Is There a Such Thing as a Faithful/Loyal Woman?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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(Not that I can control any of y'all but.....)

I want everyone who happens to read this message to get the fvck out tonight and at least number close. If you can get laid, all the better

Field reports! On my desk! Tomorrow 1100 hours! (1100 b/c im not a total b1tch - you need to sleep in and you need time for the hangover to subside) :p;)

Happy Friday! :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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It's at least 102 NON paid and 100 PAID. This is my entire life's numbers, but honestly I think it's higher, closer to 250 but I haven't been counting. The 102 and 100 is at least what it is.
At which point did you realize no matter how they appear that it's "just women"? I know you didn't have to bone all 200+ to figure that out.


Oct 13, 2015
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You know guys like us BigNeil, always looking for the bigger, better deal. And once a goal is reached, we grow disinterested and bored, looking for more challenging waters.

We are never happy. But then again, who is? :D


Jun 23, 2014
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Once you have banged enough women and been through dozens of, perhaps over a hundred, LTR/STR relationships, you get tired of the plate spinning. A man starts to seek something deeper than just a piece of azz.
And my conclusion........from all of the women I've dated/been with along with listening to stories of other men, is that there "IS NO DEEPER".

If you are dating women 18 - 40, the most you are getting is sex, companionship, and a sprinkle of quality benefits here and there such as some love, some loyalty, support, maybe a meal or so, maybe a kind word or so.

And it's ALL on a lease/rental situation, even if you're married. What that means is that she can flip on you at any time and leave for any reason or for no reason.

The market is fvcked.........there "IS NO DEEPER".


Oct 20, 2006
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And my conclusion........from all of the women I've dated/been with along with listening to stories of other men, is that there "IS NO DEEPER".

If you are dating women 18 - 40, the most you are getting is sex, companionship, and a sprinkle of quality benefits here and there such as some love, some loyalty, support, maybe a meal or so, maybe a kind word or so.

And it's ALL on a lease/rental situation, even if you're married. What that means is that she can flip on you at any time and leave for any reason or for no reason.

The market is fvcked.........there "IS NO DEEPER".
No, there is deeper. It's like a chemical reaction. Like a Chlorine bomb going off when you add Brake fluid (DON'T DO THIS).

I once during sex experienced what could only be described as something supernatural like being on a mushroom trip (and THE mushroom trip). I think it's called Enlightenment. Suddenly I was on this Universal plane. That was 5 years ago. It only happened for that one instant with that one (then 20) girl. She gave me a cat that is currently on my lap.

I've probably had 3 or 4 such mind blowing experiences. There is definitely something worth seeking. But it doesn't mean you should promise to pay her bills for life.

Pay for her to take one night off work: you're a John.
Pay for her to retire for life on your dime: you're a Husband.


Oct 13, 2015
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And my conclusion........from all of the women I've dated/been with along with listening to stories of other men, is that there "IS NO DEEPER".

If you are dating women 18 - 40, the most you are getting is sex, companionship, and a sprinkle of quality benefits here and there such as some love, some loyalty, support, maybe a meal or so, maybe a kind word or so.

And it's ALL on a lease/rental situation, even if you're married. What that means is that she can flip on you at any time and leave for any reason or for no reason.

The market is fvcked.........there "IS NO DEEPER".
Then you have never been a healthy LTR.

Bonding with a plate or FB is entirely different than bonding in a healthy LTR. If you don't know this at your age, I feel sorry for you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Not good enough for what you seek. If your value were good enough, you would have locked down 1 out of the 735 Tenacity-standard women in your state. But you didn't. So either increase your value or drop your standards. I know the bitter truth stings. Best to accept, incorporate, and evolve.
Look dude, you are on this website for a reason. Men never talked about 'game' and such until the 90s, it just didn't exist because it didn't have to.
I was married ... twice. Both divorces were due to ME.
For what reasons? And what would you rate their looks?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
(Not that I can control any of y'all but.....)

I want everyone who happens to read this message to get the fvck out tonight and at least number close. If you can get laid, all the better

Field reports! On my desk! Tomorrow 1100 hours! (1100 b/c im not a total b1tch - you need to sleep in and you need time for the hangover to subside) :p;)

Happy Friday! :)
Been there done that. Requires too much superficial sh!t for it to work on any girl you desire or you need to do it in the PERFECT situation which is near impossible to have happen.


Jun 23, 2014
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Then you have never been a healthy LTR.

Bonding with a plate or FB is entirely different than bonding in a healthy LTR. If you don't know this at your age, I feel sorry for you.
Dude please, you're being disingenuous as hell. You don't feel sorry for me one bit. Just like with bigneil, you take the opportunity to throw SHADE anytime you can get it.

Look dude, you are on this website for a reason. Men never talked about 'game' and such until the 90s, it just didn't exist because it didn't have to.
Legend this kid is 17-18 and has great common sense/critical thinking skills.

Legend I guess ALL OF THESE MEN in the Manosphere, on TV, on Youtube, on Social Media, etc., etc., etc., who keep reporting the same damn bullshyt in relation to the current 18 - 40 year old market of women are all just lying out of their right? We are all just low quality men who don't want to work on ourselves or something?

The market is fvcked. It's fvcked!


Oct 20, 2006
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(Not that I can control any of y'all but.....)

I want everyone who happens to read this message to get the fvck out tonight and at least number close. If you can get laid, all the better

Field reports! On my desk! Tomorrow 1100 hours! (1100 b/c im not a total b1tch - you need to sleep in and you need time for the hangover to subside) :p;)

Happy Friday! :)
Tonight I found myself seated next to a pretty lady at the bar. I normally have an extremely high phone number rate. Things started out fine but she said "I'm a lawyer and I have to go to another immigration hearing at the immigration detention center because our new President wants to destroy another family!" I thought "This isn't going to go well". Opting not to tell her I dressed as Trump on Halloween, I told her "I was recently in an immigration pen in Texas when the drug dogs found that roach, but thankfully that was one week after they decriminalized" and she glared at me. Then she said she was 32, with a 2 year old, going through a divorce with a chiseled but unemployed PTSD Marine, and hated marriage. I said "Marriage was fine in the days when the woman would starve if she left the man" and she stormed off.


Jun 23, 2014
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On another note, while I got on Poon King and Deesade about the one-dimensional shyt, the truth is that the reason those two were so popular here is because (no matter if they were extreme or not) they kept the TRUTH center front about how shyt this market of women is.


Oct 13, 2015
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Legend I guess ALL OF THESE MEN in the Manosphere, on TV, on Youtube, on Social Media, etc., etc., etc., who keep reporting the same damn bullshyt in relation to the current 18 - 40 year old market of women are all just lying out of their right? We are all just low quality men who don't want to work on ourselves or something?
Did it ever occur to you that the Manosphere includes mostly men who were damaged in one way or another, and thus looking for ways to get better with women. Most men with successful relationships never had the need to come here. Accordingly, the stories you hear are biased. It's amazing how you leave one matrix only to find yourself in a diametric matrix even more damaging. Either extreme doesn't serve you.

Tenacity, you have critical thinking skills. Use them.

The market is fvcked. It's fvcked!


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Did it ever occur to you that the Manosphere includes mostly men who were damaged in one way or another, and thus looking for ways to get better with women. Most men with successful relationships never had the need to come here. Accordingly, the stories you hear are biased. It's amazing how you leave one matrix only to find yourself in a diametric matrix even more damaging. Either extreme doesn't serve you.

Tenacity, you have critical thinking skills. Use them.

Bullsh!t, most people believe that this is the way society is, was, and always has been due to the media. They were brainwashed into believing it was normal. Most men don't even know about websites such as these or even what a pickup artist is. Yet at the same time over 50% of marriages end up in courts. How the heck do you explain that?


Oct 13, 2015
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Bullsh!t, most people believe that this is the way society is, was, and always has been due to the media. They were brainwashed into believing it was normal. Most men don't even know about websites such as these or even what a pickup artist is. Yet at the same time over 50% of marriages end up in courts. How the heck do you explain that?
Your point?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
The issue is, women will end up fvcking the stud/player in her early years. When she realizes that these men have nothing going for them and don't want to get married, they decide to draw in some poor schmuck who didn't get sh!t when he was younger to fvck her used up vagina. He thinks he found 'the one' from lack of experience, and the woman makes him propose without him realizing it. Now the player isn't getting any play now while the 'nice guy' is. Once she feels like she has him locked down completely, she ends up cheating on one her husband with some other dude who makes more money and is better looking. She fvcks up her marriage because she thinks she can lock down this new and richer guy, but he only wanted sex and now has to deal with some divorced cvnt b!tching at him for playing her and getting a fvck ton of flak from the media. Now the woman doesn't have anyone, but the state forces her man to still provide for her.

Out of this typical situation, which of the 3 men win? Trick question, none of them win because the woman does. Life is hard to be a man in today's society.


Oct 20, 2006
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Everyone is damaged to some degree, so we need to normalize the damage and focus on relative damage.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Your point?
If most men who have successful marriages don't need to come to a website like this, then why do over 50% of marriages go to sh!t? And why are even more of those men unhappy when they are married? And even further, why are there men who try to convince themselves that they're happy even though deep down they are not?

The stories on the manosphere may be biased, but why is it that you NEVER hear of a wife doing something amazing for their husband? Why is it only women talking about how much he spent on their wedding ring or the flowers he got her, or the compliments he gave her? And why is it that despite all of these oftentimes GENUINELY coming from the heart and soul of a man, she still has the audacity to cheat, nag, divorce, and freeload of him?


Oct 13, 2015
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The issue is, women will end up fvcking the stud/player in her early years. When she realizes that these men have nothing going for them and don't want to get married, they decide to draw in some poor schmuck who didn't get sh!t when he was younger to fvck her used up vagina. He thinks he found 'the one' from lack of experience, and the woman makes him propose without him realizing it. Now the player isn't getting any play now while the 'nice guy' is. Once she feels like she has him locked down completely, she ends up cheating on one her husband with some other dude who makes more money and is better looking. She fvcks up her marriage because she thinks she can lock down this new and richer guy, but he only wanted sex and now has to deal with some divorced cvnt b!tching at him for playing her and getting a fvck ton of flak from the media. Now the woman doesn't have anyone, but the state forces her man to still provide for her.

Out of this typical situation, which of the 3 men win? Trick question, none of them win because the woman does. Life is hard to be a man in today's society.
Son, you have a good mind. It's good to be aware. But don't spend your 20s and 30s becoming an extremist like some men in the Manosphere. Hold a balanced, healthy view. Yes, many women are not quality material worth LTRing, especially the hotter ones where quality is extremely scarce.

But, by all means, this does not mean you or the market is fvcked. Just be the greatest DoubleGreatest you can be and you will transcend these men and capitalize in a market where some men cannot.

I, for one, had never had problems getting into back-to-back quality LTRs with great women. One LTR lasted 10 years, others a few.

The end goal is not "happily ever after" and stagnate. Life is a journey. You are here to learn, evolve, transcend. People are brought to your life for a specific purpose, and when that purpose is served, it's time for you to move on. Appreciating and understanding this rudimentary concept will give you some color through the often bilateral lenses of life.

Relationships are temporal. They always were, but social constructs in the old day did not allow breaks. But if you were not growing in a relation, did it make sense to force two people to remain an item? I would argue that relations dissolving is healthy, as in an unpropitious relation, we stagnate; we fail to evolve, and failing to evolve abrogates Nature's plan. Antipodally, I would encourage breakups, as they are the necessary catalyst to spawn Nature's elaborate agenda (which is transcendence of the people), forcing people to look deep within themselves and improve. Successful relations don't encourage growth; failed ones do. Don't think myopically, and incorporate the wisdom, not the deleterious emotions which often accompany it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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And it's ALL on a lease/rental situation, even if you're married. What that means is that she can flip on you at any time and leave for any reason or for no reason.

The market is fvcked.........there "IS NO DEEPER".
Too cynical, Tenacity. Life is uncertainty. Everything is uncertainty. There's nothing in life that is guaranteed, nothing.

You're right, the market is bad right now, that's why I won't get married. I've set up my resources, I've worked hard for them, and I'm not about to put them into someone else's hands. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a relationship. Why does a relationship have to last forever and ever for it to have any value? Look at the bright side, if it fails, you get the opportunity to find other girls to experience. Even if it lasts, it will be over when you're dead. If you hold a flower in your hand, eventually it will wilt. Today's sunrise will never come again. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.

On the other hand, if you truly think there is no deeper, then just do what Poon King and deesade says and just spin plates. That's an option.