I'm risk-averse (in some ways) and lazy (in some ways); I totally admit it.I left the house at seventeen. My parents were glad to see me go.
I think it depends on your ambition. I have not attained my goal yet, but my goals are not the same as those of the good members here. I attained those goals decades ago.
What can I say, I'm a positive person. I don't think you're stupid, just lazy and risk averse. With the proper guidance, you might be able to overcome your disadvantages, but you're avoiding to take action and you're wallowing in self-pity.
I think something terrible needs to happen before you get shaken out of your autistic stupor and start living instead of just existing.
But there's still the problem I mentioned where I failed to pick up (even after knowing these girls for several months) on the fact 2 of my female college classmates weren't open to getting hit on. The fact I came out of my shell (and asked out those 2 classmates without having a panic attack) after the temporary confidence boost upon losing my v-card, that's an example of me tossing my risk aversion out the window (temporarily at least). Yet I still failed.
Why did I fail? Because shedding your risk aversion will only get you so far if you lack the ability to read the room on who's open to getting hit on.
Something terrible has to happen before I snap out of my autistic stupor? I've only had free sex once in the past 9 years (and only been on 2 dates in the past 9 years). That's pretty terrible.