I'm probably going to jail

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Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Hey brohan, haven't hear from you in a while, nothing new in your world I see.

So you made it through the night, still got your ding-a-ling?

I would agree with talking to a lawyer. Also, I'd get some type of recording equipment, other than just your phone, so you're prepared for next time the Hamster decides to test the hamster wheel land speed record.

Also, yeah, be prepared for sir lancelot and his merry men. If they come around - last thing for you to ever do is to run. These white knights are usually a bunch of pussies that only feel brave because they're surrounded by 4 other dudes. Stand up to them.

Good luck man.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Welp I'm ****ed. Her eye sockets fractured and a warrant is out for my arrest. Fvck me


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Dgwizdal said:
Welp I'm ****ed. Her eye sockets fractured and a warrant is out for my arrest. Fvck me
How would you know there is a warrant out for you? Hopefully someone is lying to you?

When you turn yourself in, go first thing in the morning, preferably early in the week, not Friday or the day before a holiday. Take the cash to bail yourself out. All they do is fingerprint you, take your money, and let you go.

If you don't turn yourself in, you'll end up getting picked up on a Friday night and have to spend the weekend in jail before anyone can bail you out.

And on the off chance that they attempt to question you, which would be a little late since they've already decided to arrest you, once again, politely decline to answer questions without an attorney present.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2015
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Self defence case ..
Better judgement next time. I would call a lawyer like requested , then call the girl and ask her WHY she trashed your room then ultimately get her to talk about hitting you in the head. Do this in a sly manner and try to record the conversation. ..hand tape to your lawyer and sit back and pop a beer open


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2015
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Frayzer said:
I plan on being a Sargent so if I came to that scene, I would deem it as home invasion/vandalism and you retaliated in self defense. Especially since she attacked you.

The second someone is not welcome in your house/property you have the right to attack them, male or female. I wouldn't feel bad about hitting her to be honest. You did what you thought was necessary to protect you and your house. If she were a male, would you care as much?
Here is everything you need to know. Unless you are lying about some details , regardless you still have the upper hand here.
It's your HOUSE , if it happened at her house or a friends then you are fccked!


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Chill bro, if someone breaks into your home (aka no permission) and starts damaging your property, you have every right to shoot that fvcker in the head. At least, that's what I was told over where I live anyway.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Dgwizdal said:
Tonight - a long time plate of mine comes over belligerent out of her mind. Undoubtedly low value ghastly behavior. We get into it because I am calling her out for being a hot mess and she goes ape **** destroying my house. Ripping paintings off the walls, throwing beer bottles, pots and pans at me. Insane. I am trying to get stupid ass out of the house when she swings at me, pics up a solid wood frame mirror off the ground that she ripped off the wall, and cracks me over the fvckin head.
When a woman's going ape 5hit destroying your living room, let her fvcking do it. Leave the room and let her destroy all your 5hit, then wait for her to leave all pissed off, and then you fvcking charge her with vandalism.

I had a chick fvck up my living room once. It's not worth it to get into a fight of any kind with her. There's too much risk.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
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Record her on video throwing objects and thrashing your place for documented proof and call the police to have her removed. Not worth it to get into a physical altercation. With all the violence against women laws any mark on her will send you to the slammer even if it's self defense.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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All legal things aside...how hot is this azz...pics or trolling. You took pics of the mess she made right?


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.

I have been staying at a hotel the last few days and this is all i can think about. Probably have lost 10lbs as i cant even put down an oyster cracker.

I hired the former number one assault prospector in Illinois to defend me as my lawyer. He is a beast.

I also have audio recordings of her admitting to attacking me, admitting that I would never strike her maliciously but was done out of defense. Admitting/no denying that she f*cked my house up.

I also have her confessing via facebook messenger that she is telling people that she was about to hit me in the head with a mirror. (JACKPOT)

I documented the bruise she left me as well as the hole in the wall she put.

This chick is the BPD one that I have discussed and mentioned in previous threads. I should of gotten rid of her a long time ago. She keeps reaching out to via text and messenger asking how i am doing, saying she is sorry and misses me, etc. She even hints at trying to work things out. WHAT A NUT.

Lawyer says I have a great case for self-defense. I am not going to lie, i feel like a p!ece of **** at the end of the day regardless. I am remorseful at the situation as i don't want to see her hurt. At the split second tho, given everything that happened in the few minutes prior, I actually thought she was going to drop me. I'm not sure what else I should have done....

As of right now, no warrant out, however i know she did file for one. Her brother and her friends keep harrassing me telling me that im a huge POS and they can't wait til i get my sh!t pushed in in county, and theyre gana kill me when i get out. Little do they know who this girl really is behind closed doors. Fvck them.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me bros. I am probably going to lose a ton of friends over this regardless of the outcome. I should of jumped ship at the first site of anything that could of ever lead to this. For that, I am weak. Thank you for your support - if you have a toxic girl in your life, get rid of her NOW! Before she kills you or you have to go through the sh!t storm I am defending yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
So I was right about there being no warrant out. I thought so.

Your lawyer should have told you that recording anyone without their consent in the state of Illinois is a felony wiretap. You could do more time for those recordings than for hitting the b!tch.

I'm guessing your lawyer knows you're already in the clear, and you're not going to get arrested. They would have come after you by now if they were going to do so. But all they have is one woman's statement - there's no evidence or witnesses. Whatever evidence existed would be gone by now anyway. Plus, you're not an ex-con or somebody they already wanted to arrest in the first place.

Other than tell you to keep your mouth shut if you get arrested - which is what I have been telling you for free - your lawyer really can't do sh!t for you at this point. He has no control or influence over any investigation that might take place, or whether or not you get arrested.

The death threats against you are crimes. You are free to file police reports whenever it happens. What that does is help you look better in the future if you get into an altercation with the people threatening you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Hmm no warrant, no arrest. Sounds like a pretty fair and unbiased judicial system wouldnt you agree Danger? ;)


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Dgwizdal said:

I have been staying at a hotel the last few days and this is all i can think about. Probably have lost 10lbs as i cant even put down an oyster cracker.

I hired the former number one assault prospector in Illinois to defend me as my lawyer. He is a beast.

I also have audio recordings of her admitting to attacking me, admitting that I would never strike her maliciously but was done out of defense. Admitting/no denying that she f*cked my house up.

I also have her confessing via facebook messenger that she is telling people that she was about to hit me in the head with a mirror. (JACKPOT)

I documented the bruise she left me as well as the hole in the wall she put.

This chick is the BPD one that I have discussed and mentioned in previous threads. I should of gotten rid of her a long time ago. She keeps reaching out to via text and messenger asking how i am doing, saying she is sorry and misses me, etc. She even hints at trying to work things out. WHAT A NUT.

Lawyer says I have a great case for self-defense. I am not going to lie, i feel like a p!ece of **** at the end of the day regardless. I am remorseful at the situation as i don't want to see her hurt. At the split second tho, given everything that happened in the few minutes prior, I actually thought she was going to drop me. I'm not sure what else I should have done....

As of right now, no warrant out, however i know she did file for one. Her brother and her friends keep harrassing me telling me that im a huge POS and they can't wait til i get my sh!t pushed in in county, and theyre gana kill me when i get out. Little do they know who this girl really is behind closed doors. Fvck them.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me bros. I am probably going to lose a ton of friends over this regardless of the outcome. I should of jumped ship at the first site of anything that could of ever lead to this. For that, I am weak. Thank you for your support - if you have a toxic girl in your life, get rid of her NOW! Before she kills you or you have to go through the sh!t storm I am defending yourself.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! You hit the girl once and you sh1tting your pants! :cheer:

Picture myself hitting a girl multiple times, chocking her. That that b1tch had check marks all over her neck, she passed out. She yelled he is killing me across the entire neighborhood. I took battery out of her phone and left the house, went to a hotel for a night, then stayed closed at my office for a day, then in the evening went to another office and talked to my mafia boyz, got an advice. They got in contact with her, and got things quiet down, even tho that b1tch filed a report already. Then I went to police, they called me in, and had a talk with them. Then we got her sh1t out of that appartment and brought it back to her place in front of her father and brother. Then that b1tch took the report back, cuz she was afraid what's gonna happen if she let it go. I know how it feels man. But fvck, just for one hit of a b1tch you are going through what???? I can totally agree with what you are going through if you tried to kill her like me, but for one hit? Are you kidding me? :kick:


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Danger said:
I think it's way too early to make any call on this yet, but if you want your emotions to get in the way of logical thinking, then by all means do so.

We have no idea when she filed, we have no idea what evidence the police requested, and we have no idea what the police know or don't know or will be basing their decision upon.

AND remember, it hasn't even reached the judicial system yet, so you don't even have your terminology right. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

EDIT: Just to add, when you look at the female point of view (jurry), you can see that if an arrest does not happen immediately upon an accusation, that clearly in her mind there is no misandry present. I suppose her expectation is that he should be arrested immediately upon an accusation, otherwise why even make that comment?

Additionally, given that this woman is wrong in every way, has anyone stopped to ask why the OP did not file charges against this girl for assault, illegal entry and destruction of property?
Lol so easy to get you riled up..

I make the comment because you are the one with the ongoing misandric criminal justice/judicial system thesis. And here we clearly have a situation where (so far) there is no presumption of guilt on the male or any police involvement at all.

I agree with the second question though, why have YOU not pressed charges OP? Presumably you allowed her into your apartment so I dont know about the illegal entry, but clearly you have a case for destruction of property and assault.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Its ok bud you're upset right now.. u'll get over it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Im not seeing any twinkies, looks like you accidentally linked to a pic of your gf instead?

Zinggg *holsters pistols*


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
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If the police did not come looking for you that night, you have a signifigantly lower chance of anything happening. Usually during a domestic violence situation, the person that initiates the contact (if it can be determined) goes to jail. If no aggressor can be determined, then you can either both go... or nobody can go. Really depends on the officers discretion.

If its been a while and you havent heard from anyone, I wouldnt worry about it.
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