I know I said that my last post would be my last one on this debate, but.....
Craig, in general, I agree with much that you said. My point above was that "league" meant in looks only, not taking into consideration the attitude, etc.
OK, but then again....you're left with the question of WHO gets to decide what league that YOU'RE in, and what league that SHE'S in (as far as physical appearance goes)? What if *I* were to think I was a 10....and Halle Berry as a 8? If I were to approach a woman that looked as good as her, then I guess I'll be justified because she technically wouldn't be out of my league, right?
Leagues are in the eye of the beholder - so therefore, the "league" a woman is in, is the league that she is SEEN in by you. It's just like a leader is not really the leader until everyone SEES him as the leader....same concept.
I know these things are important, but my experience has been that really good looking women are always looking for more than just a funny guy.
It's not just about being funny. Attraction has much more to do with how a man CARRIES HIMSELF toward her, than just being fun. You don't really have to be that funny to make a woman feel attraction for you.
In regards to women thinking they're average. In general, that's probably true, but I'll tell you that I know plenty of hot women who know they're hot, and are stuck up about it.
You claim that there are some attractive women that know they are hot, and are stuck up about it, and that's very true! However, there's UGLY women that "KNOW" they're hot, and are stuck up about it, as well.
You're right, though. Most attractive women *know* that they are attractive. But they FEEL average.
The more people get, the more they want. So the prettier a girl gets, the more she will want to get even prettier.
This is why a lot of attractive women obsess over a five pound weight gain, or a bad hair day. Am I making sense? So they'll then start to get a distorted view on they're own beauty and see themselves as average instead of beautiful like they KNOW they are.
Here's an analogy (lol. I love these)
I'm a musician, and I play piano. If you were to hear me play, then you would probably think that I was some virtuoso. My repotoire exists of professional level music. However, whenever I perform, EVERYBODY ELSE is amazed, except me.....and I'm sometimes SURPRISED and WONDER why anyone would be amazed at my playing.
You see where I'm going?
A surprising amount of beautiful women *know* they're above average in looks.....but they don't FEEL that way - especially when talking to guys.
They only say they're average in order to be a good politician. They want to let everyone know that they are totally aware that a lot of guys want them, yet they don't want to be hated by every girl either.
This could be true with some women, but I didn't learn this based off of what women say....I gathered this based off the way that women act and treat themselves. Attractive women seem to always want to IMPROVE their look. They go out and do the most drastic (and sometimes painful) things to IMPROVE their look. If they were already content with their looks and felt like supermodels out of the magazine everywhere they went, they would not be trying to improve themselves so much.
If you have been told all your life by people that you're a great looking guy or gal, it's bound to go to your head sooner or later.
You have a point....but most really good looking girls aren't necessarily *born* that way. They have to work very hard at staying beautiful, so they end up getting TUNNEL VISION. They start to FEEL average because they never get to take a break from working on their looks. Plus the fact that they are so hard on themselves and their looks and are always looking to improve something. Go up to most attractive women, and they will be able to tell you at least 3 things that they would like to change about their body or face - more than likely...more than just 3.
I bet there was likely a girl who was interested in you, but you knew you could do better, so you just reject the girl. Totally normal behavior.
You raise another good point. But in most cases, women don't choose men solely based off of physical apperance. Most women don't know it, but the reason why they say a lot of guys are "hot" is in the way that they carry themselves.
Think about it, would Ashton Kutcher really be considered by a lot of women as "hot" if he didn't carry himself in the way that he did?
Almost ALL of the attractive women that I know that are with average looking guys proclaim they're man to be "hot". Almost all of the guys that hot women tend to crush on have one thing in common - THEY CARRY THEMSELVES VERY WELL.
They are ALL very dignified....which means they dress and groom in a manner that says "I respect myself". They make eye contact, smile, walk with a pride about them, and basically carry themselves in a way that radiates that they are comfortable with who they are. These guys are who the women almost always claim as "hot".
Physical appearance has little to do with it. I know HOT women that DON'T LIKE MUSCLES, they like skinnier guys. I know EVEN HOTTER women that tend to like heavier guys....
But no matter what.....how you carry the package is MUCH more important than the package itself.