Is There a Such Thing as a Faithful/Loyal Woman?


Jun 23, 2014
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Did it ever occur to you that the Manosphere includes mostly men who were damaged in one way or another,

......and thus looking for ways to get better with women.
And this is where the premise goes off track. The men come here because they have been fvcked over three ways from Sunday by women, but when they come here it's people LIKE YOU who tell them that they DID SOMETHING WRONG.

It's people like YOU who tell them they aren't the Top 1% of men and unless they become the Top 1% of men and wear Armani Suits, with 100% excellent internal game, with 7 figure net worths, and driving $100,000 automobiles, then they DO NOT DESERVE a decent quality woman.

And that's bullshyt advice.

The premise is's not that most of these guys just SVCK, it's that the market of women SVCKS. The women are fvcked up. The women are out of their fvcking minds. And it's people like you Legend who refuse (absolutely refuse) to acknowledge ANYTHING in relation to women and their roles in this fvcked up situation we are all dealing with.

You (like society) put all of the blame on the man..........ALL of it.

- A guy marries a chick and she divorces him after 5 years because he "was working too much and didn't show her enough attention"....YOU Legend will get up here (like society) and blame the man for the divorce, instead of getting on the chick for being an ungrateful, attention-wh0ring bytch.

- Women NEVER are held accountable for shyt. The bytches can just do whatever the fvck they want, have whatever fvcked up attitude that they want, and it's ALWAYS the man's fault. The man wasn't smooth enough, or didn't have enough game, or his dyck wasn't big enough, or he didn't wear the right cologne, or he didn't drive the right car, or he didn't wear Armani suits, or his internal game wasn't 100%, or he wore the wrong tie, or or (insert whatever other bullshyt here).

I'm sick of it man. When are you going to come to terms that these BYTCHES out here are the main cause of this shyt? When are you going to come to terms that these BYTCHES are out of their god damn minds?


Oct 13, 2015
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You (like society) put all of the blame on the man..........ALL of it.
I don't blame men at all. These are your words.

Let me ask you a question: Where does growth occur: Looking inward or pointing outward?


Jun 23, 2014
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I don't blame men at all. These are your words.

Let me ask you a question: Where does growth occur: Looking inward or pointing outward?
You are doing it in this very quote Legend (blaming the man). Look at what you just asked me, you said where does growth occur, looking in or looking out? So you are making the assumption that I'm the CAUSE of the problem, because I have quote, unquote GROWING to do.


Oct 13, 2015
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You are doing it in this very quote Legend (blaming the man). Look at what you just asked me, you said where does growth occur, looking in or looking out? So you are making the assumption that I'm the CAUSE of the problem, because I have quote, unquote GROWING to do.
You are the cause of the problem as you are the one with the problem. A problem can only arise from a perception, and you are the creator of that perception. Accordingly, YOU are the problem.

If the problem were to be the same for everyone, then the problem would be outside yourself. I don't have the problem you have of never having found a quality girl. You do. Therefore, the onus falls on YOU.

You still haven't answered the question so I will reiterate. Where does growth occur: looking inward or pointing outward?


Apr 21, 2015
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And this is where the premise goes off track. The men come here because they have been fvcked over three ways from Sunday by women, but when they come here it's people LIKE YOU who tell them that they DID SOMETHING WRONG.

It's people like YOU who tell them they aren't the Top 1% of men and unless they become the Top 1% of men and wear Armani Suits, with 100% excellent internal game, with 7 figure net worths, and driving $100,000 automobiles, then they DO NOT DESERVE a decent quality woman.

And that's bullshyt advice.

The premise is's not that most of these guys just SVCK, it's that the market of women SVCKS. The women are fvcked up. The women are out of their fvcking minds. And it's people like you Legend who refuse (absolutely refuse) to acknowledge ANYTHING in relation to women and their roles in this fvcked up situation we are all dealing with.

You (like society) put all of the blame on the man..........ALL of it.

- A guy marries a chick and she divorces him after 5 years because he "was working too much and didn't show her enough attention"....YOU Legend will get up here (like society) and blame the man for the divorce, instead of getting on the chick for being an ungrateful, attention-wh0ring bytch.

- Women NEVER are held accountable for shyt. The bytches can just do whatever the fvck they want, have whatever fvcked up attitude that they want, and it's ALWAYS the man's fault. The man wasn't smooth enough, or didn't have enough game, or his dyck wasn't big enough, or he didn't wear the right cologne, or he didn't drive the right car, or he didn't wear Armani suits, or his internal game wasn't 100%, or he wore the wrong tie, or or (insert whatever other bullshyt here).

I'm sick of it man. When are you going to come to terms that these BYTCHES out here are the main cause of this shyt? When are you going to come to terms that these BYTCHES are out of their god damn minds?
Say you're 100% correct. Why are you driving your self insane over sh1t you can't control?

why are you even bothering if women are the cause of all your major issues?

step back, step away from your thoughts and think of yourself as a man that can and does get quality women or already has one. If you were that same man how would you reading your own posts give Tenacity advice.


Jun 23, 2014
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You are the cause of the problem as you are the one with the problem.
- Let me go visit a hospital tomorrow and tell all of the patients in there with cancer that they are the cause of having caught cancer.

- Let me go visit the graves of those who died on 9-11 and tell them they were the cause of their problem on that morning.

What kind of logic is this? I'm the ONE with the problem so I created the problem? That makes no sense whatsoever man, what is going on?

A problem can only arise from a perception, and you are the creator of that perception. Accordingly, YOU are the problem.
Right so if someone breaks into my apartment right now, I'm the creator of that problem because it's only my "perception" they are breaking in to rob me....they might not actually be breaking in to rob me, even though they are wearing a mask and have a gun pointed at my head demanding my assets.

If the problem were to be the same for everyone, then the problem would be outside yourself.
The same exact problem has been reported on Social Media, on Youtube, on TV, all over the Manosphere, IN THIS VERY THREAD, on this very WEBSITE, etc., etc. What are you talking about Legend??

I don't have the problem you have of never having found a quality girl. You do. Therefore, the onus falls on YOU.
So until Legend experiences a problem, the problem doesn't exist?

You still haven't answered the question so I will reiterate. Where does growth occur: looking inward or pointing outward?
BOTH, especially in business, I have to do market analysis (outward) as well as internal forecasts (inward) to formulate growth plans.


Jun 23, 2014
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Say you're 100% correct. Why are you driving your self insane over sh1t you can't control?
Because the truth is, my head and my heart are battling.

- My heart is traditional. I want to be the guy that goes out, kills it in the market, has a family with 1 committed woman, raises 1 - 2 kids, and passes on wealth.

- Then my head, which is logical, critical and does the analysis, shows me how what my HEART desires cannot be attained within my current market/environment circumstances.

Thus, the rage episodes.

If you were that same man how would you reading your own posts give Tenacity advice.
I would tell him that it's OK. I would continue to repeat to him that it's OK.

- It's OK to be hurt.
- It's OK to be angry.
- It's OK to feel as if no one understands what you are going through.

Then after I tell him that, I would tell him that life is short....and he should live it his way. And his way should be to continue to chase after his dreams, visions, and goals.......EVEN IF "logic" says they are unattainable, because sometimes it's not the achievement of the goal that's the "prize", but the journey/road you took in trying to achieve it.


Apr 21, 2015
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Because the truth is, my head and my heart are battling.

- My heart is traditional. I want to be the guy that goes out, kills it in the market, has a family with 1 committed woman, raises 1 - 2 kids, and passes on wealth.

- Then my head, which is logical, critical and does the analysis, shows me how what my HEART desires cannot be attained within my current market/environment circumstances.

Thus, the rage episodes.

I would tell him that it's OK. I would continue to repeat to him that it's OK.

- It's OK to be hurt.
- It's OK to be angry.
- It's OK to feel as if no one understands what you are going through.

Then after I tell him that, I would tell him that life is short....and he should live it his way. And his way should be to continue to chase after his dreams, visions, and goals.......EVEN IF "logic" says they are unattainable, because sometimes it's not the achievement of the goal that's the "prize", but the journey/road you took in trying to achieve it.
And this chasing you're doing is making you more angry or happy?


Oct 13, 2015
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Tenacity, what happened to your critical thinking skills? You obfuscate cause and effect.

The events themselves are never a problem. The perception you derive out of the event is what determines whether it becomes a problem or opportunity.

I buy "problem" businesses for a living, as where other people perceive problems, I perceive opportunities.

Your belief is that you are "fvcked" because of the market. I'm in the same market, and see much opportunity. Who is right? We both are.

A guy breaks into your house and robs you. You look at such event as a problem, as you just got robbed. As I collect my insurance proceeds of 3* the value of the stolen items, I look at the robbery as an opportunity. If I didn't have insurance, I would looker deeper to see how I could capitalize on the event. Start a home alarm business spawn by the event? Speak to building management for extreme security to deter robberies for the hundreds of other tenants in the building? Start a non-profit organization to inform home occupants of the need for security systems?

Create opportunities out of perceived "mishaps."

You are a very negative person. I truly feel sorry for you.


Jun 23, 2014
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And this chasing you're doing is making you more angry or happy?
I would say it's making me more emotionally unstable. That is, there are times of significant happiness and then times of significant sadness.....sometimes within hours of each other.

I feel like I'm in a prison and I just want it to be over already. I want to be free....

Yes, I sit here with good money, good credit, nice looks, and can consistently get women....but I'm not free at all. I've been in a prison internally with a WAR raging. Because the truth is I'm not a Player. I'm not a Spin Plates type of guy.

I'm a traditional guy who wants a motafvckin family. That's all the fvck I want. And I didn't sign up for this stupid bullshyt that I have to deal with on a DAILY basis, from these STUPID bytches man.

I didn't sign up for this shyt and I don't deserve this shyt.


Apr 21, 2015
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Because the truth is, my head and my heart are battling.

- My heart is traditional. I want to be the guy that goes out, kills it in the market, has a family with 1 committed woman, raises 1 - 2 kids, and passes on wealth.

- Then my head, which is logical, critical and does the analysis, shows me how what my HEART desires cannot be attained within my current market/environment circumstances.

Thus, the rage episodes.

I would tell him that it's OK. I would continue to repeat to him that it's OK.

- It's OK to be hurt.
- It's OK to be angry.
- It's OK to feel as if no one understands what you are going through.

Then after I tell him that, I would tell him that life is short....and he should live it his way. And his way should be to continue to chase after his dreams, visions, and goals.......EVEN IF "logic" says they are unattainable, because sometimes it's not the achievement of the goal that's the "prize", but the journey/road you took in trying to achieve it.
The truth is its not always your fault. sometimes it really is THEM.

This is part of a multitude of reasons "game" is destructive and just a religious belief.

"game" is an act.

"game" is pandering.

"game" says if she doesn't like you it's always somehow "your fault" for not "gaming" correctly, enough etc.

even though it's not always your or our fault to simply just blame everything else is nonsense. if you truly believed it's everything else you'd use your intelligence and not waste your time or emotions on crap you cannot control


Jun 23, 2014
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A guy breaks into your house and robs you. You look at such event as a problem, as you just got robbed. As I collect my insurance proceeds of 3* the value of the stolen items, I look at the robbery as an opportunity.
Dude what the hell? How do you see a robbery as an OPPORTUNITY when a guy is pointing a damn gun at you and could blow your head off??


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Studies show that women are only happen with 1 in 64,000 men. Picture a bowl on M&M's and women only want a blue one. But there are not only no blue M&M's in the bowl, there aren't any within 2 bowls in any direction in a sea of bowls! They want the best looking guy out of 40, the richest guy out of 40 and the best dressed guy out of 40 - but 40x40x40 = 64000.
You have a point, but it doesn't really work like that. A woman will choose her best option out of the men that she knows, so it's not like you have to be the best guy on the entire planet. And she will probably think she can't get some of those men, so yeah she will probably "settle". If you think that you really have to be in the top 0.0016% of men, you're just going to mindfvck yourself. What would Pook, who said "I am the prize", think of this line of thought?

However, taiyuu_otoko had a recent post where he noted that most guy's value probably isn't as high as he thinks it is. That goes along with studies that show that most people overestimate how good looking they are. It strikes me that if the red pill in The Matrix represented actual reality, this may be the real red pill - that you aren't as hot sh!t as you think you are. PUAs like to say things like "We're all 10s" and "Be delusionally self-confident". But I don't see how they can square the "red pill", which is supposed to be seeing reality as it is, with deluding yourself.

That doesn't mean you don't have things to offer however. I think you should be confident, although I'm not into being delusional.


Jun 23, 2014
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My answer to this you would never truly comprehend.
No because I grew up in Flint, MI and when a guy is pointing a GUN at your head, the last thing I'm thinking about is a damn insurance policy!


Apr 21, 2015
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I would say it's making me more emotionally unstable. That is, there are times of significant happiness and then times of significant sadness.....sometimes within hours of each other.

I feel like I'm in a prison and I just want it to be over already. I want to be free....

Yes, I sit here with good money, good credit, nice looks, and can consistently get women....but I'm not free at all. I've been in a prison internally with a WAR raging. Because the truth is I'm not a Player. I'm not a Spin Plates type of guy.

I'm a traditional guy who wants a motafvckin family. That's all the fvck I want. And I didn't sign up for this stupid bullshyt that I have to deal with on a DAILY basis, from these STUPID bytches man.

I didn't sign up for this shyt and I don't deserve this shyt.
So 200 women you've been with and it's all their fault. correct?

sounds like the chick who goes from one degenerate to the next but it's all "mens" fault. there's only so.much finger pointing one can do before they need to point it at themselves.

you sound extremely needy and controlling while desperate to blame everything around you.

yes there are a LOT of fvcked up chicks out there. Are you going to let them control you and your life?


Jun 23, 2014
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So 200 women you've been with and it's all their fault. correct?

sounds like the chick who goes from one degenerate to the next but it's all "mens" fault. there's only so.much finger pointing one can do before they need to point it at themselves.

you sound extremely needy and controlling while desperate to blame everything around you.

yes there are a LOT of fvcked up chicks out there. Are you going to let them control you and your life?
Dude IDK.

Like I said, I feel as though what I'm going through nobody on this board even understands. I'll either get through it, get over it, or will finally self-destruct. Who knows, fvck it.


Apr 21, 2015
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Dude IDK.

Like I said, I feel as though what I'm going through nobody on this board even understands. I'll either get through it, get over it, or will finally self-destruct. Who knows, fvck it.
So in other words you're special. no one has ever went through what your going through.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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While I hold you in very high regard on these forums and genuinely enjoy reading your posts, I have to disagree with you here. I consider myself to be fairly high quality for my age. I'm 27, have got my own place in Brooklyn, make about 75-80K per year, am in good shape and have worked quite hard over the years on my social skills and interactions with both men and women. I had a girl I dated out here who I'm pretty sure cheated on me after a year and a half together. She was mad at me about something I did, which in retrospect the thing I did was bad and she had a right to be angry.

But where I screwed up was I misjudged her character. She wasn't a very nice person and her family life was a mess. She basically grew up in an environment that put this idea into her head about always being ready to get out of a relationship if she wasn't happy because she didn't want to end up like her mom and dad. So she had issues that caused her to have one foot out the door half the time during the entire relationship probably now that I look back on it.

I honestly am beginning to think it's chaos theory with women. Maybe it's just women here in NYC, but they just have so many options and distractions to take their minds of their boyfriends or current man they're with that even being high quality can get boring to these women and they'll just move on and justify it to themselves. So while I think what you're saying about being high quality is definitely required to get these women, it just can't keep em anymore.
I think it is more about the women being high quality... or in a word, educated. And I don't mean by that someone who can earn a six figure salary. Rather, someone who is well read, has a moral backbone, has a sense of humor, has some philosophy of sorts, and perhaps even a little religion. This is the kind of woman I am looking for, and the kind of woman I think is worth committing to.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Son, you have a good mind. It's good to be aware. But don't spend your 20s and 30s becoming an extremist like some men in the Manosphere. Hold a balanced, healthy view. Yes, many women are not quality material worth LTRing, especially the hotter ones where quality is extremely scarce.

But, by all means, this does not mean you or the market is fvcked. Just be the greatest DoubleGreatest you can be and you will transcend these men and capitalize in a market where some men cannot.

I, for one, had never had problems getting into back-to-back quality LTRs with great women. One LTR lasted 10 years, others a few.

The end goal is not "happily ever after" and stagnate. Life is a journey. You are here to learn, evolve, transcend. People are brought to your life for a specific purpose, and when that purpose is served, it's time for you to move on. Appreciating and understanding this rudimentary concept will give you some color through the often bilateral lenses of life.

Relationships are temporal. They always were, but social constructs in the old day did not allow breaks. But if you were not growing in a relation, did it make sense to force two people to remain an item? I would argue that relations dissolving is healthy, as in an unpropitious relation, we stagnate; we fail to evolve, and failing to evolve abrogates Nature's plan. Antipodally, I would encourage breakups, as they are the necessary catalyst to spawn Nature's elaborate agenda (which is transcendence of the people), forcing people to look deep within themselves and improve. Successful relations don't encourage growth; failed ones do. Don't think myopically, and incorporate the wisdom, not the deleterious emotions which often accompany it.
Perhaps I am retaking the red pill again and do not yet realize it. The problem is, you cannot expect to believe that every time a relationship fails, it is your fault. Sometimes it is theirs. THIS is the issue I am currently bothered with.
Yeah, you get more rights than in divorce without kids but that still isn't saying much. And I still do want to get married, I'm fairly certain most people here still do at least somewhat (save for for deesade). But the thing is, I'm just salty that the system sucks in the West and that most women don't have ANY desire to become the woman a man wants her to be.

ALL women know what a man desires in other women. That's why there is such a thing as 'female competition'. The thing is though, they don't strive to actually BE that woman. Then they blame the man when things go south even though SHE is the one who knows what she had to do to keep the relationship alive and keep her man happy. That's why threads on boundaries are stupid. Everyone knows what boundaries to follow, it's common fvcking sense. Sure, go ahead and tell your partner about your pet peeves so they don't do them, but you having to tell a broad not to go drink too much and fvck another guy at a nightclub is absolutely ridiculous.

Women know what men want. They just don't give it. And I am almost clueless as to why. That is another reason why I created that thread asking what Pook said was so black about women. Perhaps that could have told me why.
Pre-ban, deesade said that there are women like that out there, but just not to ME. He said that a woman who does all these nice and sweet things for you only because she likes you. It is just very hard for me to understand this concept of all women being like this and having it in their nature to do so. RangerMike was saying the same thing in a different way. I keep on looking within myself to seek the core of how women are based on my experiences and the experiences of others. When she is extremely interested in you, a woman will do everything for you. But I do not believe this to be a female trait, it isn't embedded into their nature. Men do the same thing for women when they have oneitis. I believe that if you are truly infatuated with someone, then you will want to please them and do everything for them. However I don't believe this to be male nor female behavior; I believe that it is just HUMAN behavior in general, it is not a masculine or feminine trait. I see loyalty as a possible trait by both sexes, just in different ways. For men, it is not banging other women; for women, it is resisting all urges and impulses that they know MIGHT bother their man, essentially submission. And these women KNOW what can bother their SOs, they just CHOOSE to do it anyway, even if they have no problems or issues with their current partner. It just doesn't make sense to me, logically or emotionally or instinctually.