wutangfinancial said:
The OP is 100% correct. According to Gene Expression, every IQ point above 100 increases the chance of virginity by 2.7% at age 19. Over 130, and your probably a virgin!
49% of MIT students=virgins.
45 of Harvard students=virgins.
What smart guys need to do: help each other out. Encourage each other. Share tips.
I guess I'd be an exception to that rule. I lost my virginity at 15. But, it may have something to do with a little something that Teddy Roosevelt said stuck with me at an early age:
"Walk softly and carry a big stick."
I learned to avoid intellectual conversations. It turns out that I pretty much flat-out suck at talking because I tend to make people feel inept and/or have a hard time relating to many people's thought processes. So I learned an outstanding tool...
Though I can't stand "small talk", I learned to find it entertaining. Not that I find it intellectually stimulating. :nono: I find it comical. I have a hard time contributing to such drivel, so instead, I shut up and listened.
Shut up + listen = score with women.
The mistake that the brainiacs make is simply opening their mouths... then they let them run - onandonandonandon about ultra-instense subjects on levels far beyond the grasp of those with less capacity. So, shut it.
If you are of the 130+ crowd, I suggest you stop what you are doing and go buy "How to win friends and influence people."
The book is sort of "gamey" and "manipulative", so I'll save you a few bucks and summarize:
Put yourself in other people's shoes. Read their reactions to your words. Understand their backgrounds and situations before complaining or bragging. When they say something offensive or otherwise potentially aggrivating, consider why and how they came to saying it. And, before you say something, consider what their reactions will likely be. People are intimidated by those much smarter than themselves, and intimidating women goes against building comfort and raport.
Being fairly sharp, I had a hard time relating to others. For me, things that could be left unsaid had to be said for others. Certain things I took as "given" weren't understood.

So, when I
did speak, I learned another valuable lesson...
Slow down. Speak slowly and watch that others are following. If they get lost, back up and make sure they understand. I heard a long time ago that the reason people from the south (or, "rednecks", if you prefer) are perceived as stupid is purely because they speak slowly. Bingo - step one for me*. From there, you pause more often to check feedback or field the "but...?" and "so...?" type clarifications. Also, pause to change the 7 tile, 50 point scrabble words to 3 letter ones whenever possible.
*reason #2 was due to my left-handedness and being prone to frequent spoonerisms
People just LOOooooOOOOve to feel superior. So, let them.
Appear fallible, sound acute, go ahead and intentionally ask someone how or why when you already know how, why, and where the origins started.
Hell, even say "Wow! You learn something new every day" to sh!t you know to be false. Then laugh heartily on the inside. No harm, no foul - and you made someone feel smart, thus good.
Oh, and the cherry on top:
Since I've found SS, one huge thing I learned was to not apologize for my "making people feel dumb" mistakes. Being smaght aint somthin ya gotta pologize for. Example:
HB: "Vulpine, you're an azzhole. I'm not completely stupid, you know."
V: "I'm sorry."
*Vulpine acknowledges azzhole status, woman loses interest*
V: "Huh... really? Jeez, you really had me going there. Wow! You learn something new every day!"
*woman laughs, hits, is more attracted - attempts to qualify, etc.*
tmpgstx said:
I grew up 'hard' too, nothing much was even my fault, just displaced anger. You take things much more seriously as you don't want to make mistakes. It's perfectionism. Most intelligent people are perfectionists, now try growing up this way and being intelligent, you get compounded perfectionism.

It's very hard to approach women when you want to do it "perfectly". It's like a clean freak trying to mud wrestle without getting dirty - you just can't.