Do not waste more effort on a plate than she is worth. Only you can decide how much effort is too much based on what you get out of it.
Have balls but be sensible. I.g. Don’t be afraid to go for the girl you want but I wouldn’t do it if she’s with her steroid head boyfriend.
Girls that play too many games or are capricious don’t deserve too much effort or emotional investment. IMHO at least
Even if things look good and IOI and IL are present never get your hopes up too fast. Girls change like the wind.
Don’t let a girl see you lose your cool. Vent somewhere else or do an activity to release frustration.
3S rule is Gold
Even if a girl puts your number in her cell it doesn’t mean she is less likely to flake.
Formula for getting the number: Open > False Time Constraint > Number Close
Bring up topics that you think she find interesting. Just don’t make it seem like you studied her.
Some girls look good 1 day and bad the next. Don’t disqualify them right away.
Smile and be light hearted.
Don’t make your approaches look planned but rather spontaneous.
Often if a girl is interested she will show some IOI.
Clubs are full of attention *****s. Don’t take it personally if you get rudeness.
After open initiate multiple thread routine. Do not be afraid to go for the number if you want it and don’t feel bad if you don’t get it.
Do not be outcome dependent.
Overanalyzing leads to frustration and is counterproductive.
Girls are all different with the timing of their
texts. Don’t use it to determine their IL.
Bar flies, club hoppers, and binge drinkers are not worth emotional investment. If they choose that over you, NEXT!
Curiosity is powerful. Use it to your advantage.
All that matters is how a girl feels about you in the current time frame. You can’t use the past to rationalize why she may be acting shady.
You may not be attracted to a girl you’ve picked up after you see her again. This is ok and you shouldn’t force yourself to continue with it.
Both direct and indirect method work. In my experience indirect method has yielded better results yet my sample group is relatively small.
Talking about a girl’s nationality is great for flowing conversation. Try to become cultured.
Female friends of your target will often try to **** block. If you see it coming try to get the number asap and get out gracefully.
Don’t read into and overanalyze small details. Every girl is different. I.g. a girl calling you buddy or friend doesn’t necessarily mean you are in the FriendZone
Be patient with girls but always respect yourself.
Girls of all ratings will you find you attractive or not. Never take it personally.
If you feel there’s a chance you might not see a girl again before the night is over try and number close while you have the chance.
When girls are sarcastic or even use C&F on you it is perfectly normal and it does not mean FriendZone.
Some girls want you to be aggressive even if they don’t kino ping you or show overt IOI’s. Don’t be afraid to take a chance.
Make your kisses account. If you get a good kiss in and she ends it first that is fine, but don’t end it prematurely yourself just to have that satisfaction. It’s a detriment.
Do not appear like you are begging for a number or are needy.
Don’t be afraid to re-engage girls later in the night who have been dragged away by c-blocks. Again timing and position is crucial.
Sometimes the phone call seems to go well but the girl flakes and vice versa.
Be patient and do not text too quickly.
Don’t always take what girls say literally. What they say they want versus what turns them on can be different.
Girls often play games and are capricious. This is a fact, be calm, cool and collected.
Good phone game can build rapport and get a girl to meet you; even if the phone number was gotten without it.
Use Statements of Interest in a timely sincere manner and you can spike a girl’s IL in you.
Sometimes a girl can show all the signs of wanting to be kissed but then may not reciprocate when you actually go for it. Play it cool if that happens as if it doesn’t bother you and try again in the future.
All girls are different and expect different things.
Girls who are the bar can be approached and closed successfully by going next to them at the bar and talking to them from the side.
Come up with unique conversation dialogue that will make you stand out. I.g. Ask her for her middle name…
Girls that flake should be nexted or LJBF’d. Either way move on, there’s too many out there.
If you feel compelled to express hurt emotions to a woman, use humor.
Strike while the iron is hot using the right mechanics to score.
Some girls will make you play by their rules or they will next you. Only you can decide if its worth it.
Fundamental rules can be broken at times i.g. buying a girl a drink when you think it will make hooking up conducive. Use your best discretion.
Sincere comments from the heart can work. Make sure they are timely and not trite.