The ***** trashed your house doug chillax even the cops\prosecutors arent that retarded I aint seing this going to court at all. And I'd say she got away pretty lightly - I mean I imagine how much repairin the damage cost you. Question is, how in the hell did you get involved with this one, this is next level crazy I mean doug wtf?
Anyway this is exactly the kinda **** I want to immigrate from this planet for, females know that if you hit them youre toast, so they pull the stupidest behaviours possible, relying on you not responding in any way, I know this feel all too well. Like if a guy comes and says "**** you" 10 times to your face, youd smack the **** outta him. But if a girl does that you're supposed to say "thank you". Now ok, if you can walk away, you walk away, but if this girl lives with you? And the other part is the fact they want to get an emotional reaction out of you when they sense you're drifting away from them, even if that means busting your balls\aggroing till you hit them. This is perfect for them - strong emotion + a big ass guilt trip. Evil. This lets them get away with so much **** its not even funny. I remember back in elementary, there was this girl who used to beat on the boys, just because she knew they wont retaliate. **** starts early. This is way too much power in their hands and females cant handle power. At all.
I remember my freaking ex, after only a couple of months of sleeping together working AT A RESORT (where these things are never serious), one evening out of nowhere she screams in my face for half an hour how I dont pay her enough attention and blah blah and **** like that. And this is the same girl who let a friend of hers sleep in MY BED, after some of her friends came over one day, and we went out seperately. This was before the facade started to crumble, but alcohol revealed alot about her, she was very carefull to not drink with me, but when she been drinking it was a mess.
I mean aight, the girl had issues and bad childhood, her ex was beating on her (WELL WHAT A SURPRISE) or so she claimed, aight I get it, I shouldnt have messed with her at all, aight I get it, but I was 19 at the time and she was drop dead gorgeous. So I slapped her for a knock down after the ****storm got too heavy on me. My cool was pretty thinned out from all the alcohol and drugs there. To this day I feel like crap I did it. She got up, went to the bathroom and then was like: "Well this is life, you swallow the blood and move on...". This still makes me cringe when i recall it. FREAKIN HELLHOUND. Ye this is BPD, and I mean 4 real. Yes they need to get their **** slapped to feel SOMETHING and guilt trip yo ass. And I spend almost 3 years captain save a hoing like a pro. Nowadays no female BS can affect me at all. I mean none. Nada.
As the Russians say: "If the third husband is beating on the woman, the problem is not in the husband."
I'm thinking, would she do the same if she didint have this power? Where does the crazy end and the "I do what I please couse I can get away with everything" starts. I'm thinking most of the "bat**** crazy" cases would behave if **** was properly kept in check i society. Im thinking being crazy, esp for a female, put your life in easy mode couse all the fuked up szhit you do gets justified.
**** man, its a fuked up world...