I agree with you there but ultimately, unless you are a feminist, it is for us males to provide leadership, structure, discipline, order, food, comfort, security, etc. And if we mess up, we need to pick ourselves up or get back on the path to providing those things. The woman has to give us that chance too by being loyal and following their vows - for better or for worse. However if any guys gives up on those things and still expects a woman to stick around or desire him, he's delusional at best and deserves what he has coming to him.
I do agree that women need to stick with us through thick and thin and vice-a-versa but these days the internet has made it so easy to look for alternate options rather than try to work it out with your partner.
And the reason why women may end it more easily or cheat is because females can get any simp or thirsty dude so easily that will comfort and agree to their views vs what guys can get. This just compounds the rate of divorce and cop outs in relationships and marriages IMO.