What's up guys? I've been reading on sosuave for a few weeks now and had to register to comment on this topic. My live in girlfriend is a BPD (no real diagnosis, but I'm pretty sure that she is based on what I have read). I met her 7 years ago and she was still married, but told me that it was all but over because her husband cheated on her. I was 22 and beyond as AFC as you can get at the time (thought I was the man though...had no clue) and met this little Japanese girl who proceeded to tell me a huge sob story about her husband and how bad he was to her, cheating on her etc. She said she hadn't eaten for a few days and I felt really bad for her and wanted to help her (next time I'll know to RUN to the mother ****ing exit next time I meet someone trying to make me feel sooo much pity for her). I bought her some food and didn't really want to hook up with her at the time at all, just felt sorry and thought I could help her. Spent a lot of time with her that day because she seemed so suicidal that I thought it was a bad, bad thing to leave her alone. I was stupid and gave her my phone number in case she needed to talk to someone. Long story short, we end up together and she divorces her husband (She REALLY made it seem like it was completely over with him, which I now doubt very highly everything she told me).
She had a son, who was 18 months old at the time. She needed a place to live and I got her a studio in the same building as me (didn't move in together or anything). We hit it off really well and I was very happy, I thought that I had saved her from a miserable life. I also started loving her son (and still do to this day, he calls me dad and I call him son, his bio father has never made any efforts to initiate any communication at all). About a year later we moved in together (and have lived together for the past 6 years). She was a horror, not tat I knew about any cheating (I should have from early on, but I didn't think women cheated (brainwashed by the media and womens words)) I would see ****ed up
texts on her phone etc. and she would tell me she had no idea who it was and that they must be for the previous owner of the phone number. I stupidly believed it, because it was so obvious to me that she loved me. At home, she would have bouts of total insanity, one minute she is fine and the next she is freaking out screaming about how I did this or that just because of some silly mis perception that maybe I slighted her (which I didn't). It was really bad. If we went to a restaurant and there was a line, she would get pissed and start storming off, and little me would follow her to little ass to wherever she went. She was and is a complete maniac, and takes everything out on those around her. If she doesn't have a parking spot when she gets home, she is furious at me and her son when she gets home. If someone cuts her off in traffic, she is furious at us for....ummm being in the car. She was unstable as hell around her son and couldn't control herself. She would scream at the 3 year old about not pooping in the toilet (like SCREAM at him), and I would always get her away from him. I hated her, and sometimes I loved her, but I completely loved and still love her son, who I call my son and try very hard to raise him to have a happy life. I have stayed with her because I love him (and sometimes her in good moments) and I didn't want her driving him insane or doing something completely ****ed up.
So for the past 5 or so years now (there were a couple good years in there where I was clueless) I have been raising her son as my own with all of us living together, and her going out with "friends" as often as she can. She did anything to get away from me, I finally figure out in retrospect. A couple years ago I finally start to get wise to some of the bull**** that is going on, after her friend asks her to ask me if test messages can be seen on phone statements (I'm like...wtf why?), and it turned out her little slut friend was ****ing some other guy than her BF and they wanted my help to make sure she didn't get caught.
So now I don't trust her and she is talking about getting married. There was no way, but I wanted her son (my son too at this point) to get a good start in life in a healthy way. Also my family hated her because she was a major **** any time we had a family get together because I spent some attention on other family members instead of 100% with her like she wants (een though when her family visits, they don't (can't really....no english) pay any attention to me except to treat me like a taxi driver. I didn't realize it at the time, but her parents ALWAYS thank me profusely whenever they get the chance, I now think it is because I made their problem (her) my problem. Over time, she never took her son anywhere without me. The entire time we have been together, she has taken him to the zoo, aquarium etc. type places 5 times....in 7 years. Needless to say, she is a horrible parent because she only know how to think for herself. This means that my life as it was (because I thought I was an honorable guy and wanted to raise the son that I love in a healthy way so he has a good shot at a nice life vs. whatever would have turned out if I had not been in the picture) didn't exist at all. On weekends it was me taking him around doing stuff...which I really don't mind, but not having ANY time for myself at all. She would go out, and I would be ok with it, because I believed her when she said that she was "just dancing", and I didn't want to go out with her anyway because of her behavior. It was completely embarrassing and she would scream at random strangers for a slight glance (big guys, chicks, whatever). So I was a ****ing total homebody. Maybe I convinced myself it was because I wanted to, maybe I was exhausted because of walking on eggshells at home all the time...I don't know...maybe (likely) I was totally depressed because my life sucked ass. The one good thing was that my son was happy and while he is scared of him mom, he seems at least somewhat well adjusted.
Sorry this is such a long post, but I wanted you to know what can happen if you don't get the **** away from these people asap. You can turn into a chump like me.
So she continues making up a whole bunch of BS stories about "helping her friends" as a reason to go out, and I think she is just wanting to go drink with her friends, making up stupid reasons to do so. After a while, the reasons and excuses got lame and one night she spent the night away from home. I was livid. I knew at that point something was really up. She told me she just got too drunk and slept at a friends house, I never really believed her, but thought I needed proof to feel good about kicking her ass to the curb. I spent a year trying to catch her and FINALLY found an email from some guy to her talking about going to dinner...this was like a month ago. I broke up with her, but told her she didn't need to leave until she found another place, and I know that a lot of you might not like this, but we decided on a schedule to see our son, which I wanted a lot. He never did anything to me but love me too and none of it was his fault. She wanted to give it another try and told me that she was seeing this guy for 3 months ( I don't believe it or believe that he was the only guy she ****ed) because she didn't think I was going to marry her and that she wanted security. I told her I would, but I really said that because I wanted to hurt her and make sure she didn't have any fall back or swing guy after I was done with her. I wanted her to feel pain and loneliness like I did for so long, so my plan was to make sure she wasn't with anyone else while I break it off. Her attempt basically lasted all of two weeks and yesterday she gave me some lame story that that she was "helping" someone else and spent at least a few hours of unknown time somewhere. When I suggested having the helped person over for a barbeque with her kids, she shy's away from the topic (see she was never really with that person at all).
She was balling hard when I broke it off with her and that (false) sympathy lasted all of two weeks before she was back to her old tricks. I can get no revenge.
The only plus is that I found this site and have been working out like a madman and can totally see the girlies responding. If I can just figure out the steps past attraction, I should be in good shape. Will probably play the field for some time to come after this drama.
I guess the moral of my story is this..... in no way shape or form is it "worth it" to even attempt to have any kind of lasting anything with BPD women. They have zero control and will take from you until you feel like your entire essence of who you are is completely gone and they won't have a care in the world. Please don't become as pathetic as I was, you will hate yourself for it.