Yeah, it's far more beneficial to remind the ailing man that his emotions are just the byproduct of his(distorted and hyperbolic)thoughts and beliefs regarding the event in question... We all have near-absolute power over how much and sort of pain we experience
There's a huge cultural aspect that cannot be avoided, which started in my time when women complained about guys not showing their feelings enough. I had an excuse*, but many guys turned into crybabies, who in turn of course couldn't get laid anymore.
And why? Because women didn't wanted guys who
showed their feelings. They wanted guys to
care about women's feelings. And in their distorted logic, they thought "if
men would cry, they'd understand how to deal with us when
we cry". Which, of course, is nonsense.
A man's primal reaction to a woman crying should be to put his arms around her to comfort her, not to stand there like he caused her problems and cry blobby tears with her.
Women on the other hand realised they were wrong about asking men to cry like women, but it
did sort out the weak 'pleasers' from the more stoic mature men who would disregard their requests and just made women feel safe to express their emotions without becoming a blubbering mess.
"Please, Mister, can you help me find my lost buttplug?"
*I told girlfriends who complained about my stoicism/non-reactiveness that I was raised in a dysfunctional family (true, but it also made sure my girlfriends did not want to 'meet my parents') and had developed Delayed Emotional Display from hiding my fear from my parents and siblings. Like I told them 'I do my crying and screaming on the inside'.