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It's no secret: "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction" are BULLSH*T

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
If you know anything about neuro-science, you'll know that you know nothing about neuroscience. Its a very new field, its young and very underdeveloped, just like most sciences.

However in the field of chemistry which I am sudying, the surface has barely been scratched. There are so many things continuously benig studied and developed, its mind boggling. And its chemistry, its relativelly simple compared to what happens inside a living organism, and its still so fvcking mysterious and complex!

And let's not get into things like thought patterns and the definition of conciousness in a living organism with some type of nervous system.
If you wish to construct an academic argument, then you must resort to citing academic references. It's all good to marvel at the wonder of such microscopic levels of existence but to specifically support the possibility of a quantum-neuro connection and argue against evidence of the contrary is serious heavyweight boxing. You surely probably know much more about neuroscience than myself, but since neither you nor I are qualified to speak on the matter then we must resort to citing real experts. Otherwise, all non-expert opinions of convergence between quantum physics and neurology is obliterated by the roadside Improvised Explosive Device it just drove over.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I'll make this my last reply on this thread, because I'm either not communicating/writing effectively, OR, it's more fun for those who respond to avoid or read into the statements.

**Although I posted the 1st thread here on "The Secret", I never claimed to have bought it lock, stock and barrel. I bought the message because I've seen the same message elsewhere. The question, what message are those guys hearing when they see the video? I have a feeling what I see and hear is different than what Belvidere and Deep Dish see and hear.

**I'll read your suggestions Belvidere, because I like new thought and exploration.

**No reason to get defensive, belvidere, no one attacked you, to my knowledge. I mentioned Mensa and PHD because I doubt anyone here has any REAL basis in physics and quantum mechanics, aside from a random book or 1 class they took in college or HS.

Now, onto my position and what I see, read, and hear...

**You see, whatever you believe. Without belief, nothing is possible. If guys didn't believe they could get more women, better women, a better quality of life, at the very least they wouldn't come here. This isn't the holy grail, but certainly it does lead a person on a personal quest to seek their best life. It encourages guys because some here help to encourage other's. You may not "buy" what everyone else believes...but at least it's a start on your own path.

**Being positive, thinking about a better outcome IS more affirmative than a negative outcome. Here's why, in several ways. First, the future is undecided. Only this moment is real. Time is a product of the mind. Tomorrow is not a real concrete thing. Even science would say that much. Truly time is actually creation. The growth of a tree is creation. It takes time to see that that sapling is a huge tree, but it's creation, not time that does it. When people say "it takes time," they should say it takes growth. The reason something isn't here and now is because you're now grown enough for it, and you truly don't want it. That's about all it takes. If you want it bad enough, then it's a matter of being that thing in orded to get it. I can want a great body bad enough, but my habits may not be in alignment with a great body. Time/growth will take care of that. I'll learn to eat right, lift right, and make health a part of my life, that will in turn, make it possible. How many people ditch programs because they just have BAD thoughts on actually succeeding with one?

The next part of this point...if you have a girl who THINKS that all men cheat, inevitably, the relationship will go that. Self-fulfilling prophecy is what it's called in modern, common terms. A girl may not act that way initially, but at the point she falls for you, she'll have flash backs to earlier, bad situations, which will lead to her sub/unconsciously thinking that. You may not see it, but she will. Because of her negative expectations, she'll act like it's already happened, or going to happen. She'll get jealous, or she'll snoop through your things, or she will be insecure; all habits that inevitably turn a man to cheat or dump her. And yet, maybe she's an awesome girl. I had a gf long-ago who was this way. Her previous 2 bf's had cheated on her or dumped her for another woman. Not her fault. Yet, about midway through our relationship, she acted like I would, b/c that's what her reality had constructed for her. She took that to be "this is what relationships are for me," although we know, it's whatever you believe it to be. MAYBE, she just thinks..."well, I'm a few guys closer to finding the one who will marry me." She didn't choose that thought pattern. Instead, she chose a negative one, and began acting negative because that future reality was the dominant, powerful choice. I recognized that switch in behavior and staved it off BEFORE it could infect us. We're no longer together, not because of that, but because we just wanted different things. Suffice it to say...how many people a certain outcome or belief pattern, act accordingly to see that happen, then wonder why they always get the same thing??

Our expectations of the future, will drive our current actions, and in turn, we will drive our future results. How can someone NOT say that such thinking isn't true? And yet...it's spread across every book I've ever read. Everything I've ever posted was with this underlying point.

Any guy who wants a change...can't be thinking..."gee, I know this hot girl will LJBF me, but I'll be her puppy dog anyways." You can't think that way. "You should be thinking, maybe things won't work this girl, but I'm going to maximize THIS moment to the fullest, so I can learn for the future and enjoy my life now, and eventually I will meet that hot girl who totally clicks with me." And you know what...you will. You can't FORCE through will, wishing or prayer, anyone who doesn't love you to love you. BUT, you can by how you think bring about your potential future. Isn't that attracting to you what you want?

A guy who does NOT think he will ever get the girl he wants...won't. He won't think highly enough of himself to get her, even if she totally digs him. I'm willing to bet there's lots of guys who found out a girl liked him, that are here now, but he didn't feel worthy, simply because of self limiting beliefs. AM I right?

**If you want to argue on the merits of the Secret Specifically, that's not what I'm here for. I was here to point out that the Book and Movie made contributions to human thinking and improvement, and has done more good than ill.

People argue INCESSANTLY that SoSuave has gone down hill, or is more bytch prone. Well, this post is a great example of that. Instead of seeing where the Real World, Real Life examples of this can be applied...we've wasted the mental energy of many brilliant people, tons of internet pages, countless hours of electricity, just to what...argue over a video...that will be forgotten, or is forgotten? Six pages of posts...and instead of dissecting the thoughts I threw out there...guys came up here to breakdown what some of the authors said in the movie. That's why I said I'd be smug, because I tried to explain my point, nobody looked at it, and instead, wanted to harp on a movie I actually AGREED with some of the guys could attract the loonies and kool-aid drinkers. Even when I conceded that point...people still chose to argue instead of going over what I did write, and what I had written before. Hence, my contention it was for ego gratification, and not for actual learning.


1. Positive expectations, leads to positive actions, that brings about positive and desired results. This action is what "attracts" what you want. Negative expectation or thought stifles action and progress.
2. Thinking is our means of "touching" the world around us. All 5 senses are a means of thinking, and touching the world. If our thoughts are colored, so will the world we see, for better or worse. The pain you "feel" after a workout can deter or attract you to lifting more. What you hear from a teacher can motivate or deflate your dreams. What you taste can drive you to be an alcoholic or a pure health nut. The senses provide feedback like tendrils on the world. And each thought is unique to the individual, and must pass through our own internal filter which colors the world.
3. If you think something is true, it is. If you don't think something is true, it isn't. I.e. Henry Ford's quote.
4. If you be about something, you attract everything related to it. Any guy who's immersed himself in the PUA community, eventually attracted and brought to him circumstances as an AFC he could never have fathomed. I've read countless blogs by guys who went from zero to hero, on his own terms, not on the terms guys here would set up. And if you're wondering, I use the examples of chicks and PUA because it's the most common one here.


Lastly, maybe it's selfish or eqotistical of me to tell people how to 'think' about this movie and book. I've read it, and extrapolated valuable ideas that have helped me personally. I can't speak on all of the speakers in the book/movie, but I have read much of the material presented by many of authors, and also read much material that isn't there, too. Tossing this movie and book aside, rather than viewing the pieces of it that are valuable, would be a mistake. But, that's my opinion, and I"m sticking to it.

Done and Signing Off,



Don Juan
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Who's to say that positive emotions create positive things and vice versa. When positive and negative are just words created by us.

I believe that what happens to us isn't created by us as individuals but by us as a whole. None of this secret bs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Are you serious? I've been dating at least two girls for as long as I've wanted to give girls time in my life. I've really never given the dating advice on this site (mainly from people like you who dont know a situation, but pretend to be experts) any credence.
Maybe you should focus on LEADING her trough an experience she will really enjoy, instead of 'giving her time'.
In order for her to see you as a MAN, you must ACT like one.
And I'll tell you one thing, a MAN does not wait untill a woman makes up her mind. He is DOMINANT (not domineering) in the mating sequence. If you don't get the woman you want, you don't fully understand the mating sequence (or she's psycho). If you WANT a girl and you don't get her, you are unsuccesfull. If you want to be succesfull, learn from the people who get the women they want. No condemnation, just telling you the way it is.

Belividere, I think your will to serve is very good and I can admire that you are willing to go down the honorable path, but I think you're forgetting one thing.

Financial freedom is something wonderfull and I believe everyone is entitled to that.

I personnaly believe that a lot of diseases are actually caused by leading stressfull lives.
I think it's important to realise that these principles can teach us become more joyful in life and free of stress. That is going to prevent a lot of people getting sick.

Here is a beautiful piece of advice that come to me along the years:
The best way to solve a problem, is to never have them in the first place
The way I see it is this:
I want to show myself and other people how they can live a great life, be confident, get the results they want and enjoy & appreciate every moment that they are alive.

If you want to be a a doctor that's great and I respect that, but I don't understand why you won't be willing to pursue abundance in all areas of life.

BTW: I don't think I need that cancer cure, I plan to live a healthy life, but if I ever need it I'll give ya a call ;)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Holland, A lot of disease is genetic also. I know people who are easy going and excercise and eat right. Yet they have cancer or heart problem which their parents had and so forth.

My parents have a friend who is 60. He is a fanatic about health, is wealthy beyond belief because he is gay and his lover died and left him his gazillion dollar estate. No stress ever in his life. He never worked a day after he turned 26. He is a big fan of self help seminars (Tony Robbins,meditation,,ect) Anyway, his doctors have always marveled about his health. 2 years ago he was feeling chest pains and the doctor did some sort of test just to rule out heart condition. Guess what? Even the doctor was shocked this guy needed a triple bypass. The guy was super shocked because he thought he was healthy as a horse.Since he was adopted he never knew his family history. This prompted him to look for
his relatives. After researching he found a sister and 3 brothers,born after him. There was a family history of heart problems and 2 of his sibblings had already had issues with it. So though you can attract some health problems with stress, you also have to understand some of it is beyond your control if it is genetic.


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
The secret is not bullsh!t, nor is the answer to life's problems..hell, its not even a scret!

It's focking common sense.. focus on the things you want in your life and you are more likely to get them. This is simple creative visualization, nothing new here.

All the same, despite what the makers of the Secret will tell you there is such a thing as luck. Life is not fair and we are not dealt the same hand... I dont care how happy or positive you are, if you are born fat, ugly and retarded, no positive thinking will change that.

So yeah, I see the value of the Secret.. it promotes creative visualization, which is better than sittign around saying "poor me"". But no I dont agree with everything the movie says. I am smart enough to take the lessons I want to learn and leave out the BS.

Looking at this thread I just shake my head at most of you fools, who sit there with these concrete ideas of what is and what isn't, totally incapable of independent thought outside your comfort zone.

Ever hear the expression "Take things with a grain of salt" ? Some of you need to look it up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Who's to say that positive emotions create positive things and vice versa. When positive and negative are just words created by us.

I believe that what happens to us isn't created by us as individuals but by us as a whole. None of this secret bs.
Positive = makes us feel good. Negative = makes us feel bad. Positive and negative are words made up to describe an experience. Regardless of the words, they are fundamental to the universal composition as we know it. Positive and negative, being used in chemistry, is how things link together. Do we recall protons, neutrons, and electrons? Obviously we will go deeper as time passes, but as of now, positive and negative is a solid way to describe something that is universally known by billions.

Regarding what happens to us...a post was made in ANYTHING ELSE by a regular poster stating that 90% of life is HOW we take what happens to us, and 10% is what actually happens. Few people are born INTO riches and fame, yet they create them. Even fewer people are born with perfect bodies, yet they create them. Few people try to PUSH their genetic potential, mentally and physically, and yet feel they were dealt a raw deal. If people kept pushing til they REALLY found a limit, there's no telling what this place would be. All limitations are self-imposed. Countless stories of triumph are posted all the time, yet people born into basically the richest, most opportunistics country complain when their starting point is better than the majority of the world's starting points.

You really should read this link from a motivational speaker who has a lot to say about why he sees wrong with "the secret".He makes some very good points.


Here is is home page. He is obviosuly successful.

Good for him. I'll read his stuff. But as I began doing it, it was very...empty, and quite basic. The people who responded were...'average', and were of the type who likely didn't read anything PRIOR to the secret. Those are the people Deep Dish and other's are pointing out. Those who ONLY found the secret, and will use it like a new religion. The people who won't look anywhere else. The fact people who will eat donuts, and go to dunks and order tons of sugar, then WISH to be thin, and WISH away calories in their bad foods. I read replies on his site by the people, and it was clear they'd never heard the message of the secret elsewhere. If you haven't, then you haven't read widely enough.

Holland, A lot of disease is genetic also. I know people who are easy going and excercise and eat right. Yet they have cancer or heart problem which their parents had and so forth.

My parents have a friend who is 60. He is a fanatic about health, is wealthy beyond belief because he is gay and his lover died and left him his gazillion dollar estate. No stress ever in his life. He never worked a day after he turned 26. He is a big fan of self help seminars (Tony Robbins,meditation,,ect) Anyway, his doctors have always marveled about his health. 2 years ago he was feeling chest pains and the doctor did some sort of test just to rule out heart condition. Guess what? Even the doctor was shocked this guy needed a triple bypass. The guy was super shocked because he thought he was healthy as a horse.Since he was adopted he never knew his family history. This prompted him to look for
his relatives. After researching he found a sister and 3 brothers,born after him. There was a family history of heart problems and 2 of his sibblings had already had issues with it. So though you can attract some health problems with stress, you also have to understand some of it is beyond your control if it is genetic.
Your posts, despite what you posted earlier, are quite negative, and rely heavily on "fate." First...cancer already exists in the body. Cancer is purely mutated cells that contaminate and take over the body. Given how many cells we have...we already have cancer, it's just "under wraps". Over time, because of diet, nutrition, medicine, inactivity, age, and stress, the immune system succumbs to the environment. However, if you choose to be health, eat healthy, and be active you can STAVE off genetics. No one can completely erase the impact genetics play, however, he probably LENGTHENED his life, while you are pointing out the fact he was actually unlucky and lived a shorter life.

We have diseases and bacteria ALL around us, but no one gets sick, I wonder why? Why do nurses not get sick daily, but patients who finished surgery contract a disease in the hospital and die? A combination of genetics, age, and activity. Activity and healt being more important than genetics. But you make of life what you will. I know nurses, they're never sick. It's when people are sick with flues, that most are mutated beyond containing because of all the antibiotics, that EVERYONE gets sick. The more times we try to kill it, the more times it evolves and everyone gets it. Right now stomach flues are going around. Few people have the antibodies to fight it off b/c they consume constant supplies of medicine, which forces it to grow ever stronger.

No to mention, this guy represents 1 in 6 billion people? He isn't the whole world, and it's hard to evalute "life" and what's being said in this post based on 1 person, unless we're talking God, Jesus, or the holy Trinity.

What we thought to be concrete reality when the world was flat, was only misaligned perception.

What we thought to be concrete reality when we didn't have cars, was only misaligned perception.

What we thought to be conrete reality when didn't fly to the moon, was only misaligned perception.

Saying that "this is reality," never even brings the possibility of another, alternate, and better form of reality to exist, because you killed it before it had a chance to come to birth.

Good call, Ninja Pimp...who's to say what's "real?" I got on this post purely to clear a few things up about I saw the secret to be and not be, say there's multiple videos as far as I know, and that the secret is only 1 in many from the community of thought out there. How it's gotten twisted into an ego pissing who's got the biggest contest, I don't know. You believe? Fine. You don't believe? Fine. But that's YOUR reality. Take care with it, because alot of people will try to tell you what it should or shouldn't be, when no one TRULY knows.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Negative me? No, I'm a realist. Why is it if someone has an opinion other than yours they are negative? Aren't you being negative by saying that?? I've spent my life in New York and Beverly Hills. There are some very mean and neagative folks here. By sheer luck, many have all of what anyone can want financially. Others with good hearts ,positive attitude,strong will and spiritual have not had such luck. I do believe in positive thinking. If you thing Kevin Hogan is negative, then tell that to the companies that hire him as a motivational speaker to drive up sales.

You cannot take the fact thought effects the whole universe and say it is law. If you read Kevins article Joe Vitale himself answered "that yes, he believes people in Africa who are starving manifest their own bad luck". Please explain why that is true. Read the whole article before you go off on me.

I understand you control your life and positivity will get you further than negativity.Never said different. In fact without positive attitude and belief in yourself, you will get nowhere. But to think you control the outcome of everything by the way you think is not always so. There are other people with free will that can knock down your dreams in 1 second. People get fired everyday, not always by their own doing. But by having a boss who does not like them or wants to give others that position. Affirmative action is here because people would not get hired for the color of their skin. Is that right? Could they have used the law of attraction to get a high paying job and make others less racist? You cannot control people with your thoughts. But you can control your life to a certain point.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
ricorico said:
I understand you control your life and positivity will get you further than negativity.Never said different. In fact without positive attitude and belief in yourself, you will get nowhere. But to think you control the outcome of everything by the way you think is not always so. There are other people with free will that can knock down your dreams in 1 second. People get fired everyday, not always by their own doing. But by having a boss who does not like them or wants to give others that position. Affirmative action is here because people would not get hired for the color of their skin. Is that right? Could they have used the law of attraction to get a high paying job and make others less racist? You cannot control people with your thoughts. But you can control your life to a certain point.
You're telling us that if your boss doesn't like you its not at least partly your doing? You're telling us that if you consistently do your job badly and you get fired its not your fault? You're telling us that black people get hired for high paying jobs now because of what, luck?

The way to change a situation isn't always obvious but you need to have a goal in mind if you actually want to change it. When you set that goal you'll start noticing opportunities to get to it. Ever notice how when you get a new car you pay a lot more attention to other cars of the same make/model/colour on the road? Its because its on your mind and its the same principal as with attraction. Sure, they got a little unrealistic in making it seem like everything will fall on your lap if you just think about it in The Secret, but there is real truth to idea that what you're thinking about has an effect on your actions. You also have to bear in mind that you can't achieve ANYTHING, like you can't go see another solar system within your lifetime since it'll take longer to get there than you'll be alive. If its something thats been done by someone before, theres no reason why you can't do it. :up:

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
darwinian_sympathiser said:
Maybe me and you ought to write a long essay debunking "The Game" by Neil Strauss.
Perhaps. I'll keep in touch.
I still find it incredibly amazing how humans can delude themselves, but I suppose when it comes to love everyone plays the fool.
I do suppose...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
I'm saying before affirnative action, there were many companies in the North and South that would not hire a person simply because of skin color.

There are shows in the past that filmed black people or other minorities applying for an apartment. They have a person call before they get there to make sure the apartment is still available. But as soon as the minority person shows up, they say the apartment has just been rented. But an hour later, they will have the white person show up and they are told the apartment is VACANT.I'm saying the law of attraction should have been working back then and today if it is a law..

But you cannot control who people have prejudice for, or their actions.That is why they made laws you have to hire a certain amount of minorities in your company ,in order to avoid qualified people from not getting jobs due to skin color. This may not happen it your state, but it still happens. But still, the laws of attraction should have been working for minorities forever since "it is a law?

In a few cases sometimes you do your job and they downsize. Sometimes, yes the boss may unfairly choose someone they like to stay. There are a lot of managers that are not that great, but have protectors or family members that protect their job and position. I know a girl who kept her job not because she was a great employee. But because her fat ass threatened to sue the company and they gave in.

This is from an article written about a less than capable boss. In the real world sometimes you are not qualified for the job but still get it above someone who is.
So you work for a dimwit. Unfortunately, you have two choices: Get over it or get out.

That's the advice from Kathleen Lundin, coauthor of "When Smart People Work for Dumb Bosses: How to Survive in a Crazy, Dysfunctional Workplace."

The problem in most cases, she said, is that your boss isn't going anywhere. Those who are in charge either had enough acumen to get themselves to the spot above you, they have the benefit of a protector, or they own the place."

End of article.

Again, I am not saying positivity is not a good thing. I keep saying without it you will fail. I am just stating there is no law of the Universe . You are what makes your destiny to the best of your ability. A man born in a part of Africa where there is famine or Rebels can make the best of his situation. But he cannot have everything he wants.

A Chinese man born as an endentured servant through generations and a virtual slave, cannot use the laws of attraction to make him a millionaire . But he can use his positive thinking to get as far as he can in the life he is given.

A man in India born of a ceratin Caste system can try to use the power of attraction all he wants to live in a mansion with his family. But his will, drive and positive thinking will only get him the best he will have in his country and his situation. The law of the Universe if it was a law should work for everybody,everywhere anytime.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Life's little absurdities is very evident to me along with everyone else with a scientific mind...

Ignorance is bliss... and many people wish to be blissful... thus... those "positive thought effecting the universe" writers make millions... now when there is no problem present... the believers think they got their money's worth... proclaiming "hey look at that... things are going right in my life so the idea of total life control by thought must be right"... and when things are going not so right... 1 of 2 things happen... the believers realize not every thing is within ones control... or the believers chastise themselves for not being more positive about things... which will make them see safety measures (actions) as not being more important than what they think... thinking if they think they're invincible they'll eventually become like that...

Yet that 0.01% of self doubt makes you buckle up...

As stated before... life is complex... like a calculus test... there are different functions needed to get good results... positive thought is like top speed on the road of life which is filled with corners having numerous ups and downs... therefore sometimes you gotta switch up thinking speed... vary the positive...

Consider neg hits on a rated 10 chick... negative thoughts provide expressions of wit ... positive thoughts are totally unnecessary in that incident... it definitly won't make one stick to the road of life improvement like a magnet...

So you see a dynamic self-improving life is totally emotionaly mixed up... like a symphony... positive on strings and negative on bass... oh what a joy it is to have a well orchestrated symphony in ones mind... beautifull life rhythms... and no one is gonna master music by thinking positive thoughts alone... you gotta practice... practice... and practice some more... and the negative thought of "not enough" will cause for over-learning of the thing which is much better than under-learning on a positive thought...


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
At a roulette table does the most positive person win? You'd think the casinos would be wise to that one.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
You people don't get the big idea here. Try and think outside of the square for once. If you have a positive outlook in everything you do even when crap happens to you you will think of a way out of it. Thats what your meant to learn here, the idea your meant to learn is that you can achieve anything you set your mind too, yea just thinking about such things wont make it happen but actually doing things to make that dream come true, will eventually pay off. And if you work hard enough at it you can make it happen very very quickly.

Thats what the secret is thats what the law of attraction is.

Heres a real example, most people came here to try and better themselves at getting chicks, what did you do you sat there thinking about how one day you would become this great stud that can get all the girls you wanted. You went out and cold approached and talked to girls and got dates got layed and after a few weeks to a few months (depending on how hard you worked at it) you became the stud you had imagined.

In cute lingo you attracted the success of being able to get women. Now go apply the same ideas in everything you want to do and become and it will happen.

Stop taking everything so seriously and literally you dumb fu(ken rejects, learn to expand your retarded minds for once ya dipsh!ts.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Nighthawk said:
At a roulette table does the most positive person win? You'd think the casinos would be wise to that one.
Well put...

Being all positive concerning getting positive outcomes on something exhibiting randomless isn't a wise move... as if the mind can control the spin of the roulette wheel or where the ball will eventually stop...

Why do some get frustrated and annoyed when told their life needs balance?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Interesting and well-thought out replies...

Having read through them....

What you're saying ricorico is YOUR law of the universe then. That there's some GREATER grand design, call it chance, call it chaos, call it luck, that resides over all of us? Am I somewhere along that path?

That said...this is same "racist" culture that you perceive to exist can only be beaten if this person experiencing racism still fights through it. What do you say of Nelson Mandela who spent decades in Jail? He most certainly did not give up. He's a flesh and blood man like all the rest of us, with the only differing qualities behing his beliefs and thoughts. He came out of Jail and has done magnificent things. Sure, the doors may not be EASY for you to get what you want...the universe doesn't place things in your lap...but quite nearby for those who want and work for something badly enough.

But it's defeatist to think in such terms. Sure, you're fired without cause. First, if they have no reason, you have legal recourse. Second, it's too late, move on. Get another job. If your life is so much of what your job is, then you probably needed a realignment anyways. I can't help the racist aspects you perceive to be real...but certainly those people who experience them can't give up. And they are NOT law. Only centuries ago, blacks were slave, right? Well, where are we now? Not everyone in America is a racist as you perceive them to be. I live in New England, and maybe I"m ignorant, but I don't see the problems you seem to be speaking on that are you laws. Plus, they are quite off the topic.

If you listen to Jim Rohn...he talks about how one of the magical qualities of great leaders over time is a CAN DO ATTITUDE. There's nothing they can't do with belief. There's nothing they won't do with belief. The Bible mentions Jesus having the same attitude (if you believe in that). Sure, a door may shut...but it's the POSITIVE attitude to go on...to find the next way to make a light bulb work. To make the next engine a 6 cylinder as henry ford wanted when no 6 cylinders existed.

You can't control when a hot girl you approach totally blows out on you. Or a girl you like, that you date for weeks and maybe even sleep with, totally flakes and goes AWOL. That you can't control. That's the BLISS of life. We're living it. Not scripted on some stage as all of Hollywood is, but we're taking part in it everyday. We are the art of the world. And you'll go on, and meet a BETTER, HOTTER, more down to earth girl. I've ALWAYS met the girl I wanted to meet within short-time. Always. Never fails. And you'd swear I dreamnt her up, because she always matches what I'm thinking about at that point.

As far as the job goes...so what. I was going for an internship in college that would have paid for my MBA, too. In retrospect, I doubt I would have liked the job, had the freedom, or made the money I've made. My friend trumped me on it. I thought I was the best. Turns out he had a slightly higher GPA and being frat president only put the straw on that camel's back. He went to work there, met his wife, and loves what he does. I've taken my own path. Should I grumble about it because this lead me down a better road? Sometimes that DOOR we perceive to be closing...is opening up a better door of opportunity.

I feel like I've fought tooth and nail to provide...some uplifting advice. To counter what I perceive to be negative mind set. However, I'm used to it, because I witness it first hand in life everyday. People who are beaten down, lack hope, or want to be "real." What is real if you've never PUSHED yourself to experience anything other than THIS? Yeah...if you move you may not have 100 friends RIGHT away. And sure, if you begin lifting today, you won't be Arnold tomorrow. And fine, if you begin putting money into mutual funds on Monday, you won't be wealthy. BUT...that's the first step on journeys that last 1000 miles. And eventually you'll keep pushing to a new best.

As far as people in other countries. Without being there and experiencing it...I'd be ignorant and egotistical to speak on it. So I won't.



Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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A-Unit said:
Sometimes that DOOR we perceive to be closing...is opening up a better door of opportunity.
I recently broke my right leg and felt really bad. Dealing with the consequences of it made me put SO much things in perspective I now think this is being a very good experience!

A-Unit said:
I feel like I've fought tooth and nail to provide...some uplifting advice. To counter what I perceive to be negative mind set. However, I'm used to it, because I witness it first hand in life everyday. People who are beaten down, lack hope, or want to be "real." What is real if you've never PUSHED yourself to experience anything other than THIS?
Reality IS created. My aunt is a very nice person and all, but her life SUCKS!!! Just today I was observing her, he is ALWAYS finding reasons to COMPLAIN about things!!

Isn't this one of the main focus of this site? As Vulpine says, if you look for negatives you end up finding/creating it.

A-Unit said:
As far as people in other countries. Without being there and experiencing it...I'd be ignorant and egotistical to speak on it. So I won't.
I am from Brazil. I can second everything you say. I would like to add that my country has great potential in many areas, but people here think so low of themselves. Brazilians have this scarce mentality to the maximum level... they think you can't get anything without taking it from someone else. It's a dog eat dog world big time around here, and yet, all I see is abundance. This says much.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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It's amazing how much negative energy some proponents of "The secret " are giving out because others may have a different opinion. NOONE is saying positive thinking is not key. We are just saying we do not belive there is " a law of the universe" . Practice what you preach.At least be positive in your responses.I believe in God which is why I believe when one door closes another opens.s because GOD may have a different and better plan for me then I had wanted for myself. At times I may focus on what is wrong, but God will put me back into prespective.

My parents made sure my we visited Africa and Haiti. I have seen real poverty as we are privaledged. It is very sad to see a starving mother in Africa or Haiti begging for money. They have no free school in those countries like here. Also, a lot of the rich people in those countries will try to keep the poor down. The salaries are ridiculousy low, like $50 bucks a month, but many things are expensive. So many people cannot even afford an education even in the worst school.

Many of these people pray and are spiritual. The kids really hopeful and innocent. They beg foreigners to take them back home to their country as many kids live in the streets.

It's heartbreaking to see and to think these people made their destiny is so wrong. They were born in a society where there is extreme poverty, no free school and people who treat them as slaves. We have 1 kid who lives in Haiti which my parents sort of adopted. They pay for his education in a really good school and he is doing well. His mother sells bread to make a living. But without my parents help this kid would not have been able to go to school. Can we help everyone? NO, but we certainly can help one at a time. many people in the world who have a lot of money can be negative thinkers,bitter and selfish. Just like folks who are poor. .. If the ones with money, took a real good look at the world and tried to see what they can do to help, instead of blaming folks in certain countries for their predicament, the world would be a better place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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1) Ok, so the reason people are disagreeing or engaging in heated discussion is because the maker's of the video purport there is a Universal Law known as "attraction?"

-There is some universal law that binds positive to negative, male to female, etc, that much can't be disputed. Whether it applies to life is a matter of belief, and results. If people take issue with that fine. The only sticking point for me, here, in this thread, which probably makes me look like a fool, and has gotten us WAY off target is that...there is value in the secret. It's foolish of me to convince other people a different mindset. What I've tried to point out through the length of this post is that people have very contradictory opinions and statements.

-How can you be here, wanting a change, desiring a change, and not believe that there is some law or principle of attraction?
-How can you not believe in positive expectation versus negative expectation?
-Did any of the speakers in the video make one ounce of sense, or are they all BS? (If some do, then there is value to the movie).
-Has anyone read books by the other speakers?
-How can you want wealth, if you've never had it, expect to get it, but not apply these principles?
-What did you read in the movie? Discuss. Open up. Clarify.

2) If you're spiritual, and believe in a god, or THE GOD, take issue with him as to 'why' there's poor people and why there's rich people. Do I have that answer? No. There's economic reasons. The Why of our universe isn't 100%. There are poor people in the US who shouldn't be as they're born in the best place to maximize their potential. For them, it's a waste of life. And there are spiritually rich people born in other countries who probably don't deserve what they experience either. But then what does that mean...we're all creatures of chance? If you were in the most DIRE circumstances where life just totally sucked...would you stay in the middle? Would you do nothing? Would you hope for nothing? If you did, then you've already resolved to die. If not, you'll resolve to live and find life, come hell or high water.

All the people on the planet have a power available to them greater than any we've known before...unity. If we don't LIKE the circumstances around us, we can band together and create a different world, a different reality. But not all the people evidently think that, or it's not universally bad enough for enough people to band together. And then there are the few who believe all life is "chance", and that nothing can be changed, and fate will carry us like a leaf in the wind. If that works, fine.

Each of us are dealt a hand to maximize what we have. Who knows...maybe if we prove our worth, we got to heaven, or some eternal resting place. Or maybe, we're all just reliving lives over again, in some karmatic cycle. Or maybe, this place is heaven already and we don't realize it because we're so busy trying to find crappy things we never appreciate the good that does exist. Whatever THIS thing called existence is...I certainly don't know what it is. What I do know, that the only thing we can do is maximize our existence by doing our greatest good and our greatest bliss.

If you've sacrificed your wealth for the greater good, you still did so for selfish reasons, otherwise you'll live out your days in disdain for the choice you made. See Ayn Rand on that if you want greater clarity.

If you're sacrificing your happiness for someone else, you still did so for you, because apparently you get more joy when other people experience joy. But can it be said to be joy if you have to give, and someone doesn't give it to themself, or don't choose to experience it themself?


One last bit...everything in existence has an opposite, otherwise, we wouldn't know existence from non-existence. Black has white. Up has down. Ugly has pretty. Existence has non-existence. Heaven has hell. It's as if without opposites, nothing would exist. If everything was perfect, we'd have really nothing to do. No work. No wealth. No anything. Because it would all be some white, bland canvas upon nothing needs to be painted because perfection exists. But then walla, the world comes, and there's stuff to do. There's opposite. Two sides of a coin. Male and female. Hot and cold. Big and small. Wealthy and poor. On and on.

In life, because of the opposites factor...you'll always find what you seek. Because it exists. If something exists, it's opposite has to exist, too. Therefore, you can see one side of the coin, or the other. You CHOOSE to see what happens as positive or negative. I needn't go into the story of the farmer, his son, and the horse, as it's been posted before here, and in NLP books.

I've tried to be as positive as I can be given how this thread has devolved over time and was setup to "attack" rather than discuss or debate. Even the title says "BULLSHYT." That alone led some down 1 path. I also have a strong aversion to non-sense, and tend to set out on a warpath if people talk without backing it up. Suffice it to say...I've only disagreed on a few key points, and conceded some points, as I'm here to discuss things. Pull out quotes. Call me out on them. Challenge me. I enjoy it. It forces me to think more about what I say and believe and not cling to false hopes and reality.

All the best,
