Jaylan said:
You are acting as if age shouldnt matter. Two 13 year olds hook up, and thats fine because they are both kids going to the motions in growing up. But if one of them starts making out with a 30 year old, then of course its a problem.
Now you're talking about 13 year olds.
I don't care if a frigging 60 year old guy has sex with an 18 year old, she's legal. This couple claims they didn't have sex until she was 18, and at this point, that hasn't been proven otherwise. If two people talk when the girl is younger, and a mutual attraction develops, that is not an unusual occurrence. At least this guy waited until she was legal.
Jaylan said:
Again, stop using different time periods to stick up for this guy.
I wasn't talking about different time periods, I was talking about present day India. Half the women marry before age 18. That's over half a billion people!
The age of consent is 18, but apparently the parents are okay with the girls marrying earlier. A lot of arranged marriages there, you know. It's all about what culture you live in.
AlNess said:
That line of defense is not unparallel to when actual pedophiles cite miscegenation laws that were in place until 1967
Irrelevant. If child molesters argued that 2+2=4, that wouldn't make the equation false.
AlNess said:
And if any of the
texts he sent this girl when she was 14-15 could in fact hang him, then by all means, they should. I don't have a reason to doubt he was fantasizing about this girl when was 14-15, and perhaps even got as far as letting some sexually suggestive statements "slip" right before he quickly bit his tongue.
If this guy should be hung Elvis should have been hung. Was Priscilla damaged by her relationship with Elvis, or did her life benefit?
Also, you can't legislate what someone fantasizes about. And we don't know what was being texted.
I agree in our culture an older guy texting a 14 year old girl sounds a little squicky. But is it illegal? Should young girls be allowed to have any contact at all with older men? Should they even talk to them? Should they be wrapped in veils and burkas until society deems them ready to communicate?
DownLow said:
We already answered that: the appearance of breasts indicates receptivity.
If we go purely by logic and forget the knee jerk emotional reactions, nature would seem to indicate that girls are ready for sex when they develop their secondary sex characteristics. Perhaps people should be mad at God or nature for making this "mistake". Maybe we should inject girls with hormone inhibiters until they are 16, or 18, or 21, or whenever the guys on the forum think is appropriate.
By 14, most girls have reached this stage of development. When cultures add one, two, or four years before they declare them ready to breed, this is merely social conditioning - the dreaded "matrix" you guys are so fond of talking about.
Now I'm not recommending guys go have sex with 14 year olds. But I see no moral imperative here, it's all relative to the culture you live in.