I hate it when you find out that they're JAILBAIT


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
NickBe said:
How many times have I said America is dumb? really? and in case you didn't notice the rest of the worlds collective opinion of America is that its dumb. When I went to America I was sure that the stereotype would be disproved and to some extent it was, I met some genuinely smart, witty, charming people. As a whole though I found the stereotype to hold up.

Also when did I ever mention Amsterdam? I do not agree with child trafficking. By the way just out of curiosity did you know that after the poorest Asian countries there are more child prostitutes in America than anywhere else in the world? Talk about a sexually repressed nation, the child trafficking operations thrive on business from America.

I enjoy America when i visit but when it comes to sex they are too repressed. That does not mean I want child prostitutes walking the street it just means that it would be better if people became a little more open minded. It would be better if people could express their desires without being condemned. It would be better if a 19 year old guy wouldn't go to jail for sleeping with a 17 year old girl.

When it comes to sex America is 50 years behind most of the civilized world.

Seems like everytime I open a new thread, I see you taking a pot shot at America. Its fuking annoying.

As for Amsterdam, I'm just making assumptions about where you live. You sound like one of those stuck-up, snobby, wanna be cultured types that are always infesting this board with self righteous crap like that. I agree with you, there are a lot of prudes in this country. And it is pretty fuked up that there is a loophole in the judicial system that allowed a 17 year old kid to go to jail for recieving a consensual beej from a 15 year old. For your information, the general public isn't too happy about it. People are what make up America, don't judge us because of a flawed judicial system.

America is sexually repressed but there's a damn good reason for it. America was founded on Christian principles, one of which is the idea that sex is for married couples only, but thats a whole different debate entirely. There are a lot of prudes in America, but does that make us screwed up as a country? And even if it did, why don't you just keep it to yourself? I think the board as a whole would appreciate it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
I hardly every talk about America being screwed up and when I do it is certainly not just because they are sexually repressed. In general Americans are dumb, they have low IQ's and they are arrogant.

Here are some examples:

I was in America buying cheese, I say "can i have some Provolone" Pronounced Prov-eh-lon-eh the America guy says "nooo its pro-vo-loan you are saying it wrong" this guy has no idea how to say the word and he corrects me.


I was at a bar I order Glenfiddich a single malt whiskey from Scotland pronounced Glen-fid-ick. Another American guy tries to correct me saying "nooo its Glen-fid-itch"


I met an American Irish guy he did not know that Ireland was a country he thought it was part of England.


When I am in America I am inundated with talk about American idol and other crappy reality TV shows. I do not like America because the people are arrogant and stupid. They do not know why the Palestinians and Israelites are fighting. They do not even know anything about the current war except:

"We are fighting the evil terrorists because they attack us"


In general Americans are dumb.

Sure there are smart ones I met plenty but when I am in my home country (Australia) or in Europe I do not meet as many dumb people. America has a stereotype world wide the stereotype is that all Americans are dumb. When you go to America that stereotype begins to look pretty accurate.

That is why I dislike America because whenever I am there on business I am surrounded by people that have the IQ of vegetables.

Than add to that sexual repression and you find its a pretty screwed up place.

Now add the fact that Americas public medical system is worse than a lot of 3d world countries. One that really shows how corrupt America is the fact that exploit their soldiers by charging them $50 for a meal of chips and hamburgers when in most other countries soldier when in war eat for free.

Add the fact that the judicial system is so screwed up that if you have money you can get away with a 10 year sentence for manslaughter. On the flip side if you do not have money you get a 11 year sentence for gettign your d*ck sucked by a girl 2 years younger than you when you are 17.

Add the fact that the American economy is falling to pieces and that when the baby boomer's hit retirement age America will not have the money to pay them their social security.

Add the fact that the American people have over $60 billion dollars credit card debt and they keep on spending beyond their means then taking out multiple mortgages on their houses.

Add the fact that the consumer debt for America is $1.7 trillion and that the average American has $8,000 credit card debt. How can you argue that the average America is smart when they are over $8,000 in debt for thing they do not need?

Add the fact that they are the fattest country on earth

Add that they have possibly the highest rate of gun violence in the world and if its not the highest it us close to it.

Then they talk about freedom as if they are the only free country on Earth. They talk about freedom as if they are actually free. If I ever say America is f*cked it is because of all the reasons above and many, many more.

Also I rarely say America is screwed, so you are a bit of an idiot for bringing that up.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
NickBe said:
I hardly every talk about America being screwed up and when I do it is certainly not just because they are sexually repressed. In general Americans are dumb, they have low IQ's and they are arrogant.

Here are some examples:

I was in America buying cheese, I say "can i have some Provolone" Pronounced Prov-eh-lon-eh the America guy says "nooo its pro-vo-loan you are saying it wrong" this guy has no idea how to say the word and he corrects me.


I was at a bar I order Glenfiddich a single malt whiskey from Scotland pronounced Glen-fid-ick. Another American guy tries to correct me saying "nooo its Glen-fid-itch"


I met an American Irish guy he did not know that Ireland was a country he thought it was part of England.


When I am in America I am inundated with talk about American idol and other crappy reality TV shows. I do not like America because the people are arrogant and stupid. They do not know why the Palestinians and Israelites are fighting. They do not even know anything about the current war except:

"We are fighting the evil terrorists because they attack us"


In general Americans are dumb.

Sure there are smart ones I met plenty but when I am in my home country (Australia) or in Europe I do not meet as many dumb people. America has a stereotype world wide the stereotype is that all Americans are dumb. When you go to America that stereotype begins to look pretty accurate.

That is why I dislike America because whenever I am there on business I am surrounded by people that have the IQ of vegetables.

Than add to that sexual repression and you find its a pretty screwed up place.

Now add the fact that Americas public medical system is worse than a lot of 3d world countries. One that really shows how corrupt America is the fact that exploit their soldiers by charging them $50 for a meal of chips and hamburgers when in most other countries soldier when in war eat for free.

Add the fact that the judicial system is so screwed up that if you have money you can get away with a 10 year sentence for manslaughter. On the flip side if you do not have money you get a 11 year sentence for gettign your d*ck sucked by a girl 2 years younger than you when you are 17.

Add the fact that the American economy is falling to pieces and that when the baby boomer's hit retirement age America will not have the money to pay them their social security.

Add the fact that the American people have over $60 billion dollars credit card debt and they keep on spending beyond their means then taking out multiple mortgages on their houses.

Add the fact that the consumer debt for America is $1.7 trillion and that the average American has $8,000 credit card debt. How can you argue that the average America is smart when they are over $8,000 in debt for thing they do not need?

Add the fact that they are the fattest country on earth

Add that they have possibly the highest rate of gun violence in the world and if its not the highest it us close to it.

Then they talk about freedom as if they are the only free country on Earth. They talk about freedom as if they are actually free. If I ever say America is f*cked it is because of all the reasons above and many, many more.

Also I rarely say America is screwed, so you are a bit of an idiot for bringing that up.
Wow owned... well I'm actually going to defend US for once... not! I really can't bring up a single good point. Yes 51% of the public are dumb and ignorant, it's becaues of the sh'tty public education. The smart cultured ones are usually private schooled. Most dumbasses you meet are the ones who didn't go to college. That's the major differance between the dumb ones and the smart/cultured ones.

Yes US is in 3 trillion debt thanks to... the president and his policies, but US still has one of the best GDP and can sell nukes if they had to.

Health care sucks... I agree that it's pretty sad to see how the system is made only for people with money.

Then again US has only been around for 200 years and it doesn't have a culture. Meaning it's hard for citizens to love each other, cuz we're all immigrants and people are naturally racist. It's pretty funny that most Americans hate immigrants... even though they're all immigrants themselves.

US should focus on improving itself first... since it already has a good foundation (Constitution, Bill of Rights and Congress/Stable government) someone really needs to improve it's public education, public health care, public transportation (Global Warming), better media (Hollywood crap, MTV and other BS TV are brainwashing kids.)


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Australia does not have that problem though, we do not have much racism. We are younger than America. The medical system over here is good and so are our public schools. We do not murder each other in record numbers.

I do not usually get into all this stuff but valleydj was asking for it


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Age of Consent in Canada is 14. If you're going for jailbait here, you got some head issues. Otherwise, it's fair game.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Here is a link to your age chart, and info for those that dont know the deal on consent. Different all over the place.

Average age of that chart (not including where it is illlegal) is age 16



Biggest thing that seems to get discussed is how one handles it, as in are they mentally ready. Emotionally, and mature wise.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Stop Hating

NickBe said:
I hardly every talk about America being screwed up and when I do it is certainly not just because they are sexually repressed. In general Americans are dumb, they have low IQ's and they are arrogant.

Here are some examples:

I was in America buying cheese, I say "can i have some Provolone" Pronounced Prov-eh-lon-eh the America guy says "nooo its pro-vo-loan you are saying it wrong" this guy has no idea how to say the word and he corrects me.


I was at a bar I order Glenfiddich a single malt whiskey from Scotland pronounced Glen-fid-ick. Another American guy tries to correct me saying "nooo its Glen-fid-itch"


I met an American Irish guy he did not know that Ireland was a country he thought it was part of England.


When I am in America I am inundated with talk about American idol and other crappy reality TV shows. I do not like America because the people are arrogant and stupid. They do not know why the Palestinians and Israelites are fighting. They do not even know anything about the current war except:

"We are fighting the evil terrorists because they attack us"


In general Americans are dumb.

Sure there are smart ones I met plenty but when I am in my home country (Australia) or in Europe I do not meet as many dumb people. America has a stereotype world wide the stereotype is that all Americans are dumb. When you go to America that stereotype begins to look pretty accurate.

That is why I dislike America because whenever I am there on business I am surrounded by people that have the IQ of vegetables.

Than add to that sexual repression and you find its a pretty screwed up place.

Now add the fact that Americas public medical system is worse than a lot of 3d world countries. One that really shows how corrupt America is the fact that exploit their soldiers by charging them $50 for a meal of chips and hamburgers when in most other countries soldier when in war eat for free.

Add the fact that the judicial system is so screwed up that if you have money you can get away with a 10 year sentence for manslaughter. On the flip side if you do not have money you get a 11 year sentence for gettign your d*ck sucked by a girl 2 years younger than you when you are 17.

Add the fact that the American economy is falling to pieces and that when the baby boomer's hit retirement age America will not have the money to pay them their social security.

Add the fact that the American people have over $60 billion dollars credit card debt and they keep on spending beyond their means then taking out multiple mortgages on their houses.

Add the fact that the consumer debt for America is $1.7 trillion and that the average American has $8,000 credit card debt. How can you argue that the average America is smart when they are over $8,000 in debt for thing they do not need?

Add the fact that they are the fattest country on earth

Add that they have possibly the highest rate of gun violence in the world and if its not the highest it us close to it.

Then they talk about freedom as if they are the only free country on Earth. They talk about freedom as if they are actually free. If I ever say America is f*cked it is because of all the reasons above and many, many more.

Also I rarely say America is screwed, so you are a bit of an idiot for bringing that up.
You're right, Americans are idiots. Thats why America is the most powerful nation in the world. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think Americans are so dumb...then stop watching our movies. Also stop using internet. Look it up. All the founding fathers of the internet were Americans. LOL!!! So your loser ass wouldn't even be able to type your silly/ignorant generalizations about America if it wasn't for us dumba$$ Americans. :moon: :moon: :moon:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Did I say all Americans are dumb.

Tell me if you can dispute some of the facts about America that I put up?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Why do you guys feel there are statutory rape laws?
Anyone?... Anyone?... Bueller?..... Beuller?....


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I thought this site was for giving/sharing advice on women...:trouble:

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
You're right, Americans are idiots. Thats why America is the most powerful nation in the world. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think Americans are so dumb...then stop watching our movies. Also stop using internet. Look it up. All the founding fathers of the internet were Americans. LOL!!! So your loser ass wouldn't even be able to type your silly/ignorant generalizations about America if it wasn't for us dumba$$ Americans
Those founding fathers were different from the rest of the country.Everyone hated, treated them like **** when they started taking initiatives it was fater they made the invention and they got rich that Americans acted like they loved them Even tho they secretly envied them And actually most of the founding fathers where assasinated. BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE.
America used to be very good it was by far the most powerful country BACK THEN but in the next couple of years us Americans are screwed especially with this generation taking office hahaha were dont. Im an American but im just telling the truth.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Why do you guys feel there are statutory rape laws?
I have no good idea, but maybe it's a throwback to the shotgun wedding days. Personally I'd like to see the age reduced and penalties made a lot worse. It irks me that a guy who büttfücks a 4 year old is classed as the same sort of person as a guy who screws a 17 year old hottie.

Not wanting to get into the maturity argument here, just would like some consensus that the two are fundamentally different and should be dealt with completely differently.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
17 year olds can have intelligent conversations?


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Skel said:
17 year olds can have intelligent conversations?
lol....Hmmm... Depends I guess. I've known dumb 17yr olds and dumb 21yr olds. I've also known some pretty bright ones that are younger.

Guess it all depends no what the conversation is about. Some (depending on school) are taught lots more than I was now, and in 4th grade they learned more than I did in 9th grade. BUT that is the school and education system.

I know a girl now that age and she is good for spreading her legs only. Actually 16 and she already had a kid. DUMB AS A BRICK.

Then you have ones that impress you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
NickBe said:
Did I say all Americans are dumb.

Tell me if you can dispute some of the facts about America that I put up?
I dont' have to dispute anything you have said. America isn't perfect.... no country is. I can talk all day about the negative aspects of any country. That doesn't change the fact that America is most powerfully nation in world and currently has the most DOMINANT culture. And of course that pisses you haters off. So keep dissing America as you watch our movies and benefit from our innovations.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
How many people want to to move to NickBe's country? Now how many wish they could move to the USA? Given a choice where would most prefer to relocate? Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
bigjohnson said:
How many people want to to move to NickBe's country? Now how many wish they could move to the USA? Given a choice where would most prefer to relocate? Case closed.
I wish to relocate to the island of HOT WOMEN. Does one exist? :yes:

That's my choice. Just where ever the women are.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
I spend a lot of time in America and I do not hate it but the people as a whole a dumb. America is a world power because of what it use to be soon it will be like England is now. Your economy is falling to pieces and you are totally dependent on China who keeps jacking up prices on imports. With 75 trillion dollars national debt and bills piling up America will lose its position as world power.

When China sells its dollar holdings Japan will follow. The U.S. dollar will become worthless. When the money has no value the countries power will decrease exponentially.

You are the most dominant culture? you have no culture, yes you are the most dominant country but you are not the most dominant culture. Not by a long shot.

You cant dispute anything I said and I bet you can not find a country that has more negative aspects. I mean charging your own soldiers who are dieing for their country $50 for a meal of chips and hamburgers is ridiculous. At least the terrorist have honor and look out for their own.

I challenge you to find a country with more negatives than America. I make these observations about America because I spend time there every year. People are generally dumb they have no idea what going on in the world. Health care system is failed, economy is in bad shape even though they do not admit it.

You sound like another one of those over patriotic idiots who doesn't know the world outside America. I have traveled the world with an open mind and I have no reason to be a 'hater' but when I spend time in America I see a vast difference between the intelligence, friendliness and openness of countries like Italy, Romania, England.