To give an example of my ASD getting in the way of keeping a woman, here's a thread about my most recent date:
This past Saturday, I had my first date in ages. Everything was going well. We chatted quite a bit on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (She reached out to me first on all 3 of those days). On Monday, she even asked me about getting dinner again this coming weekend (I said yeah). Then on Tuesday, she...
To give a cliffnotes summary of where I went wrong: The woman asked me, 2 days after our 1st date, "So where are we going on our 2nd date?"
Then on day 3, she asked the same question. In both cases, I told her we'd make a gameday decision.
I remember at least one poster telling me a grave error on my part was that I didn't pick a venue. My therapist said the same thing (he said a woman likes a man with a plan).
I had no idea whatsoever that the man is supposed to do that.
Let that sink in: I made it to my 30s without learning that the man is supposed to pick the venue.
That's just one example to illustrate how lacking I am in my understanding of social norms.