I replaced his name with mine. And I realized, you are just completely wrong. Everything bad that happens to a person is somehow their fault? If a woman doesnt like them it's their fault? I remember I moved before my last year of high school and lost all my friends. That's somehow my fault? I remember I actually had a few decent looking girls eying me at that other school, but once we moved to this new area, no girl of the same caliber of looks even gave me the time of day. That's my fault? I always struggled much more with academics and athletics than my peers because my father entered me in school a year early (I would be younger than most of my peers even if he hadn't done that.) but that's somehow my fault? Here's the thing about the high school I went to senior year: I myself did not change negatively at all, I only improved positively, especially my facial bone structure. But guess what did change? The market.
I understand what you are saying but like everyone says, "get with the times". Things have changed and you have not realized it because you have not emmersed yourself with the newer generation.
Bro, just give it six years. All the girls you're tripping about now won't be in your league. It gets so much easier--you'll always have to put in the work, but trust that. But don't expect
any girl your age to appreciate the sacrifices you'll have to make to get to where you want to be (but you better believe that in 6 years they'll be tripping over those very same qualities). You'll be far more self-assured--especially as you dive into the struggles and prove yourself to yourself.
But do it for you. One one hand, I can understand the whole 'become quality and quality women will come' shpiel--I can get 'quality behavior' from just about any girl for a spell based on the strides I've made internally. But it's misleading at best to call those 'quality women.' Some women you can get 'quality behavior' for longer than others. And I've become pump and dump material for the Cluster B-type (objectively low quality) women who would've used to sense my internal weakness as a great source of supply. So yes, on one hand, women, overall, get better as you get better--but by the same token
most women, before the age of 27 or so, are absolutely terrible judges of character or even meaningful achievement (outside of the extent that others value those achievements). So even if you gave to the poor, drove a beautiful car, made six figures a year, none of those things mean
anything to a girl if no one else besides you and she were there to confer values to those things. I know plenty of quality guys who can't get women to save their lives because the very qualities that make them admirable men--honor, loyalty, respect, self-worth--price themselves out of the market for the women they could get and make them boring for the women they want to get.
Trust me, I want the girls I like to be unicorns--just like every guy who gets tied down around here

--but that's unfair to me and unfair to them. And it's especially unfair to younger guys who think,
Well, if I'm just a quality guy I'll meet that one special girl who appreciates me for who I am and validates all of my past achievements and then they waste their whole lives doing things for
THE WRONG REASONS!!!!!! And then rationalize that same girl,
Well, she just wasn't quality months down the line when she runs off with some deadbeat player-type (like the persona I've adopted). And it's unfair when guys start trying to act differently around girls they deem 'quality unicorns'--denying her the emotional rush she craves and denying themselves the sex he could've (should've) gotten by treating her like a little bit of a wh0re (yes, even the quality ones--especially the quality ones; BPD-types will be happy to be the Princess). And it's unfair to the guys who are like,
Well, all I get are sh1tty women, it must be me (when their self-esteem is probably what's precluding them from doing better in the first place). And it's unfair to the guys who meet a girl who
can sense he's looking for a 'quality unicorn' and put on a great act and make him wait six months for sex since he's so nice, and has a nice car, and gives to the poor (What a catch!)--and she's tired of being pumped and dumped by guys like
@fastlife--and 'Well, she isn't that type of girl.' And guys eat it up and delude themselves into thinking it's
So yes, you can always do better. If you don't believe that, turn off your computer, delete your SoSuave account and go cry on Plentyoffish or marry the first girl that gives you the time of day--like 90% of guys. And every single one of those guys will
pretend she's a unicorn, since that will mean he's a 'high quality' guy and they'll be devastated when she turns out to be
just a girl--like every other girl--and acts how girls do when the benefits outweigh the consequence (and there are very few consequences in 2016). Not that every girl is created
equal; but no matter how many good qualities they may have or however good their background and upbringing was and no matter how high their self esteem is,
she is still just a girl.