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Intelligence in males = disadvantage?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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There are many types of intelligence. It depends on which type of intelligence you choose to pursue that makes a difference.

Some people love to play video games, and they'll put every ounce of thought into the game. 40 years later I'm sure some guys could still tell you how to play Doom and describe in real time exactly how a great game would play out...

Others its mathematics, or music, they'll lay down all their brain cells to looking into timing and calculations. Some guys will put so much into sports, and working out. Others will put their mind to other things, like books, or music.

Some guys, like me, are orny as hell, and they'll think up ways when they're bored of how to get into womens pants.

Guys like Pook, and anti-dump, sure they can tell you how to get women, but look at the ways they came up with their ideas. They are not lovers, they are pick up artists.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Vulpine said:
I personally think the guy is full of sh!T. Last I knew, the IQ median was around 100.

That would mean dude has a 189.234+ IQ.

That, or he has fat fingers and can't use a calculator.
I agree - I don't think his own IQ is that high.

What I "agreed" with but wanted a source for was that guys with high IQs might be turn-off's to women.

Well, isn't it true? Didn't the smartest nerds in school get the least chix?

Let's face it - women are emotional and so get attracted to dumb emotional guys, right? A smart guy is simply going to be talking over their heads when he gets logical and smart on them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Vulpine said:
His 192.5% claim is complete crap because the maxium score on an IQ test is 161.
The max possible percentage would be 133%, by math. Of course, you can't exceed "100%" in this case, so this guy is a toolbag.

So, to claim "correct" on an IQ estimation of 188+ based on test where only 161 is possible, is like saying you have 158% of a brain.




Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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I totally agree with the standpoint of growing up and considering your self a "nerd" will make you very unconfident later in life. Especially if you were picked on. As well as the other facts that have been pointed out. So this topic deals more with highly intelligent men... First of all let’s get something straight, society labels highly intelligent men as NERDS...… Sometimes it’s their fault that they are a nerd… They think their intelligence is all they need and they don't excel their other missing traits. These traits being the more necessary traits that are attractive to women in general. So essentially their personality evolves into what I call the Intelligent Alpha Male. Incase you don’t understand my logic, I’m going to go deeper into it…

I want to point out a few obvious facts about the average nerd.
Lack of confidence, (Why? Continue reading and its obvious...)
Lack of social skills...
Lack of fitness/build...
Possibly lack of height…
Lack of social proof...
Over analyze various situations... Not spontaneous enough!
Didn't get laid enough in high school...
Other various insecurity that they are well aware of, etc...
As well as they are brain washed by the culture into thinking intelligence/success are all they need in life. Some of them think they will get laid when they are 30 no matter what and currently don’t stress women. In reality they will get married and other guys will bone their wives. (I actually boned a married 24 year old woman while I was a senior in high school. Mainly because he husband was super AFC and didn’t lay the pipe right.)

Back on subject….
Most American Women have been brain washed by our culture to not be attracted to what we consider "intelligent men"... Please keep in mind men think factual/logical. I've seen guys go back and forth with facts, trying to look smarter then the other. They seriously thought that these facts were impressive even to women. Sadly they were only impressive to their little social structure of guys. Women DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ALL THE FACTS YOU KNOW. Women think emotionally!!!!!!! If you want her to know you are smart then just outwit her and do it in a funny/fun yet dominating way. This is a great trait to have.

As far as each of us -THINKING- we are smart and that it gives us an edge... I want to talk more on how this personality trait evolved. I'm doing this from a Freudian Psychology stand point, more specifically; Freudian Personality Development. (Basically our personalities develop into what ever will help us get laid. Our personality develops the most from age 17 to 25. When reading the following please keep in mind our subconscious pushes us to constantly think of ways that will help us get laid…. So, most people who evolve into The Intelligent Alpha Male do it with reason... Like I said before they are lacking in certain areas. For example if you were a 5 ft. tall male and lived in Japan this wouldn't affect your personality because everyone is that short... Although if you were 5 ft tall male and lived in America it would greatly affect your personality because the average male is 5 ft. 10 inches... The way one's personality develops depends on many factors. I really just want to point out how size/genetics plays a role... For example have you ever noticed how big dogs don't bark much? Although little dogs will bark their asses off to make up for their small size. A short guy will do a lot of things to make up for his height; be funny, try to look/talk smart, etc… Sooner or later his personality develops with the traits of intelligence and humor as his cornerstones. Sometimes it goes too far though… He’ll tries to steal the show and keep the attention on him self. He will also try to boss you around. He has became very witty in his path to getting laid. Some people will figure out that he has "Little Man Syndrome". Although if you are alone with him he will take off his social mask and show more of his true self. Since his intelligence and humor have given him the edge and he'll continue to develop it.

Now I want to point out the opposite The Big Dog... He is usually about a foot or so taller then the Little Man. He doesn't talk too much, he simply doesn't need to. Women have always been attracted to him because of his size. His size has become his strength and he tries to get even bigger. You'll usually find him in the gym at least 3 times a week.

Also the same goes for how attractive you think you are... If you think your face is just butt ugly then you'll try to make up for it with having a nice body. Although if you have a very attractive face then you are less likely to feel the need for the gym. I actually know two guys that are best friends but yet the opposite when it comes to how girls rate them. I've heard so many girls say one has a nice face but no body at all... Then they will follow up with a judgment about the other guy, which usually goes something like... "He has a nice body but his face is ugly..."

Well that’s my 10 cents…

Stop relying on your intelligence to be the only trait that reflects who you are.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
For LTR purposes, intelligence is one area in which I find like attracts like, even more so than looks.

Most of the people I know have very high intelligence and good, if not superior, social skills. A good many are attractive and athletic, too. But a surprisingly high % do not have a lot of money.

So much for stereotypes...


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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There are several different types of intelligence(seven to be exact I believe)...

Someone people have a high Logical intelligence and a low Emotional intelligence.

Your IQ is a measure of just one of these intelligences. Just because your IQ is lofty, do not for one second think that you are "smart".

Click here.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
Brian McGee said:
The reason those statistics read the way they do is because the higher IQ = the bigger nerd. The majority of high IQ people were bullied/teased or whatever since they first started school, and the majority NEVER recover from it. I've never regarded people who demonstrate almost genius standards in academics as smart.. socialising is a bigger part of life than academics, and most of these people fail in the social arena. Therefore, they are not smart, merely very good at one particular aspect in life, just as the jock who is dumb in academics is smart in socialising.

The ultimate DJ has to be smart and sociable.
I agree.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
I agree with some that the original poster has a rather lofty view of himself relative to others. Basically, his writings hint that he believes that he is superior to others.

I have a reasonably high IQ, and have pursuits and interests that vary and would not be the norm for the clubbing girl. I am older than most. Anyway, being condescending is not what you want to project to your friends or potential mates. I would think that you would correct people, and tell them the linguistic origin of certain words. I, admittedly, was guilty of this. My friends pointed this out to me, and once I noticed it, I realized that I was an arrogant know it all. Which may be the poster. No one likes a know it all, especially in social scenes.

From my experience, I would suggest toning down the intellectual frequency a bit, and just listen. Listen and then work with the level of conversation that you have to work with. If the girl is smart, the convo will elevate. This is also good with men. What I am saying here is that there are all sorts of people and learn to talk TO people. Not above or below them. Essentially, she won't hide her intelligence any more than she has to, and if working on this level gets you action all's well.

Now, doing this is not compromising your intelligence. You are simply adapting to your surroundings. Also, the original writer is especially proud of being a rare item. This is good, but don't allow this to creep into arrogance. Confidence is what this site is about, arrogance simply crosses the line.

Be cool, confident, understand others, and enjoy everyone's company. Remember, most of the planet statistically is fairly average, so don't forget the little people with an inflated IQ.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I just graduated from law school. The guys there are mostly hopeless with women. I know several 23-25 y/o virgins. The women do seek out an intelligent man, but not a dorky one. My gf is still in law school, and she agrees that there are not many attractive men there. Intelligent people tend to have a lower 'emotional iq' in that they have a very hard time understanding what someone else is thinking. Seducing a woman involves having an idea what is going through her head, being intuitive - the academic overachievers are not very good at it.

Part of it is also social stigma from growing up as a 'nerd.' Lack of success in the past creates a lack of confidence, worsening the problem.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Intelligent people tend to have a lower 'emotional iq' in that they have a very hard time understanding what someone else is thinking.
Obviously it varies greatly from person to person, but there are indeed different sorts of intelligence, and it does appear that a great deal of one sort often goes along with a deficiency in other types. Few "intelligent" people have balanced high intelligence. Think of "Rain Man"... or creative geniuses who f*k up their lives in so many other ways.

There's also the fact that a lot of people with super-high analytical intelligence cannot relate to the ways a lot of ordinary people think, for example their dogmas, irrational beliefs, superstitions, and stereotypes. But then, some analytically intelligent characters use those things to forward their own agenda very effectively.

It's a good thing for rulers that people do not think.

- A. Hitler


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
a great deal of one sort often goes along with a deficiency in other types.

Kobe Bryant comes to mind. If there's a 'physical intelligence' he maxes it out, but from seeing him speak on TV, he has next to zero interpersonal skills.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Intelligence in humans is NOT a factor that gives them evolutionary advantages.
The only factors that are real evolutionary advantages are psychical stability/ability to cope with frustration and social/networking skills i.e. communicative skills.
When it comes to intelligence, humans are absolutely overpowered anyway. We need 1/10 of our mental capability to survive. Why we have such formula one brains, still is unclear.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
3 deviations out would be in the .013 percentile. This would mean you are smarter than 5 billion 922 million people if the planet's population was rounded to 6 billion. 68% of the population falls between an IQ of 85 and 115.

IQ is over-rated but does provide some measure of applicable intelligence.

To see the distribution, scroll three-quarters the way down this page to see the model.



Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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thomasM said:
Although intelligence clearly has a demonstrable advantage in business (and for survival in general), intelligence in males has shown, by personal experience , to be a considerable disadvantage while seeking a mate. I am curious if this is indeed a universal truth, or merely a regional phenomenon?

I found a study performed by the Social Sciences department at the University of Bristol, which suggests a statistical 35% decrease in the likelihood of mating for each positive deviation increase in intelligence (16 IQ points). Thus in my case, this would reflect a 192.5% chance that I will never find a mate. It appears that in general, most women prefer men who are both dumb, and brutish.

This trend is probably instinctive, rooted deeply in an ancient evolutionary survival advantage; for if you mate with a strong brutish man, you will produce strong brutish offspring, those better able to survive. Logically, even today, this still makes evolutionary sense, for on the playground, as well as in adult life, the strong and ruthless are always in charge, and thus command majority control over all human wealth and resources. One never hears reports of dumb brutish kids (bullies) being picked on, or domineered by nerds!

So what is the general consensus out there? Is there really little hope for intelligent men?
This conclusion is actually the result of low intelligence :crackup:

Just becuase we see less success in dating for smart men than in dumb men doesnt mean its their intelligence that is CAUSING their failure.

Youre misunderstanding how causality and correlations work. All this study shows is that high intelligence is correlated with failure in dating. IT does NOT show that intelligence is the cause in dating.

Smart men may just have certain characteristics that are a turn off to women, its not their intelligence that is turning women off. Certain characteristics may be strongly associated with smart men, ie. nerdy habits, no athletic build, taking no care in how they look to the opposite sex, poor social skills, etc.

Again, Ive said this over and over again, MOST PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM ARE SCIENTIFICALLY ILLITERATE!! The conclusion of the OP just further proves this; a total neglect of how causality and correlations work and how this needs to be considered when looking at experimental results.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
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East Coast
I think its extrememly simple! It take more to impress guys with high intellects. Our personality standards are extrmemly high. This is the major problem I have with women. My game doesn't seem to work on dumber girls =(....gimmie a older woman(30 max) or a intellegent female and i'm gold.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Quit it with the 'we.' Me and Russell Brand/George Clooney/insert intelligent hottie/ are rolling in pussy thanks.

Intelligence makes up about 20% of your total score. Try working on some other areas. Or enjoy feeling superior at mental puzzles while masturbating alone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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I was writing another advice column for men - advice usually don't be a pussy, women like to be teased, etc' and found this site when googling 'negs.'

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
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Why do I keep seeing the "smart guys" here claim that smart people see black and white duality in everything. Smart people do the complete opposite. Intelligent people see few things as black and white.

If you see almost ANY subject as black and white, that's because you probably don't understand it. Think about your drunk uncle who has ill-informed views on politics that make you cringe because they are just so simplistic, and therefore pretty much stupid. That's what a lot of you sound like to me right now.

A smart person understands complex questions to the degree that they realize that it's all grey.

Like in dating. Here's the argument that keeps getting rehashed by everyone so far:

A) I'm smart
B) I don't get women
C) Women don't like me because I'm smart.

Beyond the fact that that's terrible logic, it's just not that simple. I like what God of Getting Layed had to say. He's pointing out that a lot of the guys posting in this thread don't understand the issue. Correlation does not prove causation.

It's not your intelligence that is causing your failure. If it makes you feel better to say, "I'm so smart women can't handle me" that's fine. But it's bull**** and you know it.