Now something that else that really keeps girls from taking me seriously is the fact that I have speech problems. I'm good at pronouncing words and stuff, but I have a "slow" sounding voice, because of this, girls often misunderstand me, I have to say things a good 3 times before they can understand it. I've taken speech classes recently and while it has improved my speech and pronounciation, I still have a "Slow" sounding voice tone. This makes alot of people think that I'm slow or something and alot of girls think I'm "special" or something because of this; girls don't want to date guys who they feel sorry for. So instead of whining about it, how can I improve this? I want to have a clear, vibrant voice, not a slow and misunderstood voice. This would improve my game alot and girls would no longer think I was "special" "shy" or something when I talk to them, they would just think of me as a normal guy. Now, if I approached an HB 7 right now, everything would go great, but then she would just hear my voice and think "Haha, is this some kind of joke? Oh no, he's serious, poor guy, I feel so sorry for him.".