Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?


Feb 14, 2024
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It can be very hard for those on the spectrum. There is a lack of human compassion and understanding. Though, I’ve dated really good looking women that have been with men on the spectrum prior to me. Just don’t lead with your wallet.

Women have a knack for finding what suits their own interest, I can understand why the outcome can leave those men on the spectrum, Asperger’s somewhat misled.

I have not been in your shoes so I can’t provide much perspective. It’s just my experience from the other side of things.

I do mean good-will on this post, I struggle with finding the words to connect with those on the spectrum…I apologize if this may come across offending.

Hope for the best, OP. Hope others on the spectrum here can share their stories.
As was discussed in a separate thread When men with troubles far more grave than autism (Such as psychopathy)have learned to modify their behavior enough to be charming company, there's no excuse for the rest of us being unable to do so


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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As was discussed in a separate thread When men with troubles far more grave than autism (Such as psychopathy)have learned to modify their behavior enough to be charming company, there's no excuse for the rest of us being unable to do so
Since that thread got locked, I wasn't able to reply.

Here's what I wanted to say: Psychopaths know their psychotic behavior is wrong. That's why they're able to modify their behavior when need be; they know what exactly needs to be modified.

On the other hand, with me, being on the spectrum means I'm unfamiliar with all sorts of social norms. There isn't necessarily one specific thing I do that drives a woman away in 100% of cases. The exact thing I do is probably different in every case.

With most of the women I've driven away, I don't even know what exactly I did to drive her away. My unfamiliarity with social norms could cause me to freak the woman out in all sorts of ways.


Feb 14, 2024
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Here's what I wanted to say: Psychopaths know their psychotic behavior is wrong. That's why they're able to modify their behavior when need be; they know what exactly needs to be modified
Yeah, they've become aware that antics like loudly boasting(while standing in line at Trader Joe's) of dousing kittens in kerosene, then setting those poor creatures ablaze, drives away regular people. They've likely read venerable tracts such as "How to talk to anyone"(Leil Lowndes), watched seminars on increasing one's charisma, etc etc. Thus, high-functioning psychopaths have learned how to not act in ways likely to give "normal" folks the heebie jeebies, and frequently make for charming if perilous company

The miracle of Google has made looking up traits of those who are "on the spectrum" up , so that they can be eliminated or at the very least reduced, remarkably easy

Again, there's substantial biological evidence demonstrating that men as a class are all on the spectrum to a degree , just as there's a fair amount indicating that women are physiologically designed to exhibit shades of Bordeline

Both genders have to recognize get past these obstacles if we're to thrive and prosper
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Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Yeah, they've become aware that antics like loudly boasting(while standing in line at Trader Joe's) of dousing kittens in kerosene, then setting those poor creatures ablaze, drives away regular people. They've likely read venerable tracts such as "How to talk to anyone"(Leil Lowndes), watched seminars on increasing one's charisma, etc etc. Thus, high-functioning psychopaths have learned how to not act in ways likely to give "normal" folks the heebie jeebies, and frequently make for charming if perilous company

The miracle of Google has made looking up traits of those who are "on the spectrum" up , so that they can be eliminated or at the very least reduced, remarkably easy
To give an example of my ASD getting in the way of keeping a woman, here's a thread about my most recent date:

To give a cliffnotes summary of where I went wrong: The woman asked me, 2 days after our 1st date, "So where are we going on our 2nd date?"

Then on day 3, she asked the same question. In both cases, I told her we'd make a gameday decision.

I remember at least one poster telling me a grave error on my part was that I didn't pick a venue. My therapist said the same thing (he said a woman likes a man with a plan).

I had no idea whatsoever that the man is supposed to do that.

Let that sink in: I made it to my 30s without learning that the man is supposed to pick the venue.

That's just one example to illustrate how lacking I am in my understanding of social norms.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I remember at least one poster telling me a grave error on my part was that I didn't pick a venue. My therapist said the same thing (he said a woman likes a man with a plan).

I had no idea whatsoever that the man is supposed to do that.

Let that sink in: I made it to my 30s without learning that the man is supposed to pick the venue.

That's just one example to illustrate how lacking I am in my understanding of social norms.
I thought that even blue pilled beta males who never read seduction materials or participate in seduction forums knew that men were supposed to select a venue for an early stage date.


Feb 14, 2024
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To give an example of my ASD getting in the way of keeping a woman, here's a thread about my most recent date:

To give a cliffnotes summary of where I went wrong: The woman asked me, 2 days after our 1st date, "So where are we going on our 2nd date?"

Then on day 3, she asked the same question. In both cases, I told her we'd make a gameday decision.

I remember at least one poster telling me a grave error on my part was that I didn't pick a venue. My therapist said the same thing (he said a woman likes a man with a plan).

I had no idea whatsoever that the man is supposed to do that.

Let that sink in: I made it to my 30s without learning that the man is supposed to pick the venue.

That's just one example to illustrate how lacking I am in my understanding of social norms.
Now that you're aware of this, start altering your behavior accordingly, and resist the urge to ruminate on the fact that you didn't learn sooner. We're all constantly being made aware of things we were previously unaware of, and discovering that things we once believed to be cut and dry really are, in fact, more messy and complicated than we realized

You really aren't that special or different from the rest of us, OP


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I thought that even blue pilled beta males who never read seduction materials or participate in seduction forums knew that men were supposed to select a venue for an early stage date.
Well, my plan was sort-of to pick a venue.

First I rattled off a list of local places to eat (and confirmed the woman liked all the places).

When it turned out she liked all the places, I then told her we'd make a gameday decision (What I meant was I'd pick the venue. I just wasn't ready yet when she asked several days in advance. I was going to see what type of food I was in the mood for the day of the 2nd date, if the 2nd date happened, which it never did).

My therapist said if I wasn't ready to pick a place several days in advance, I should have told her "I picked a place. It's a surprise. You'll find out on Saturday"


Feb 14, 2024
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I thought that even blue pilled beta males who never read seduction materials or participate in seduction forums knew that men were supposed to select a venue for an early stage date.
In the far-from-ancient past, we were discussing these subjects in sentences comprised of everyday language , instead of communicating like Manosphere refractions of The Woke Left, who's favorite past time = Bludgenoing the rest of humanity with blasted screeds overstuffed with jargon like "Structural Oppression" and "The Male Gaze"

It ain't surprising that OP is confused and ensnared in a pattern of intellectual masturbation
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Do men get pregnant? No.
Do men give birth? No.
Do men breastfeed? No.

Babies require care 24/7/365. Otherwise they die. Literally. For the mother the responsibility of a baby is far more mandatory/obligatory and pressing than it is for the father.
reminds me of a comment that added fuel to fire


Feb 14, 2024
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My therapist said the same thing (he said a woman likes a man with a plan).
You've had the great fortune to snag a shrink along similar to the one described here * I can't encourage you enough to heed the guidance he provides you, rather than doing what you've(mostly)been doing in this thread... Desperately manufacturing excuses to continue on as you have

*On a side note, let's marvel at the fact that as recently as '14, a magazine like Elle didn't hesitate to publish an article like that. How life has gone awry in a relatively short time


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Feb 14, 2024
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i assume there are men with worse disabilities with autism that have still been able to get results with women
Sean Stephenson has been regularly cited as an influence by everyone from David DeAngelo to Rich Cooper. So yeah, they can and do. Let's not forget: EVERYONE has disabilities of some kind. Our thoughts and beliefs about said "disabilities", and how we behave as a result, are of more importance than said "disabilities" themselves


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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Sean Stephenson has been regularly cited as an influence by everyone from David DeAngelo to Rich Cooper. So yeah, they can and do. Let's not forget: EVERYONE has disabilities of some kind. Our thoughts and beliefs about said "disabilities", and how we behave as a result, are of more importance than said "disabilities" themselves
yeah he's inspiring, i'm sure for all time, throughout history, women with disabilities have always had an easier time, or just, more often, more frequently, are able to get into a relationship than the other way around. I did kinda have a partner not that long ago, but i refuse to call her an ex-girlfriend because of her asexual personality, or because she had issues/problems with sex and physical intimacy.

Closest i ever had to a girlfriend was a woman i casually dated, non-committed, when i was 29 in 2017, we were not exclusive, it was more of a situationship.


Feb 14, 2024
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i'm sure for all time, throughout history, women with disabilities have always had an easier time, or just, more often, more frequently, are able to get into a relationship than the other way around If you're a guy who isn't afflicted with what Ms. Cauley has, you're free of a noticeable disadvantage. OP is blessed to only be pestered by autism(If that's really his difficulty), rather than something like Friedrich's ataxia


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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239 If you're a guy who isn't afflicted with what Ms. Cauley has, you're free of a noticeable disadvantage. OP is blessed to only be pestered by autism(If that's really his difficulty), rather than something like Friedrich's ataxia
In addition to being on the spectrum, I've been told (but not by a professional) that I have agoraphobia (in other words, I avoid situations that could make me uncomfortable or embarrassed).

I'd say my ASD and my agoraphobia both contribute to my lady struggles. My ASD makes it hard for me to read a woman's clues. And even in the rare occassion I am able to pick up on clues, I still refrain from shooting my shot (Because I'd be humiliated, and feel like the world's biggest idiot, if I were to get turned down. And then there would be the uncomfortable aspect of having to run into her post-rejection. Again, agoraphobes avoid situations that could lead to us being uncomfortable)


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I have an update.

It was recommended to me (on SoSuave) that I inform my therapist about my phobia of pregnancy (to explain my preference for older women).

I informed him of my pregnancy phobia at yesterday's session. I followed with "That's why my ideal woman is 45 to early 50s. Young enough that I still find her attractive, yet old enough I don't fear pregnancy."

Next, I acknowledged that I'm aware pregnancy is technically possible in that age bracket.

My therapist's response? He said even though pregnancy is possible in that age bracket, the odds are 1 in a million. That was really all he had to say about my pregnancy phobia (and how it impacts my age preference). He never suggested I get over my phobia, nor did he suggest I focus on broads in my own age bracket.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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I have an update.

It was recommended to me (on SoSuave) that I inform my therapist about my phobia of pregnancy (to explain my preference for older women).

I informed him of my pregnancy phobia at yesterday's session. I followed with "That's why my ideal woman is 45 to early 50s. Young enough that I still find her attractive, yet old enough I don't fear pregnancy."

Next, I acknowledged that I'm aware pregnancy is technically possible in that age bracket.

My therapist's response? He said even though pregnancy is possible in that age bracket, the odds are 1 in a million. That was really all he had to say about my pregnancy phobia (and how it impacts my age preference). He never suggested I get over my phobia, nor did he suggest I focus on broads in my own age bracket.
OP, today's older women are not the same as 30 years ago. 50 is indeed the new 40; lots of older women (a minority but a significant one) have good genes and have taken good care of themselves. Also, they tend to be more mature (obv), intelligent and sophisticated and may be more willing to look any neurodivergent issues. However, there is skin sag and they tend to be more manipulative and often there are insecurity and lowered sex-drive. The key for OP is identifying ones not only expressing interest but also ones with a sexual and confident vibe.

300 posts reaming OP about his preferences? FFS. People have different tastes and OP has a reasonable logical argument for his beyond mere proclivity. He's not banging his Mom and society has changed how they view older women - younger men relationships. If you haven't noticed this, you've got your head in the sand. That being said OP, it's still a good idea to keep your eye out for same-age and younger chicks who express interest.

The egoism on this board knows no bounds, as usual. Lmao.
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Sep 10, 2014
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Since that thread got locked, I wasn't able to reply.

Here's what I wanted to say: Psychopaths know their psychotic behavior is wrong. That's why they're able to modify their behavior when need be; they know what exactly needs to be modified.

On the other hand, with me, being on the spectrum means I'm unfamiliar with all sorts of social norms. There isn't necessarily one specific thing I do that drives a woman away in 100% of cases. The exact thing I do is probably different in every case.

With most of the women I've driven away, I don't even know what exactly I did to drive her away. My unfamiliarity with social norms could cause me to freak the woman out in all sorts of ways.

Exactly how is this different from 95% of guys?

Most "normal" guys have no idea either. And furthermore it's mostly irrelevant because even if you asked the woman to tell you she likely wouldn't or wouldn't be able to tell you exactly what it is.

It's usually a feeling or lack of feeling she has when she is with you. Ie, you don't make her feel the way she wants to feel when she is with a man.

What causes that, who knows. That's why you have to do it over and over again until you figure it out thru trial and error, then you slowly keep what works and throw away what doesn't in most situations.

You are trying to skip the entire process and just get to the end result and that's not the way it works.

Stop trying to avoid having to go thru the struggle and embrace the struggle because that will teach you a hell of a lot more than taking the easy road.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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OP, today's older women are not the same as 30 years ago. 50 is indeed the new 40; lots of older women (a minority but a significant one) have good genes and have taken good care of themselves. Also, they tend to be more mature (obv), intelligent and sophisticated and may be more willing to look any neurodivergent issues. However, there is skin sag and they tend to be more manipulative and often there are insecurity and lowered sex-drive. The key for OP is identifying ones not only expressing interest but also ones with a sexual and confident vibe.

300 posts reaming OP about his preferences? FFS. People have different tastes and OP has a reasonable logical argument for his beyond mere proclivity. He's not banging his Mom and society has changed how they view older women - younger men relationships. If you haven't noticed this, you've got your head in the sand. That being said OP, it's still a good idea to keep your eye out for same-age and younger chicks who express interest.

The egoism on this board knows no bounds, as usual. Lmao.

While I don't really have any memories of 30 years ago (I would have been only 3 years old 30 years ago), I have vivid memories of 20 years ago. 20 years ago (when I was 13), 50 year olds looked ancient/ugly. Part of that is because I was only 13. I'm convinced, however, that 50 year old women in 2024 really look better than 50 year old women in 2004 did.

A lot of 50 year old women today look like a slightly older version of their 30 year old selves; still plenty attractive.

Interesting hypothesis about older women possibly being more accepting of neurodivergence (if you're right, that's good news).

I was lucky enough to find a 45 year old woman with a through-the-roof sex drive back when I was 23 (in addition to her through-the-roof sex drive, she had a husband who refused to bang her, hence where I came in, pun intended).

To address your point about broads closer in age to me, I would consider a broad around my age...if she threw herself at me.