I'm probably going to jail

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Jan 8, 2015
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Wait until the OP discusses his case like I said. You were wrong on misandry and that makes you mad. Now you call me names and you play the victim making it about yourself.

Danger said:
I did not declare misandry until well into the second page after I first said it was too early to make the call, I have proven this several times over in this thread.
Danger said:
you can see that if an arrest does not happen immediately upon an accusation, that clearly in her mind there is no misandry present.
Danger said:
Or are you really arguing that because he hasn't been arrested as of right now that it means there is no misandry in the court system????
Danger said:
The misandry is in that even with all of the evidence supporting his position that there are still charges against him, she was about to hit him with a mirror for god's sake.
Danger said:
Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further.
Danger said:
Despite the preponderance of evidence showing SHE was the assaulter, he gets the charges. THAT is the very definition of misandry. Going ahead with the charges when the evidence does not warrant it.
Danger said:
Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
Danger said:
There is clear evidence on multiple media of her assaulting him, yet he still faces charges. Misandry.
Danger said:
Remind me again how that is not misandry?.

Danger said:
Therefore my statement still stands and your assertion about legality is meaningless.

Still you were the only one who declared an early misandry before ANY evidence was in. I said it was too early to call. You said your statement about misandry stands and what I say is meaningless. The OP proved you wrong there was no misandry. I said that to you and then you get mad at me and carry on for 3 pages insulting me after I said to wait until the OP discuss his case. But you want to discuss hypotheticals to have your misandry narrative attacking me some more. I bet you want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry to us.

Danger said:
But, that doesn't fit your narrative of attacking me. So you have to twist and misrepresent.

While at the same time attacking me when I ask what would happen if the roles were reversed. Why do you feel the need to twist things and attack me? Why can't you stay focused on the topic or questions?

Peña said:
On it goes some more. Still playing a victim saying you are attacked. All you did was claim misandry and can't bring yourself to say you were the fool. What is there to discuss? Nothing new happened in his case to discuss. Talking in hypotheticals like you want us to do is dumb. Wait until we hear news from OP to discuss it.

I said to wait to discuss this real case. Not hypotheticals that nobody knows what would happen. Assuming what may happen makes you wrong like you were wrong already assuming there was clear misandry. You attack me everywhere.

Danger said:
But, that doesn't fit your narrative of attacking me. So you have to twist and misrepresent.

While at the same time attacking me when I ask what would happen if the roles were reversed. Why do you feel the need to twist things and attack me? Why can't you stay focused on the topic or questions?

Why do you feel the need to attack me? I proved you wrong and that makes you mad needing to get dramatic. I said to wait to hear what OP tells us and you go on and on after you were wrong. People who cause violence first should go to jail since that is a crime.

You are twisting and misreporting yourself. Your narrative is to still declare misandry any way you can. Now you want to declare misandry on a hypothetical after your real misandry claim is gone. I only called you a fool for being wrong and being a know it all. Look at how you attack me calling me names with insults twisting my words to fit your narrative.

Danger said:
More insults by Pena, because that is all she has.
Danger said:
Rage on lonely feminist, rage on.
Danger said:
I must really piss you off eh Pena? Do you really blame me because you can't find a husband?
Danger said:
Just keep on that man-hating and nobody will ever marry you.
Danger said:
But then, you're a mouth-foaming feminist who declares the man evil whether he is being smashed by the mirror or the one doing the smashing. Take a bon-bon and calm yourself down sweetheart
Danger said:
You sure about that cupcake?

What is with calling me all this? Very uncalled for here. You are lying and attacking me after I shown you to be wrong on misandry, Stop with the name calling acting like a victim making it about yourself when you attack me each time.


Jan 8, 2015
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I said to wait for the OP to discuss his case not a fake case that means nothing like you want. Why do you want to discuss hypothticals of a fake case giving fake outcomes?

Danger said:
There was plenty of evidence in when I declared misandry, the defense attorney was presenting evidence yet charges still stood. THAT is when I declared it. The OP then clarified that the physical evidence did not reach the DA but that the evidence was verbal.
There was no evidence in when you declared early misandry. Only her word on facebook and no other evidence was given yet. I told you that but you did not listen to me wanting to declare early misandry so bad without knowing the facts. Now that makes you wrong and you keep it going making it about yourself. Why?

Danger said:
At that point I let up, but I still pose the question if the roles were reversed what would happen.

The response? You keep calling me names and shaming the men in my role reversal scenario but keep dodging the question and instead prefer to attack me. As you are STILL doing.

Always avoiding the point and attacking the person, that has been your position all along and you have spent several pages attacking me.
Why is your role reversal scenario so important to you? No you did not let up. You keep on going insulting me with your words. Telling you that you are wrong when you play the victim is no attack. That is the truth. Grow some thicker skin.

Danger said:
These are where you started insulting me and really making it about me personally....URL="http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2252444&postcount=99"]post #99[/URL].
You made it about yourself. I told you were wrong and on and on you go. I did not insult you. You insulted me many times.

Danger said:
I responded with evidence and links proving you wrong in post #100. But your insults persisted from there. Why? Why make it about me and not the discussion? Because apparently you hate me or any MRA or MGTOW types.

Every statement aimed at you since then was in response to your insults.
No insults from me. You were wrong on misandry and you carry on each time making it about yourself twisting it to blame me. Hate you? I don't even know you. Man you are just going off crazy here.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
Because hypotheticals on role reversal are key to recognizing misandry, and those hypotheticals happen all of the time.

It is very relevant to ask "what would happen if the roles were reversed".
Not when people will have different verdicts of the hypothetical scenarios. Maybe the lawyer does a bad job. Maybe a judge has different views. Maybe a jury says different. Maybe the woman is shown to be a liar easy. Maybe the rich guy pays off the judge or cops. Assuming hypotheticals gets you different outcomes for anything. Impossible to determine what may happen until a case is in court or charges dropped before it goes to trial.


New Member
May 9, 2015
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Wow. How embarrassing. I would run from a girl who had that much drama no matter how hot she was and then you hit her. Really? Guys and girls everywhere, this is not how to behave. Shameful. Even more shameful is the defense of this shameful behavior including a moderator. Doing that makes this web site look really bad. Guys and girls alike, most other web sites giving out relationship advice are far better than this one. So suave should be avoided.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
You are speaking on a case by case basis.

All of those cases aggregate into themes which represent the current climate of moral values in any given nation or culture. It is exactly those themes upon which hypotheticals are built. Thus my question is still valid.
You said the same about your misandry statement and it was wrong.

Want your hypothetical? Ok, let's have your hypothetical. Let's say you stormed into a woman's house in a rage and started to break up her place and hit her over the head with a mirror breaking open her head. She punches you in the face after. Do you think you should be charged with crimes of aggravated assault and vandalism going to jail? Do you say all charges should be dropped against you and if it is not it is misandry?

K27 said:
Wow. How embarrassing. I would run from a girl who had that much drama no matter how hot she was and then you hit her. Really? Guys and girls everywhere, this is not how to behave. Shameful. Even more shameful is the defense of this shameful behavior including a moderator. Doing that makes this web site look really bad. Guys and girls alike, most other web sites giving out relationship advice are far better than this one. So suave should be avoided.
Who are you speaking of when you say defense of shameful behavior?


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
Look at that, we were good for two posts but you STILL had to come back and make it about me.
Danger said:
Thus my question is still valid.
No you made it about yourself again. You were wrong on the early misandry call. No?

Danger said:
I thought it was too early to call it one way or the other?? Seems now you think the decision is set?
It was too early to call misandry and you already called an early misandry being wrong. I said to wait until the final verdict to make a statement.

I thought you wanted your hypothetical. Are you going to answer this?

Let's say you stormed into a woman's house in a rage and started to break up her place and hit her over the head with a mirror breaking open her head. She punches you in the face after. Do you think you should be charged with crimes of aggravated assault and vandalism going to jail? Do you say all charges should be dropped against you and if it is not it is misandry?


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:

I simply stated that cases aggregate into themes and thus a hypothetical question on themes is very relevant.

And then you change the subject to be about me, again.
Danger said:
That is not my hypothetical.
So you are making it about yourself with your hypothetical and you were wong with your early misandry call. Why are you lying saying I'm making it about you when you make it about yourself each time?

Danger said:
  • I said it was too early to make a call back on the second page of this thread.
  • When it appeared the DA had the evidence but still pressed charges, I declared misandry.
  • When it was clarified it was only a phone discussion and no evidence was directly given to the DA, I stopped calling misandry.
  • You are only interested in defamation of character as any reasonable person would say as I did (EVEN JURRY AGREED WITH ME).
Danger said:
Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further.
You called an early misandry. No? Each time I said ALL evidence was NOT in and you said it was CLEAR misandry BEFORE A VERDICT. You were wrong. How is that defamation of character?

Danger said:
There is clear evidence on multiple media of her assaulting him, yet he still faces charges. Misandry.
Danger said:
Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
Danger said:
Therefore my statement still stands and your assertion about legality is meaningless.
There you are claiming a early misandry before ANY evidence was in. Look at you saying your misandry statement stands and what I say is meaningless. Your misandry claim was meaningless and wrong. I was right and that makes you angry.

Dgwizdal said:
The evidence to the DA was only word of mouth by my lawyer to them via phone
Dgwizdal said:
My warrant didn't even hit the computers til Tuesday night. I haven't even met with him yet or paid him. We are meeting next week - he is out of the country.
Now the OP says you are wrong and NOT ALL evidence is in yet. I was right and you were wrong. You backed off your misandry claim for now but you stilll believe in misandry trying for your hypothetical to still claim misandry making it all about yourself. Where is the defamation of character?

Danger said:
That is not my hypothetical. You know what it is, why are you dodging it after several pages Pena?
Why are you changing the hypothetical?
What are you so afraid of?
Why do you conduct character defamation?
Why do you keep throwing insults?
What is it that you have against an honest discussion?
No insults here. Why do you insult me?
Why are you dodging the question?
No character defamation. You were wrong on early misandry. The OP knows it. We all know it.
I'm against nothing. I asked you your hypothetical and you get angry not answering it?

I thought you wanted your hypothetical. Are you going to answer this? No?

Let's say you stormed into a woman's house in a rage and started to break up her place and hit her over the head with a mirror breaking open her head. She punches you in the face after. Do you think you should be charged with crimes of aggravated assault and vandalism going to jail? Do you say all charges should be dropped against you and if it is not it is misandry?


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
You continually attack me instead of discussing the topic. I wonder why that is.....
There is no topic to discuss until the OP gives us new information. You keep carrying on still playing the victim when there are no attacks on you. Show me where these attacks are?

Danger said:
The hypothetical is not about me. Your determination to make it about me is because you are trying to defame me and attack my credibility.
Liar. You called an early misandry and you were wrong. I called you on it and it made you mad. So now you play the victim saying that I defame you and attack your credibility. You were wrong. Why do you still carry on?

Danger said:
When it appeared the DA had the evidence but still pressed charges, I declared misandry.
Yes you did declare an early misandry with not ALL the evidence in and you were wrong. I keep telling you that but you do not listen to me. Still you keep saying I attack and defame you. You are defaming yourself and you are wrong and I am right.

Danger said:
When it was clarified it was only a phone discussion and no evidence was directly given to the DA, I stopped calling misandry.
Yes you were wrong on declaring a early misandry so you stopped calling misandry. I have been telling you that. You do not want to listen to me saying I attack and defame you. That is a lie. Now you start your hypothetical so you can still declare misandry since you believe in misandry. What is the problem? Why do you lie and say I attack you when you now agree with me?

Danger said:
Now you misrepresent me to say I was early in the call and wrong, when information was updated after the fact.
Danger said:
When it appeared the DA had the evidence but still pressed charges, I declared misandry.
Danger said:
When it was clarified it was only a phone discussion and no evidence was directly given to the DA, I stopped calling misandry.
No you misrepresent yourself with your lying. You were early in the misandry call and was wrong. What is the problem?

Danger said:
Now you misrepresent me to say I was early in the call and wrong, when information was updated after the fact.
Danger said:
When it appeared the DA had the evidence but still pressed charges, I declared misandry.
Look at what you say here making the early misandry call when you thought the DA had the evidence but still pressed charges. Now that is making an early misandry call and you were wrong. How is that defaming you?

Danger said:
Now you misrepresent me to say I was early in the call and wrong, when information was updated after the fact.
Danger said:
When it was clarified it was only a phone discussion and no evidence was directly given to the DA, I stopped calling misandry.
You stopped calling misandry because you were wrong. Then you go with your hypothetical still looking for new ways to declare misandry. How is that defaming you when I was right and you were wrong? You're going off all crazy.

Danger said:
So, are you going to stop avoiding it and answer the hypothetical I stated WITHOUT attacking me and WITHOUT drawing up your own hypothetical in avoidance of mine?
No attacks on you. Where are the attacks? You are making it about yourself with your hypothetical. Why do you refuse to answer an easy question?

I thought you wanted your hypothetical. Are you going to answer this? No?

Let's say you stormed into a woman's house in a rage and started to break up her place and hit her over the head with a mirror breaking open her head. She punches you in the face after. Do you think you should be charged with crimes of aggravated assault and vandalism going to jail? Do you say all charges should be dropped against you and if it is not it is misandry?

It is a yes or no answer. Not going to answer it this time?
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