I'm probably going to jail

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Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Still too early to say IMO, the DA knows a girl has a fractured eye socket.. We dont know what evidence they have beyond that, threats from her about hitting him with a mirror is pretty flimsy. It may not even make it to the court date as they find out more about the property damage and other information.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Danger said:
I agree that we do not know for sure. However, we have a reduced charge and the lawyer giving evidence to the detective, which usually passes quickly to the DA.

Given the charges were reduced and that the detective is getting evidence from the lawyer, it is a pretty safe bet IMO that the DA has the texts and audio of this girl confessing what she was doing when he was forced to defend himself.
Just to interject - She went to the police the day after it happened and filed charges against me - "because her mom made her." I doubt the police report on her end says anything other than we got into an argument and he cracked me which is why they put out a warrant for me. She wants the play the victim card completely bc that's just who she is.

Evidence being provided by me to my lawyer who then past it along to the DA was not done until after the fact when it was on it's way to state to see if it would be a felony. They decided to quash the felony and now its a domestic battery case - misdemeanor. State still has to pursue bc we haven't even made it to the first court date yet. The above evidence provided was more or less a heads up to the state that pursuing a felony won't be worth the paperwork nor the time as her confession is there, our evidence is there, she's not following court orders to leave me the f*ck alone, and might no show up.

My room mate has agreed to testify if it makes it to trial and hes been friends with this girl since 1st grade. He knows exactly what kind of broad this chick is - witnessed her behavior prior to, me asking her to leave, me leaving on my own, and the immediate aftermath destruction when i went back in. (At first i asked her to leave repeatedly, she wouldn't - so i left on my own and went and sat in the car with my friends. We waited for a bout a minute before my room mate brought up the possibility of her f*cking our house up. I walk in and right on que, the destruction starts.)


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
You should have had the initial arraignment the day after you got arrested, or at least its always been that way for me ;) How have you not gone before a judge yet? Or have you?

He only turned himself in two days ago Danger so anywhere between now and his court date the DA could drop the case as they review evidence and talk to his lawyer figure out what actually happened, etc. Court system is a slow moving machine..


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
jurry said:
You should have had the initial arraignment the day after you got arrested, or at least its always been that way for me ;) How have you not gone before a judge yet? Or have you?

He only turned himself in two days ago Danger so anywhere between now and his court date the DA could drop the case as they review evidence and talk to his lawyer figure out what actually happened, etc. Court system is a slow moving machine..
The evidence to the DA was only word of mouth by my lawyer to them via phone. He said he told the detective "You dont have to believe me but I'm reading a text right now from her to him that says she admitted to trying to club him with a mirror. I'm reading love paragraphs saying she's sorry from her to him after she received the order not to contact him." That was enough for them to say f*ck the felony.

Nothing has been formally reviewed. I have not seen a judge - the only thing that has taken place is me turning myself in and being released 45 minutes later and a grand poorer.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Danger said:
So why does your lawyer not have actual evidence to present to the DA and drop this before it even reaches arraignment?
My warrant didn't even hit the computers til Tuesday night. I haven't even met with him yet or paid him. We are meeting next week - he is out of the country.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Tell Peña some more huh? Knowing nothing about anything having it all figured out eh? :crackup:

Danger said:
Remind me again how that is not misandry?
They all sat in a big room and said let's do a little misandry today to prosecute a guy for no reason. :crackup:

Chicago is a big city with a ton of cases. The law don't prosecute you if there is no case. The D.A. isn't going to waste their time on a case that doesn't warrant it. When they see he is in the right they will drop charges. Still you are pushing the misandry narrative believing everybody is out to get you. I believe you probably want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry to fit your narrative.

Danger said:
If the lawyer is providing the evidence to the detective and DA, then that's a strong indication it is not illegal in that State.
You have no idea what evidence his lawyer presented and is able to use. If the evidence was strong in his case they would drop charges.

Danger said:
Therefore my statement still stands and your assertion about legality is meaningless.
Your assertion and statement about legality is meaningless because you don't know sh1t. Still you're pushing the misandry narrative because that's what you want it to be.

Danger said:
There is clear evidence on multiple media of her assaulting him, yet he still faces charges. Misandry. Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
He has to PROVE the remaining charges. The felony was already dropped via phone call. His lawyer has not even met with them yet to prove his case. No misandry. You don't know sh1t.

Danger said:
If the lawyer is providing the evidence to the detective and DA, then that's a strong indication it is not illegal in that State.
Dgwizdal said:
The evidence to the DA was only word of mouth by my lawyer to them via phone.
Look how you don't know nothing.

Danger said:
Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
Dgwizdal said:
He said he told the detective "You dont have to believe me but I'm reading a text right now from her to him that says she admitted to trying to club him with a mirror. I'm reading love paragraphs saying she's sorry from her to him after she received the order not to contact him." That was enough for them to say f*ck the felony.
Dgwizdal said:
My warrant didn't even hit the computers til Tuesday night. I haven't even met with him yet or paid him. We are meeting next week - he is out of the country
Danger said:
Remind me again how that is not misandry?
You got your reminder. The detective believed his word over her's to drop the felony via phone call. They never even met in person yet to discuss charges. No misandry. You don't know nothing.

Danger said:
If the lawyer is providing the evidence to the detective and DA, then that's a strong indication it is not illegal in that State
Danger said:
Therefore my statement still stands and your assertion about legality is meaningless.
Dgwizdal said:
My warrant didn't even hit the computers til Tuesday night. I haven't even met with him yet or paid him. We are meeting next week - he is out of the country

Now I see you don't know sh1t about anything. He didn't even meet with his lawyer yet. He's out of the country. The fact they already dropped the felony via phone conversation shows no misandry. Where is your misandry?

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
how is this relevant to anything I said? they can't prove aggravated assault that's why they lowered it it wasn't out of the goodness of their heart idiot
Dgwizdal said:
He said he told the detective "You dont have to believe me but I'm reading a text right now from her to him that says she admitted to trying to club him with a mirror. I'm reading love paragraphs saying she's sorry from her to him after she received the order not to contact him." That was enough for them to say f*ck the felony.
Sounds like it was.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Already said that earlier in the thread...one wonders why you were so sure your own made up definition was correct
You said nothing of the sort. I made up nothing. You are wrong too and know nothing. Some criminal defense lawyer you are. :crackup:

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
The American court system clearly sides with women over men, but I wouldn't use the word "misandry" yet. The misandry happens in court, when the women of the jury automatically take the woman's side, and the men obey the women to avoid being labeled as a misogynist - a fate worse than death in 2015 America.

Good luck to you, Dgwizdal. It sounds like you're doing everything right, and personally, I think she deserved what she got.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
If I remember my rules of evidence correctly, I believe the text itself is heresay, and therefore inadmissible on its own as evidence, right? One would have to question the girl in person in court about the text, and then her answers to those questions are the actual evidence.

The text itself doesn't really prove anything. She would just testify that she sent it out of fear of you to appease you. But regardless, good for you that it worked out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
The ***** trashed your house doug chillax even the cops\prosecutors arent that retarded I aint seing this going to court at all. And I'd say she got away pretty lightly - I mean I imagine how much repairin the damage cost you. Question is, how in the hell did you get involved with this one, this is next level crazy I mean doug wtf?

Anyway this is exactly the kinda **** I want to immigrate from this planet for, females know that if you hit them youre toast, so they pull the stupidest behaviours possible, relying on you not responding in any way, I know this feel all too well. Like if a guy comes and says "**** you" 10 times to your face, youd smack the **** outta him. But if a girl does that you're supposed to say "thank you". Now ok, if you can walk away, you walk away, but if this girl lives with you? And the other part is the fact they want to get an emotional reaction out of you when they sense you're drifting away from them, even if that means busting your balls\aggroing till you hit them. This is perfect for them - strong emotion + a big ass guilt trip. Evil. This lets them get away with so much **** its not even funny. I remember back in elementary, there was this girl who used to beat on the boys, just because she knew they wont retaliate. **** starts early. This is way too much power in their hands and females cant handle power. At all.

I remember my freaking ex, after only a couple of months of sleeping together working AT A RESORT (where these things are never serious), one evening out of nowhere she screams in my face for half an hour how I dont pay her enough attention and blah blah and **** like that. And this is the same girl who let a friend of hers sleep in MY BED, after some of her friends came over one day, and we went out seperately. This was before the facade started to crumble, but alcohol revealed alot about her, she was very carefull to not drink with me, but when she been drinking it was a mess.

I mean aight, the girl had issues and bad childhood, her ex was beating on her (WELL WHAT A SURPRISE) or so she claimed, aight I get it, I shouldnt have messed with her at all, aight I get it, but I was 19 at the time and she was drop dead gorgeous. So I slapped her for a knock down after the ****storm got too heavy on me. My cool was pretty thinned out from all the alcohol and drugs there. To this day I feel like crap I did it. She got up, went to the bathroom and then was like: "Well this is life, you swallow the blood and move on...". This still makes me cringe when i recall it. FREAKIN HELLHOUND. Ye this is BPD, and I mean 4 real. Yes they need to get their **** slapped to feel SOMETHING and guilt trip yo ass. And I spend almost 3 years captain save a hoing like a pro. Nowadays no female BS can affect me at all. I mean none. Nada.

As the Russians say: "If the third husband is beating on the woman, the problem is not in the husband."

I'm thinking, would she do the same if she didint have this power? Where does the crazy end and the "I do what I please couse I can get away with everything" starts. I'm thinking most of the "bat**** crazy" cases would behave if **** was properly kept in check i society. Im thinking being crazy, esp for a female, put your life in easy mode couse all the fuked up szhit you do gets justified.

**** man, its a fuked up world...


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Tried to educate you that criminal law varied by state but to no avail apparently...I wont be representing you at your deportation hearing no worry
Peña said:
Not false. Each state has it's own definition of aggravated assault and what it considers it to be. You must not be a very good lawyer not to know that.
Can I watch your hearing when they disbar you for incompetence?

Starfvcks 64 said:
I wouldn't use the word "misandry" yet. The misandry happens in court, when the women of the jury automatically take the woman's side, and the men obey the women to avoid being labeled as a misogynist - a fate worse than death in 2015 America.
Exactly right here. He had no chance to do nothing with the lawyer out of the country. Felony charges were already dropped on a phone conversation. No misandry as of yet.

Bible_Belt said:
If I remember my rules of evidence correctly, I believe the text itself is heresay, and therefore inadmissible on its own as evidence, right? One would have to question the girl in person in court about the text, and then her answers to those questions are the actual evidence.

The text itself doesn't really prove anything. She would just testify that she sent it out of fear of you to appease you. But regardless, good for you that it worked out.
Exactly the case here. She only said she was going to hit him with a mirror. Not that she did hit him with a mirror. That is not enough evidence for proof. For all they know he hit her in the eye first and she hit him after and ruined his place after. I bet she said that too. They investigate to get to the facts. No misandry here. Her broken eye is the evidence so far. He was arrested for that reason after she pressed charges. He filed no charges yet for evidence. He had no evidence to show he was assaulted first or his place ruined. Just her text of her saying she was going to hit him. That is no evidence to have charges dropped yet. No misandry there. I would have called police to file a report of her vandalism and to show injuries of her assault to have her arrested for her crimes. Hard to claim self defense with no injuries no place damaged for a report and her with a broken eye as the big evidence.
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Danger said:
You missed an important word there in your haste and growing anger towards me and my point of view. I made it larger, hopefully you can see it now.

I missed nothing and you tell me what I say is meaningless. I see you're already saying misandry before you know the facts. ALL charges not dropped yet? You say it's misandry and attack me and the CJ system for going on facts. I see you don't know nothing about anything. I bet you want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry.

Danger said:
I don't have a narrative, I just call things as I see it and based upon probabilities.

Danger said:
you can see that if an arrest does not happen immediately upon an accusation, that clearly in her mind there is no misandry present.
Danger said:
Or are you really arguing that because he hasn't been arrested as of right now that it means there is no misandry in the court system????
Danger said:
The misandry is in that even with all of the evidence supporting his position that there are still charges against him, she was about to hit him with a mirror for god's sake.
Danger said:
Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further.
Danger said:
Despite the preponderance of evidence showing SHE was the assaulter, he gets the charges. THAT is the very definition of misandry. Going ahead with the charges when the evidence does not warrant it.
Danger said:
Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
Danger said:
There is clear evidence on multiple media of her assaulting him, yet he still faces charges. Misandry.
Danger said:
Remind me again how that is not misandry?

No misandry narrative? All you say is misandry. What can you see when no evidence was shown yet? His lawyer is out of the country and you already say misandry believing the system is biased.

Yes you do to have a narrative. It's misandry. We don't base upon probabilities. We base on facts the law investigates with. Misandry is your narrative and probability. No facts came in for them to know the case and already you say it's CLEAR misandry. His lawyer is out of the country not able to show evidence. In your haste and your misandry narrative you say it is already CLEAR misandry. Already you are claiming misandry with not knowing any facts. Misandry is your narrative and is what you want it to be. How many times do you say it?

Danger said:
Speaking of probabilities.....

What if....

  • You were smashing up your girls house, throwing things at her.
  • You were in the process of smashing a mirror on her head when she throws something back at you and hits you in the eye, fracturing your socket.
  • You go to the police to file an assault charge.

What happens?
What do the police do?
How does that scenario play out versus the way this one is so far?

Anyone want to posit some guesses?

We don't base on hypotheticals. Looks like your misandry narrative blew up in your face. Now you need to use a hypothetical to still prove your misandry narrative. I would never lose my cool to smash up a place or break a mirror over her head. Hypotheticals are used to claim a narrative. It don't exist in truth.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Bring out the violins and sing us your mea culpa. :crackup:

Danger said:
At first, I withled judgement altogether because it was too early.
Danger said:
Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further.
Danger said:
Not ALL charges were dropped, therefore it is still misandry.
Danger said:
Therefore my statement still stands and your assertion about legality is meaningless.
Liar. Look how you here were rushing to early misandry in haste. I said the facts need to be presented first and you said my words are meaningless. Misandry was your words each time I say to get the facts first. Misandry is your narrative you believe for everything in the world. I bet you want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry to us.

Danger said:
Then, as he presented more data, it sounded as if his lawyer had provided the evidence and the charges still stood. A reasonable state for me to declare misandry.
No reasonable state to declare misandry. You wanted to declare misandry all the time and you did when I said not all the evidence is in. You know nothing about his case and you called misandry early to fit your narrative.

Danger said:
But then, when he said the DA did not have the ohysical evidence, I asked questions and backed off of claiming misandry. It sounded as if the data was provided to the DA at first, turns out it has not yet, although that seems questionable to me.
Questionable to you because you still believe in a misandry narrative.

Liar. Never did you back off the misandry claim. He proved you wrong making you the fool after you keep claiming misandry. He told you the evidence was not all in and you felt like a fool after. Only reason you backed away from it. Most claims are wrong and you are wrong with your early misandry claims.

Danger said:
So really, you are attacking me for my previous position when the appearance was that the DA had the evidence. If that makes you happy, then ok cool. Everyone has the right to evolve their position as more facts come in. But apparently not in your world.
No where am I attacking you. You attacked me when I say not all evidence is presented yet. You say what I say is meaningless and only you are right. Your position did not evolve to nothing. You still believe in a misandry narrative. You were made to be the fool here and is the only reason why you backed off your misandry claims.

Danger said:
Now, we DO base the our perspective of life on hypotheticals. That is how theories are based which lead to repeatable predictable actions.

So instead of avoiding the hypothetical, let's get some thoughts and responses to it. What if the roles were reversed?
Still trying to get people to agree with you on misandry? Does it mean that much to you? A beta loser would only trash a woman's house and hit her over the head with a mirror. Is that something you would do? That hypothetical is meaningless. You are only looking for people to agree with your misandry narrative so you can still claim misandry after your misandry claim blew up in your face.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Still crying to Peña about misandry saying you are the victim after you were made to be the fool? :crackup:

Danger said:
Based on this post I believed that the DA had the evidence. A VERY reasonable assumption. But if still being charged with that evidence, that is absolutely misandry. Why? Because if the roles were reversed the charges against a woman would have been dropped.
You don't know that for sure. Assumptions are not facts and you wanted to call an early misandry to fit your narrative.

Danger said:
Why? Because it was reasonable to assume the DA had the evidence based upon the previous posts and yet he was still being charged.
It was not reasonable to assume the DA had the evidence with the evidence not being strong evidence. In your haste to fit your narrative you called an early misandry arguing with me saying what I say is meaningless thinking you are a know it all. Now you want to be a victim when you were wrong on misandry? Weak man so very weak.

Danger said:
Dgwizdal gives an update stating the DA does not have the evidence. Nowhere after this did I declare misandry, I backed off. But Pena you sure do insist I declared it.
Danger said:
Clear misandry, especially since if the roles were reversed then no state would go any further
See there you already declared misandry arguing with me it was clear misandry. No you did not back off of misandry. Only did you back off misandry with his case for now because he made you look like a fool. Still you believe in misandry trying to prove it. Still you want people to talk misandry with your hypothetical questions. No one did not even answer your hypothetical questions. No you did not back off misandry because you still are looking for misandry to prove in hypotheticals now that your misandry claim blew up in your face.

Danger said:
Although I do not understand why the state has to pursue until there is a court date. I believe once they have all of the evidence only then do they decide to arraign and push forward. Need a lawyer or court expert to clarify here.
Standard procedure with how the lawyer went with it and according to efficient evidence and state laws.

Danger said:
Then on cue, Pena goes bonkers attacking me in post after post. Pena this was never about misandry, it's about ME as far as you are concerned. Your entire last post is about me.
Bonkers? Quit playing a victim like a feminist. Arguing with me claiming misandry saying what I say is meangingless thinking you
are a know it all about CJ. The OP made you look like a fool and now you are angry trying to be the victim in it. I called you on being wrong like I should and you want to be a victim like a feminist? :crackup:

Danger said:
You have 35 references of "you" and "your" pointed at me in your last post....but then you say this...
Yeah and you were the one that was wrong making your misandry claims saying what I say is meanningless. You were made a fool out of. Now you want to cry being a victim when you were made out to be the fool.

Danger said:
You sure about that cupcake?
Now as you claim being a victim like a feminist you insult me again. Nice that you can insult us and say false misandry claims but when you are pointed out wrong you claim victim and you are being attacked. A weak way to be just like a feminist does.

Danger said:
Now, I said I backed off of the misandry claim based upon the new data from Dgwizdal, but I am not fully backed off of it. Which is why I ask the following, which is really how we decide misandry.
Peña said:
Liar. Never did you back off the misandry claim. He proved you wrong making you the fool after you keep claiming misandry. He told you the evidence was not all in and you felt like a fool after. Only reason you backed away from it. Most claims are wrong and you are wrong with your early misandry claims.
I know you never fully backed off the misandry claims. I said that myself. Why are you crying about being a victim when I'm right? You're being a big liar. Misandry is your narrative and you will never back away from it. Still you are trying to prove a misandry with your hypotheticals looking for people to agree with you. Your misandry claim blew up in your face. I bet you want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry.

Danger said:
Perhaps you missed that in your anger at me?
Danger said:
And naturally the response is.....about me personally, but avoiding the questions.
Danger said:
So pena, you still want to make this about me? Or the discussion.
No anger. Youre trying to be the victim making it about you when you were proven wrong made to be the fool so you say I'm angry going bonkers attacking you. Looks like you can't be a man and admit you jumped the gun being wrong. Instead you cry like a feminist claim you are being attacked when you were wrong.

Danger said:
What if....
  • You were smashing up your girls house, throwing things at her.
  • You were in the process of smashing a mirror on her head when she throws something back at you and hits you in the eye, fracturing your socket.
  • You go to the police to file an assault charge.

What happens?
What do the police do?
How does that scenario play out versus the way this one is so far?

Anyone want to posit some guesses?
Still trying to prove your misandry on your hypotheticals? Your misandry claims blew up in your face now you need a hypothetical to prove misandry that you still never backed off of misandry. Only a loser beta would smash up a woman's place and smash a mirror on her head. Would you do that? Is that why you need this confirmed?

Ok I'll play along since nobody has. Nothing will happen and all charges will be dropped. Just get a MGTOW judge. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
it's not misandry just yet. but Danger does have a good point.

it's misandry if he gets convicted or almost convicted or has to get a plea deal


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
Canada in the house!!!!
you lucky you not in caanada

Dgwizdal said:
First off - I would like to say that I am in the wrong for my reaction tonight. Secondly - I realize I should have never gotten involved with this girl.

Tonight - a long time plate of mine comes over belligerent out of her mind. Undoubtedly low value ghastly behavior. We get into it because I am calling her out for being a hot mess and she goes ape **** destroying my house. Ripping paintings off the walls, throwing beer bottles, pots and pans at me. Insane. I am trying to get stupid ass out of the house when she swings at me, pics up a solid wood frame mirror off the ground that she ripped off the wall, and cracks me over the fvckin head. I react with a left jab right to her eye socket and her eyes blows up into a grapefruit. I caught her clean as can be. I was shocked.

Immediate belligerent screaming ensues about never hitting a girl and this and that right on cue. Her friend comes and picks her up - crucifies me as I'm cleaning my house. And now - I am sitting at a hotel pondering wtf is going to happen tomorrow.

She is remorseful. Claiming how much she loves me. Etc. She is fvckin insane and somehow still crazy about me. Always. I would never strike her out of anger. This was completely out of self defense. Big mistake.

I'm not sure if I'm looking for answers here. I just know that if she decides to throw herself a pitty party - I am going to be curb stomped by a thousand white knights. She is a master victim. Fvck me.

Please for the love of God. If you meet a girl who's sole value to you is nothing but a smokin hot piece of ass whose behavior is absolutely atrocious - do not keep her around. She might ruin your life.

You lucky you are not in canada, here they put btches first! you even sneeze on a girl you do time.


Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
By the way you tell the story, I don't give half fvck what happen to you. I just want to know how is her eye now?


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Play us your violins and sing your mea culpa. On and on it goes playing a victim like a crying woman when you were made to be the fool insulting us. :crackup:

Danger said:

In my timeline below, it is quite obvious I made no "early declaration". I shared the progress of events and my thoughts as events unfolded. YOU on the other hand have little more than frantic shrieks and accusations. Your first post of shrieks reference me personally more than 35 times!!!

Your second post of hysterics references me well over 35 times now, and filled with insults. And of course, after it all, I still have some comparison questions which I think should be answered. Do you think you can? Or are you still going to focus on attacking me instead of having a discussion? Why are you so hysterically attacking me personally instead of answering the questions?
Still playing a feminist victim when you were wrong on misandry? Be a man and admit you were wrong. Not playing a crying victim like a woman. You're a big liar. After he said the felony was dropped you declared misandry and claimed it each time. Attacking you? How silly. Can't you take someone pointing out how wrong you were? You were wrong on misandry and you were not right not knowing nothing about anything. You called jurry a woman and me a cupcake insulting and attacking us. Go cry to us some more playing a feminist victim. You are making a fool of yourself.

Danger said:
Post 37, by me, second page in this thread where I said it was too early to make the call. Perhaps you missed that in your anger at me?

Post 51, by Dgwizdal. Based on this post I believed that the DA had the evidence. A VERY reasonable assumption. But if still being charged with that evidence, that is absolutely misandry. Why? Because if the roles were reversed the charges against a woman would have been dropped.

Post 63, even jurry agrees with me. Why? Because it was reasonable to assume the DA had the evidence based upon the previous posts and yet he was still being charged.

Post 84, Dgwizdal gives an update stating the DA does not have the evidence. Nowhere after this did I declare misandry, I backed off. But Pena you sure do insist I declared it.

Although I do not understand why the state has to pursue until there is a court date. I believe once they have all of the evidence only then do they decide to arraign and push forward. Need a lawyer or court expert to clarify here.
Nothing you say is different. same old thing. Still crying to be a misandry victim saying misandry when you were all wrong. Now you said it's clear misandry telling me what I say is wrong and meaningless. Only reason you backed off misandry for now is because the OP made you a fool after you keep claming misandry. Still you have not backed off misandry since you still believe in it wanting people to cry misandry with you on hypotheticals. You are a fool.

Danger said:
What if....
  • You were smashing up your girls house, throwing things at her.
  • You were in the process of smashing a mirror on her head when she throws something back at you and hits you in the eye, fracturing your socket.
  • You go to the police to file an assault charge.

What happens?
What do the police do?
How does that scenario play out versus the way this one is so far?

Anyone want to posit some guesses?
Get over it and nobody cares to answer dumb hypotheticals on what a beta loser would do to a woman. What kind of beta would act this way? Does misandry mean that much to you? Would you do this to a woman? I bet you want this guy to go to jail so you can prove misandry to us.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:

Your whole post is still just attacking me. One wonders what about the subject terrifies you so much that you cannot bring yourself to discuss it, but only make your posts about me.
On it goes some more. Still playing a victim saying you are attacked. All you did was claim misandry and can't bring yourself to say you were the fool. What is there to discuss? Nothing new happened in his case to discuss. Talking in hypotheticals like you want us to do is dumb. Wait until we hear news from OP to discuss it.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Danger said:
And still you attack me personally. I wonder why I bother you so much?
Peña said:
On it goes some more. Still playing a victim saying you are attacked. All you did was claim misandry and can't bring yourself to say you were the fool. What is there to discuss? Nothing new happened in his case to discuss. Talking in hypotheticals like you want us to do is dumb. Wait until we hear news from OP to discuss it.
Still crying acting like a victim saying I attacked you? Where are these personal attacks from me on you in this post? I see nothing. Show me.

Danger said:
I gave my perception at each point in time as more data came to light.

First I withheld judgement, and then when it appeared the DA had the defensive evidence I declared misandry, as would be appropriate. When the op stated the DA did not yet have the evidence then I backed off. Only in your mind would this make someone "a fool".
Not appropriate to declare misandry when not ALL the evidence was shown in a felony case. Felony charges were already dropped. The OP made you a fool after he confirmed what I was trying to tell you. I tried to tell you that too but you did not listen to me. Still you have not backed off misandry since you fully believe in misandry wanting to discuss misandry hypotheticals.

Danger said:
But, alas, you still dodge my questions when I ask what if the roles were reversed? Instead you just throw out typical man shaming "beta loser" without addressing the question.
Now you say it's shaming? I think that behavior is pathetic. Would you smash up a woman's house and break a miirror over her head in anger? Would you lose your cool that bad? How would you handle it when you did that?
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