It's true that having children and starting a family can provide companionship and a sense of fulfillment as you get older.
I don’t think you quite understand. Having children is what we were meant to do. That's literally our only purpose. People that don't will always feel something missing.
Most people are together despite huge problems. Maybe they have children, but between them, there are grudges, dead bedrooms, and other issues, yet they stay together for the "good of the children." They have children and get married because others in their social circle do the same. They do this so as not to be left behind and not feel alone. "They are fake."
Yes. Hence the expression we've all heard since we were kids... Women! Can't live with them, can't live without them... Men, throughout time, have swallowed their pride and did their duty. That's why you're alive.
Then there is the man who grows up and decides to remain true to himself. Unfortunately, he has to deal with reality and knows very well that he cannot be happy in that "fairy tale."
It's really hard to find a healthy woman who is also a great mom that won't cheat on you.
That's why I say "reality", because most of them are like that.
There are many cases of intelligent men purposely forgoing mating. There are monesteries for such men, and I admire their resolve. Maybe you can be a Schopenhauer or a Nietzche. Ultimately, it doesn matter. The world will keep turning.
Married couples are unhappy because they think being alone might be better.
Those who are single are unhappy because they think being married might be better.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Yes. The illusion of choice lol. It doesn't matter what you pick, eventually, everything else gains appeal.
Such is a life of a man without conviction, and i consider myself one of those. But it's never too late to find it. You have it within you
It would be curious to know what
@BeExcellent thinks about cheating, on this topic.