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Illuminati...your thoughts?

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Trader said:
But you are going to tell me that EVERY single instance of say: a checkerboard in a music video means the producers are part of the occult? Laughable.
Hmmmm, I didn't.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Just to clear some things up:

The illuminati was a band of anti christian revolutionaires back in the day, that got disbanded.

The checkered board system is masonic, it's a masonic symbol. Yes there are masonic symbols everywhere.

One only needs to know where to look: The Queens of england chair for example is adorned with masonic symbology - the One doller Bill, shi8 even the White House is sat on a large OWL symbol, even the vatican's courtyard, shaped like a keyhole.

This isn't a vast conspiracy, masons are a powerful organisation that has in its past had presidents and monarchy part of it's structure.

The pyramid, that people refer to is the pyramid of society:
At its base are us, above that are the police e.t.c, above are the governments, above are the banks and above are the controllers of the social structure. We are the base, we support the structure above, that is what is ment by the pyramid.

Also DEVIL, is also LIVED backwars, EVIL is LIVE, in reverse.

The vatican is also filled with symbology -

Does it matter? It's nothing really, yes there are symbols, you can look, yes it has meaning, it's simply stating we are part of a larger picture, can you see the picture? The picture isn't nasty or about control, it's not good either, it's just institutions surviving, you can either conform to it or not.

Mason are not evil, they are not out to destroy or fuc* the world over.

There are many secret societies, even some claiming to be the illuminati, presidents have been members of these so called secret societies, skull and bones for example - it's just one large big boys club leaving graffeti everywhere.

Like I said the so called BAD THINGS are about MONEY, or control, but mainly MONEY - Follow the money trail and it will become clear, rather than follow some sort of divine trail like some Darran Brown Book.

There are always going to be people like Stalin for example who want power and control and total obediance from the serfs, but if you think your living in bad times, i'd suggest you pick up a book on the gulags in soviet russia around world war II and see how people lives under true oppression - By the way I also belive 100% that books like 1984, was inspired by things going on in Russia, if you know about the history back then 1984 seems nothing but an extension of Russian life, rather than a blueprint for the future.

The new world order, isn't the NEW WORLD ORDER at all, it's the SAME WORLD ORDER, this shi*'s being going on since the dawn of time - People need a leader, if you remove or get rid of the so called leaders, others will take there place, humans are incapable of governing themselves, remember that.

In comparison to how people lived in the past, we have it good, remember that when you want to rage at the machine, not saying that is wrong, some people want more control, be aware of it, but some people take this way too far, for example guy's can get depressed with this stuff, it can fu** them up, looking at ghosts and reading conspiracy saying they are 'out to get us', e.t.c.

Both sides have dis-information, more often than not it goes back to money again, if a site is telling you the illuminati is out to get you, remember they are getting traffic to that site, which is most probably revenue, its not rocket science.

Jordan Maxwell is a good place to start:



Jul 30, 2003
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jonwon thats some real azz sht right there but where do the reptilians fit into this picture, sir? Can you explain that? How will you explain your post to the repitilian overlords when they arrive in 2012 ? huh? HUH?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Julian said:
jonwon thats some real azz sht right there but where do the reptilians fit into this picture, sir? Can you explain that? How will you explain your post to the repitilian overlords when they arrive in 2012 ? huh? HUH?
Yeh thats some whacked out shi*.

I think the guy did too many drugs when he was younger to be honest, he also seems to like to push new age type drugs now and again.

Me thinks he's been on the weed a little too long, David Icke that is.

That is after all his - avenue of expertise.

He actually sounds pritty plausable till he comes out with the reptilian over-lords.

But I fail to see how you make the connection to reptilians from my post.

As for 2012, i'm personnally not holding my breath.

But still it all adds a little spice to a boring day.

Men are renown to love this conspiracy stuff.

But then again anyone who laughs at a nut who believes in reptilians to me is no different to a guy believing in a man in the clouds watching everything you do, and if your naughty; he sends you down to hell to burn for all eternity, for ever and ever!


He loves you!

Now thats some real trippy shi* right there.

Actually most religions are, for someone to ridicule anyone because they believe in green men, serioulsy needs to step out the front door, you've more chance bumping into another form of nut, who believes in a personal god -

Muslims, catholics, e.t.c

Fuc*ing nuts if you ask me.

No offence to anyone who actually believes in that stuff, but to me, your no different to a guy believing in reptilians - I've yet to see evidence for either. So if your one to ridicule people due to believing some whacked out concept, i'd suggest you check yourself at the door. Hence it's all good to me, believe what you want, but remember when people condemn others for their belief system, we are surrounded by people who believe some serious whacked out shi*.

The simple point that we have more than one religion is enough to brand anyone who doesn't subscribe to your belief system as nuts, tells me, where all just a bunch of crazy freaks believing all sorts of random cra* anyway.

But the ironic thing is, people will defend that belief system to death, and i've yet to meet a fanatic worshiper of David Icke, but I see people who form their whole lives around a belief in something that cant be proven -

Take muslims or any other religion that imposes a set of criteria for worship - imagine actually living like that? Drinking, marriage, e.t.c - So in contrast David Icke in my book is pritty dam tame in comparison. (I use muslim as an example, no cartoons here).


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Trader said:
Now this is just getting ridiculous - you need to check yourself

Does the Illuminati exist? Of course. Are many powerful people involved? Some are, some aren't.

But you are going to tell me that EVERY single instance of say: a checkerboard in a music video means the producers are part of the occult? Laughable.
To get to the top of the music/movie industry you will have to get involved with the occult sooner or later. It's just part of the game. The illuminati runs those industries.

Like Professor Griff of public enemy explained. If you want to make it to the top, be one of those 50-100 million dollar rap artists with #1 albums you will have to sell your soul to the brotherhood, engage in homosexual acts and make a blood sacrifice sooner or later. It's a requirement.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Achille said:

Everyones a quack/UFO nut, until Stephen Hawking, makes a statement.


Dam this shi* was being discussed on TV, on a serious news programme the other day, with a center piece of around 15minutes, all supporting this simply because, stephen hawking made a statement. Prior you would have been laughted at.

Funny how the world works.

Stick a man in a lab coat, put him on TV - People will believe all sorts of stuff.

Incidently that was an advertisement trick back in the 80's, actors donning lab coats in adverts, advertising soaps, e.t.c - and people got sucked in, so bad infact that I believe the practice was banned due to false advertising.

Here is one such example:


We had this stuff for such things like instant mash also.

Not saying it's true or not, just saying it only becomes mainstream when a so called quack makes it so. If he came out and told us - Obama was a shape shifter, I'd suspect it would be front page news.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
f283000 said:
To get to the top of the music/movie industry you will have to get involved with the occult sooner or later. It's just part of the game. The illuminati runs those industries.

Like Professor Griff of public enemy explained. If you want to make it to the top, be one of those 50-100 million dollar rap artists with #1 albums you will have to sell your soul to the brotherhood, engage in homosexual acts and make a blood sacrifice sooner or later. It's a requirement.
Haha! :crackup: That's not true!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Alle_Gory said:
The second video, the guy uses clip art and a green screen (probably his mom's bedroom wall) to make that "documentary".
If you want fancy effects go to the movie theater. This ain't hollywood brother this is the truth.
Achille said:
Even if those music are made by those illuminos, then what "bad" subliminal messages are they sending anyway ?

What could be "dangerous" in what they are doing ?
Have you not heard of all the cases of people committing suicide after listening to songs over and over? 1 example that got a lot of media attention was from a song from ozzy osbourne where some kid shot himself after listening to one of his songs over and over. Not coincidentally the song had a subliminal message of suicide. I don't remember all the details but google is your friend check it out.

There are many more where that came from. Don't think for 1 minute it's just these heavy metal bands. Subliminal messages are everywhere and where you least expect them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Any one who actually believes the devil to be real and has a hand in the music industry needs a reality check.

Last time I looked the freemason, i.e jay-z so called links, do not worship satan, if anything they believe in the great architect (see Matrix 2 for some subliminals).

Also tying people into satan worship because they choose to wear a belt with a certain buckle is a bit extreme. The hand signals are also a weak argument.

The all seeing eye, isn't devil worship or a sign of the devil at all.

When people watch that stuff, i'd suggest you click on google and see if what your watching is true or not, and in those video cases, it's just a load of tosh.

This is the problem with people with fringe religious beliefs, they are willing to absorb all sorts of fantasy.

To believe in the devil is pritty silly in itself, to believe the world is governed by a so called imaginary diety is taking it a little too far. It's almost akin to throwing people to the volcano to appease the lava god.

Men have had some wierd fu*ked up beliefs in the form of gods, for starters, people used to believe gods used to sit on a mountain and chuck lightening bolts at un-believers, now we have some anti christ - man made boogie man - designed to scare you into confroming.

Like I said 'follow the money' If it is occult, it's more or less some powerful organisation making a statement that has zero affility with some random deity.

Masons are not devil worshipers, for starters.

Jay-z may be a mason, but that doesn't make him a devil worshiper at it sure has hell does not prove that a so called imaginary diety rules the music business.

Also the so called devil is nothing more than a bastar*ised version of the pagan god pan. That's all it is, the horns the hoofs, the whole dam shabang - a deity very much MAN MADE -


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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jonwon said:
Last time I looked the freemason, i.e jay-z so called links, do not worship satan, if anything they believe in the great architect (see Matrix 2 for some subliminals).
The great architect is lucifer aka what you call satan. Albert Pike himself admitted they worship him in his own book morals and dogma which is the Bible of freemasonry.

Again, there is a supernatural aspect to all this that most people will not understand. The world is not all you see on tv. There's some very evil things going on that most people don't know about that involve the elite. The truth has started to come out but only the elect will understand it. This is not for everybody.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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f283000 said:
The great architect is lucifer aka what you call satan. Albert Pike himself admitted they worship him in his own book morals and dogma which is the Bible of freemasonry.

Again, there is a supernatural aspect to all this that most people will not understand. The world is not all you see on tv. There's some very evil things going on that most people don't know about that involve the elite. The truth has started to come out but only the elect will understand it. This is not for everybody.

I'll reply to this later in detail, it's the weekend and I dont come here usually then.

But take a look outside the so called mason's, you will find many such cults - some claiming to be so called devil worshipers - for starters the Alister Crowley, created a secret society much inline with the masons, people used to believe he was the devil incarnate, he loved the tag because he was simply rebelling against the pomp and poop of the brainless masses who believed in religion, if anything they are simply statements.

For example the satanic bible, isn't actually about devil worhship, its about making a statement in retaliation to the mass hysteria of organised religion - think of it has people who see them selfs rational, in an irrational world where people believe in all sorts of fantasy and it all becomes clear.

When someone describes an organisation to be devil worshipers, if you look under the core, the person making such a claim is infact a religious zeolot, and the object of thier scorn is nothing more than people making a so called statement.

The masons great architect is a culmulation of all gods and all relgions - not just the devil - they believe anyone is free to worship who they wish as long has they follow there guidlines - if your refering to the 33degree masons - believe in some 2000 year old diety, i'd suggest you do some more reading and jump of the devil bandwagon, it is a fabrication a fantasy a man made boogie man and nothing more that a crux that the opposing voice has used to simply riducule the mass hysteria of believing in such tosh.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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f283000 said:
If you want fancy effects go to the movie theater. This ain't hollywood brother this is the truth.
I can make the same "truth" with a webcam. Where's the sources of information? Where's the articles and the documentation? Where's the witness testimony and affidavids? Yeah, I thought so.

Just because it exists doesn't mean its true. You should use your own judgment.

Have you not heard of all the cases of people committing suicide after listening to songs over and over?
No. Not really. But I have heard cases about crazy people who like repetition.

Subliminal messages are everywhere and where you least expect them.
There's very few subliminal messages. Most of the time it's not intended. Most of the subliminal messages you will encounter will be in some form of marketing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
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This is the problem with people with fringe religious beliefs, they are willing to absorb all sorts of fantasy.
Your statement can be extrapolated and applied to fringe beliefs in general. This is satirically called crank magnetism. A person who believes in the Illuminati for example will very likely hold many other fringe beliefs, transforming the issue into an overarching narrative of belief, as they are unable to identify ineptitude in others.

Between ten to fifteen years ago, I believed in god, I believed the Grand Pyramid at Giza held special powers, I believed in ghosts, I believed JFK was probably assassinated in some overarching conspiracy, and when I was ten years old I believed Nostradamus was psychic. But in the subsequent years as I realized I held misbeliefs, reflected upon my misbeliefs, and studied why often otherwise intelligent-seeming people hold unsubstantiated beliefs, it has become clear to me what is more important than a position in belief is the thought process of how people come to believe and think in their understanding of the world. You can believe things which are completely correct but if the process behind the belief was either principally flawed or skipped over then the arrival to the belief was no better than random chance, and there is a grand sense of futility in trying to reason a person out of a position of misbelief from which they did not reason themselves, but conversely people can still be respectable despite their wrong conclusions if the principles in their process were fundamentally sound.

The thought process of Illuminati believers is inherently flawed and correspondingly their arrival to belief is no better than random chance.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
jonwon said:
I'll reply to this later in detail, it's the weekend and I dont come here usually then.

But take a look outside the so called mason's, you will find many such cults - some claiming to be so called devil worshipers - for starters the Alister Crowley, created a secret society much inline with the masons, people used to believe he was the devil incarnate, he loved the tag because he was simply rebelling against the pomp and poop of the brainless masses who believed in religion, if anything they are simply statements.

For example the satanic bible, isn't actually about devil worhship, its about making a statement in retaliation to the mass hysteria of organised religion - think of it has people who see them selfs rational, in an irrational world where people believe in all sorts of fantasy and it all becomes clear.
You are half-correct. For example, the church of Satan in San Francisco does not worship Satan *directly* rather they simply reject all of God's laws. They state: 'Let thou will be done, that is the whole of the law.' In other words, screw God, do whatever the hell you want.

But the Bible states clearly that rejecting God is *siding with the devil.* Now obviously a guy who rejects God is not really actively 'worshipping the devil' but he is on the devil's side. He is OPPOSED to God. You are either for God, or against him, there is no middle ground.

jonwon said:
The masons great architect is a culmulation of all gods and all relgions - not just the devil - they believe anyone is free to worship who they wish as long has they follow there guidlines - if your refering to the 33degree masons - believe in some 2000 year old diety, i'd suggest you do some more reading and jump of the devil bandwagon, it is a fabrication a fantasy a man made boogie man and nothing more that a crux that the opposing voice has used to simply riducule the mass hysteria of believing in such tosh.
There really are only 2 forces. Good and evil. Good is following the God of the Bible. Evil is NOT following the God of the Bible, in other words, all the other religions are used as instruments of the Devil. In the lower levels of free-masonery, there is no direct worship of Satan, rather it is just a club. You scratch your back, I'll scratch your back, let's look out for each other in industry, and in the courthouse.

But once you get to the upper levels of freemasonery, there is DIRECT worship of Satan. That's why Freemasonery is often referred to as having *initiates* and *followers.* The followers are in the lower orders and they just think it's a cool club. But the initiates participate in various rituals to tap into spiritual powers.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
f283000 said:
Check out

Satan's music industry (documentary)

jay-z deception (documentary)

jay-z and beyonce devil worshippers
Alle Gory said:
Golly. What unbiased and respectable sources of information you have.

The second video, the guy uses clip art and a green screen (probably his mom's bedroom wall) to make that "documentary".
Did you even bother to watch the video? I did. Now obviously some of the things in the video are INTERPRETATIONS which could be coincidences.

However, there are some things in the video that are clear facts and cannot be re-interpreted.

For example, they interview Jay Z directly and he mentions the Egyptian Gods, which is related to FreeMasonery.

And one of the founders of Satanism is actually on the cover of the Beatles album. Yes his face is on the cover. This cannot be denied. It is a fact. Now you can argue: 'Well it is just a coincidence.'

And look at the shirt Jay-Z is wearing: 'Thou will is the whole of the law.' that is the slogan of Satanism. Now could it be he is just wearing the shirt out of ignorance?

Maybe. Maybe.

But why is it that if you rewind his album, it says 'Kill Jesus'. Coincidence? Maybe.

But what is the probability of BOTH of those happening by chance?

Yes, some individual connections with the occult could be a coincidence, but when you start adding up the facts, it seems rather unlikely.