It Is Easy For Most Women To Move On


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Men love romantically.

Women love transactionally.
Since this is a safe space to get long in the tooth I'll throw in my two cents.

Men evolved to feel insanely strong emotional bonds to women so they'd keep producing to feed mom and the kids for life.

There's no evolutionary reason why a dude would be able to recover quickly from a lost love, since it likely rarely happened in the stone age.

And if it did (he lost his lady for whatever reason) there was no pressing need to recover quickly as he could still feed himself.

Women, on the other hand, had a huge vested interested to keep the calories coming from pretty much any provider lest she and her kids would starve.

Any woman that hesitated before moving on to the next dude would starve and she'd be removed from the gene pool.

Hence your two very valid and true points.