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It's no secret: "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction" are BULLSH*T


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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STR8UP said:
Ever notice that people in poorer countries and less advanced civilizations tend to be very superstitious?

My ex g/f was born in the Philippines in a very poor village. She had a few completely irrational superstitions that were obviously taught to her by her even more superstitious mother.

Watch almost any show on primitive tribal people and you will see the same thing. Lots of hoodoo voodoo boogeyman mumbo jumbo. Kinda sad to watch people relinquish their fate to "the spirits" when they are REALLY relinquishing their fate to those around them who DON'T believe in such malarkey. And so they remain, left behind those who take fate into their own hands. Oh well.....
Heh, does the U.S. qualify? 25% of Americans consider themselves Evangelical Christians (see "Jesus Camp")... which basically means that one out of every four Americans believes that the Earth is only a few thousand years old and that Jesus walked on water.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
A-Unit said:
FDA, I'm surprised at you...

AFC's have many beliefs, but they don't act on them? The very definition of psychology would have it's definition of BELIEF/BELIEVE turned upside down if it were applied to AFC's who come here.
Good note, I should clarify. AFCs in this forum who would like to improve their interactions with women yet don't change their actions (one of the differences between an AFC and a RAFC). Perhaps their ingrained AFC beliefs supersede their ability to rationalize the advantage of changing their actions.

Good post BTW. :up:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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If anyone was going to counter your original article, DD, I would, but...

1) The article misunderstood the video, interpretted what it wanted, and has never faced straight up what it was about. If it's not directly facing what "The Secret" was about, then what argument need I make to defend anything? I don't defend things anyways. If perspectives are off, I'll realign them.

2) It's evident that some have only seen Oprah, or seen the glitzy version of the Secret and never dl'ed the link I originally posted.

As of I've pointed out...this author took only the current media-hyped version, perhaps with disdain for Oprah or any hokey new fab science and wanted to make a name for himself. The fact you hold so steadfast to this one article is very diminishing as a standpoint of fact. It's a leaky argument, to say the least.

The Secret was NEVER about NON-action. Everyone who's in the video, who's books I've read BEFORE the Secret came out are ALL about action, so that everyone who hasn't seen it or isn't clear realizes that. My own book list posted on this site, number in the 100's, I've read through, comprises of Waitely, Proctor, Hicks, et al. I have a different perspective, and as I pointed out...disproving The Secret is only ONE element of a grander scheme here, which like Jinga or a house of cards, would pull this whole site down, would pull down everything anyone has talked about here.

Do we not get that...or are my posts to real for people to actually read and end this debt?

Have you seen the Video Deep Dish? Have you read the Author's work's (i.e. Napolean Hill, Robert Collier, Esther Hicks, Denis Waitely, Bob Proctor, The Master Key System, The Power of Concentration, OSHO, Michael Losier?) I'm sorry, without even considering reading those books to get a broad cross-section of the science behind programs like the Secret and one's to come, I can't respect the article. If anything, it should be posted for one's viewable pleasure, but people should reserve comment until they KNOW, from reading, from experience, about what they talk about it.

Did anyone watch the Oprah Episode?
Has anyone sat and watched the Secret video, multiple times? The original, with Esther Hicks?

I'm not Defending those Kool-aid drinks who feel it's a new religion, or will make things happen without action. Watch the video. It talks ALL about action. It alls about...how what you think about you get. (Nothing new there, Yogi, Tony Robbins does the same thing, as does Dr Phil).

The Steps listed in the Book are:

1. Ask
2. Believe
3. Receive

The ASK and BELIEVE stages are...ACTION. But most people outline goals and say..."Gee, I'm not...good looking enough for that girl." "Gee, I'm not...qualified enough for that." Like I'd said...it isn't a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation...but if guys TRULY don't believe they can get and attract what's in their mind, right now, by coming here, by going to college, by working 40-50 hours a week busting their hump, why are they here?

Tell me DD...did you come here without a track record, or had you scored? Do you have goals in life? Do you hope to work toward them? Do you nail 100% of them? Do you VISUAL what you want before you go for it? Read any BIG BIG review from any major person, be they athlete, be they celebrity, be they Buffet, or Cuban, or Gates, or Trump...and the one synonymous thread you'll find is...GRAND VISION. Even Mystery, in THE GAME, had a grand vision of PROJECT HOLLYWOOD, returned from his retreat to "help" and made it happen. He envisioned how it would be, and then acted upon it. He knew he had it, without already having it. Now, Project Hollywood is a model for many other similar Project Pickup Houses.

What the Secret said was...


That means if you've made a request in general, to the universe, to yourself, to your God, make it. Write it down. Then work toward it. Go for it. It will come. Maybe for some that's a "DUH" moment, because if you work for anything it will happen...BUT, if you're going outside your comfort zone MANY people can't see a bigger, better day. Many AFC's can't fathom NOT having one-itis, or being at clubs acting confident and approaching women. And yet, it happens all the time.

I didn't counter the article because it doesn't make sense. It's clear the author doesn't understand this is one contribution to thought systems, NOT a specific system of thought. It's marketing hype to draw the masses. Unfortunately, the final version leaves Esther Hicks, I'm told, and that's a grave error, as she's key to much contribution on thought of the past decades. It's not going to have a church erected and expect donations. Article aside...go find...

1. The master key system
2. The power of concentration
3. Law of attraction by Michael Losier
4. Think and Grow Rich
5. Osho Books
6. Ask and It is Given
7. The Secret video and movie.
8. Denis Waitely
9. Bob Proctor
10. Robert Collier "the secret of all ages."
11. Tony Robbins
12. Any other big author, Henry Ford "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
13. Early donald trump books.
14. NLP

As far as historical events....call me a skeptic there...history is written by the victor, but not necessarily the morally right. I won't go further, because then we risk closing the thread altogether. Tons of posts have been made on 9/11, and that path only leads to "locking" this thread." Same with the holocaust, and I have Jewish relatves and am still sensitive to something like that. I wouldn't be talking on this...if I didn't have knowledge of and experience in what is espoused in the video. I can talk 'about' history, but I wasn't there. I still go on 2nd, 3rd and fourth hand knowledge. With this, I read books, I watch videos, I listen to cassettes, and then I act.

What no one has realized is...they're either misunderstanding what the Secret and all the above books actually talk about...or they're lying. Because you wouldn't be here, or doing anything in life...if you didn't believe through visualization, asking, prayer, faith, and belief, that you would get and create the world you want. Everyone has a different attraction or set point. The US is, by all comparison, the wealthiest general nation in the world, so people EXPECT more. A person in a poorer country might not want a BMW, but they might want a home, land, or regular feedings of food.

And I know for sure...nobody is helping anyone get any closer to what they want by offering up information that detracts. It's ok not to buy into the Secret, but imo, you also negate what books like Think and Grow Rich, and similar books have written. I don't feel the article and the author of that article is qualified to refute a book that has been around for nearly a decade and has proven results, where few other books can claim the same.

Good day to you sirs,



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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A-Unit said:
It's ok not to buy into the Secret, but imo, you also negate what books like Think and Grow Rich, and similar books have written. I don't feel the article and the author of that article is qualified to refute a book that has been around for nearly a decade and has proven results, where few other books can claim the same.
If you're talking about think and Grow Rich. Its been around since 1937. That's 70 years.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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The original version is an hour and a half long. I hear talk about people on here having some 15 minute version.

Download the secret off www.isohunt.com, do a search for it. It's like 550 - 600mbs.


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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The here & now...
Deep Dish said:
LOL. What was the title and the content?
Well the title was along the same lines but with the emphasis on WHY the information given in The Secret,Esther Hicks/Abraham,Wayne Dyer,Seth/Jane Roberts and most of the New Age literature on consciouness-as-cause is incomplete and misleading.

As well as the issue of personal responsibilty which I mentioned earlier there are several reasons why these "methods" are incomplete but perhaps the most important is the inherent paradox that arises out of Deliberate Intending which is neither approached nor discussed by the majority of these popular titles.

I'll post it when I get a chance...if anyone is still interested of course.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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Did they edit out Esther Hicks in the final version?

What a shame. I was wondering way she did not get on Oprah and Larry King.
She was one of the best speakers in the original version.

A-Unit, I complement you for the fact you are willing to post such clear and absolutely correct information on the topic.
I did not have the patience to do so.
I hope people will learn from this wise man.

Basicly, all growth and self-improvement is based on the Secret.
That's what all the great authors and high achievers say in one shape or another.
If I may do so, I'll add to your list of works:

1. The master key system
2. The power of concentration
3. Law of attraction by Michael Losier
4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
5. Osho Books
6. Ask and It is Given
7. The Secret video and movie.
8. Denis Waitely
9. Bob Proctor
10. Robert Collier "the secret of all ages."
11. Tony Robbins
12. Any other big author, Henry Ford "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
13. Early donald trump books.
14. NLP
15. Brian Tracy's work (Psycholohy of Achievement, Science of Self-confidence)
16. Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention
17. Jay-Z and Roc-a-Fella Records, as well as some other hiphop artists
18. The power of your sub-concious mind by Joseph Murphy
19. Power vs. Force by David Hawkins
20. David Deangelo's Advanced Series
21. James Arthur Ray
And I would like to quote a pro skateboarder named Terry Kennedy in an interview in The Skateboard Mag:
What advice would you give to the younger kids out there? First off, just look at my situation and where I came from. There is always hope. You gotta believe in yourself, because if you don't believe within yourself, nobody is going to believe in you. Always stay positive. Whatever you reach for you can grab. I would never have wished for this shiit(back then), because I didn't know! But I was always a positive person and felt like I could do it. You always gotta have that in your heart. No negative crowds around you, you strive for your goal, and don't let nobody knock that down.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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I have seen the introductory free twenty minute video two times now, but as I speak I'm trying to download a torrent of the full thing. I'm a bit skeptical watching the full video will make too much of a difference because the introductory first twenty minutes seem to lay down the basic premise, and I assume the rest of the material focuses on the details of the "how-to." But heck...

Okay, bittorrent, now if you will only work...


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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I've been up for way too long, doing real peer reviewed science stuff.

A-unit, go back to your original secret thread and see the comments I left there and the links to the rebuttals from scientists who got misquoted on the secret. That film was a disgrace to physics and has been disputed by every major name in the field except penrose who most of the cult figures in that movie idolize, yet he does everything possible to separate himself from the "movement" since it is cheapening real science.

Something to chew on, physicists make no money, if they were pulled towards capitalistic bs like those who made the secret they would have gone into business and made millions. How many physicists can the average person name off the top of their head? 2 maybe 4? But they still mis-interpret there life work in the name of metaphysical prophet?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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1. They were misquoted so badly Oprah had some the contributors on her show?
2. Misquoted so badly they created a book with more misquotes?
3. Most of my references weren't to the physicists, they were to Waitely, Proctor, Ray, Beckwith, Hicks, et al.
4. Educated fellows like scientists don't shock me when they rebut what they said...they can't get health and nutrition right, why should it shock me that they can't collaborate on topics like LOA, the secret, human empowerment and more?

What I've pointed out is....

- The Secret is a COLLABORATION of all works done to this point. The information present in the Secret is derived from all works most guys have read or are reading here. These are works even recommended in the DJ bible.

- That it's the message and concepts it conveys, not the system that is the "secret." The same people misunderstanding the video, IMO, also misunderstand Robert Kiyosaki. I've never been one for a definitive system, unless you're the only system holder, because it leaves out alot of profit potential. The founder of Mcdonalds made more than any franchisee made. I don't like pathes...just show me the concepts, and I'll make my own way.

- If I could get the version to guys, I would. I'm not making tons of copies. So if there's alternatives, let me know. Listen to it multiply times. Hear the individual sentences. It's like a summary of all works preceeding it. It isn't a NEW RELIGION, or cult following...and if you're finding people like this...then let the lemmings be. Those types of people only want ONE holy grail and believe it exists, so let them believe it. The only holy grail that exists is US. And until we turn inward to have the confidence, faith, and belief in us, we'll never find.

Lastly, the movie and the concepts it presents get a bad rap. You can't label the whole field of LOA or anything this movie highlights as negative, cult-like, or skeptical science, when what the secret touches upon is a cross-section of NLP, positive thinking, LOA/metaphysics, and many previous historical works. The author must have missed that in his research. Granted, those drinking the kool-aid, who think only visualization with no action will work, deserve to have their dreams crushed and be realigned. But to say that 100%of the video is bs is to be ignorant of what's in the actual video and to hear what you only want to hear.

I've told people what sources to go to. I've listed them. There are more than what I've simply mentioned. I feel the $50 total a person might spend on the book and video are FAR better than $50 spent most other places. At least through the video you may purchase the other author's works, begin taking an interest in personal responsibility, and re-examining your own life. We talk about people shirking personal responsibility here, how nobody has respect and everyone feel likes a victim, yet...the secret mentions something to the same effect, and people think the video is off?

Most of the post constructive, so I applaud those posters who remained on topic. The other's who resorted to immature quips are more than likely trolls, in a very liberal sense, because anyone without intelligent contribution to said topic is a troll, IMO.

Good day to you all,



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Most "skeptics" should be more skeptical of their own assumptions.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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STR8UP said:
Ever notice that people in poorer countries and less advanced civilizations tend to be very superstitious?
Here the biggest superstition is the government. The government is going to fix the world. And when it does, no one will have problems, everyone will have everything and live a smiley happy live. :rolleyes:

My mother was saying this to me just today, and she said every bad thing she got on her brain when I said what I thought about her attitude.

Expectation generation. People just want, people do not do.

But there is one thing: poorer countries have more difficulties. You would have to live on one to have an idea, really. It's not impossible, but it's surely HARDER to overcome bad situations. And people want to believe something. They want to feel that they will get something good from life.

The easiest example is a poor young man in a poor neighbourhood, let's say, in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil. The guy can study hard OR go drug dealing. Public schools here SUCKS and any job he gets is going to pay lowly as fvck. Drug dealing, no secret, gives a lot of money FAST and without any educational requirement. The guys who go for drug dealing get all the women (the #1 reason young males use to justify it), the good shoes, good clothes, amazing cars. Rarely will a guy working hard will get the same stuff so fast, if ever.

What choice will the average joe make? He is in school, all the girls are going for the drug guy, he has an fvcked up pair of shoes, his mother is just unemployed, it goes without saying that he does not have a father...

I am always skeptical of people getting skeptical when someone go and make something to give people hope. Something that make them feel they have power. Just like this site did... for me, criticizing this is just like some weird person coming here and telling us that everything here is for losers/weirdos/lazy fvcks who does not want to do sh1t. Not everyone takes the stuff on this site and use it, but some do and that is what matters. Things has to get better somehow, and I am sure it's not by taking joy from people.

Opinions please. This stuff is interesting. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
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A-Unit said:
The only holy grail that exists is US. And until we turn inward to have the confidence, faith, and belief in us, we'll never find.

A-Unit said:
Just because you go to college, does not mean you're assured a great and rich career. You follow the easy path of a degree, with the HOPE and BELIEF you can attract the dreams you hold inside. If you don't have that...what's pushing you?
Best definition for motivation ever.

Let me just give an example: I am at college. I was almost getting kicked out because of poor grades, and I was kinda fine with it. I was torn between changing majors or even getting out plain and simple.

One day I sat down, thought hard if I really wanted this, and on that exact moment I decided I was going to get that fukking degree, and that was it. No more rationalizations, no more excuses, just the goddamn degree.

After that, my grades skyrocketed. I was almost getting kicked out, now all my teachers admire me, because I am dedicated. I WANT to learn.

And I was the one who decided that. I could only take definitive action after I was sure I wanted this. Before that, everything seemed in vain. Now I WANT that. I want to be the best. I want to make my curriculum top notch, instead of one of a dropout.

I can assure all of you that was just a matter of sitting down, putting things into perspective and taking a decision: I want THIS. I can do it, I like that and I am going after it. No more excuses for laziness, I did it far enough.

A-Unit said:
If Bill Gates didn't have some GRAND DESIGN for everything before he invested Billions and dropped college...where would he be today? If Tiger's dad didn't see the big picture...where would Tiger be? You're telling me the BIGGEST of the BIGGEST are...either immortal gods with luck, pure genius of chance, or perhaps, they're the MOST VISUAL, MOST PREPARED, and MOST FOCUSED to attract the reality they desire? Which is it? The answers I get will denote the reality you profess to all.
You are one wise fellow.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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I believe in the power of positive thinking, because without it you will get nowhere in life. But I don't believe there is a "law of the Universe". If so how do those poor people in Africa all will such bad luck? Do they all will it to themserlves? Do they will droughts,war? AIDS?The women of the middle East all will to be abused?

I have a friend who is the most postive and good person. She has brain cancer. during all of this, she has been postive but she is going downhill fast. Did she manifest this?

I guess above everyone who wanted to be famous Paris Hilton,Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears and that God Awful taylor Hicks all of the rest used power of attraction more so than folks with real talent. I say luck plays a large part in believing in yourself too.

I have an example for you.
1 guy who really believes in the Law of Attraction and thinks his bycicle will not get stolen and therefore does not put a lock on it as he knows how to attract positive energy.

The other guy puts a lock on his bike because he knows there are bad guys out there.

The 2 men put their bikes side by side and walk into a coffee shop. A few minutes later a thief comes over. Who do you think will get his bike stolen?

The guy who believed positive thinking will ALWAYS prevail? Or the guy who understands positive thinking is good, but other obstacles can affect your plans?


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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I believe in the power of positive thinking, because without it you will get nowhere in life. But I don't believe there is a "law of the Universe". If so how do those poor people in Africa all will such bad luck? Do they all will it to themserlves? Do they will droughts,war? AIDS?The women of the middle East all will to be abused?

I have a friend who is the most postive and good person. She has brain cancer. during all of this, she has been postive but she is going downhill fast. Did she manifest this?
You don't think you fully understand the 'laws of the universe'.
It's about what your INTENTION is all day long.
People can talk all day long about how they want something better, how they are positive and where they keep their attention and thoughts on.
You have to come from a place of being abundant.
If you just say: "I want this.", not much is going to happen.

Like Bob Proctor said: "Positive thinking is NOTHING, if you don't internalise it."
That means that you become ONE with that which you wish to ATTRACT into your life. And that is not going to happen in a day or a week. That happens after a certain amount of time being in complete COMMITMENT to become what you want to be. That is called Perseverance.

Sure you get born in some kind of circumstance and that may not be a very fortunate one, but if your will and belief is strong enough and you take constructive action, you will move out of those circumstances eventually.

As for the woman with cancer, you never know what her intention was. You'll never know what is going on inside of her, even though on the outside she keeps herself strong. My aunt was convinced she would recover from her cancer. Yet, she did not. Why? Because she lived in fear (and later also anger).

I assume that example was a joke, right?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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You cannot create your own universe. You can only do the best you can and be positive about it. I know many kids who were physically and sexually abused by their fathers. Those kids will tell you they fantasized about having a different family all day long. To the point that is how they escaped from going nuts.They lived in fantasy world.How come they could not manifest the good world they imagined and wanted? You cannot blame ALL people for bad luck.

There are folk who sacrifice all their lives to go to medical school. But no matter how much they will it, there are only a few spots available. many want that spot.But few will get it. It's competitive and not the ones that will it the most and envision it will get into the spot. Sometimes it's sheer luck of having rich parents who PAY for your spot, it could be affirmative action.

I know a girl who swore she would get into Harvard. So much so she never applied to another school because she just knew it Harvard was it for her. Guess what? Miss Delusional did not get accepted. Miss Dilusional was also 50 pounds overweight, kept a picture of some guy she had a crush on in her purse for years and though she made friends with this guy, he was simply not attracted to her and her dilusional attitude. She had the attitude of "I say, therefore it is and will happen". Everyone in school used to laugh at her for that.Boy was she disappointed when things never went her way.

They say the higher you are the harder you fall. I've fallen hard at times because I could almost taste something, just to have someone take it away. Like the promotion given to my boss's Pet brown noser over me. I was'nt negative. In fact I was counting my bonus and promotion before I even got it. I told my folks, my girl. I was even looking into renting a bigger and nicer apartment.Everyone thought I was a shoe in. But guess what? I was not in control. my boss made the final decision. He chose his pet brown nose who did not do half the work I did. But was his buddy outside the office too.

Go to Hollywood and see how many people "believe" and get shot down. they risk their whole lives and money because they believe in themselves so much. But most of the times, the druggie or drunks losers with little talent get the chance over real talent with a heart.In Hollywood, they "abuse" sweet innocent girls who have high hopes and are delusional enough to think they can just go there and become an actress or model. Instead, Miss hardcore is usually the one that survives. Not because she knows "The secret". But because she is a cynical B**** who has their number and knows how to deal with the slimy vultures around her.

When you can figure out how to stop droughts in Africa through positive thinking, How to make guys like Sadam stop putting kids through paper shredders( I guess alll of these folks manifest their destiny too) then you can say it is the "Law of the Universe".

Otherwise, understand we are lucky to be born in the richest country on Earth. School is free here so you can raise yourself through education.School is rarely if ever free in those poor countries.

But try living in India with no free school and a cast system that will keep you down. Living where you have no food or water. Living in places where you are an endentured servant/slave for life, not by something you have done. But because they own your family.Then tell me you can envision the life you want and get out of the hellhole just by willing it.

Also please explain this one. My 82 year old grandfather is a hypocondriac. The man always swears he is dying of something. He goes to the doctor often because he thinks he has cancer or is having a heart attack, or his favorite, he has pneumonia. Now my grandpa is not sick in the head. Just a normal guy who always thinks this will be the last time he sees us cause he knows he has a fatal disease. Thing is the doctors say they rarely see an 82 year old as healthy as him. He has never spent a day in the hospital and was even born at home. Should'nt he have manifested some sort of disease by noe? Or is he just lucky enough to have 2 parents who lived long healthy lives. His father died at 98,his mother 94(but thst is only because she fell down a flight of stairs). It's genetics!

You can be positive and will what you want through hard work . But not everything . How many folks want to be president? hard work, envisioning,positive attitude and at times a little bit of luck or cheating is needed to make your wish come true.
Last edited:


Dec 22, 2006
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i wouldnt rely much in thismovie. But i do understand positive thougts are better than neg thoughts.


New Member
Mar 16, 2007
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Wow, i've been lurking since 04, and this discussion is what finally lead me to join up and post.

where to begin?

A-Unit, your posts man, bravo!

I'm going to agree with A-Unit and say that there is NOTHING NEW in The Secret. Hell, I shouldnt even say agree. That is a fact. All of the ideas espoused in the film (I have a copy of the version with Esther Hicks) have been around for hundreds of years, all the way from Zen Buddhism, to the writings of Alan Watts, to James Allen's AS A MAN THINKETH, to Think and Grow Rich, to Albert Ellis's REBT and more recently Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention.

As with most things, the true meaning of the ideas of The Secret will be lost on the general populace, from the self-help addicted people who watch Oprah, to the Skeptics and some people on this very site. There is without a doubt a bunch of pap in the film, like the fat investor guy who visualizes getting the perfect parking space all the time.

Most people are going to pay attention to the parking space man, and say: here's a film and a book that tells you "you too can grow rich!, as a matter of fact, everyone can!!" The other crowd is going to throw back grade school nonsense like "duuhhh, two guys park their bikes outside, one guy doesn't lock it up because he's visualizing good vibes and law of attraction and stuff", or "dood, what about wars and stuff?!, you think those people deserved that?!" and how about "omg, you can't create your own universe. that's not science, lolz"

Here's the deal. (Which was so eloquently explained in the last Rocky movie...) Life will beat you down. It will beat you down repeatedly. Stuff will get stolen, People will die, Wars will happen. YOUR RESPONSE to adversity is the thing that will shape your life. That's the real secret. Zen, psychology, new age aphorisms. They're all tools, not panacea. A vast majority will get this dvd and not understand that. In a couple of months that dvd will go right on the shelf, next to the stack of Tony Robbins, and Wayne Dyer stuff and they're still going to be frustrated with their lives. Meanwhile the skeptics are going to attack the film with absolutely sickening retarded articles like the one at the head of this thread.

I am recovering AFC. And I have to admit that my life has mostly been a gigantic mess. I've seen The Secret about a month ago, and surprise!, my life has not changed dramatically. As a matter of fact, i've read and own enough stuff out new age guru almost anybody. But am I nowhere near where I want to be. The Secret is a beautifully produced movie full of a lot of smooth talking people. It contains some amazing salient points on improving your life. Points that are nothing new and are line with things that people have talked about for hundreds of years. And if you are to take one from the film (and this isn't an exact quote) it is that "those who experience success have habituated positive thinking" tadah! That gets lost amongst wishing for a bike and having it show up, and coming back from being paralyzed. Unfortunately, and ironically that is why the film will end up causing more psychological harm than good. And boy...I can't even imagine what the film is like without Esther. The power of positive thinking is not wishing for stuff, it is not wishing for bad things to go away. The power of positive thinking is the ability to not be dissuaded from your goals. It is the ability to see opportunity where others who have their mind clouded by negative thinking do not.

It may come across like I'm blasting the sheeple you who make the self help industry so rich, and killing the movie, but it never ceases to amaze me what a herculean task it is to deprogram people of their negative beliefs. Beliefs such as low-self esteem and afc-isms. Just think about how people live their lives stuck on neutral. It boggles the mind!! It's just sad....i have more ire for the so-called skeptics. I would tar and feather the person who wrote the article as soon as i would tar and feather someone who claims to be a reincarnated warrior.

For those who can see the forrest for the trees, I feel that Secret would be an invaluable additional tool to help habituating positive thinking. For the very reason that it is dangerous: easy to consume and slickly produced. Placed in a proper context it is should be used as a quick pick me up, something to be enjoyed and be inspired by, kind of like a your favorite fictional film (that is to say non-documentary film)

whewww, sorry for the long post. now back on the path...