. My frame is everything, when my frame is fun/confident I can game any chick, any place, any where, that's how I feel. Sometimes I get into a "zone" where I just open up set after set and I'm on fire (My FR with BILo describes this) To develop deep inner game, is deeper then some of these boards will tell you, but for me its spiritual, its realzing that no matter what happens, it's a learning experince, a growing prcoess and
that sometimes to learn I need to fail, when I approach a set, my energy and vibe is postive, esscentric,
LOVING. I wanna bring something to the interaction and not just take out. I remember when my "success" was just on how many numbers I got. Now it's on the interactions the fun if you wanna know deep inner game(peep snowplowmans fr's its all about frame/inner game), you gonna have to push yourself to a level you haven't gone before. There lot of guys who talk tecnqiues/tactics but in the end inner game surpasses them all. This is why naturals don't have to say shiiiit(imgaine opening a set with just your body language, I have done this, its amazing). What does deep inner game for you? it makes you an alpha male, it makes you more congruent with your true self, your spiritual self. When I'm in an interaction, I feel like the whole club revolves around me and the girl at the moment, I focus on her, women can sense my inner game? how you asks, by my body language, my smile, sub-conciulsy they pick up on it on a spiritual level. I don't go in there to manipulate belive me I've tried some of this pua bullshhit and women could tell I was frontin, as soon as I started just being my best fun self. With no hidding agenda, things opened up for me
In retrospect
My game isn't where I want it to be Jayer, and I know yours isn't either but trust me partner, keep doing what you doing, you will get there, I have so much admiration for you. you are funny, ballsy, charismatic dude, one day you will look back on this and smile. All these flakeychicks don't sweat them their there to toughen you up, so when you meet "that one" who doesn't flake, you will apperciate her all the more!!!!
I do agree with BB/Izza about one thing, as well don't burn the "bridges" I remember a month ago, I got this girl number, she texted me later that night after the club and let me know she made home safe. I texted her next day, no response, i called her two days later no response, texted her on thanksgiving no response(I was like wtf??).
I stop calling her and guess what, she hit up a week and half later, we hung out and I "closed" her (knamean?) so don't burn those bridges (except for hb arab cause she is a tool)
also respect too
Biblebelt--you are a legend my friend your posts here have put some things in a clearer persceptive, for me, I wish you would make your own FR's because you drop a lot of jewels.
Izza--you have my upmost respect as well, whether you knew it or not you were trying to teach Jayer inner game from the start, although your view is more from a philosphers point of view, i can respect that
Stephane--wherever you may be, you also had some great input here
Theinfamous Don Gorgon--LOL @ you, I wish u would post more on things that have helped your game out, instead of always point the obvious about how women are this or that, from some of your post I've read you get laid, so why not post your success(and help your fellow man out)?
anyway Jayer I expect great things from you in the next coming year....