Religion - Simply put from my point of view, is selfish in its nature.
A form of servitude that is entered into with total obediance.
What you fundimentally have is acceptance to nothing more than a slave to a higher power.
Much like being an employee for a large organisation with the MD the power and glory for the lower tier to try to impress.
Why is it selfish?
The words "You will be saved" - In-bedded into those words is the presumption that the person to be saved is by default guilty of some crime from birth and the only way to be free from this criminal act, is to conform to the higher power and glory. The reason why it is selfish, is because the person who accepts this, is following the dogma because they 'fear' the alternative consequences.
Also it feeds the selfish ego gene, in that the person who follows the religious dogma, also feels on a higher plane of knowledge than someone out of the loop, they feel superior - they believe they have an hidden knowledge and the others around them, are ignorant - That in parts is a welcoming feeling, yes it's contradictory when they try to bring more people into the fold, but the sense of importance is still there, under the surface like a buried taboo.
The reason why its servitude - Is because the person will follow the dogma to be freed, hence they confirm and comply with what is written in the knowledge that they will be saved.
Saved from what?
They also have an answer for that too.
Problem, action, solution.
Present the problem - Your guilty of a crime, you need to redeem yourself.
Present the action - If you dont redeem yourself you will be condemned for all eternity.
Present the solution - Conform and comply and you will be saved, oh and we love you!
The whole premise is an absurd smoke screen for social conformity -
Also about the creation of the universe, usually when people state 'he/she/it created the universe' - what they actually mean is they created planet earth and built the rest around it.
The simple fact that planet earth is just a planet in a solar system, inside a galaxy, revolving around a star - A star that is one of a billions in a galaxy in a universe filled of billions of other galaxy's.
A point no religious
texts have even hinted at.
To state god built men, and designed the universe around men, I believe can only be accepted if that person as a very high sense of self importance, a fragile ego and is susceptable to mental programming in the form of fear tactics, designed around something absurd.
Case in point, make the thing irrational, make it hard to follow, make it seem confusing and people will believe it. Now if anyone can state 100% that what they read in any version of a bible makes sense is in truth lying, I believe it was designed to be confusing, to keep the person guessing, since faith, needs no proof, it is purley on the faith that what they are reading is in some parts rational but they simply fail to grasp the knowledge deep within, hence they need to have more faith, until they reach the level of fanticism where they see the truth in the words.
Hence - God, devil, or any other so called diety is nothing more than a sell-by-date diety - All diety's do not stand the test of time. That is a simple fact most religious poeple ignore.
For example the egyptians gods, where around alot longer than our new age fad ones - Still in the end they became nothing but pure fiction - We even make films about the greek gods, greek gods that at the time were around alot longer than our current ones - ones we watch on Movie screens in hollywood - Nothing more than a center piece for writers who keep those gods in existance - If it wasn't for the imagination of man - even these gods would be extinct.
Spare a thought for that when you watch a youtube video stating the music business is owned by the devil -
The devil is like milk and women - he/she/it get's sour with age.