you don’t understand that sex means different things for men and women. I’m not going to explain those differences again because I already have a million times.
Women have more sex than men because they can, not because they necessarily want to. Yes, women like sex with men they are attracted to, but sex is also primarily a tool women use to hook a man and get him invested in her. It’s like a female narcotic and it balances the playing field. Men are physically stronger, women have this sex narcotic that turns men into retards.
If men had the options and abundance that women had then men would be banging all day, every day, only pausing to eat,sh1t and sleep. Women don’t do this. Women could get fvcked all the time by anyone if she wanted to, but she doesn’t. In fact, men the world over are complaining that women won’t even associate with him.
in the modern world now, I strongly suspect that most men now go years without sex, unless they pay a hooker. So even the most chastened girlfriend in a faithful LTR is going to be having more sex than most guys.
in theory, yes, but the math doesn't work.
the girl has sex, in most cases, a man also has sex at the same time. this means that in the universe men are having 50% of the sex. it's math...
the other possibility is that 10% of the men are having much more sex than most women. but that doesn't align with our mantra that all women have thousands of options and the men zero. if all or most women are having lots of sex every day with different partners then 10% of the men is not enough. the math doesn't work and time also must be invested to do some other stuff related to SMV high.
I can understand that some women are very high count(in some cases 5 or 6 a day), but the math doesn't work for it to be most women.
in short, there is something wrong with the story that has evolved. there is a story, but somehow it has gotten twisted.
perhaps we have it all wrong. it's not that the top 20% of men get all, it is really that the bottom 20% get none and they struggle for justification. much better to be part of the majority that gets none than the minority. the math...
married cucks and incels make up the 20% getting none. the math on this works out for the top 10% of men to have higher counts. the other possibility is that a huge percentage of women are also not getting any. I mean we see thousands of women that look very promiscuous, but billions of women exist...