If anyone was going to counter your original article, DD, I would, but...
1) The article misunderstood the video, interpretted what it wanted, and has never faced straight up what it was about. If it's not directly facing what "The Secret" was about, then what argument need I make to defend anything? I don't defend things anyways. If perspectives are off, I'll realign them.
2) It's evident that some have only seen Oprah, or seen the glitzy version of the Secret and never dl'ed the link I originally posted.
As of I've pointed out...this author took only the current media-hyped version, perhaps with disdain for Oprah or any hokey new fab science and wanted to make a name for himself. The fact you hold so steadfast to this one article is very diminishing as a standpoint of fact. It's a leaky argument, to say the least.
The Secret was NEVER about NON-action. Everyone who's in the video, who's books I've read BEFORE the Secret came out are ALL about action, so that everyone who hasn't seen it or isn't clear realizes that. My own book list posted on this site, number in the 100's, I've read through, comprises of Waitely, Proctor, Hicks, et al. I have a different perspective, and as I pointed out...disproving The Secret is only ONE element of a grander scheme here, which like Jinga or a house of cards, would pull this whole site down, would pull down everything anyone has talked about here.
Do we not get that...or are my posts to real for people to actually read and end this debt?
Have you seen the Video Deep Dish? Have you read the Author's work's (i.e. Napolean Hill, Robert Collier, Esther Hicks, Denis Waitely, Bob Proctor, The Master Key System, The Power of Concentration, OSHO, Michael Losier?) I'm sorry, without even considering reading those books to get a broad cross-section of the science behind programs like the Secret and one's to come, I can't respect the article. If anything, it should be posted for one's viewable pleasure, but people should reserve comment until they KNOW, from reading, from experience, about what they talk about it.
Did anyone watch the Oprah Episode?
Has anyone sat and watched the Secret video, multiple times? The original, with Esther Hicks?
I'm not Defending those Kool-aid drinks who feel it's a new religion, or will make things happen without action. Watch the video. It talks ALL about action. It alls what you think about you get. (Nothing new there, Yogi, Tony Robbins does the same thing, as does Dr Phil).
The Steps listed in the Book are:
1. Ask
2. Believe
3. Receive
The ASK and BELIEVE stages are...ACTION. But most people outline goals and say..."Gee, I'm not...good looking enough for that girl." "Gee, I'm not...qualified enough for that." Like I'd isn't a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation...but if guys TRULY don't believe they can get and attract what's in their mind, right now, by coming here, by going to college, by working 40-50 hours a week busting their hump, why are they here?
Tell me DD...did you come here without a track record, or had you scored? Do you have goals in life? Do you hope to work toward them? Do you nail 100% of them? Do you VISUAL what you want before you go for it? Read any BIG BIG review from any major person, be they athlete, be they celebrity, be they Buffet, or Cuban, or Gates, or Trump...and the one synonymous thread you'll find is...GRAND VISION. Even Mystery, in THE GAME, had a grand vision of PROJECT HOLLYWOOD, returned from his retreat to "help" and made it happen. He envisioned how it would be, and then acted upon it. He knew he had it, without already having it. Now, Project Hollywood is a model for many other similar Project Pickup Houses.
What the Secret said was...
That means if you've made a request in general, to the universe, to yourself, to your God, make it. Write it down. Then work toward it. Go for it. It will come. Maybe for some that's a "DUH" moment, because if you work for anything it will happen...BUT, if you're going outside your comfort zone MANY people can't see a bigger, better day. Many AFC's can't fathom NOT having one-itis, or being at clubs acting confident and approaching women. And yet, it happens all the time.
I didn't counter the article because it doesn't make sense. It's clear the author doesn't understand this is one contribution to thought systems, NOT a specific system of thought. It's marketing hype to draw the masses. Unfortunately, the final version leaves Esther Hicks, I'm told, and that's a grave error, as she's key to much contribution on thought of the past decades. It's not going to have a church erected and expect donations. Article aside...go find...
1. The master key system
2. The power of concentration
3. Law of attraction by Michael Losier
4. Think and Grow Rich
5. Osho Books
6. Ask and It is Given
7. The Secret video and movie.
8. Denis Waitely
9. Bob Proctor
10. Robert Collier "the secret of all ages."
11. Tony Robbins
12. Any other big author, Henry Ford "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
13. Early donald trump books.
14. NLP
As far as historical me a skeptic there...history is written by the victor, but not necessarily the morally right. I won't go further, because then we risk closing the thread altogether. Tons of posts have been made on 9/11, and that path only leads to "locking" this thread." Same with the holocaust, and I have Jewish relatves and am still sensitive to something like that. I wouldn't be talking on this...if I didn't have knowledge of and experience in what is espoused in the video. I can talk 'about' history, but I wasn't there. I still go on 2nd, 3rd and fourth hand knowledge. With this, I read books, I watch videos, I listen to cassettes, and then I act.
What no one has realized is...they're either misunderstanding what the Secret and all the above books actually talk about...or they're lying. Because you wouldn't be here, or doing anything in life...if you didn't believe through visualization, asking, prayer, faith, and belief, that you would get and create the world you want. Everyone has a different attraction or set point. The US is, by all comparison, the wealthiest general nation in the world, so people EXPECT more. A person in a poorer country might not want a BMW, but they might want a home, land, or regular feedings of food.
And I know for sure...nobody is helping anyone get any closer to what they want by offering up information that detracts. It's ok not to buy into the Secret, but imo, you also negate what books like Think and Grow Rich, and similar books have written. I don't feel the article and the author of that article is qualified to refute a book that has been around for nearly a decade and has proven results, where few other books can claim the same.
Good day to you sirs,