I hate it when you find out that they're JAILBAIT

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Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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*first off I would just like to point out that Im a bit intoxicated and that I feel stupid for making this thread and that I can already see the responses to this so PLEASE bare with me*

Im gonna make this as short as possible.

- I met this chick who I found very attractive at my friends kickback and later found out that she was JB(jailbait) 17 years old...damn.
- I later find out that she's my homeboys little sister...damn.
- I got to have a really good talk(intelligent conversation) with her during one of her cousin's going away parties and figured she's more than just a pretty face.
- She gives me her number at the end of the night and says "call me".
- She invites me to a few kickbacks at her place about 3 weeks ago.
- When I walked in, I was the oldest motherfcuker there cuz everyone was pretty much in high school...DAMN.
- I call her up a few times but she doesnt pick up except maybe once(Same with texts).
- A few days ago I looked at her myspace and her default was with some dood and the dood has the same default...I caught her on a lunch date with him about a week ago btw.
- I think she's in a LTR.
- ...All I can really say is DAMN this situation.

Overall I think whats bothering me is 1)that she's young(5 yrs younger than me) and 2)she's my friend's sister. I haven't been able to have a down to earth talk to a girl in a while and to me thats a total plus. I think thats where she penetrated my first line of defense cuz I found myself thinking about her for a week and a half.

I really don't know where Im going with this sh!t and before I rant on....what do you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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Is America so screwed up that you actually go to jail for sleeping with a 17 year old?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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Well she is under age, possibly n a LTR, and your friends lil sister. Think about this in a logical way. To me; this spells out B-A-D-N-E-W-S. Forget about her; there are plenty of other women willing and able.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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NickBe said:
Is America so screwed up that you actually go to jail for sleeping with a 17 year old?
Its by state, not US wide. California is 18. Several other states allow as low as 16 though.


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2007
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Well it doesn’t stop you from having more intelligent conversations with the young lady does it? I seriously don’t think that the only value she may have is her pretty face. She is worth more then her age and sexual appeal, there isn’t anything wrong with her and nothing much to be complaining about. Unless you’re a mindless $ex addict?


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
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What you are saying is that you are hypnotize by your friend's lil teenage sister. after she realized that you are a creepy older guy, she is refusing to answer your phone calls.
Now, instead of honorably checking out (to at least save your friendship with her bro), you've decided to risk going to jail... You don't wanna TOSS SALAD bro... do you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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I had the same thing happen. Well, similar anyway. Talked to this girl a bit at work, found out that she was that old, and then its like you said... DAMN!

Why? For one she is so fun to talk to. We had a work thing last night and I hung with her and we played guitar hero and the Wii and just had fun. She laughs, she smiles, she's full of energy, not dull, cute, nice... And you get the point. You could be yourself around this girl. See your only 5yrs off, and i'm 10, so its a big difference at this point. If your 30 and 40 or 40 and 50 or 25 and 30 noe one flinches. But they do at this age. (17, and even 18)

Look at the Age of Love guy. He's 30 and dating a 48yr old and 21yr old. Big difference there, but he's trying to just be happy.

Boyfriend or not dont care cause I obviously wont date her cause of my age, but its a similar thing. You kind of hit it off with someone or at least go... This one is cool, only to find out she isn't that old.

Nothing wrong with talking to her, carrying on a conversation if and when you see her, and things like that. If anything maybe you can just get her to learn a little more about you, and then time will fly and she'll be 18.

The sister thing and boyfriend thing is obviously different, but just show her the type of dude you are even if you are older by a bit. JUST DONT TOUCH HER.

And true, there are MANY other women out there, but it does suck at the same time when you connect with someone to only find out they are in high school and you the oldest dude around, and in or out of college.

Sometimes I go... Damn,cant believe she's that young, but she's a pretty girl, and I cant change that fact, and you cant beat yourself up for that. Its not like you can go back in time and go.... ok...this one is going to be UGLY.

If you can get past the other guy and the friend deal, figure out when she is 18.

if you browse the older forum you'll find many guys with younger girls. Some because they can pull it off, some because they look so much younger, or that's their preference. The guy on MSN was 41 and she was 22. That's HUGE, but they clicked as you said you did.

Society will hammer older guys who date younger ones, and it wont change. The youngest i've dated has been 5yrs younger, so at the time I was 26 she was 21. Even then I got... She's a baby! I was like stupid Fvck she's almost done with college and headed to Med school.

Sure 17 is another story, but sometimes it doesn't matter to some. If your not 1-3ys in age you must have something wrong with you.

My advice is to either move on, or if you are so inclined to REALLY date her, wait till she is 18. Just talk to her like I said. You dont get in trouble for carrying on a conversation with someone. Maybe then you'll get a better idea of her, if and when you do try to initiate a relationship. You may end up seeing her more talking to her more and go.... Well, maybe I was wrong. She seemed like X at first, but she really isn't.

The downside is you may find too (and this sucks more) is that if you do talk to her more and hang around her more, you'll just get more attracted to her. Then your really screwed for the time being.

Its like in my case, I work with the girl, so avoiding her is hard, and then if you totally stop speaking to them its not really nice either.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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I think it is a fair question. Does a 20 year old go to jail for sleeping with a 17 year old? Does that seem fair to you?


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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Sure its a fair question, but you turn everything into America is stupid because of this, America is dumb because of that. Just because our society doesn't accept 14 year old hookers walking the streets of Amsterdam or wherever you live doesn't mean we're "screwed up".

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Why do you guys feel there are statutory rape laws?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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ValleyDJing said:
Sure its a fair question, but you turn everything into America is stupid because of this, America is dumb because of that. Just because our society doesn't accept 14 year old hookers walking the streets of Amsterdam or wherever you live doesn't mean we're "screwed up".
How many times have I said America is dumb? really? and in case you didn't notice the rest of the worlds collective opinion of America is that its dumb. When I went to America I was sure that the stereotype would be disproved and to some extent it was, I met some genuinely smart, witty, charming people. As a whole though I found the stereotype to hold up.

Also when did I ever mention Amsterdam? I do not agree with child trafficking. By the way just out of curiosity did you know that after the poorest Asian countries there are more child prostitutes in America than anywhere else in the world? Talk about a sexually repressed nation, the child trafficking operations thrive on business from America.

I enjoy America when i visit but when it comes to sex they are too repressed. That does not mean I want child prostitutes walking the street it just means that it would be better if people became a little more open minded. It would be better if people could express their desires without being condemned. It would be better if a 19 year old guy wouldn't go to jail for sleeping with a 17 year old girl.

When it comes to sex America is 50 years behind most of the civilized world.