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How do you get rid of a BPD woman?

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Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
KontrollerX said:
"How do you possibly trust another woman after going through this crap?"

The need for drama, chaos, games, and imagined crises's to feed off of are simply the total lifeblood of Cluster B Personality Disordered women but the so called normal women seem to all need this sick sh!t as well.

Just not as much.

And all it does is create hassles that myself and other men do not want to fvcking deal with.

Women love to "feel", so stability and dependability in a man does not "feed the need" , hence their games and pissy dramatics.
I guess that the difference between a normal woman and a PD affected women is the difference between a moderate wine drinker and an alcoholic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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rocco said:
what is a bpd?
Borderline Personality Disorder



The person in this video has BPD and some of the condition is explained in the vids.

You might watch the videos and say wow now that chick is fvckin crazy I'd see her for what she is and avoid her like the plague.

In reality though if you encountered one without knowledge of what you were dealing with she would present to you a performance of academy award winning quality that she was the perfect girl for you, made for you and put specifically on this earth for you by god above or whatever fairytale deity you believe in.

Then after the honeymoon period ended she would begin grooming you for viscious unprovoked rage episodes she'd randomly go through and blame you for or at the point where you are desperately in love and about to get married to her she casually announces that you just don't do it for her anymore and she's running off with Bob the plumber whom she just met in a 711 bathroom stall or maybe she wouldn't leave you but just before the wedding reveal that last week she cheated on you with the entire football team during the college gangbang playoffs.

Anyway though in addition to getting you used to rage attacks should she stay with you for a considerable period of time she'll also groom you to accept her twisted reality in general. Nothing logical presented to her by you will make sense to her and if you confide in friends or anyone about how crazy she really is those people won't believe you because in public she will act perfectly normal all sweetness and lights.

Only you see Jekyll and Hyde together.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
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Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
for those of us who were rejected, cheated on, or dumped - i'm wondering what percentage of us label some women who reject us with being BPD. meaning how often do they just not like us anymore.

whatever. f@^%$# relationships


Don Juan
May 15, 2002
Reaction score
Slovenia, Europe
I am on antidepressants now. Things starting to get better in my mind, even though I only took a few pills by now.

I am more time now with friends, my family now understands me why so much problems with me in the past.. And I am chatting now on msn with some other girl, that, unfortunately, doesn't seem that healthy either. But she turn me on and I hope she is just depressed or something. Captain save a ho in effect here. But she turns me on and I want her.

Anyway, I must just say that after long time I feel much better again and dealing with my exBPD was such a mess. I no longer fantasize about our sex, and when thoughts about my ex cross my mind I try to thing about something else, labeling my ex as a past thing.

I hope things will stay that way and that I get rid of this b*tch even though sometimes life might feel a bit emptier then.

Just a status report from me, and thanks everyone that gave such great advice and insight into BPD women. BPDfamily is good site, but here BPD advice is just man to man advice. Thanks


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2008
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Enlighten me, please:

Anybody who has read through this post knows that I have recently gone as much NC as humanly possible because I work with my exBPD.

Since my situation seems a little unique (I haven't noticed any other replies in this post where the poster still sees the exBPD every day), I am hoping that somebody might be able to fill me in a little bit as to WHY on EARTH she acts like a raging cvnt to me every chance she gets. I mean, I cannot talk to her about anything work related without her just completely snapping at me. Even a question as simple as "did you print this?" will unleash this raging b*tch response. She already found another guy to suck the soul out of, so why does she act this way?

Normally whenever she found another guy to focus on (normally when she went back to her husband) she would just act indifferent towards me. I was actually looking forward to this, but obviously I am not going to be able to get that luxury this time. It is weird, though - I was gone for 2 weeks for work and I haven't spoken to her on the phone for quite some time, but yesterday she calls me out of the blue to ask me some work related question that she knows has nothing to do with me. She was rude to me on the phone then, too.

What is this? Is she hoping I will ask her what is wrong or what? I hate to make a post asking stupid questions, but this is just baffling to me. Will anybody enlighten me or should I just categorize this one into the "she is just nuts, get that through your head" department.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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dubAllStar said:
Enlighten me, please:

Anybody who has read through this post knows that I have recently gone as much NC as humanly possible because I work with my exBPD.

Since my situation seems a little unique (I haven't noticed any other replies in this post where the poster still sees the exBPD every day), I am hoping that somebody might be able to fill me in a little bit as to WHY on EARTH she acts like a raging cvnt to me every chance she gets. I mean, I cannot talk to her about anything work related without her just completely snapping at me. Even a question as simple as "did you print this?" will unleash this raging b*tch response. She already found another guy to suck the soul out of, so why does she act this way?

Normally whenever she found another guy to focus on (normally when she went back to her husband) she would just act indifferent towards me. I was actually looking forward to this, but obviously I am not going to be able to get that luxury this time. It is weird, though - I was gone for 2 weeks for work and I haven't spoken to her on the phone for quite some time, but yesterday she calls me out of the blue to ask me some work related question that she knows has nothing to do with me. She was rude to me on the phone then, too.

What is this? Is she hoping I will ask her what is wrong or what? I hate to make a post asking stupid questions, but this is just baffling to me. Will anybody enlighten me or should I just categorize this one into the "she is just nuts, get that through your head" department.

She's painted you black dude. Think of your favorite tv shows. Each episode something happens that might change your opinion of a certain character. Well with BPD's when something happens real or imagined that makes them change their opinion of you.....that's it, your the anti-christ to them.

Of course once you disappear and the $hit hits the fan with the new slave, she may think of you as the white knight yet again and come running back. However if she's young and attractive she'll just spread the venom to more unsuspecting men.

She's calling your to re-affirm the control she has over you. You need to disappear, don't talk to her at work, don't look at her, don't even try to understand her antics. All you need to know is she is a cancer to you and your self-esteem. Get rid of her completely and start fresh.



Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Pimp-sicle said:
She's calling your to re-affirm the control she has over you. You need to disappear, don't talk to her at work, don't look at her, don't even try to understand her antics. All you need to know is she is a cancer to you and your self-esteem. Get rid of her completely and start fresh.

"To re-affirm the control that she has over you,,,"
And that is the fnal and defining statement which says it all. The imperative for any man who has the dogday luck to be involved with a BPD woman is to follow the advice in this quote above..


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you for the responses. It makes perfect sense when you put it that way.

My question is this: how do I deal with it? Do I just ignore? Do I say something about it? If this was a normal person speaking to me like this, I would have said/done something on the first offense. The problem is that this is no normal person we are talkin' about here...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
dubAllStar said:
Thank you for the responses. It makes perfect sense when you put it that way.

My question is this: how do I deal with it? Do I just ignore? Do I say something about it? If this was a normal person speaking to me like this, I would have said/done something on the first offense. The problem is that this is no normal person we are talkin' about here...
If you knew that you had a tumor in your body, what would you do about it ?

The answer to your dilemma is in this tread. Read it over until the penny drops.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
dubAllStar said:
Thank you for the responses. It makes perfect sense when you put it that way.

My question is this: how do I deal with it? Do I just ignore? Do I say something about it? If this was a normal person speaking to me like this, I would have said/done something on the first offense. The problem is that this is no normal person we are talkin' about here...

Dub: You know how you have to deal with it! Don't feed the beast!!! Ignore her, if she asks you a work related question at work, respond and walk away. If she calls you, don't call her back, if she yells at you, slanders your name etc.....don't buy into it. You don't owe her anything!! She just wants to get a reaction out of you, ANY reaction! If you don't respond, she can't get her fill.

You need to get out of that job, especially if its not a place that you see yourself growing financially. Your job is to cut off all contact with her, until you do, you will be stuck in quick-sand and constantly feel her magnetic pull dragging you back for seconds.

Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Is there anyone out there who will listen to my story?...I have read through this entire thread and have been overwhelmed by how much I can relate. Overwhelmed to such an extent that tears started running down my face, my judgement has been clouded so much over a prolonged period.

I would love to be able to talk with some of you guys as you have a wealth of knowledge on this and I am desperately seeking someone who can relate to my problems and apply some rational perspective and judgement.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Just post it here publicly.

My own bpd girl is back in town and emailing me again today. Don't ever worry so much about them leaving - they always come back, thus the title of this thread.
Dec 4, 2008
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This make take a few posts. I have been with my grilfriend 8 months now and she is in the final stages of a divorce and has 3 children. When I first met her she was in many ways similar to what previous posters have outlined. However I did notice some unusual behaviour in the second and third date which I wont get into now. God how I wish I listened to my gut reaction, its usually right.

She was married for ten years and although I dont know what happened there really, well she portrayed it as his fault of course!, she launched into all the 'he was rotten to me, hit me etc' talk on the first date. I felt sorry and was compelled to show a lot of sympathy towards her after hearing such torrid accounts of what happened. This guy, although I have never spoken to him directly, is a very devoted father and seems to be quite content in his life now. She did however get him charged with ABH (actual bodily harm) which he resented massively and they did get involved in a lot of spite over the last two years, as they say in dicorce there are only losers. So from the start she had me believe he was the big bad wolf. Now I am not condoning his violence in any way, shape or form but Jesus I can understand after 10 years of this how he might of snapped on occassion.

This women uses the silent treatment on me constantly. Passive-aggressive is her main tactic.She is always doing things in such an underhanded way you cant pull her for them, she does things in a way, that if challenged, she can deny and get herself off the hook. Constantly withdraws and withholds affection as a punishment for any little so called mis-demeanour I do. It wasn't long before I realised that when I arrived at the her house, if I didn't initiate touching we didn't touch. One time I arrived and just didn't touch her and waited to see if she would actually come over to me....3 hours passed nothing and this is after not seeing her for a few days. I live in fear that she will punish me if she, below the surface, does not get her own way. For example, if i decide not go round to her house one night she takes that as rejection. Now she wont say that but her behaviour will change towards me which is very confusing, particularly in the early stages of the relationship. This happened constantly. She also wont tell another guy to go away, he keeps calling constantly. I know she didn't go out with him, but she did sleep with him once when she was feeling lonely before she met me. My beef isn't infidelity as such here, but its her mind games with me. I put up with this for 5 months before I said to her tell him to piss off its starting to wind me up. Admittedly she never called him and she would ignore his calls a lot, but it really was ridiculous - how hard is it to say to someone I aint interested stop calling! I think it was to do with attention and getting a reaction from me, which it did eventually, most guys I know would not of been so patient. Its still going on, she finally sent him a text saying stop calling or I will change my number, but not without an argument first.

She is very reactionary, in other words if I ask her a question she wont answer and says 'do what you want'...its all based on the information I give her first. She has been anoxeric and I think she has an eating disorder now, I find bags with regurgitated chocolate. She used to kiss me a lot at the start of the relationship and kissed me using cholocate she had just put in her mouth but had not swallowed, she did this frequently which I think is linked to an eating disorder. She has attempted suicide whilst she was married (technically she still is!) and has self harmed when we have had arguments. I have raged at her through great feelings of confusion and frustration, I even pushed her once. I have insulted really badly which I felt very guiltY about, but again as I was so frustrated. I found myself saying to her 'its like your a child in a womens body'....'why cant you be rational'....'why are you so awkward'.....'this doesn't feel real'.

She just doesnt seem capable of rational comprehension or have the ability to regulate her emotions. I believe she suffers from spells of dysphoria, although I am no expert so I am not sure. I feel like we go round in circles about the same issues all the time. Fighting crops up every week with very little normailty or peace many couples enjoy in stable relationships. She seems to thrive on turmoil to prove her existence in some sick way.

I am very fond of her children but also feel sorry for them sometimes, although I wouldn't say she's great mother (her illnes makes sure of that) she isn't a bad one either, but what do I really know about that? - well I am bout to find as she got pregnant in August past.

My life has been engulfed with emotional pain I would not wish on anyone. The problem with all this is, we love these people and its so hard to release. If they were all bad the relationship wouldn't go very far in the first place despite excellent acting performances there are some very redeeming, and endearing, qualities they posses. Her getting pregnant, or coming off the pill, was conveniently enough just after we had a row and hadn't spoken for a few days. There is a grey area surrounding the conception of this pregnancy. She didn't tell me she was coming off the pill until after two weeks, although I did sleep with her after knowing that which makes pretty flippin stupid I guess. I have been to London twice to get an abortion, and both times we didn't go through with it. Both times going over she didn't speak to me once which I guess was manipulation, and I mean not one word at the airport on the plane or on the tube, nothing.

She was using the pregnancy as a vehicle for control, one minute she was having the abortion, the next minute this baby has a heart beat now. Anyway I will not digress to much. I have tried to stick with her although we have hit another wall, there's a never ending amount of them you hit.

More uncertainty, mind games and twisting. My parents resent her massively, although I have involved them too much which is wrong but I needed perspective.

This women exhausts me mentally when she goes strange as I put it, but we do have good times. I know if I really decide to end this, no contact is the only way, if indeed she has an illness that I fear she does. Obviously I cant make a diagnosis but I am familiar with the criteria and she ticks most of those boxes in my opinion.

She hasn't introduced me to one of her friends in 8 months, not one. I know she has a friend who lives near buy, who ironically is a counsellor in some sort of capacity but I am guessing this 'suppossed' friend is more like a 'good samaritan friend'...I havn't met her once.

She is 34 and I am 29, and her excuse for not bringing her friend around for dinner or a few drinks is that we wont have anything in common as her friend is a bit older! Well from where I am standing if she can put up with my partner in terms of maturity she could put with me! Saying that the friend doesn't see the person I see in intimate surroundings. She is a very good looking girl but has no self belief, no confidence and everything is never her fault, always the victim and always evades responsibility - I think her own parents are fed up with her.

The problem is a baby is on the way now....the rabbit hole just got a lot deeper.

All I know is that she has some sort of disorder, I have read a lot about BPD (which speaks volumes in itself) and related disorders and can relate with a lot of what I have read. I may be in some sort of denial myself. I did grow up with a father who was an alcoholic and I mean a real alcoholic not a heavy drinker - commmon misconception. That may shed some light on me, I am far from a perfect being and am well aware of my own shortcomings but I do have a rational mind - up until now anyway.

I met her parents a few times and straight away I had a feeling about her mother, I remember thinking thats a cold fish and she was making comments about larger girls 'letting themselves go' as she put it and how terrible it was..in others words overeating...ahh!...anoxeria could of stemmed from this. She also was cold and I fear my partner may have been slightly neglected as a child emotionally...maybe he mother witdrew a lot. Her Father was very nice but she did tell me he was an alocoholic (didn't sound anywhere near as bad as my own father) and had suffered from depression. I thought genetic disposition? Anyway this is going on now, I will think of a lot more and this is only the tip of the iceberg - I will present more examples of her behaviour and accounts of arguments if it helps you guys formulate some sort of response.

I would be extremely grateful if any of you take the time to read this and respond.

I have plenty more of where that come from.

An emotional rollercoaster is one of the most poignant and fitting expressions that summaries this up and down relationship.

PS - Please excuse my grammer and spelling etc.In my frame of mind I just blirted this all out.
Last edited:
Dec 4, 2008
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The most fitting thing I read on this forum that resonated with me, profoundly, was that statement one of you guys used, something like...'go away until I want you back'. I always experienced that as punishment, I was going to be made to pay in an underhanded sort of way. She would ignore my existence until she was satisfied that she had applied a sufficient enough punishemt and that I wouldn't act like this again. She wouldn't end the relationship, gee I did that on several occassions walking out of her house and she would text me hours/days later. Sometimes I would contact her after a row or drive back to her house. I always found myself standing over her bed and arguing with her, it would always be like that...her in bed and me standing there hoping she will sunddenly see the light and reason for once, Jesus concede something I use to say to myself. She would shut down and go into child mode and she could be very nasty with her tongue although I was too due to frustration. Nothing is ever enough and she cries constantly, never stops, even when things are good between us she's crying. She wont get a job and refuses to help herself and expects other people to solve her problems.

The thing that hacks me off the most is the complaining. Words like 'I have nothing to look forward to' and my life stinks - which is really charming to hear your partner talk like that - am thinking to myself God she's really excited by this new relationship. But ultimately its the complaining and not being prepared to do anything about it - thats what I cant stand. She will take no action to help herself and seeks that externally which I resent. I could listen to someone complaining if they were at least talking about options or solutions. The one I hear the most is money, I say go and get a job, she did work but hasn't recently due to her kids being young....now they are at school all day...but she has an excuse for everything. She has no hobbies or interests or anything - nothing to stimulate her mind whatsoever. All she does is read OK and Hello celebrity magazines - she is obssessed by them. I actually think she thinks if your arnt a celebrity your a failure. She seems totally shallow and lacks any sort of substance whatsoever sometimes. I mean Jesus do you know whats going on in the real world! Heck no, but she can tell you Britney Spears flippin star sign and would havn't a clue about the global credit crunch. This is a women who is 34 and has 3 kids and has intelligence but chooses not to use it in any way that is productive.

She accussed me of controlling her when I said she looked better with a bit less make up on, I was only offering an opinion I wasnt telling her what to do per se. Incidentally she does shovel it on and wouldn't go outside the front door if there was a man lying on the road dying without it on! But seriously she is far more attractive with less on not to mention its nicer to kiss her, anyway thats all trivual stuff and I am rambling on.

I used to a bit of a poser when I was younger and then I grew up, I saw myself as a ladies man and took myself too seriously - how I have changed! But Jesus even back then when I was in my early twenties I was nowhere near as obsessive as this mother of 3 aged 34 is.

Everything is to do with image too:

- The excess make up and not being able to go down to the shop to get milk without half an hour of applying the stuff - which gets on your goat after a while.

- Strict running and exercise regime, all to do with controlling weight, which is fine in normally healthy people.

- Celebrity magazines, all she ever reads -again all to do with image

- Eating disorders - again self image.

My partner's whole self worth is dependent on her self image. Its just so sad, I mean that really. She will never be able to embrace life with any sort of enthusiasm. The latest thing is she wants a boob job, which is fine when you have the money to do it - she will be selling her house in the near future as both her and the ex nead the remaining equity in the property and house prices have fallen quite a lot and they have a relatively big mortgage - which means she wont be getting much - still she would rather squander the little she is getting on the likes of boobs jobs instead of putting her children first or contributing to our future. She just thinks about herself at the end of the day.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
One of the things about bpd - they are crazy people who only appear to be sane. The things they say and do are their disorder acting. If you were to go to a mental hospital and a very obviously insane patient were to insult you, it would not bother you that much, just some crazy person being crazy. It's really the same with bpd women. They will say the most hurtful thing that they can think of to get under your skin. My bpd girl has told me things like she was always faking it in bed, I'm a pvssy that she does not feel safe with, and that all her friends know she only likes me because I spend money on her. I have heard her tell her two 'baby daddies' on many occasions that they were bad fathers. It's all crazy talk, and you have to not let it bother you.

Borderlines obsess over abandonment. She wants the kid so that she can run out on the child, and experience more abandonment. It's what they seek out - divorce, multiple kids by multiple men, never-ending relationship drama. My bpd girl is exactly the same. She will have the baby and keep the child for about six months or a year. Then for the child's most formative years, she will find a reason to run off and leave your kid with you.

You have to deal with bpd like you are a psychoanalyst, and importantly, without letting her realize you are doing so. Never let her know that you know she has bpd. She will just fly into a rage. But think about everything she says and does as being a product of the disorder, and nothing personal against you. I know that is not easy, but that is what is going on every day of her life.
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
One of the things about bpd - they are crazy people who only appear to be sane. The things they say and do are their disorder acting. If you were to go to a mental hospital and a very obviously insane patient were to insult you, it would not bother you that much, just some crazy person being crazy. It's really the same with bpd women. They will say the most hurtful thing that they can think of to get under your skin. My bpd girl has told me things like she was always faking it in bed, I'm a pvssy that she does not feel safe with, and that all her friends know she only likes me because I spend money on her. I have heard her tell her two 'baby daddies' on many occasions that they were bad fathers. It's all crazy talk, and you have to not let it bother you.

Borderlines obsess over abandonment. She wants the kid so that she can run out on the child, and experience more abandonment. It's what they seek out - divorce, multiple kids by multiple men, never-ending relationship drama. My bpd girl is exactly the same. She will have the baby and keep the child for about six months or a year. Then for the child's most formative years, she will find a reason to run off and leave your kid with you.

You have to deal with bpd like you are a psychoanalyst, and importantly, without letting her realize you are doing so. Never let her know that you know she has bpd. She will just fly into a rage. But think about everything she says and does as being a product of the disorder, and nothing personal against you. I know that is not easy, but that is what is going on every day of her life.
From what you have read, do you think she may have BPD?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
confused and frustra said:
- still she would rather squander the little she is getting on the likes of boobs jobs instead of putting her children first or contributing to our future. She just thinks about herself at the end of the day.
She is telling you about her priorities and you are not listening.
Her self image comes first because her only assest is her physical attractiveness., then her children next BECAUSE she can use them for welfare payments and sympathy from others, and lastly, and least of all, there you are.... living on crumbs and an occasionally dose of pvssy when she wants it for some tactical reason.

The BIG mistake that you have made is to join onto HER life and accomodate her whims, wishes and wants. You are like a barnacle on a boat.
Get off while you still have some self value remaining .B!tches like her will drain your walllet and your sanity and then dump you without looking back.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
confused and frustra said:
From what you have read, do you think she may have BPD?

any time a guy comes here for the first time and writes a post with 9 long paragraphs about one woman, then follows it up with 3 more posts asking questions about the same woman, you can bet your bottom dollar he is trying to figure out one of "them".
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