I'm probably going to jail

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Jan 8, 2015
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Crying and playing a victim and lying and attacking me at the same time. :crackup:

Danger said:
This very quote is an example, saying I am crying and playing victim. But the real attacking is that you are making this whole discussion about me personally and not the topic..
Still you were wrong on misandry and the OP made you look like a fool. Now you use feminist tactics like making up things, lying, crying, playing a victim, and shaming. Nothing is about you like you are claiming. You were wrong and made the fool on misandry being too sensitive to take any critical advice. Weak beta man.

Danger said:
And still you attack me personally..
Danger said:
But then, you're a mouth-foaming feminist who declares the man evil whether he is being smashed by the mirror or the one doing the smashing. Take a bon-bon and calm yourself down sweetheart..
Now you attack me personally in feminist language. You are just like a feminist incapable of any logic or reasoning thinking you are always right and everyone is attacking you. What a liar you are. Lying like a feminist say I attack you when you attack me and others here. Making up things I never said to fit your misandry narrative. Feminists do exactly that.

Danger said:
you attack the man with shaming weapons.
Danger said:
But then, you're a mouth-foaming feminist who declares the man evil whether he is being smashed by the mirror or the one doing the smashing. Take a bon-bon and calm yourself down sweetheart.
What is this? You attack me with shaming weapons like a feminist. Liar I attacked nobody. You were made to be the fool and got mad when I said so.

Danger said:
These are feminist tactics used to kill messengers instead of discussing the uncomfortable realities.

This is why you desperately attack the role-reversal question I pose with comments like this....

You desperately avoid the topic and instead attack the man in the hypothetical. Which is the real definition of irony, because when the roles are reversed, you attack the man with shaming weapons while at the same time declaring "no misandry"..
I am attacking nothing. Now you want there to be misandry in the hypothetical since you believe in everything to be misandry and lost your misandry claim with the OP. I see nothing but shaming weapons from you.

Danger said:
Let's put this into perspective. The man defends himself against a woman smashing a mirror on his head and you are ok with the charges pressed against him..
Liar. I never said I said I'm ok with charges. She pressed the charges against him. He has to defend those charges. Making up lies about me.

Danger said:
But when the roles are reversed the man smashing the mirror on the woman is a beta loser. In both cases it's all about how bad the man is. How can you give any sort of credible point of view when that is your perception of reality?.
The man is a beta loser for smashing a mirror on a woman's head out of anger. I assume you do that since it is so important to you angering you so much. So we now know you can't keep your cool letting women affect you that bad. Definition of a beta man that can't hold in his emotions just like the feminist you are.

Danger said:
Courts, media, public opinion all declare many things when not all evidence is available. But more importantly, and as I already stated, the OP gave the impression the detective and DA had the evidence and yet the charge still stood, so more than appropriate to make the call I did..
Courts do not declare anything not til the defense rests and evidence is in. You were wrong about misandry and still look like a fool crying and now lying.

Danger said:
But then, you're a mouth-foaming feminist who declares the man evil whether he is being smashed by the mirror or the one doing the smashing. Take a bon-bon and calm yourself down sweetheart..
Calm yourself since you are the one who has your panties in a wad throwing a fit like an irate woman. You are making a fool of yourself.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
So reading through all of this, if any of you are still stupid enough to pursue relationships with 1st world princesses, you get exactly what you deserve.


May 5, 2015
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Your a piece of filth who deserves jail and your ex isn't much better. This is a crap website.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
ChrisFloyd said:
By the way you tell the story, I don't give half fvck what happen to you. I just want to know how is her eye now?
Almost completely normal looking.

P.S. - Go fvck yourself.


Jan 8, 2015
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Now you make up more lies still trying to prove misandry after you were made the fool. :crackup:

Danger said:
So when I question what would the system do if the roles were reversed, you dodge the question and attack the man for not meeting your definition of a man.
Making up more lies to fit your fictional narrative of misandry. Now you ask that hypothetical question to claim misandry since your real life misandry claim blew up in your face when the OP made you the fool for being wrong. We would not know what the system would do on hypotheticals. We don't know what a judge would rule. We do not know what other evidence lawyers would use. We do not know what a jury would say on the case. The hypothetical does not work not knowing what really will happen. It is stupid to assume something when you are easily wrong. Look at you assuming all the evidence was in the OP's case declaring early misandry and you were wrong and was made to be a fool.

I attack nobody. If you think a man should get so angry to smash up a woman's place and break mirrors on her head then you are a beta man with emotional problems and might go to jail. Is that your definition of yourself? Do you break mirrors over women's heads smashing up their place in anger? Is that good to do in your definition of a man?

We have laws to protect people from violence and vandalism. It is not misandry when you start the violence on someone expecting not to be prosecuted. That is a crime. You are making a fool out of yourself.

Danger said:
Your dodging the question says everything we need to know on misandry. Just keep on that man-hating and nobody will ever marry you.
Now you make another insult to me and make up more lies. Hypothetical questions are stupid since it is fake and is made up. We wait for the OP to tell us his case to discuss questions on to see if there is real misandry. Still you cry about it making up lies needing to prove misandry on a hypothetical.

You need to prove misandry so bad that you stoop to hypothetical questions and making up lies about me to claim it. I bet you want this guy to go to jail to prove misandry.

What we need to know is that you believe misandry exists for everything and you make up lies to prove it each way you can. You are like feminist thinking everybody is out to get you and the world is holding you down. Feminists say the same about men. You are the same as them. Now you are trying to prove misandry even when it is not there trying to use hypotheticals to still claim misandry and making up lies about me. Still you were wrong on misandry and the OP made you to be the fool. You are making a fool out of yourself carrying on like this.

Dgwizdal said:
Almost completely normal looking.
Have you seen her? What is happening with the on going case?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Peña said:
Now you make up more lies still trying to prove misandry after you were made the fool. :crackup:

Making up more lies to fit your fictional narrative of misandry. Now you ask that hypothetical question to claim misandry since your real life misandry claim blew up in your face when the OP made you the fool for being wrong. We would not know what the system would do on hypotheticals. We don't know what a judge would rule. We do not know what other evidence lawyers would use. We do not know what a jury would say on the case. The hypothetical does not work not knowing what really will happen. It is stupid to assume something when you are easily wrong. Look at you assuming all the evidence was in the OP's case declaring early misandry and you were wrong and was made to be a fool.

I attack nobody. If you think a man should get so angry to smash up a woman's place and break mirrors on her head then you are a beta man with emotional problems and might go to jail. Is that your definition of yourself? Do you break mirrors over women's heads smashing up their place in anger? Is that good to do in your definition of a man?

We have laws to protect people from violence and vandalism. It is not misandry when you start the violence on someone expecting not to be prosecuted. That is a crime. You are making a fool out of yourself.

Now you make another insult to me and make up more lies. Hypothetical questions are stupid since it is fake and is made up. We wait for the OP to tell us his case to discuss questions on to see if there is real misandry. Still you cry about it making up lies needing to prove misandry on a hypothetical.

You need to prove misandry so bad that you stoop to hypothetical questions and making up lies about me to claim it. I bet you want this guy to go to jail to prove misandry.

What we need to know is that you believe misandry exists for everything and you make up lies to prove it each way you can. You are like feminist thinking everybody is out to get you and the world is holding you down. Feminists say the same about men. You are the same as them. Now you are trying to prove misandry even when it is not there trying to use hypotheticals to still claim misandry and making up lies about me. Still you were wrong on misandry and the OP made you to be the fool. You are making a fool out of yourself carrying on like this.

Have you seen her? What is happening with the on going case?
She's been texting me, fb chatting me, snapchatting me fits of rage followed by groveling I can't move on texts every couple of hrs, then happy miss you texts, then going off the deep end in despair every day since. She has been harassing mutual friends and ex girlfriends for hanging out with me. Tried to make an appearance where I was at the other day. Also sent my mom a novel of a Facebook message I have to deal with. I have not responded once. All our friends know and Just about every is on my side or understands (bc they know she is a nut ) whether they agree with my final decision to crack her or not. Meeting with my lawyer by the end of the week - will know more then.


Jan 8, 2015
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Dgwizdal said:
She's been texting me, fb chatting me, snapchatting me fits of rage followed by groveling every couple of hrs, then going off the deep end in despair every day since. She has been harassing mutual friends and ex girlfriends for hanging out with me. Also sent my mom a novel of a Facebook message I have to deal with. I have not responded once. All our friends know and Just about every is on my side or understands (bc they know she is a nut ) whether they agree with my final decision to crack her or not. Meeting with my lawyer by the end of the week - will know more then.
She is really whacked out eh? I would keep all that as evidence to show the lawyer to use against her in court. Show her rage in snapchat and facebook to prove she had the rage to smash up your place. Let her harass you to show she is not all there. Let her hang herself and will be an easy dismissal in court. Don't respond to anything she sends you. Don't give her any evidence that you talked to her. Keep us posted on it. Some of your friends disagree about you hitting her?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Peña said:
She is really whacked out eh? I would keep all that as evidence to show the lawyer to use against her in court. Show her rage in snapchat and facebook to prove she had the rage to smash up your place. Let her harass you to show she is not all there. Let her hang herself and will be an easy dismissal in court. Don't respond to anything she sends you. Don't give her any evidence that you talked to her. Keep us posted on it. Some of your friends disagree about you hitting her?
It's more just a principal thing "for the record" about not hitting a chick. Then followed by a "I'm glad you did - she's been due for a long time" Some flat out say she shoulda got cracked at the first instance of her f*cling my house up let alone her coming at me w mirror and beer bottle and mirror aftermath. All the women ARE on my side.

These are people who've witnessed batsh!tness. From her hitting random guys in the faces at bars for no reason and throwing shot glasses off the bar, kicking stools and chairs over, being outrageously billigerent and obnoxious, or have gotten cracked by her in the past.

Doesn't really change the way I feel - what's done is done. Still feel moderately ****ty about it but moral is improving with friends support. I can only ask myself what was I thinking in the first place. And that answer is a h0t piece of @ss who worshipped me for the last year. A fun drunk at times and a good fvck.

And I had/have plenty of game and girls interested in me... Headed to an old fvck of mines house now...

Never again. Not worth it.


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Dgwizdal said:
Almost completely normal looking.

P.S. - Go fvck yourself.
stay classy you ****. whoa you've proven that you are strong enough to beat up a girl. want a gold star for it?


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Dgwizdal said:
It's more just a principal thing "for the record" about not hitting a chick. Then followed by a "I'm glad you did - she's been due for a long time" Some flat out say she shoulda got cracked at the first instance of her f*cling my house up let alone her coming at me w mirror and beer bottle and mirror aftermath. All the women ARE on my side.

These are people who've witnessed batsh!tness. From her hitting random guys in the faces at bars for no reason and throwing shot glasses off the bar, kicking stools and chairs over, being outrageously billigerent and obnoxious, or have gotten cracked by her in the past.

Doesn't really change the way I feel - what's done is done. Still feel moderately ****ty about it but moral is improving with friends support. I can only ask myself what was I thinking in the first place. And that answer is a h0t piece of @ss who worshipped me for the last year. A fun drunk at times and a good fvck.

And I had/have plenty of game and girls interested in me... Headed to an old fvck of mines house now...

Never again. Not worth it.
due to get beaten up huh. have been in some fights, with other guys duh. what is it you beat up the weak? so stupid. for all your talk about getting the chicks was she the best you can do. we all can get chicks and somehow none have been as crazy as yours. a crazy chick doesn't make it anywhere near a bed with me ever. have a hookup with a chick coming up and she isn't crazy, just sweet, wholesome and a nice fit body. better hope you stay out of prison cause you don't want to be beaten up by a bubba.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
greener said:
have a hookup with a chick coming up and she isn't crazy, just sweet, wholesome and a nice fit body. better hope you stay out of prison cause you don't want to be beaten up by a bubba.
Sounds like a big night coming up for you...

I can already tell you're going to fvck it up.


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Dgwizdal said:
Sounds like a big night coming up for you...

I can already tell you're going to fvck it up.
just a normal night. didn't fvck it up, but had a good fvck with her. she's drama free, and damn is she pretty and so good in bed. i choose the right ones.


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Danger said:
You have now spent two pages calling the "the fool" because I have interpreted this phrase below from Dgwizdal as the detective having the proof of self-defense.

I must really piss you off eh Pena? Do you really blame me because you can't find a husband?

If you go back and read, you will see that dgwizdal did not start the violence. You are saying he started the violence? Jesus now your feminist rage is coming out.


Do you have an update on the court case/charges?
stop kidding yourself. like it not your defending violence against chicks. let's me honest for a change. who's physically stronger? even an out of shape guy who couldn't find a weight room if his life depended on it could easily wallop most chicks physically. guys ane almost always bigger and stronger than chicks and we protect chicks and not beat them up. if she slaps us were hardly going to feel it, whereas we can really hurt them if we slap then.
when she want after him all he had to do was keep his cool, break up for good and she would have looked like an absolute fool and he would have had a good case for vandalism. instead he lost his cool and showed that he isn't a real man by doing that to a chick.


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Danger said:
I don't give two fvks for your definition of "a real man" nor am I particularly concerned about blowblack violence against violent chics.

So let's be honest, your mantra is all people are equal but some are more equal (women) than others.
whatever my mantra might be its working. got all the chicks i want and one day will pick one and have the wife and kids. violence against chicks is the ultimate wuss move.


New Member
May 6, 2015
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Danger said:
Defending violent chicks is the hallmark of pu$$ies starved for a source of sex.
got plenty of plates and am not defending violent chicks so hey your accurate. but your defending violent guys beating up chicks which is being a total pus sy


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
You have now spent two pages calling the "the fool" because I have interpreted this phrase below from Dgwizdal as the detective having the proof of self-defense.

I must really piss you off eh Pena? Do you really blame me because you can't find a husband?
Well you are the only fool who called misandry before ANY evidence was in. The OP made you the fool when you kept saying misandry and he said he did not meet with his lawyer yet. Interpretations are wrong until you have all the evidence in. You wanted so bad to cry misandry you didn't care to wait and you were wrong. Now you get mad when I said so and you make things up about me. You were wrong on misandry and you still keep making a fool of yourself talking like a fool.

Danger said:
If you go back and read, you will see that dgwizdal did not start the violence. You are saying he started the violence? Jesus now your feminist rage is coming out.
Peña said:
Were they trying to get you on aggravated assault charges?

Girl is crazy. She should be liable for vandalism and assaulting you. Nothing is misandric far as I can see. Breaking her eye is an assault it will get you arrested. Now you need to prove your defense since she pressed charges. Strange to me how you didn't file against her at the beginning. The evidence will show your innocence and charges will dropped. Standard CJ court proceedings.

No you have the feminist rage because you think like one. Crying, playing the victim, blaming others, thinking everyone is out to get you, believing everything is misandry.

See your problem is that you can not read what people write. I know he did not start the violence. Where have I said that he did? I said that SHE should be charged with assualt and vandalism. You either can not read or you are trying to put words in my mouth with your fictional narrative.

Now you want to start a hypothetical to prove your misandry where the man smashes up a woman's place and smashes a mirror over her head. He should be charged with crimes for assault and vandalism. I believe you do that because you never answered my questions. I bet you lose your cool and want to smash up a woman's place and hit her with mirrors. That is not misandry when you provoke the violence. Those are crimes.

You are a liar making things up, trying to worm your way out of making a fool of yourself.

Danger said:

Do you have an update on the court case/charges?
Dgwizdal said:
Meeting with my lawyer by the end of the week - will know more then.
Can you not read what he said? What does that say? At the end of the week he is meeting with him. He won't know anything til then. See you can not read what people write and then you make things up to fit your fictional narrative of misandry. Now you have to wait to prove your misandry eh? I bet you want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry to us. You are a fool.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
More insults by Pena, because that is all she has..
Danger said:
Rage on lonely feminist, rage on..
Now you insult me. I'm not insulting you. I'm showing you to be wrong. You were made to be the fool by the OP crying about misandry. You are the feminist because you act like one crying, playing the victim, making up lies, believing the world is out to get you, thinking everything is misandry.

Danger said:
I sure did rush into declaring misandry.
We know you did rushed into declaring misandry. Now you admit it? Stop lying and admit you were the fool for doing so before the evidence was in.

Danger said:
you can see that if an arrest does not happen immediately upon an accusation, that clearly in her mind there is no misandry present.
Danger said:
Or are you really arguing that because he hasn't been arrested as of right now that it means there is no misandry in the court system????
Danger said:
The misandry is in that even with all of the evidence supporting his position that there are still charges against him, she was about to hit him with a mirror for god's sake.
Danger said:
Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further.
Danger said:
Despite the preponderance of evidence showing SHE was the assaulter, he gets the charges. THAT is the very definition of misandry. Going ahead with the charges when the evidence does not warrant it.
Danger said:
Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
Danger said:
There is clear evidence on multiple media of her assaulting him, yet he still faces charges. Misandry.
Danger said:
Remind me again how that is not misandry?.
See you are crying about misandry. Declaring it early on and on before ANY evidence was in. Why are you lying?

Dgwizdal said:
The evidence to the DA was only word of mouth by my lawyer to them via phone..
Dgwizdal said:
My warrant didn't even hit the computers til Tuesday night. I haven't even met with him yet or paid him. We are meeting next week - he is out of the country.
Dgwizdal said:
He said he told the detective "You dont have to believe me but I'm reading a text right now from her to him that says she admitted to trying to club him with a mirror. I'm reading love paragraphs saying she's sorry from her to him after she received the order not to contact him." That was enough for them to say f*ck the felony..
Now the OP made you the fool after he say no evidence was in and he did not meet with his lawyer yet after you cried misandry. The felony charges were dropped via phone and the detective believed the OP over the girl. No misandry like you say. You were the fool.

Danger said:
What if the roles were reversed?

You were smashing up your girls house, throwing things at her.

You were in the process of smashing a mirror on her head when she throws something back at you and hits you in the eye, fracturing your socket.

You go to the police to file an assault charge.
Now you need to prove your misandry narrative so you use a hypothetical to prove it. Only a beta would act this way committing a crime. Is this how you act with women?

Danger said:
So you are full of lies and hate for me. This is why for several pages now you are focused only on me, and not the discussion, as you post lie after lie after lie..
I have no lies or hate. Why are you lying? You were made to be the fool on misandry not saying you were wrong when the OP told you so. You are the one who is lying and is making a fool of yourself.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Welp she just got out of surgery - went well. According to her it was 65k and her insurance is covering it. She sent me an email today claiming she wants 3k to pay for some of her copays, missed time off of work, and what not. Sounds like she wants to drop the charges. At this point - I'm going to go to arraignment and see if the prosecutor is going to throw it out based upon our evidence and texts. If they do - I'm going to write her a check for 2k or so and be done with it. Not worth fighting her in court with lawyer fees and the slight chance of losing if she's willing to drop the charges. Plus if her insurance gets wind of the case - they might come after me for the full amount...

Either way I'm out the money and this will be the easiest way to make it go away and never talk to this crazy b!tch again.

If the prosecutor decided they're not dropping - then I'm fighting her and the state all the way.


Jan 8, 2015
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Dgwizdal said:
Welp she just got out of surgery - went well. According to her it was 65k and her insurance is covering it. She sent me an email today claiming she wants 3k to pay for some of her copays, missed time off of work, and what not.
Dgwizdal said:
If the prosecutor decided they're not dropping - then I'm fighting her and the state all the way.
How did she send you the email so fast right out of surgery? Wasn't she groggy after that? Fight it if you have to and have your day in court. Then it will be over and you can move on after your evidence is presented to show what happened.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Danger said:
Defending violent chicks is the hallmark of pu$$ies starved for a source of sex.
Danger speaks the truth ^ I like this quote.
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