I'll let this sound "Smug", but I don't care.
First...I'd say about half the people who will see the Secret and/or read the book will have done PRIOR work in the books and fields I've studied. The other half won't have done anything, and will gravitate toward The Secret, like people gravitate towards Triangles, Pyramids, and Dianetics. The people who are complaining about kool-aid drinking lemmings are complaining about the same people who will find a new fad in a year. Forget those flighty people who no basis in reality, and never will. The problem isn't them or the Secret, it's you and your opinion of how reality should be. There will ALWAYS be a crop of people who flock like seagulls to "new age" miracle trash. There's another crop who seek to build the repitoire if information using resources like the Secret to build their OWN model.
Second...and more one guy on here can tell me one thing about information I know to work in everyday life. Not one guy can stand and do anything but seek to debate me, unless they've read what I've read. I can't argue or conversate with STR8UP on Real Estate...Unless I've done my homework and have both textbook/academic AND real world experience. That would be like an AFC who hasn't had a woman arguing with ANY of you guys on HOW to get women...and based on the responses many posts get from KBJ's, I think most guys know where I'm coming from here.
I don't care whether you PERSONALLY believe, when at 26, I've had more incidents in my own life to speak to the contrary; I lived and read. You telling me what to believe, is akin to telling a Catholic or Protestant, Christian, Muslim, etc that they are wrong...when they personally have witnessed inexplicable miracles. I that want to espouse how THEY manufactured something with their own mind based on cognitive biases and that it's "coincidence". Fine. Your belief. Not mine. Doesn't make me delusional if it's EFFECTIVE.
I don't ignore the laws of gravity, or speed, or mass, so I'm not a new age flunky and junky. I read, I research, I take notes, I act on it. I don't chuck anything away because some one page article in a magazine tells me to, without actually reading more on it, AND testing it. And personally...I don't care if anyone uses it here. To each his own. There's lots of stuff I don't use here. So my main point is...who cares? No one here is a card carrying member of Mensa AND has a PhD (only b/c I know 2 mensa members, I know it's popular, so I threw in the PhD part). I respect alot of members here, but I don't respect the methods and tactics.
What purpose does this serve?
Ego Gratification?
Does it better SS?
Does it debunk a cult that was leading people astray? [I haven't heard of ANY damage caused or people dropping their religions over it]
What I surmise HAS happened was...people bought the video and book and began paying more attention to their thoughts and what they want. Maybe even more people went out and bought the individual author's work's as well. As I've said...NLP has a foothold here...and if you want to take on the WHOLE academic community that supports thinking in this direction go for it. Debunk everything. But I'd rather have a focus group, or discussion ON it, or on GETTING more of what I want.
So I don't see how any arguing the contrary here makes sense. Countless thought and time has been wasted on a meaningless topic, WHEN, it could been better spent deriving new ways to meet, attract, and lay women...or new sexual encounters, or whatever POSITIVE thing you want in your life. But no, " I disagree with the secret because it contradicts my ego, or MY reality, or I don't get it, or I want to look smarter than other people, so I'll thread upon thread talking about it, regurgitating well thought out posts from other people and splice my own thought in. All this RATHER than, working on ASKING better questions. Providing BETTER advice. LEARNING to speak better. Learning about a new topic I didn't know about."
If anything, this topic was a spirited lesson in learning how to debate, because as I posted, it really got nowhere. If you want to take beef with the video and it's producer's, fine. But as I posted some 100 threads ago...those who KNOW what the secret represents, take it for what it is. A collaborative work that reflects all PRIOR work done by greater minds. It's a contribution, not the be all end all of thinking work to be done. It's not a new found religion. It hopefully has done more for people than this thread by turning them onto monitoring their thinking and perhaps paying a small stipend to learn about their thoughts. The rest see the secret as a stand alone project, doomed to provide excessive hope and results, only to fail. When those who know where it's good comes from...KNOW how to view it and take it. The points you're stuck on force you to miss the actual goods points. But as I started out saying...I don't care what you believe or don't believe, that's your reality. This is mine. I know thus far what works for me and what doesn't.
Thank You,