I have a "Slow" voice tone and want to know how to improve it.

Dead By Dawn

New Member
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
Hell no I don't get angry when someone approaches, what do you think, I'm crazy or something? It makes no sense why you would ever think something so stupid.
Maybe it would make more sense if you read your posts. You have already assumed, and told me, that I think negatively of you and that my thoughts are stupid in this short quote.

It's not just about getting laid, it's about gaining confidence in talking to and approaching girls period, what do you think?
I think that you do not appear to have much confidence at all and many people with more confidence than you are not comfortable around girls.

I won't have a reputation of being the quiet guy

Besides that, when I become more confident, I'll be less needy and desperate, I'll stop dreaming about that girl I like and actually pursue her.
You can pursue that girl you like now, you can be less needy and desperate now, you can stop being the quiet guy now. So many guys fall into the trap of "Oh well I'll wait until I have more confidence." I was like that but in the end I learned my pursuit for confidence was a confidence-blocker. Confidence is not the magic pill to your problems, its what you gain from experiencing your problems.

Also, if I become a well-known person
What without being talkative? I hope you actually read this post and the other guys posts for what they say and don't just look at them and try to shine a negative light on every possible part of the post and ignoring the rest.