Just want to add about evil, or evil act’s.
We all have ideas of what is deemed evil, for example killing a person is considered evil correct?
But what people sometimes miss is the fact that evil is subject to change – for example the crusades to kill people was a just act, the bible even tells people to stone to death people who do not follow rules set down (subject again to change).
Many religious
texts are full of conquer and war, death and murder.
In actual fact I’ve yet to read anything remotely as evil in the shape of things (if we want to accept Evil as the act of doing something bad) than reading some of the religious stuff – People slaughtered due to their belief systems or lack there-of – Through-out history more people have died in the name of a god than any other act anyone can think of – History is awash with incidents of slaughter in the name of god.
Yes you have so called good things happen, in the name of god, but let’s not ignore the other side of the coin.
Now back to Evil – Evil is subjective, it's open to change.
What was evil years ago is no longer so, what is evil now wasn’t so in the past.
Evil is just a man made word to describe things that are bad to the human condition – it is hardly ever applied out of the human sphere, for example it isn’t evil to subject another animal to torture, not in the same sense it is for humans.
Social animal species, stick together and we humans are no different – for example is it evil for a lion to kill for food? To protect its territory? To kill the young of other lions? Nope it isn’t, the lion is acting in its nature. To other lions it is considered bad – do humans care? No we don’t, same has a lion doesn’t give a toss if we drop bombs on each other – i.e the act of evil is a human condition.
Before we had a social structure man pretty much acted the same I would imagine –
Conquerors of lands, would rape and own women like chattel – warlords would have a harem of women serving his every need.
I’m not saying it’s acceptable behaviour, just highlighting examples how evil, changes as society does.
Evil is simply an extension of our social structure –
We can see acts of so called evil daily by looking at 3rd world countries, oppression, abuse of the innocent masses, slaughter for power.
Evil Hitler, was he evil? To the Germans at the time he wasn’t evil – you may think he is, but that is from your point of view structured around your belief system, i.e your version of evil isn’t concurrent with the belief of others.
Spread this out to for example a paedophile ring – evil? Remember the story in the papers just over a month ago of the priest who raped young boys? Incidentally such cases like that have plagued the catholic church through-out history – hence the term ‘choir boy’.
What am I saying? Evil is a ever changing variable – what we think of evil now, was not so in the past, what we consider evil may not be so in the future – of course we have acts against our fellow man that have stood the test of time that could be considered evil, like murder – but even murder is a just act when it is beneficial for the social structure and still is in some American states – i.e the death sentence – Call it what you will, some consider that to be evil, whilst some consider it to be just.
The Aztecs for example used to sacrifice people to gods, evil? Make a time machine and go back and tell them that.
Hence we can expand this to the ‘devil’, the devil is considered evil – well it seems to me the devil isn’t a being who makes the rules or laws, if you actually think about it, the guy is either trendy and keeps with the times or he is a fickle so called master – who on the face of it, has zero authority and his evil acts shift and change depending on the social structure. Hence again man made.
If you think about evil, i.e the illuminati are evil, or the music industry is evil or the Masons worship the devil, when you actually look at evil, you will see, evil is just a word to describe something that persons feels is bad, and that is all. There is no diety with a pitch-fork making the rules and we follow like ants, evil changes as we do.
Also catholics and any other religions believes fully they are the greater good, even when that knowledge in the past motivated them to kill others who didn't agree. In past times you could have been tortured because of your lack of so called faith - it is fitting how new age christians paint over the cracks of the past and choose to ignore the bloody history of that religion and all others like it. Wasn't evil then was it?
I.e your not going to hell, no matter what you do! If you were the place would be pritty dam full. Remember the so called gods even applaud murder and slaughter as long has it's just - apart from the Jesus story the bible is full of murder, destruction and slaughter - even the so called innocent flood story - if anyone considers that an act of good, needs a reality check - a god slaughtering everything with water, because he felt they were bad! Seriously - Let's skip over that shall we - It was a just act! Much like the rest of the book talking about slaughter of others and taking over countries in the name of god! - A bloody book with a bloody history. Even the eden story is nothing but a story about a master spanking his slaves who didn't do as he commanded -